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June 15, 1912 RECORD AND GUIDE 1309 Consider All The Expenses lant Operation ? Do you count in the waste entailed by its operation, the high insurance rates, the value of floor space occupied ? These are expenses which the average owner does not consider. Yet they represent actual money lost each year. Wouldn't you prefer power service that eliminates all incidental expenses and gives you far better results ? Edison Service Assures Cheaper, Better Power We can prove, by a comparison with your own books, that it will be cheaper for you to buy power from Central Station than to generate it. And we can also prove that Central Station Service is far more dependable and efficient. An appointment with one of our engineers can be made by phone. No obligation whatever. Th e New York Edison Company At Your Service 55 Duane Street Phone Worth 3000 deuce, 21x52 ft. at 141 Terrace av for M. C, Winkler, 72 Coiumbus av. owner. Wm. G. Rei¬ man. 143 North Terrace av, architect. PERTH AMBOY, N. J.-The Pred Christen¬ sen Consiruction Co., of this place, has re¬ ceived the general contract for the 2-sly frame residence to be erected on Madison av for Au¬ gust N. Hystrom, of this place, owner. ONEONTA, N. Y.—McFee Sc Borst ot this place, have received the general contract for the 21^-sty frame and stone residence. 40x50 ft., to be erected in Walnut st for Bert Morris, ot this place, owner. Sara Borst, 45 Market st, architect Cost, §9,000. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. EAST RIVE'R.—Ruggles Robinson Co.. 331 Madison av. N. Y. C, has received the general contract for the S-sty reinforced concrete re¬ frigerating plant, 112x102 ft, to be erected at docks 21 and 22 East River, SO ft. soutb of Fulton St. Brooklyn, for the New York Dock Co., foot of Montague st, owner. Doty Refrig¬ erating Co., Ethan Allen Doty, SO Hall st. Brooklyn, lessee. Maynicke & Franke, 25 East 26th st. N. Y. C, architects. Cost. $250,000. HALLS AND CLUBS. ORCHARD ST.-The George H, Atkinson Co., 90 West St. has received the general contract for alterations to the 3-sty tenement 86 Orchard st to he changed to a club for Rudolph Wallack Co., 69 William st, owner. East Side Club, Wm. Lustgarten. president. 68 Williara st. les¬ see. C. A. Se H. Boehm, 7 West 42d st archi¬ tects. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. NEW DORP, S. I.—Durkin & Laas, 103 Park av, N. Y. C. bave received the geueral con¬ tract tor the addition to St. John's Guild Hos¬ pital from plans by Edward Pearce Casey, 149 Broadway, N. Y. C. architect. Cost. ^70,000. OSWEGO, N. Y.-J. A. Culkin Co.. 24 Arcade Buiiding, has received the general contract to erect the 2-sty St Francis Home, 60x120 ft., on Syracuse av, near Barkle st, for the Sisters of Sl. Francis, at site, C. H. Bolger. president, G Grant Building. J, H, Seeber. Arcade Build¬ ing, arcbitect. Cost SSO.OOO. WEBB AV.-F. D. Gheen & Co., 1123 Broad¬ way, have received the general contract to erect the 4-sty flreproof hospital for the Roman Cath¬ olic Orphan Asylum at Webb av and Kings- bridge rd, tbe Bronx, from plans by Wm. H, Gorapert, 2102 Broadway, architect. HOTELS. HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON, N. Y.—H. H. Vought, Jr., 501 5th av, N. Y. C, has received the contract for fireproofing the alteration and addition to the "Longue Vue" Holel for the Long View Hotel Co,, R. A. Gusboe, Ardelle Apartments, 527 Riverside Drive, president. F. P. Kelley, 3 West 29th st, N. Y. C. architect; William Crawford, 5-7 East 42d st N. Y. C, general contractor. MUNICIPAL WORK. QUEENS.—Joseph L. Sigretto Co., 1455 Wood¬ haven av. Woodhaven. L. I., has received the contract for sewers and appurtenances for Ham¬ illon av, Ashland av, Brevort st and Rockaway rd. Gabriel Hill, 04 Washington av. L. I. City, for Hopkins av, north and east corner of 15iti av and Graham av. North Graham av, north and east corners of 4th av, 7th av, Webster av, Hancock st. Boulevard, Marion st. Van Atst. Ely av, Newton av, Buchanan pi, southeast corner 14th av and Boulevard Wash¬ ington av and Pierce st. Olancy Se Van Alst 401 Broadway, L. 1. City, for Van Alst av from Ditmars av to Hoyt av; Sunswick "st! Payntar av. Hancock st, Wilbur av.' Charles A, Myers, Evergreen, L. I., for