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684 RECORD AJND GUIDE October 12. 1912. Geo. A. Fuller, Company Fireproof Building Construction OFFICES: New York Baltimore Boston Philadelphia Chattanooga Kansas City Washington Chicago Detroit Milwaukee Montreal, Canada Atlanta Winnipeg, Canada Toronto, Can. Ritch-Hughes Company SPECIALISTS TO CONTRAaORS Liability Insurance Surety Bonds 1123 BROADWAY New York Telephone 1721 Madison Square THE WHITNEY COMPANY ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS 1 LIBERTY STREET. N. Y. KEW YORK. HARTFORD. SALT UKE. DENVER A. L. GUIDONE & CO. MASON BUILDERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS 162 East 2.3rd .Street, Xew York CO.MAILLOUX- C.E.KNOX CONSULTING ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 90 WeST STREET, NEW YORK 110. tor the City of New York. Henry S. Thompson, commissioner Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. SCHOOLS .KSD COLLEGES. BUFFALO. X. Y.—The Eastern Concrete Steel Co.. Morgan Building, has received the gen¬ eral contract for the construction ot the State Normal School building at $.36.3,398. TUPPER LAKE, .\. Y.—Albert Llnquist & Co.. Jamestown, N. Y., have received the eon- tract, at .^22,72,5, for the mason and carpenter work for the erection of the 3-sty high school for the Tupper Lake Board of Education. BUFFALO. N. Y.—The Eastern Concrete Steel Co.. Prudential Building, has received the gen¬ eral contract to erect the Normal School at Normal av and Jersey st. for the N. Y. State Department of Education. Herman W. Hoefer, Capitol, .\lbany, state architect. Cost, .^100.- STABLES AND GARAGES. 169TH ST.—A. Hamilton & Son. 114 East 2Sth St. have received the general contract for the erection of a 2-sty garage on Washington av nr 160th et. Bronx, tor the John Elchler Brew¬ ing Co.. .3582 od av. owner. Mortensen & Co.. Ill East 28th St. engineers and contractors. ELIABETH. N. J.—Fred K. Fatzler. 120 Mar¬ ket St. Xewark, has received the general con¬ tract to erect the 2-sty brick garage at Mad¬ ison av and East Grand st. tor L. F. Hersh & Bro.. 2i;i Broad st. owners. Nathan llyers. Court Theatre Building, Xewark. architect. Cost, ?l.j,0(X>. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. _31ST ST.-The Globe Automatic Sprinkler Co.. 47 West .34th st. has received the contract from the X'apoleon Construction Co. to install auto¬ matic sprinkler equipment in the new 12-sty fireproof building at 2.">-29 West 31st st. G. F. Pelham, 507 5th av, architect. 47TH ST.—Jas. A. Reid. 114 West 39th st. has received the painting for the 5-sty store and offlce building, at 8-14 East 47th st. for Eldrich T. Gerry. 291 Broadway. W. & J. 9. Sloane. Sth av and 47th st. lessees. Warren & Wetmore. 16 East 47th st. architects. Balcom & Darrows, 70 East 45th st, steel engineer. M. Reid, 114 East 30th st. is general contractor. Cost. ?75,000. ISTH ST.—J. S. Kelly, 8 Christopher st, has received the painting for the 12-sty loft build¬ ing, 100.X110 ft, at 216-222 Wfst ISth. st, for Thomas Monahan. fil Greenwich av. owner. George McCabe. 96 •'ith av. arehitect. Harry Mc¬ Nally Building Co.. 5 East 42d st. has the mason work. Cost $300,000. 17TH ST.-The A. Perlman Iron Works, Inc., 1725 West Farms rd. has received the orna¬ mental iron work necessary for the 12-sty loft building to be erected at 205-9 West 17th St. for Hugh E. O'Reily, 205 7th av. owner. Walter Haefeli 17 Madison av, architect. Hasco Building Co.. 17 Madison av. is general con¬ tractor. STH AV.