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314 RECORD AND GUIDE August 17, 1912 CURRENT BUILDING OPERATIONS Including Contemplated G}nstructions, Bids Wanted, Qtntracts Awarded, Plans Filed and Government, State and Municipal Work. The New Equitable Building. F, M. Andrews & Co., 1 Madison ave¬ nue, architects for the new thirty-six story building to be erected on the Equit¬ able site, covering the entire block bounded by Broadway, Pine, Nassau and Cedar streets, arc engaged in laying out the tentative plans. Details of materials, construction and equipment cannot be an¬ nounced before September 15. The general arrangement of the floors will be as follows: Above the ground floor will be a mezzanine, sub-divided Into spaces for brokers, shops and other offices; second floor, for banking pur¬ poses, and from the third to the thirty- sixth floor provision will be made for general offlce purposes. Special attention will be given in the construction to accommodations for in¬ stitutions requiring large areas of floor space or a series of floors with complete command of light and air, so that the building may be said to consist of a series of independent units. Each unit is pro¬ vided with an equipment of private ele¬ vator service, together -with all other fa¬ cilities and conveniences which should be installed in each instance in a separate structure. A feature of the ground floor will be an arcade, two stories in height, extending from Broadway to Nassau street, and beneath which will be a thor¬ oughfare leading from the Broadway Subway to Wall street and the adjacent district. On each side of this arcade will be shops for retail purposes, together with the battery of elevators required for ser¬ vice to the upper fioors. There will also be an arcade leading from Pine to Cedar streets. It is announced by the owners that modern requirements will be met in ev¬ ery detail by the erection of this, the largest office building in this city, though not the highest, and that it will include many features not in any other office hitherto erected. The total amount of square feet to be occupied by the Equitable's offlces has not yet been determined and will not be made known before September 15, The estimated cost of the new building alone without the cost of land is approximately $8,000,000, although this figure depends entirely upon the ultimate selection of equipment and construction which is yet undecided. The owners will take pos¬ session on December 16 next, when the work of construction will commence. It is expected that the building will be ready for occupancy by May 1, 1914. Ernest Graham, of Chicago, will be associated ■with F. M. Andrews & Co., as consulting architect. The general contractors are the Thompson-Starrett Company of 50 Wall street. 'Vi'^hile the new building will bear the name of the Equitable Building the insurance company disclaims any ownership, it being simply a tenant there¬ in. Bradstreet's to Build. The Bradstreet Company, 346 Broadway, informed the Record and Guide on Thurs¬ day that plans have practically been pre¬ pared by an architect of this city, whose name cannot be announced for another week or ten days, for a tall office struc¬ ture to be erected at the northwest cor¬ ner of Lafayette and Howard streets, in¬ cluding 144 to 148 Lafayette street and 12 to 20 Howard street, with frontages of 114 feet in Lafayette street and 90 feet in Howard street, the plot containing about 10,500 square feet. 'There are on the site now five three-story and basement buildings and a frame stable, and two lots are vacant. Together they are as¬ sessed at $127,000, According to the brok¬ ers who made the sale, the operation, in¬ cluding the cost of the building, will total about $750,000. It is not stated how many stories the building will be. Plans for Henry C. Prick's Mansion, Carrere & Hastings, 225 Fifth avenue, are completing plans for the new Fifth avenue mansion which Henry C. Frick, with offlces in the Frick Building, Pitts¬ burgh, Pa„ is to erect on the block front on the east side of Fifth avenue, from 70th to 7Ist streets at an approximate cost of $4,000,000, The construction will be of marble and the building will cover the entire 200 foot frontage. The project also includes a guests' residence at the' south¬ east corner of TOth street, and a ser¬ vants' quarters at the northeast corner of 71st street, A large art gallery will also