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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 89, no. 2305]: May 18, 1912

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1066 RECORD ANO GUIDE May 18, 1912 Geo. A. Fuller Company Fireproof Building Construction OFFICES: New York Baltimore Boston Philadelphia Chattanooga Kansas City Washington Chicago Detroit Milwaukee Montreal, Canada Atlanta Winnipeg, Canada Toronto, Can, DENNIS G. BRUSSEL ELECTRICAL Engineering and Construction Electric Work for the Finest Residences and Modern Loft Buildings ELECTRIC LIGHTS ELECTRIC POWER ELECTRIC APPARATUS 3I-41 WEST 38th STREET, N. Y. Telephones, IB9-190 Greeley WHITNEY-STEEN CO. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS 1 LIBERTY STREET, fi. Y. MEWVORK.HARTFORO. SALTLAKErOENVER Telephone, 2575 Madison Sq. Grant Contracting Co. BUILDERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1123 BROADWAY NEW YORK KNICKERBOCKER BLUE PRINT COMPANY Removed to No. 2 East 42nd Street Telephone Bryant 6029 Reliance Blue Print Co. Our Factory is Equipped with the Latest Type of Electrical Machinery which Enables us to Turn Out rhe Most Perfect BLUE AND BLACK PRINTS Day or Night Phone794GMadisonSq. &73 Fourth Ave. 3D AV, e s, 25 s SOth st, 4-sty brick store and tenement, 2.tx80, Un roof, 7 families; cost. ?!,- i>00; owner and architect, as ;ibove. Plan No. 274G. STH AV, e s, 50 n Sth st. 4-sty brick tene¬ ment, ofixS.'!; tin roof, IG families; cost, ?25,000; owner, Vera Const. Co., 1000 Beverley rd; ar¬ chilects, Cohn Bros., 301 Slone av. Plan No .'!009. STH AV, u c cor Sth st, 4-sty brick tenement, r)0.\,Si).ll, tin roof, 16 families; cost. .¥25,000; owner and architect, as above. Plan No. 3010. HOWARD AV, e s, 100.10 n Pitkin av, 4-sty brlek teuement, G4.Cx(iS, tin roof 12 famiiies each; total cost. .$12,000; owner, Remlap Const. Co.. lOOO Eastern parkway; architects, Cohn Bros., JJOl Stone av. Plan No. SOOS. BEDFORD AV, s e cor Newkirk av, 4-sty brick tenemeni, .10x!»,-----roof, IB families; cost, $20,0€O; owner, Mldwout ReaUy Sc Const. Co., ISf) Montague st; architect, Parfitt Bros., 2G Court St. Plan No. 2975. DWELLINGS. BEAUMONT ST, w e, 150 n Esplanade pl, 1- sty and attic frame dwelling, 23x55, tile roof, l_famlly; cost. ?4,000; owner. A. Heinemann, 3i4 Slh Bt: architect, S. B. Enardrath, 500 5tb av. Plan No. 2.S56. TTTH ST, n s, IOO e 13th av, eight 2-sty brick dwellings. 20x30, ------ roof, 1 family each; total cost, .$afi.000; owner, Albion Realty Co ; architects, S. Millman £ Son, 1780 Pitkin av Plan No. 2S54. EAST ITTH ST, w s, 225 n Av U, 2-sty brick dwelliug, 20xGO, tin roof, 2 families; cost, $3,- 700; owuer. Louis Rosilio. 2217 East ITth st- architect, M. M. Foley, 2251 Homecrest av. Plau No. 2835. FULTON ST, n w eor Nichols av, 2-sty brick slore and dwelling, 20.4x."j0, tin roof, 2 families; cost, $4.S00; owner. Jas. Grogan. 