—William F. Eastberg & Co.. 413 West SOth St. has received the painting work for the 10-sty offlce buildine. .53x100 ft at .107- .5.00 5th av, for Charles Scribners Sons. 13.3 5th av, owner Charles Scribner. president: -Arthur H. Scribner. trpasurer; Georep R. D. Schieffelin. secretary. Ernest Flaeg 100 Broad St. architect. John T. Brady & Co.. 103 Park av. have the mason work. 16TH ST.—T. J. St?en Co.. .30 Church st, has received the general contract for altera¬ tions to the 7-stv lott buildine at the south¬ east corner ot 10th st and 7th av. fnr the Van Allen Estate, owner, care of Tracy Swart¬ wout & Litchfield 244 Sth av. architects. Lis- gett & Meyers. 1170 Broadway, lessees- Fran¬ cisco & Jacobus. 200 Sth av. steam and elec¬ trical engineers. BROADWAY.—The .American Telephone and Telegraph Co. has awarded to the Woodburv Granite Cn. 1 Madison av the cnntract for fur¬ nishing the entire white granite facades of the new Western I'ninn Buildine at Broadway and Dey st, through Marc Eidlitz & Son. general contractors, and William Wells Bos¬ worth. architect of ."27 Sth av. The contract tails for furnishing, cutting and setting the nint'?rial in place. MISCELLANEOUS. NEWPORT. R. I.—The chief of the bureau ot yards and docks, Xavy Department, Washing¬ ton, D. C. has awarded the contract for constructing a radial chimney at the naval sta¬ tion, to Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Co.. 09 Nassau st. Xew York City, at $3,000. PLANS FILED FOR NEW CON¬ STRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. DWELLINGS. HOUEJTOX ST. 1(1.1-107 E, rear 4-sty dwelling. 29x29.4; cnst. S.'i.fioO: owner. Corn of Trinity Chjirch. 187 Fulton .st: "rrhitcrt. Thomas Nash. 11 lO Broadway. Plan Xo. 511. FACTORIES A.VD WAREHOUSES. 14.3D ST. 246 West, rear 1-sty d.yeinc estab- li-^hraent. lo.4v16.4; cc-f. .^u'.'O; owner, Margaret P. Johnston. 2.33 East 61st st: architect. Robert T. Rogers. 11.33 Broadway. Plan Xo. 578. WASHTXGTON ST. 7-! 1-745. 2-sty brick ware- hnvKse. -SO.llxSl: cost $22,000: owners. Luth»r Little and .lames K Hovt. .30 Church st; archi¬ tects, nensmo'-e & Le i^lear, .88 Broad st. Bos¬ ton. Mass. Plan Xo. .".so STORES OFFICES AND LOFTS. IOTH AV. .3S3-3SO; 32D ST. .503 W. 1-sty nfflce and p'riif.nrni. 63x100: cost. .$7,000: owner, Ameri' ^n Expres'' Co.. 6.5 Broadway: architect. Vernon .lartioe 381 4th av. Plan No. 570. Cauld- well-^'ingate Cp., 3S1 4tli 9V, has general con¬ tract, Bronx, APART.ME.NTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 181ST ST. swc Valentine av. 5-sty brick tene¬ ment, plastic slate roof. 54.1x90; cost. $50,000- owners, Rosa Realty Co. Jerry Attiere, 470 Tre¬ mont av, pres.; architects, Chas. Schaefer Jr , Co., 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 769. BEAUMONT AV. es. 170 s 187th st, two 5- sty brick tenements, tin roof. 50x88; cost. S90.- 000; owners. The Wm. Slattery Construction Co.. Wm. Slattery. on premises; see Architect Lucian Pisciotta. 391 East 149th St. Plan No. HOE AV, s e cor 173d st. 5-sty brick tene¬ ment, tin roof, 75x90; cost. $100,000; owner, Raffaele Marrazzi. 410 East 116th st; architect Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 271 West 12oth st. Plan Ivo. 759. 165TH ST. n s. 107.3 e Kelly st. 5-sty brick tenement, slag roof. 25x88; cost. $35,000; owner, Wm. Sinnott. 907 Eiast 165th st; architect, Harry T. Howell, 3d av and 149th St. Plan No. 764. 175TH ST. n e cor Mt Hope av. 5-sty brick tenement, tin roof, 39x63; cost. $30,000; owners, Phelan Bros. Const. Co.. Wm. Phelan. 1910 Webster av, president; architect. M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av. Plan No. 766. 179TH ST. n e cor Grand Boulevard and Con¬ course. 5-sty hrick tenement, tin root, 46 6x 79.60; cost. $40,000; owners. Phelan Bros. Con¬ struction Co., Wm. Phelan. 