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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 90, no. 2325]: October 5, 1912

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640 RECOKD .VXD (U IDE October 5, 191. PROPOSALS The rate lor Advertisingunder thisht idingis 25 cents ptr line, nonpareil measurement, with a miniiiiuni '-,{ f.iur lines. Copy received tmtil 3 P, .M, i'ri.iay. I N \ rr \'i'io\s I'oit I'ltoi'os \i,s, 'rl;l^,\sul;^" i iioi'.Mn'MioxT. ' iliire ot th'' Supei \ isi nj? .\r.!!itc.-t. W :isliini;ti)n, D. '', iKt^ibiT 1. l:ilL'. ,-^ial'ii i.l I'lH.s.i {g will Ih re(-iveil ,ii tills office until 3 o'clock p. m. on the 12th day of November, 1912, and then opened, for the extension, reinodeling, etc. (in- cludinB plumbing:, gas piping:, heating- apparatus, electric conduits and wirinpr system, and interior lighting fixtures) of the United Sttites post offlce and court¬ house iit Harrisburg. Pa. The extension Is about 46 by 121 feet, one stor>- and basement, stone faced, tin roof, fireproof construction. Drawings and speciflcations may be obtained from the custodian at Harrisburg', Pa., or at this offlce, at the discretion of the Super¬ vising Architect. OSCAR WENDEROTH. GEO. HAIUUSON JOHN F. MBYER HARRISON & MEYER Artificial Stone Pavements Telephone 3170 Stujn-esant 16 E. 18th St. WOODBURY GRANITE COMPANY Woodbury Granite Hardwlck 'White Granite General Manager Main Office: GEO. H. BICKFORD HARDWICK. VT. New York Office: 1 MADISON AVB. Pittsburg Office: 1101 FARMER'S BANK BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BLUE PRINT COMPANY Removed to No. 2 East 42nd Street Telephone Bryant 6020 Reliance Blue PrintCo. Our Factory is Equipped with the Latest Type of Electrical Machinery which En¬ ables us to Tum.Outthe Most Perfect BLUE AND BLACK PRINTS Day or Night Phone 7946 Madiion Sq. 373 Fourth Ave. IRON FOUNDRY PATTERN SHOP Brooklyn Vault Light Co. Manufacturers of VAULT LIGHTS, SKYLIGHTS and Patent Light Work of Every Description 270 MONITOR STREET Telephone Connection BROOKLYN VOIGTMANN FIREPROOF WINDOWS Mauuiactured by S. H. Pomeroy Co., Inc. 427 W. 13lh STREET Successots to Voiolniann A Co., N. Y. The Record and Guide is the oldest paper representing the interests of Real Estate and Building in New York City, and a standard authority on matters relating to these branches. anhiiiHt. The Hedden Construction Co., 11 Madison av, has the general contract. Cost, .H;;i.''»o,inm. ROSEBANK, S. I.—David J. Ryan, 7J:; 3d av, Brooklyn, has received the general conlr.ul: Altman Plumbing Co., 324 East Oth st, .X Y. C, plumbing: Anderson .Martin Electric Co., 1 Madison av, .\. Y. C. electrical work; and John A. ScoUay. 74 Myrtle av. Brooklyn, ing. for the Pathological Laboratory at ihi- Quarantine Station, for the State ot New York. Or. J. J. O'Connell, Health Officer, this place owner, Herman W. Hoeter, State Capitol. Al¬ bany, .\. Y.. State architect. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. .MILBURN, X. J.—The D. A. Calhoun Con¬ tracting Co.. Inc., 17 Madison av, N. Y. C, has received the general contract to erect the I'j-sty hollow tile and stucco public school on Hobart Gap rd tor the Board of Education of Milburn Township, Essex County. William E. Davis, chairman ot building committee; Clif¬ ford Willis, district clerk. James Diehl. Ber¬ nardsville. N. J., architect. Cost. $7,50Ct. WEST XKW YORK, X. J.