142 Lincoln av; architect. Frank Dunn, 2959 Atlantic av. Plau No. 2TSG. HIMROD ST, s s, 102.4 w Wyckoff av, three 2-sly brick dwellings, 20x55, felt and slag roof, 2 families each; total cost, $15,000: owner, Anton Kiisch, S55 Himrod st; architect, John L Young oT2 Quiney st. Pian No. 2T29. AV N, n s, 78 w East 17th st, 2-£ty aud attic frame dwelliug, 1S.2.'(40.2. shingle roof. 1 famiIy;_cost, .$4,-500; owner, Midwood Associates, East llth st Se Av N; architects, Slee Se Bry¬ son, 153 Montague st. Plan No. 276T. OCEAN AV, e s, 105.6 s Dorchester rd, 2'^- sty frame dwelling, 44x35.0. tile, tar aud gravel roof, 1 family; eost, $12,000; owner. Edw. R, Vollmer, 293 Broadway: architect, R. H. Simon¬ son, 315 5th nv. Plan No. 2704. POINT BREEZE, SHEEPSHEAD, 1-sty tramo dwelling, 14.y2T, tarpaper roof, 1 family; cost, 20.",; owner, Mrs, J. Glockner. 203 Bainbridge st; architects, McCourt Bvos,, 315 Oth st. Plan No. 2S01. GATES AV, nws, 2-10 s w Hamburg av, 2-sly brick slore and dwelling, 22x52, tin roof. 1 family; cost, .$5,000; owner. J. Feldman. 310 Hamburg av; architect. Paul Hanger, 14 Van Dorn St. Plau No. 2960. BATH AV, n e cor Eay Uth st, 1-sty brick store and dwelling, ]S.4.';fi5, slate roof. 1 fam¬ ily: eost. $3,.500; owner. Kelohe Reaitv Co.; ar¬ chitects, S. Millman & Son, 1T80 Pitkin av. Plan No. 29T3. VIENNA AV. s s, 100 e Crescent st, 2-stv brick store and dwelling, 20x36, grave! roof, 2 families; cost, .$3,500; owuer, Stanislaw Wernl- kooski, 713 Logan st; architects, Chas. infanger ft Son, 2634 Atlautic av. Plan No. 2T.S0. TOMPKINS AV, w s, 100 u Jefferson av, 3-sty brick store and dwelling, 20x.55 tar and gravel root, 2 families; cost, $5,0f]0; owner Nels Nel¬ son, 372 Tompkins av. Plan No. 2773. 7TH .\V, s w cor 52d st, ,'i-sty brick store and dwelling. 20xri3, tin roof, 2 families; cost, JS,- 000; owner. Stock Const. Co.. 1-530 44th st; ar¬ chitects, Klein & Koen, 361 Stone av. Plan No. 2737. 7TH AV. n w cor 53d st, 3-sty bi'ick store and dwellings, 20x55, tin roof, 2 families; cost, ■SS.OOO; owner aud areijitect, as above. Plan N'o. 2738. 7TH AV. w s. 20 s -52d st, eight 3-sty brick ."tores and dwellings, 20x50. tin roof. 2 families each; total cost. $60,000; owner and architect, as above. Plaa No. 2730. EAST 40TH ST, w s, 100 s Av L, three 2-sty trame dwellings, 16x26.0, ----- roof, 1 family ; cost. .$8,400 ; owner. Anthracite Realty Co., 350 Fultou st; architect, Chas. G. Wessel, 1456 35th ■.'I. Plan No. 2S7S. LINDEN AV, s s. 24.8 w New York av, two .S-sty brick dwellings, 22.Ss&>, tin aud gravel roof, 3 families each; cost, 514.000; owner, Jos. Galandino, Si2 New York av; architect, Pasqale Cagliaidi, 239 Navy st. Plan No. 2867. LINDEN AV, n w cor New York av 3-sty brick dwelling, 22.8x65, tar and gravel root, 3 families; cost. .