1910 Webster av president; arehitect. M. W. Del Gaudio, 1101 Tremont av. Plan No. 765. DWELLINGS. 256TH ST. s w cor Sylvan pl. 2-sty frame dwelling, shingle roof, 21x31; cost, $2,800; own¬ er, Henry Berk on premises: architect, Wm. Heapy. 159 Beech st. Yonkers. Plan No. 755. ELY AV. e s. 393,9 s 2224 st. 2-sty frame dwelling, tin root. 21x50; cost, $5,000; owner and architect, Chas. Rheinland.-225th St. Plan No. 762. WILLIAM av. s e cor Scofleld st. 2H-sty frame dwelling, shingle roof. 22x50; cost, $3,200; own¬ er. Wm. H. Booth. City Island; architects, S. H. Booth & Sons. City Island. Plan No. 761. CHANUTB AV. e s, 100 s Story av, 1-sty frame dwelling. 24x20; cost, $350; owner, Fred¬ erick C. Pulling, on premises; architect, B. Ebeling. 1136 Walker av. Plan No. 767. FACTORIES A.ND WAREHOUSES. COURTLANDT AV. e s. 100 s 149th st, 1-sty brick storage. 6.8x5.8; cost. $100; lessee. Jos. Gudowitz, 532 Courtlandt av; architect, Harry L. Smith. 2309 Crotona av. Plan No. 760. STABLES AND GARAGES. 142D ST. s s. 206.5 e Alexander av. 2-sty brick stable and loft, slag root. 50x40; cost, $10,000; owners. Beeker Bros.. 2692 3d av; architect. Frank Wennemer. 2136 Honeywell av. Plan No. 757. BRONX PARK ZOO. 1050 e 183d st and South¬ ern Boulevard. 1-sty trame stable and abbatoir, 14x16.8; cost. $400; owner. City of New York; architect. Geo. M. Burbower, 2431 Southern Boulevard. Plan No. 7-56. STORES. OFFICES AXD LOFTS. SO BOULEVARD, sec 172d st^ 1-sty brick stores and amusement hall, slag jroof. lOOxlOO; cost. $20,000: owners, P. J. Reville (Inc.), V. J. Reville. 1054 Trinity av. pres.; architect, M. J. Garvin, .3307 3d av. Plan No. 771. WESTCHESTER AV. n s, 149.9 e Edison av, 1-sty franie store. 16.1x24: cost. $.500; owner, Andrew Quinto. 19.38 Mayflower av. ; architect, Henry Nordheim, 1087 Tremont av. Plan No. 773. TREMONT AV. n s. 150 e Prospect av. 1-sty brick stores, slag roof, 36x70; cost, $5,000; owners. Borough Estates. Joshua L. Evans, 3219 .3d av, secretary; architect. Harry T. How¬ ell, .3d av and 149th St. Plan No. 763. STORES AND TENEMENTS. ISOTH ST. ss. 95.9 w Mapes av. 5-sly brick SI ores and tenement, slag roof. 50x106: cost, .■;:;s,(Ki0: owners, Libro Construction Co.. L. Bo- roschek. .368 Grand st. pres.; architect. Oscar Lowinson. 5 West 31st st. Plan No. 770. HOE AV. s w cor 165th st. S-sty brick stores and tenements, tar and gravel root, 76x100; cost, S.300,0nO; owners. Fox Square Bldg. Co.. Wm. Oppenheim. 773 Westchester av, president; arch¬ itects. Goldner & Goldberg. 301 East 149th st and Emery Roth, 507 Sth av, associate. Plan Nd. 758. MISCELLANEOUS. EXTERIOR ST, e s, 78 s 138ih st, I-sty frame lumber rack. Wxl i : cost. $1,000: owners. Har¬ lem River Lumber & Wood Working Co.. Ge¬ rard av and l.'lStli sl : architert. Harry T. Howell. 149th st and 3d av. Plan No. 772. STEPHENS AV. c s, SO n Bronx River av. 1-sty frame pump house. ,8x10; cost. $2.50; owner. Clinton Stephens on premises: architect. Anton Pirner, 20611 Blackroek av. Plan No. 734. , Brooklyn. APARTMENTS, FLjVTS -VXD TE.NEMENTS. DEKALB AV. Nos. 795 & 707, 5-sty brick tenement. ."'7x8.5. slate roof, 29 families; cost, S45.000: owner, DeKalb Construction Co., 1935 Bellford av: architect. Samuel Sass. .32 Union Square, X. Y. Plan Xo. 6108. . KOSCIUSKO ST. n s, 250 w Thioop av. 4-sty brick tenement, 52x88, tin roof, 20 families; ,T cost, $25,000; owner. Max Schoenberg and ano, f 316 Throoi av; architect, Louis Berger & Co., Myrtle and Cypress avs. Plan No. 6000. ST. JOH.VS PL. n s. 143.10 w Washington av, 4-stv brick 'enement. .50x93. tar an'l gravel' roof, Ifi families: cost. $25,000; owner, Fmanuel Lleb¬ man, 180 Martense st; architects. Cphn BrOS.i S?'. Stone a I. Plan No. 6040,