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April 19, 1913 RECORD AND GUIDE 839 Co. and the United Theatres Co. The Public Service Co., which purchased the properties known as 613 and 615, are to erect a new oflice building, where their gas business will be con¬ ducted, it having been felt for some time that, the present offices at the corner of 6th and Washington sts were inadequate. The price paid for the property was about $25,0UU. The properties on the north side, known as 617. 619 and 621, were purchased by the United Thea¬ tres Co. at a cost of $37,500. A moving-picture theatre, which will accommodate 1,500 people, will be built, making two establishments of the kind in the block, Hiike Bros, having already decided to conduct a moving-picture house in the new building being erected at the southeast corner ot Washington and Oth sts. THERE was filed at Jersey City an agreement whereby the Newark Meadows Improvement Co. gave Henry W. Runyon, of Jersey City, an op¬ tion to purchase oO( acres in the Kearny mead¬ ows extending from the Newark turnpike to the Belleville turnpike and from the line of the Pennsylvania Terminal Railroad in the east to brunch A of the Erie Railroad in the west. The price to be paid is at the rate of $550 an acre. THE FABIAN CONSTRUCTION CO. removed its offlces from 1133 Broadway to 37 and SO East 28th st. HARRY GOODSTEIN has removed from 42 Broadway to room 814, 135 Broadway, Title Insurance Co. building. VAN SCHAICK REALTY CO. has removed to 30 East 42d st. MORTIMER V. LENANE died at Phoenix. Arizona, April lo and was buried here on April 17, from his home at Sll West 103d street and the Church ot the Holy Trinity. Mr. Lenane was long engaged in the real estate business in New York City, latterly with offlces in the Emigrant S,avings Bank Building. The Real Estate Board of Brokers, of which he was a member, adopted resolutions of condolence, at a special meeting of the Governors on Monday, stating that the members of the board, through long association with Mr. Lenane had found him always a man ot principle and integrity, conducting his business and social relations in accordance with a high standard ot ethics and was justly esteemed for his character and de¬ votion to duty. PEASE & ELLIMAN will move their down¬ town offlce from the Haight Building at 156 B'roadway to the Liberty Tower, at Liberty and Nassau sts. J. EDGAR LEAYCRAFT & CO. are to remove from 17 West 42d st, where they have been for many years, to the new building erected at 30 East 42d st. G. W. CAHEN has withdrawn from the H. M. Weill Co. He will open real estate offlces in the World's Tower Building at 110 West 40th st. THERE HAS BEEN INCORPORATED at Al¬ bany the 12 West 36th St. Corporation. It is capitalized at .$1,000 and has as directors George A. K. Sutton, Arthur W. Britton and J. M. Sul¬ livan. The property at that location stands in the name of Robert Irwin, Jr., who acquired it in 1886. It consists ot a 4-sty building, on lot 25x98.9, just west ot the Gorham Building, at the southwest corner of Sth av. THE .ALLIANCE REALTY CO is the buyer ol the S-sty apartment house at 230 West 113th st, the sale of which by the West Side Construction Co., Jacob Axelrod, president, was reported re¬ cently. This property was given in part pay¬ ment for the six dwellings at 162 to 172 West 87th st, previously reported. MARY R. HAINES is the buyer of the Arona¬ ree apartment house at 501 to 510 West Illth st. the sale of which by the Roffler Construction Co. was reported recently. THE STOCKWELL-PURSER REALTY CO. Is the buyer of the 5-sty apartment house at 65 Pinehurst av, the sale of which by Bing £ Bing through Slawson £ Hobbs was reported recently. In exchange the company gave 50 lots in Port Washington Park, Port Washington, L, I. TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. loaned on first mortgage $60,000 for 3 years to Solomon Brooks on the church property at the northwest corner ot 25th st and 7th av, 80x98.9. ON APRIL 22 the Nutley Realty Co. will move into its new offlces on the 17th floor of the Wool- worth Building, after having been located for 16 years at 99 Nassau st. EWING, BACON fi HENRY have removed their offlce from SO Church st to the Architects' Building. 101 Park av. and they have also opened a branch office at S2 Broadway. On Guard. The Washington Heights Taxpayers' Associa¬ tion has appointed the following named as a special committee on New York Central and Riverside Drive improvement matters : John D. Beals, chairman ; Dr. W. T. Alexander, 940 St. Nicholas avenue ; John Boschen, 416 West 15Ith street John H. Bolles, 151 Nassau street; Regi¬ nald Pelham Bolton. 6.38 West 158th street; Benjamin L. Blauvelt, 632 West 1.5Sth street; William Bainbridge, 823 Riverside Drive ; A. S. Balz, 819 Riverside Drive; Oscar D. Dike, 618 West ISSth street; Macomb G. Foster, P. O. Box 1120; Rev. Milo H. Gates, D. D., 801 Riverside Drive; Hon. Max S. Grifenhagen, 522 West 149th street; Otto Hartmann, 865 Riverside Drive; Richard Seiden Harvey, 245 Broadway ; D. F. Mahoney. 464 West 152d street; Andrew J. Shipman. 6.'I6 West 158th street; David Stew¬ art, 203 Broadway; E. B. Treat, i)42 St. Nicho¬ las av; Hon. John -Whalen, 4,58 West 135th etreet; Collin H. Woodward, 2005 Amsterdam avenue; A. B. Wesslau, 788 Riverside Drive. ----------•--------- —Architects have enquired the name of the beautiful marbles of which the sixteen columns in the lobby ot the Hotel McAlpin were cut. The Tompkins-KIel Marble Co., which fur¬ nished the columns, state that twelve are light golden veined Famosa and four are light Bon- gard. The light golden veined Famosa marble are used In the ladles' parlor tor door trims and table tops, as well as In the main dining room for a large mantel and several large table tops. Borrowers having desirable property on which loans are wanted can be accominodated in any amount at prevailing rates of interest. Submit your loans and we can talvc care of them promptly. Lawyers Title Insurance & Trust Co. SURPLUS 55,500,000 188 Montague ,St., Brooklyn 13.54 Broadway, Brooklyn 367 Fulton St., Jamaica CAPITAL $4,000,000 160 Broadway, Manhattan 142.5 ,St. Nicholas Avenue, Manhattan 381-383 East 149th Street 3 ^' fWjlNEf,! 6,1893 TRADeX ■ fiARj REO.U.S.PAT.OI--f y-' :«l2a35S»fNm* ' Approved Fire Appliances Safety Fire Bucket Tank Safety Fire Extinguisher LABELED HOSE WATCHMAN'S CLOCKS GASOLINE CANS HOSE RACKS WASTE CANS FIRE AXES and HOOKS Send for Catalogue and Prices SAFETY FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. 291-3 Seventh Ave. Tei. asse Mad. Sq. New York We Make a Specialty of BUILDING ALTERATIONS STORE FRONTS STORE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK C. SANDHOP 771 LEXINGTON AVENUE, N. Y. CITY Phone, 6729 Plaza THIS METAL CEILING HAS CHARACTER A plain design—most effective as the "fin¬ ishing touch." In Craftsman style, grained to match the effect of fine wood¬ work, it has all the advantages inherent to metal construction. No nails. All joints tongued and grooved. 11 does not shrink, swell or "craze." It is in¬ combustible and does not harbor insects. Can be put up directly on wooden beams, flat tile arches or placed over plaster ceilings. Beam Cdlinj. Cr«fuman Style, in a Subiuban Residence NORTHROP, COBURN & DODGE CO. Pioneer Manufacturers 40 Cherry Street Telephone, 481 Beekman NEW YORK