—Theodore Von Bemmel, Wnst New York, N. J., has received the general contract to erect an addition to the Hudson County school for the Board ot Education of West New York, N. J.. William Wolff, chairman ot building committee. Wil¬ liam Mayer. Jr.. Oil:; Bline av. Town of Union, architect. Cost, .ti^.iidii, BROOKLYN.—The United Plumbing & Con¬ tracting Co., 323 Smith st, has received the plumbing contract for alterations to the Girls' High School, on the east side of Nostrand av, between Halsey and Macon sts, from plans by H. M. Devoe, 131 Livingston st, architect. Cost, $9,00tP. BROOKLYN.—B. Diamond. 12 Bergen st. has received the general contract for alterations to the school in the east side of West 3d St. 200 ft north of Park pi, for the Board of Education. .'KXi Park av. X. Y. C. H. .M. Devoe. 131 Livingston st, architect. Cost $1,- .jl.Ht. BRYAXT AV.-The Hinkle Iron Co., .V!4 West ,"i(ith st, ,X. Y. C, has received the steel contract for the 5-sty brick Public School No. ."lO, 2iX)x[>4 ft, to be erected at Bryant and Vyse avs, about 175 ft southeast of 173d st, for the Board of Education, corner ot Park av and 50tb st. C. B. J. Snyder, architect, P. J. Exner Co., l(i:'. Park av, general con¬ tractor. ALFRED, N. Y.—L. F. Corsett, Oiean, X, Y., has received the contract for construction of the State School of Clay Workings & Ceramics, including electric conduit installation: M. G. Lippincott, Hornell, N. Y., the heating contract, and Charies E. Green, this place, the plumbing and gas piping work at the Alfred University for the N. Y. State School of Clay Working & Ceramics, Dr. Booth C. Davis, president of the board ot managers. Herman W. Hoefer, Cap¬ itol, .\lbauy, X. Y.. State architect. NEWARK, N. J,—Bids were received by the Board of Education for the addition to the pub¬ lic school in .\ewton st. E. M. Waldron, Ord¬ way Building, has received the general con¬ tract: Jacob Steinberg, 220 Belmont av, the roofing; Storms & Co., li^H South 14th st. New¬ ark, heating: Jaehing & People. 221 13th av, plumbing; Stehlin Wilier Henes Co., 103 Park av, N. Y. C, wiring; Aschenback & Rasmus¬ sen, .302 Main st. East Orange, painting: the Hedden Iron Construction Co., 22 Clinton st, Newark, steel and iron work. Cost, $180,0(X1. HUMBOLDT ST.—P. J. McAuley, 047 Pros¬ pect pl, has received the contract for plurabing in P. S. 23 in the west side of Humboldt st, between Conselyea and Skillman avs, for the Department of Education. H. M. Devoe, 131 Livingston st, architect, STABLES .\XD GARAGES. JEROME AV.-Charles Loesch, 415 West 50th st, has received the general contract to erect the 2-sty brick and stone garage at 1934 Jer¬ ome av, trom plans by Louis F. Dell, 113:1 Broadway, architect. WASHINGTO.X AV.—Wills & Marvin Co.. 117ii Broadway, have received the general contract to erect the 3-sty brick garage. 52xlOS tt. on Washington av. near 169th st. for John C. Heintz and Jacob Seigel. 169th st and 3d av, owners. Mortenson & Co.. 114 Bast 28th St. architects. MIDDLETOWN. N. J.—H. D. Best & Co., .''.211 Sth av, N. y. C, have received the gen¬ eral contract to erect a 2-sty concrete stable. .'I.">x:i7 ft, for the Standard Oil Co., 20 Broad¬ way, X. Y. C, owner and architect. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS, 27TH ST.—J. H. MacDonald, .357 West 16tb st has received the carpenter work for the s-stv brick and limestone lott building, 91xl2S ft io be erected at 3:17-347 West 27th st, for St. John's Park Realty Co., William D. Kil¬ patrick, president; James H. Cruikshank, sec¬ retary. 50 Pine st. owner. Robert E. Moss. 126 Liberty st, engineer. W. L. Crow Con¬ struction Co., 103 Park av, is general con¬ tractor. Cost, .$75000. BROADWAY.