Centre st. Wood¬ ward av and Stair st. J. H. Holmes, 271 North 6th st, Brookiyn, for Jamaica av. Peace Bros., 20 Main st. Flushing, L, I., tor Howland st Frank Street, 1 Prospect st. Flushing, L. I,, tor new town road. Newman & Carey Co,, 213 Montague st, Brooklyn, for Flushing av. Ford Contracting Co., 450 West 147th st. N. Y. C, tor southerly intersection of Myrtle av and Cor¬ nelia st, McFarlane Contracting Co., for Trout¬ man st and Metropolitan av. JERSEY CITY. N. J—Butler Bros. Construc¬ tion Co., 1170 Broadway, N. Y. C., bave re¬ ceived the general contract for the new pier and bulkhead to be erected in Morgan st for the Board of Harbor Coramissioners of Jersey City, D. J. Hart, secretary, room 27, City Hall, Jer¬ sey City, N. J. PUBLIC BUILDING. NEWBURGH, N. Y.—Wm. Parrott, 178 Wash¬ ington st, has received the masonry and Tweed Sc Woodruff. 31 Lutheran st. the carpentry for alterations to the City Library at 98 Grand st tor the City of Newburgh. Cost, §20,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. MANHATTAN.—W. J. Olvany. 177 Christopher st, N. Y. C, has received the contract tor alter¬ ations and repairs to heating and ventilating for P. S. 20, §654; for P. S. 34, .*;2,5S9; Grim¬ shaw fi Sturges. 41 Christopher st, for P S 50 S2,640; D. J. Rice, 149 West 35th st, for P s' 62, §823; for P. S. 71. §1.766; Wm. Mason, 410 East l61st .st, for P. S. 103. §445; for P S 147 .?650; E. Rutzler Co., 404 East 49th st, for P S. 161, ¥2,239. ORANGE, N. J.—Wra. G. Sharwell fi Co., 377 North 5th st, Newark, N. J,, bave received the general contract tor the addition to the 3-aty frame private school at 112 Berkeley av for tbe Seven Oaks Co., 363 Centre st, owner Sid¬ ney M. Colgate, president. George E, Melendy, 204 Centre st, architect. Cost, about §37,000. STABLES AND GARAGES. FLATBUSH AV.-J. C, Lyons Sons. 4 East 42d st, N. Y. C, have received the general con¬ tract to erect tho 2-sty brick garage. 36x114 ft., at Flatbush av and Sterling pl, from plans by Gustav Erda. 826 Manbattan av Brooklyn ar¬ cliitect WEST HOBOKEN. N. J.-Pasquale Cona & Co., Weehawken, N. J., have received the gen¬ eral contract for the 2-sty brick stable to he erected at 627-631 Central av. for Geo. F. Kramer and Henry F. Dankert, of this place, owners. Edw. McDermott. 582 Spring st, archi¬ tect. STORES, OFFICES AND LOPTS. MT. VERNON, N. J.—W. H. Seargeat. 3 South 3d av, has received the general contract to erect the 1-sty brick shop, 50x(2 ft. on North 2d av. north of Sidney av, for Dr. E. G. Bauman. Ill West 2d st, owner. S. A. Guttenberg P. O. Building, architect Cost. §4,000. GRANTWOOD, N. J.-----Edmund D. Broderick, lo82 Lexington av, N. Y. C, has received the general contract to erect the 2-sty frame and stucco store building, 40x80 ft. tor Patrick Car¬ ney, of this place, owner. James F. Hughes and Johu J. Kauhn, 11 East 24th st, N Y, C. architects. Cost, §15.000. . BROADWAY.—J. Odeil Whitenack, 231 West ISth st, has received tho general contract for alterations to Ihe office building 326-330 Broad¬ way, frojn plans by Gflldwia Starrett Se Van Vleck, 4a East 17th st, architects. J. M, Jar¬ vie, 166 Broadway, owner; the Tower Mfg. & Novelty Co.. 306 Broadway, lessee. Harold J. Crooke. 1123 Broadway, steel engineer. Cost . §13.000. THEATRES. 48TH ST.—Nimis £ Nimis, 314 Madison av. have received the wiring contract for the brick " and stone theatre to be erected at 136-142 West 48th st for Cort Theatre, Cort & Corey 1480 Broadway, owners. Thomas W. Lamb, 501 5th av, architect; Wiiliam Crawford. 3-7 East 42d st, general contractor. MISCELLANEOUS. 1S7TH ST.—George Vassar's Son & Co., 1170 Broadway, have received the general contract for the 4-sty brick and steel sub-station, 50x100 ft,, to be erected at 6.>4 West 187th st for the United Electric Light Se Power Co., 1170 Broad¬ way, owner. PLANS FILED FOR NEW CON STRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. 42D ST, 529-549 West, 4Sd st, 532-542 West b-sty brick warehouse, 175x200.10; cost, §300- 000; owner. Archibald D. Russell, Princeton, N. J.: architect, L. C. Holden. 103 Park av Plan No. 305. WEST END AV. w s. 63d to 04th sts, tour 1- sty brick storages. 50x100.10x100.10; cost, §20 - 000; owner. New York Central R. R. Co.; archi¬ tect J. C. Cocker. 2017 otb av. Plan No 371