$7,000; owner and architect as above. Plan No. 2S6S. CANAL AV, s E, 40 e West .36th st, 1-sty and attic frame dwelling, 32x2S, shingle roof, 1 fam¬ ily; cost, $1,000; owner and architect, Charles P. Ward, 200 Montague st. Plan No. 2874. POINT BREEZE, s s, 5,000 e McKenzie st 1-sty frame dwelliug, 14x30, shiugle roof, 1- fam¬ ily; cost, $4,0(XI; owner, Manhattan Beach Co Manhattan Beach; architect, Carl K. De Leon 153 Montague st. Plan No. 2SD0. ULMER PARK, westerly bulkhead, 300 w \\ arehouse av, 1-sty frame dwelling 14x''7 rubberoid roof. 1 family; cost. .$500; owner So- R ^^ ^Ao?'^"'' '•^■^ *^"1 st; architects, McCourt Bros., 6,j0..i Olh av. Plan No. 2894. EAST 31ST ST w s. 20 n Canarsie la, eight J-sty brick dwellings, 20x36, gravel roof 1 family each; total cost, .$24,000; owner, Wm Herod East 31st st and Beverley rd; architects, Otto lufanger & Son, 26.34 Atlantic av. Plan ALBEMARLE RD, n s, 75 e Rogers av 2-sly frame dwelling, 22x4S, tin roof. 2 fami- ™ ??k''- ^■'^'^- ot'ner, JOS. P. McElligott, -'lOy Albemarle rd; architect, Wm. L. Cramer, -----East llth St. Plan No. 2951. EAST 28TH ST, s e cor Beverley rd, 2-sty ,n«t l^-r^l^"^- ^■J-IO^+S.G, slag roof, 1 family: (OSt. S3,C00; owner, Andrew Schmitt, -----Hart v' Ifn-c"^^'' "'"'■ I^ebus, 014 Broadway. Plaa EAST 31 ST ST. e s, 20 s Beverley rd, eight 2-sly brick dwellings, 20x30. gravel roof, 1 tarn, ly each; total cost, ?24,000: owner aud archi¬ lect as above. Plan No. 2903. EAST 3D ST, w s, 327 s Av I, two 2-sty and attic frame dwellings. 22x.30, shingle roof, 1 family each; total eost, $5,000; ow-ner, J. D Ranok .Realty Co., 577 Allantic av; architect Chas. G. Wessel. l-\r,G S5ih st. Plan No 2915 EAST 4nTH ST, w s. 280 s Av L. two 2.sty frame dwellings, iGx30, shingle roof, 1 family each; total cost, .$5,000; owner. Anthracite Realty Co 3r,0 Fulton st; architect, Chas. G, Wessel, 14o6 8oth st. Plan No ■>01G EAST 40TH ST, w s, 200 s Av L, two 2-9ty frarae dwellings, ]Gx30. shingle roof. 1 family each; total cost, $5,000; owner and architect as above. Plan No. 2917. BEAUMONT ST. w s, 180 n Oriental blvd. 2- sty frame dwelhng, 30.t41.6; asbestos and shin¬ gle roof 1 family; eost, .$.i,500; owner, Mr. Hy C. Copeiand, 242 West lOlEt st; architect, Bdw. ?rin- ^^^^^""'''^' ^^^ Woodruff av. Plan No. POINT BREEZE, y. mile West East End Is¬ land, l-sty frame dwelling, 18x24, tarpaper roof, p.^'-l?' if"^'', ^^-^' ''""^'■' Manhattan Beacli (-0 102 Broadway. N. Y.; architect. Samue! Gadsfem, :i6S 45tb st. Plan No. 292(j. E.A.gT SIST ST, n w cor Canarsie la, 2-sty ^^if t^'X^'"'^' ^^''^'^' S'-avel roof. 1 family; cost. *iJ,090; owner, Wm. Herod, East Slst st %'^n ^po.r^fl '"?-■ ^'■clifects. Otto Infanger & .Son. 2634 Atlantic av. Plan No, 2964. E.\ST SIST ST, n e eor Canarsie la 2-sty oZ^ ^^Ti^^'°^' -^''^■'^' ^'^^^' '°°^- 1 family; V ■^^^i'^' °^'"^'" ^"^ architect as above. Plan No, 2966. U «|(l EAST 31 ST ST. s e cor Beverley rd, 2-sty i';!!it *±1^nA'°^- -'^''^^- S"^^' '"""f- 2 families; ^- ■<,?;^-"'"'' o'*^'ier and architect as above Pian AO. 20bI. DITMAS AV. E E, GO e East 18th st, 2-sty and attie frame dwelling, ;-i2x44, shingle roof 1 family; cost, .