—The Vogel Cabinet Co., 5:15-I."i East 79tb st, has received the contract tor installing all the cabinet fixtures, etc., in the altered building for the Tower Mfg. & Nov¬ elty Co.. :i26 Broadway. THEATRES. 146TH ST.-The Vogel Cabinet Co.. 5:'.5-45 East 7!)th st has received the contract for the car¬ pentry work in the Lafayette Theatre, lli'itb st and Broadway, for Cramp & Co., 25 East 26th St. HOPKINSON AV.—Eugene Frank. 22 East 21st st, has received the contract for the electric work necessary for the 4-sty fireproot thea¬ tre, .V,x7.'.xli«> ft. at 482-488 Hopkinson av, Brooklyn for the Samuel Howe Amusement Co., Columbia' Theatre Building, 701 7th av, X. Y. C, owner. Thomas W. Lamb. Sol Sth av, X. 'i. City, architect. William Henderson. 516 Sth av, X Y. C, general contractor. Cost, $50,000, MISCELLAXEOUS. WICHITA, KANSAS.—The Raymond C-mcretc Pile Co., 70 West -t, X. Y. C, and Chicago has received the contract for the concrete piles necessary for the foundations ot the Wichita Terminal Railroad Co.'s new terminal station at Wichita, Kansas; Charles E. Skinner, resi¬ dent engineer. WHITE PLAINS. N. Y—L. Brandt, at site. has received the general contract to erect a 2--ty terra cotta and stucco freight house 25 .\,iO ft, for the Xew York, Westchester & isos- ton R. R. Co.. Grand Central Terminal, N. Y. C. L. S. .Miller, president; R. T. Bird as¬ sistant treasurer; C. L. Nagle, auditor. PLANS FILED FOR NEW CON¬ STRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. APARTMENTS. FLATS AXD TEXE.MEXTS. STH ST. 2::i;-2lii East. O-sty tenement, 6:'.v .S2; cost, .'«Oi.; owner, Harris Sokolski, :!S4 Grand st; architect, George F. Pelham 507 Sth av. Plan No. 572. POST AV, n s. 100 w Academy st five 5-sty tenements, 50x113; total cost, $2.".(i.ii00; owner, Bendheim Construction Co., 12s Broadway; architects, Moore & Landsiedel, :jd av and 148th St. Plan No. 573. .j3D ST. 121-129 E, S-sty apartment house, .': owner, Matilda .\msler. 1616 Crosby av; architect, J. H. Amsler, 1610 Crosby av. Plan No. 747. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. JACKSON AV, w s, 27S n 149th st. 2-sty brick factory, slag root. .SiixlOO; cost, .f 15,000; owners. G. Schlaier Eagle Wrought Iron Works, G. Schlaier, 150th st and Jackson av ; architects, Kreymborg Architectural Co., 1330 Wilkinson av. Plan No. 744. STABLES AXD GARAGES. BEDFORD PARK BOULEVARD, s s, 99 e Webster av, iy2-sty brick garage, slag roof, .'.11x94.1: cost. $1S.000: owner. Harry Linn, 3o:; East 157th st; architects, Kreymborg Archi¬ tectural Co., 13.30 Wilkins av. Plan No. 743. MULLINER AV. e s. 100 s Brady av, 1-sty frame garage, 19x2ii; cost, .$400; owner. Refetl Smith, on premises ; architect^ Henry Nordheim, 11 is:I Tremont av. Plan No. ,5,2. STORES AXD DWELLINGS. CARPENTER AV. s e cor 2.30th st, 2-sty brick store and dwelling, slag roof, 20x60; cost. .i:4.2fii(- owners, P. & S. Const Co.. Thos. Pis¬ arra 766 Decatur st, Brooklyn: archit_ect. Chas. W. Ross, 4.-, West :U;h st. Plan No. |4S, .MlSCELLAXEOrS. CASTLE HILL AV, w s, 172 n Westchester av, 1-sty trame shop, 16x14; cost, $100; own¬ ers ■ft'einstock & Singer, on premises; archi¬ tect J, Schwalbenberg, 2060 Westchester av. Plan Xo. 742. 17STH ST, n s. 147 w Marmion av, l-sty brick boiler house and coal bins, 24 2-3x82'-..: eost .'SSO.Oini; owners, Biograph Co., 11 East 14th si: anliitcis. The Snare & Triest Co., 14:; Liberty st. I'lan No.. 754. MORRIS AV, n e cor 162d st. 1-^ty brick jk library, slag and tile root, t'.SxSO : .-osi. .s.ii.iiiin; W C. general contractor. Cost, $SO,uo(i.