be a feature. The general contract has not yet been awarded. Big Garage in 26th Street. C. H. Caldwell, 160 Sth avenue, is pre¬ paring plans for a large garage to be erected by the North River Garage Com¬ pany, of recent organization, at 537 to 547 West Twenty-sixth street. The prop¬ erty is now covered with dwellings and measures 140x98,9 feet. The building will be so constructed that additional stories may be added to it at any time. Apartment House for Park Avenue. Oscar Lowinson, architect, 5 West Slst street, has been retained by the 929 Park Avenue Company to prepare plans for the new twelve-story apartment house to be erected at 929-931 Park avenue. The building will be of the highest type apart¬ ment house, one family to the floor, and furnished with every facility and con¬ venience for modern use. CONTEMPLATED CONSTRUCTION Manhattan. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 128TH ST.—C. B. Meyers, 1 Union sq, has completed plans for three 5-sty tenements, one to be erected in the north side of 128th st, 751 ft east of Convent av, in the north side of 12Sth st, 135.7 ft east ot Convent av and in 128th st, 19o.7 ft east of Convent av for the Manchester Construction Co., 223 Wooster st, owner. Cost, $135,000. 94TH ST.—Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av, have completed plans for a 12-sty apartment to be erected" at the northeast corner of SMth st and Broad-way for Harry Shift, 355 West End av, owner. Cost, $300,000, 66TH ST,—Emery Roth, 507 Sth av, has com¬ pleted plans for an 8-sty apartment to be erect¬ ed at 42 East 60th st, for the Jackson Realty Co,, 54-8 East Uth st, owner. Cost, $100,000. STH ST.—George Fred Pelham, 507 oth av, has completed plans for a 8-sty tenement, 63x S2,2 ft, to be erected in the south side of Sth st, 120 ft west of 2d av, for Harris Sokolski, 354 Grand st, owner. Cost, $40,000, HALLS AND CLUBS. 168TH ST.—H. T. Howell, 149th st and Wil¬ lis av, is preparing plans for a 2-sty and basement auditorium and gymnasium, 96x27 ft, to be erected at 168th st and Washington av, for the Morrisiania Presbyterian Church, Rev, M, F. Johnson, 168th st and Washington av, owner. Cost, $30,000, FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. 25TH ST.—Additional flgures are being re¬ ceived for the addition to the 4-sty brick fac¬ tory, 26x50 ft, at 521-541 West 25th st, for the Conley Foil Co., on premises, owner. B. K, Hall, 1 Madison av, architect. Van Vleck & Fawley, 239 West 52d st, engineers, HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. 26TH ST.—Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, foot of East 26th st. Dr. John W. Brannan, presi¬ dent, James K. Paulding, secretary, owner, is taking bids on roof, wards A and E. McKim, Mead & White, 160 Sth av, architects. Bids close August 20 at 3 p. m. 59TH ST.—Crow. Lewis & Wickenhoefer, 200 5th av, have completed plans for the exten¬ sion of the hospital at 430 West 59th st, for the Roosevelt Hospital, on premises, Charles B, Grimshaw, superintendent. Cost, $15,000. HOTELS. BROADWAY.—Andrew Club, Jr., 320 Sth av, architect, is taking bids tor alterations to the 4 and 6 sty brick hotel and stores at 1671-1677 Broadway and 225 West 52d st for the Ludin Realty Co., 261 West 34th st, owner; John B. Ludin, president. Cost, $8,000. MUNICIPAL WORK. QUEENSBORO PLAZA.-Wm. Egan, 935 East 179th st, was the low bidder, $7,949, for the 1-sty shelter house, 40x75 ft., to be erected at Queensboro Bridge, N. Y. C, for the De¬ partment ot B-rldges, 13-21 Park Row, owner, Arthur J. O'Keeffe, 13 Park Row, N. Y, C, Commissioner, Cost, $10,000. CROTON WATERSHED.—No bids were re¬ ceived for fencing in the Croton Watershed for the Dept of Water - Supply, Gas & Electricity, owner, Henry S, Thompson, commissioner, 13- 21 Park Row, New bids will be advertised for. STABLES AND GARAGES. 91ST ST.—Jacob Ruppert, 3d av and 92d st, will erect a 1-sty garag*, 56x201.5 tt, in the south side ot 91st st, £80 ft east of 3d av running through the block to 90th st. Fran¬ cis J. Murphy is the architect. Estimated cost, $12,000, THEATRES. 7TH AV.—Excavating is going on for the 2-sty brick theatre, 88x144 ft, to be erected at the southwest corner of 7th av and 116th st for Robert S. Marvin, 340 Riverside dr, owner, Thomas W, Lamb, 501 Sth av, architect. The Libman Contracting Co., 107 West 46th st, contractor. Cost, $150,000, Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS, INTERVALE AV.