$12,500; owner, Chas, V. Oden -xlj East 21st st; architect. Harry Grattan, 523 East Uth St. Plan No. 2971. BATH AV, n s, J8.4 e Bay Uth st, five 1-sty brick stores and dwellings. 18.4x00 ----- roof 1 faniily each; total cost, $17,.i00; owner, Kel- ^-L^.f}^.y '^°''- ai'cli'tectfi, S. Millman Se Son. I'SO Pitkiu av. Plan No. 2074. EAST 28TH ST. w s, 9.5 s Newkirk av, two " . , -"—J-i -••■J .>t:.vniiii uv; arcnitect. Driesler, 1,8 Remsen st. Plan No. 3012 POINT BREEZE, OGO w East Point Warehouse av 1-sty frame dwelling, 14x27, tarpaper roof Li^'""y- '^^^'^- 5=-^0: owner. Mrs. E. Glockner ;G.3 Bainbridge st; architecf, Wm. 0. Hartman' ■ •4.-> Midwood St. Plan No. 3007. ULMER PARK, Camp City, 600 s Warehouse av. l-sty frame d_welllng, 10x12. tarpaper roof, 1 family; cost, $200; owner and architect, Mrs A Edna Decker. 1539 Commonwealth av Boston, Mass. Plan No. 3003. BAY IOTH ST, e s, 90.5 n Cropsey av, five ^-sty frame dwellings, 17x45. tar and gravel roof, I family each; total cost, .$15,000; owner Aplo Const Co., 16 Bay Slst st: architect. C. Schubert, ISth av aud SOth st. Pian No. 2983. WEST 36TH ST, w s. 300 s Neptune av, l-sty frame dweliing, 17.5x54,2, shingle roof 1 fam¬ ily; cost, $I,SOO; owner, John A. Altenback, West ■ ■Gth st Sc Neptune av; architect. Geo. H Suess, ->98., West 2Sth St. Plan No. 297G. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. EMERSON PL, e s, 100 s Myrtle av, 1-sty brick dairy plant, 42x123, tar and slag roof; cost, $18,000; owner, H. Ranken Dairy Co 204 Classon av; architects. Koch Sc Waguer _'G Court St. Plan No. 2S53. CLARKSON ST. n w cor Hunterfly rd, 1-sty bnck storage. 16-8x13-2, tar aud gravel roof; cost. .$100; owner and architect, John Mehle on premises. Plan No. 2772. FLATBUSH AV, No, 33, 10-sty brick warehouse, 20.7x97.0, felt aud gravel roof; cost $.SO,000; owner, Louis L. Firuski, 4-1 Flatbush av; architect, J. G. Glover, 166 State st. Plan Xo. 2766. VAN SINDEREN AV, e s, 1-25 n Pitkin av 1-sty frame storage, 16x20, tin root; cost, $50" owner, Harry Platnick, and another, 243 Vau Sinderen st; architects. Klein & Koen, 361 Stone av. Plan No. 2S64. PARK AV, n s, bet Ryerson Se Hall sts, 8-sty brick factory. 100x66.10, tar and gravel roof; cost, ,$100,000; owner, Mergenlhaler Linotype ■Co. ------; architect, Albert Kahn Detroit, Mich, Plan No. 2797. SIGOURNEY ST, s e eor Court st, 1-sty brick factory, 106.10x200, ------ roof- cost SIO - Owner. Barrett Mfg. Co., 17 Battery pl; archi- tect_. A. A. MeCobbin, same address. Plan No. EAST 4TH ST, s w cor Caual av, 1-sty brick storage, 27x14, asbestos roof; cost, $1,500; owner. City of N. Y.; arehiteet. 1. M de Va¬ rona, 21 Park row. Plan No. 2895. FURMAN ST. opp Pier 5, 8-sty brick ware¬ house. 106.6x105.8. slate roof: eost $100,000- owner. N. Y. Dock Co.; architects, Maynicke & Franke, 25 Madison sq North. Plan No. 2903. STABLES AND GARAGES. BAY 32D ST, w s, 73 n Bath av, 1-sty frame garage, 12xlG, rubberoid roof; cost, $175; owner and architect, D. C. Allison, 1-50 Bay 32d st Plan No. 2880.