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SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of th( ^§TAi:/ mm ^j>^ This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases, in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan, "Entered at tho Post Office at New York, N. T., as Eecosd class matter," Vol. LXXXIX No. 2311 New York, June 29, 1912 (51) PRICE 20 CENTS BLOCK AND LOT INDEX OF RECORDED CONVEYANCES -„ The following' is the block and lot order of the Recorded Manhattan Conveyances arranged numerically for the current week. The first figure indicates the official Block number. The second figure indicates the ofiicial Lot number of the property changing ownership. Sl-S, 9 & 18-21 531-20 & 22 1161-52 1619-9 lD79-aS e9-ie 552-68 1202-40 & pt Its 48-49 IIJ-L, - J 1982-69 ^-9 572-43 1203-63-64 1637-60 1986-49 94-19 019-52 & rs 1206-30"^ 164U-tiy; 202S-11 196-9 634-51 1231-30 1646-35 2048-1 214-24 696-58-59 1235-34 11147-45 2051-29 & 35-3; 227-5S 735-14 1247-27-2S & 32 1653-8 2065-24-29' 239-20 751-15-20 1249-43y2 16(16-26 ■ 2066-29 245-pt It 4 7fi0-65 1260-42 1677-35 2075-11 254-29 789-77 1261-48-49 16S9-32 2081-50'^ 255-4 802-30 1269-52 1720-16 2099-60 260-42 805-49 1302-27'^ 1728-6S 2108-83 2iil-24 806-43 1308-69^^ 1733-39 2133-165 265-55 821-27 1318-3014 1755-57^ 2124-pt It 43 324-7 827-41 1345-43 1757-34 2126-34 333-63 & 77 849-49 1350-45 178 7'21i^ 2156-20-22 363-47 871-4 & 85 1381-51 1790-8-11 ^163-9 371-17 872-69 1410-5-S 1820-2 & 4 2165-19 373-10 878-28 1461-2G 1822-29 & 37 21i:6-«'9 3S0-54- h.S 808-78 1465-2S & 38 1832-50 317S-pt it SO 395-18 887-8 & S3 1 r2-5 1S3S-59 426-29 9'18-52 1473-5 1S83-36 "^ViLS.S 442-55 954-17 1525-34 1902-22 44S-16 999-56 1O40-3T 1915-4] & 40 466-10 479-14 1018-45-49 1570-26-27 1930-131/1, 84!i-7;! 4S8-4 & 39-40 1031-8-9=^ 1601-25 1921-52 I7:'l-2n 515-13 1054-20 1607-50 1935-i) 1926-40 516-8 1094-36^ iH1-3-2S 1942-]4y^ & GO 3043-36 529-23 & 60 1153-28 1614-22 , 1944-1 EXPLANATION of TERMS USED AND RULES FOLLOWED IN COMPILING RECORDS. Q. C ia aji abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed wherein all the ri^ht, title and interest of the grantor is con¬ veyed omitting all covenants and war¬ ranty. C. a G, means a deed containing Cove¬ nant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed niay be im¬ peached, charged or encumbered. E. & S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, although the sel¬ ler makes no expressed consideration, he really grants or conveys the property for a valuable consideration, and thus impliedly claims to be the owner of it. The street and avenue numbers given in these lists are, in all cases, taken from the insurance maps when they are not mentioned in the deeds. The numbers, it will occasionally be found, do not cor¬ respond with the existing ones, owing to there having been ao official designaNon made of them by the Department of Pub¬ lic Works. The first date Is the date the deed was drawn. The second date is the date of filing same. When both dates are the same, only one is given. When the date of drawing is other than in the current year the stated year is given. When both the dfites are in the same year the year follows the second date. The flgures in each conveyance, thus, 2:482—10, denote that the property men¬ tioned is In section 2. block 4S2, lot 10. It should also be noted in section and block numbers that the instrument aa filed is strictly followed. A $20,000—J30,000 indicates the as¬ sessed value of the property, the first flgures being for the lot only and the second figures representing both lot and building. Lelter P before second .figure indicates tho.* tho property is assessed as in course of construction. Valuations are from the assessment roll of 1911. T. S. preceding the consideration in a conveyance means that the deed or con¬ veyance has been recorded under the Torrens System. Flats and apartment houses ai'e classi¬ fied as tenements. Residences as dwellings. .\1! Christian names, streets, avenues, states and months are abbreviated when possible, also in some instances names of Banks, Trusts and Insurance) Com¬ panies. The number in ( ) preceding the serial number to the right of the date line, at head of this page, is the Index number for the Checking Index. The Star following name of street or avenue in the Bronx Conveyances, Leases and Mortgages indicates that the prop¬ erty recorded is in the annexed district, for which there is no section or block number. KEY TO .\lJBREVIATIONS USED, (A)-—attorney. A.L.-—all liens AT—all title ano—another av^—avenue ad mi-—administrator admtrx—administratrix agmt—agreement A—-assessed value abt—about adj^—adjoining apt—apartment assign—^assignment asn^—assign atty—attorney bk—brick B & S—Bargain and Sale bldg—building b—basement blk—block Co—County C a G—covenant against grantor Co—Company constn—construction 351 con omitted—consideration omitted corp—corporation c o r—c o !■ n e r c 1—centre line ct—^court certf—t-ertiflcate dwg—dwelling deed—deceased e—East exr—executor extrx—executrix et al^used instead of several names forecios—foreclosure fr—^franic ft—front individ—individual irreg—irregular impt—-improvement installs—installments It—lol mtg—mortgage mos—months mfg—manufacturing Nos—^n umbers n-—north nom—nominal pt—part pi—place PM-—Purchase Mon>.'y Mortgage. QC^Quit Chiim R T & I—Right, Title & Interest (R)—referee rd—road re mtg—release mtg ref—referee sobrn—subordination sl—slip sq^square s—south s—side sty—story sub—sub.iect strs—stores stn—stone st—street TS—Torrens System. tnts—tenements w—west V-—^vears O C & 100—other consld«ratlon and (100