—Maximilian Zipkes, 220 Sth av, has been commissioned by Morris Berman, of 200 Broadway, to prepare plans for a high- class apartment house to be erected on the east side of Intervale av, north of East 165th St. Cost, $50,000, and accommodates twenty families. WEBSTER AV.—The J. Schwartz Contracting Co. has purchased a plot 120x90 ft. on the east side of Webster av, 100 ft. north of 182d st, Bronx, and will erect three 5-sty apartment houses. WEBSTER AV.—Foundations are under way for the 5-sty brick apartment house, 25x90 ft, at the northwest corner of Webster av and 204th st, for the Ebling Co., 760 St. Ann's av, owner, Fred Hammond, 391 East 149th st arch¬ itect. Louis Friese, 3029 3d av, general con¬ tractor. Wm, Mensch, 155th st and Courtlandt av, carpenter. Cost, $55,000. 167TH ST.—Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av and 148th st, are preparing plans for two 5-sty brick apartments, 40x88 and 39x70 ft average, to be erected at the northeast corner ot 167th st and Tiftany st. Cost, $80,000, STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS, 173TH ST,—Steel work is under way for the 4-sty brick addition to the office building and shop in the north side of 175th st from Carter av to Webster av for the Northern Union Gas Co., on premises, owner, George W. Doane, president; Frederick R. Devoe secretary. Jar- dine, HIII & Murdock, 3 West 29th st, arch¬ itects. A. J. Robinson Co., 123 East 23d st, general contractor. Cost, $45,000. Brcoklyn. APARTMENTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. r.VION ST.—J. C. Cocker, 2017 Sth av. N. Y. C, is preparing plans for a 4-sty brick and limestone tenement and store, 60x56 ft. to he erected in the north side of Union st, 'lOO ft. east of Nostrand av, for Herman J. Levy, Nos¬ trand av and Eastern Parkway, owner. Cost, .?2O.00O. 6TH ST.—Shampan & Shampan, 772 Broadway, Brooklyn, are preparing plans tor three 4-sty apartment houses, to be located on the south side of 6th st, 86.8 ft west of Sth av. Brook¬ lyn, on a plot of 125x100 ft. The Rogers Im¬ provement Co. ot Manhattan, owners. The entire interior will be finished with hardwood trim, parquet floors and equipment ot elec¬ tric and steam heat. Owners are excavating at present. Cost of operation is estimated at $110,000. NOSTRAND AV.—J. C. Cocker, 2017 Sth av, N. Y. C, is preparing plans for five 4-sty brick tenements and stores, 25x100 ft., to be erected at the northeast corner of Nostrand and Pros¬ pect avs for Herman J. Levey, Nostrand av and Eastern Parkway, owner. Total cost, $90,000. PENNSYLVANHA AV.—Charles Infanger & Son, 26S4 Atlantic av, have completed plans for the 4-sty brick and limestone apartment, 41x80 ft, to be erected on the west side of Pennsylvania av, 50 ft south of Liberty st for Howard Lincoln, Inc. 1768 Prospect pi, owner, who builds, DWELLINGS. PRESIDENT ST—Axel Hedman. 371 Fulton St. architect, will soon call for bids for two 2t4-sty brick residences, 20x55 ft., to be erected In the north side of President st, near East New York av, for J. J. Kauder & B. E. Rosen¬ berg, owners. Cost, $8,000 each, 40TH ST,—Work has been started on the 3-sty brick lodging house, 25x80 ft. in the south side of 40th st, 100 ft w?st of 3d av, for John L, Deliherti, care of architect, owner. J. C. Wandell & Co.. 4-5 Court sq. architects. The Partridge Contracting Co., 189 Montague st, is general contractor. Cost, $7,000. 54TH ST.—Ben]. Hudson. 319 nth st. has com¬ pleted plans for four 2-sty brick residences, 20X.55 ft. to be erected in the south side of 54th st, 220 ft. east of 6th av, for the Johann Construction Co., 1-3 Walton st, owner, who builds and is taking bids on subs. Total cost, !i!lS,000. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. CONEY ISLAND.—Wm. Home & Co.. 71 West 132d St. N. Y. C. were low bidders, $2 270, for the storage building to be erected at the Coney Island Pressure Pumping Station, tor the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Elec¬ tricity, 13-21 Park Row. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. KINGSLAND AV.—Additional figures are be¬ ing received for the 4 and 5-sty brick and limestone hospital to he erected on Kingsland and Debevolse avs. Bullion and Benton sts for the City ot New York Department of Public Charities. Michael J. Drummond, commissioner, foot of 26th st, owner, Frank J. Helmle, 190 Montague st, architect. Cost, $275,000,