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322 RECORD AND GUIDE August 16, 1913 The Clinton Fireproofing System INSTALLED IN THE Scribner Publishing Co. NEW YORK ERNEST FLAGG Architect JOHN T. BRADY CO. Builders Plans Figuring (Continued.) Fireproofing J. KRESSE CO. ALBERT OLIVER 101 PARK AVENUE H. G. OLIVER, Manager njun Afruai "» q Gibraltar Is symbolical of Strength. fl Gnybco brands of common brick have the fortitude of the Mediterranean Fortress. Their quaUty makes them impregnable against Time, Frost and Flood. GREATER NEW YORK BRICK CO. Sellers of Gnybco Brands Phone, MurrayHill, 761 103 Park Ave. IN USE SINCE 1889 PO^LAND ^^CEMENT The Lawrence Cement Co. Makers and Shippers 30 Million Bbla. Cement 1 BROADWAY NEW YORK Waterproof Dragon—Dragon While H ENERY MAURER & SON ^^-'''.r"" Fireproof Building MaterialSp^o^ F.\pERY^ Hollow Brick made ot Clay for Flat Arches. Par¬ titions, Purring, Etc., Porous Terra Cotta. Fire Bricli, Etc. Office and Depot. 420 E. 23d STREET Works Maurer, N.J. .NEW VORK CARTER, BLACK & AYERS FRONT BRICKS, ENAMELED BRICKS Architectural Terra CottaFireproofing.RoofingTiles ?6!l'7a°Sfadison s,. 1182 Bfoadway, N. Y. THE NEW JERSEY TERRA COTTA CO. K. MATHIASEN, President ARCHITECTURAL TERRA - COTTA Tel. 3903-4 Cort. Singer Bldg., 149 Broadway PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ONEONTA, N. Y.—Figures are being received by the U. S. Government, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. for the erection of a brick and stone post offlce here, to cost about IfTj.iJUU. Oscar Wenderoth, supervising architect. Plans and specifications can be seen at the offlces of the Record and Guide, 119 West 4Uth st. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. MANHATTAN.—A. F. A. Schmitt. C04 Cort¬ landt av, architect, is taking bids for a brick parochial school to be erected at 1-lUth st and College av, for the Church of St. Rita of Cascia, 14.!.th st and College av, Rev. J. P. OBrien, pastor. STABLES AND GARAGES. M.\NHATTAN.—Charles B. & Stephen H. Ma¬ son, ti:;:; West STth st, owners, are taking bids for a U-sty brick garage, U0.\9t) ft. to be erected at 21S-2:;:; west 50th st, from plans hy Frank A. Rooke, 489 5th av, architect. Cost, about $10,000. M-\.NH.\TT.\N.—Figures are being received for a 'J-sty brick addition, 125x200 ft., to the garage at 239-241 West o5th st, through to oCth st for the Times Square Auto Co., 117U Broad¬ way, N. Y. C., and 1210 So. Michigan st, Chi¬ cago, 111. Schwartz & Gross, 347 Sth av, are architects. Lawrence A. Ball, 25 East 24tb st, is steel engineer. Cost, about $75,000. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. MOUNT VERNON. N. Y.—T. -\. Stephenson, 135 Prospect av, owner, is taking bids on subs and materials for a store and offlce building to be erected on Prospect av, between 3d and 4th avs. from private plans. Cost, about $12,000. JERSEY CITY, N. J.—J. J. ONeill, 14 Oak¬ land av, architect, is taking bids on the gen¬ eral contract for four 1-sty brick stores, 70xi;i ft., to be eretced at 556-S-60 Summit av, lor Chas Blaney, care ol architect. Cost about $10,0C0. MANHATTAN.—Figures are being received for a o-sty brick loft. 39x93 ft, to be erected at 100-102 10th av, for Michael McGuire, owner, care of Jas. S. Maher, 1328 Broadway, archi¬ tect. Cost, about $40,000. THEATRES. BROOKLY'N.—The Libman Contracting Co., 107 West 46th st, N. Y. C, is figuring the gen¬ eral contract for the theatre to be erected at Church av. near Flatbush av, from plans by Robert Rasmussen, and desire all bids from sub¬ contractors prior to August 20. BROOKLY.N.—Leslie & White, ISO Montague st architects, are taking bids on general con¬ tract for a 1-sty brick moving picture theatre. 50x100 ft, to be erected on the north side of Broadway. 100 ft. west of Hewes st. for J. J. Allen, care ot architect, owner. Cost, about $12,000. ' CONTEMPLATED | CONSTRUCTION. I Mi-nbattan. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. PARK .AV.—Excavating is under way tor the 13-sty apartment house at the southeast corner of Park av and 72d st, for the E. A. L. Hold¬ ing Co.. Edgar A. Levy, 505 5th av, president. Rouse & Goldstone, 40 West 32d st, are the architects. Cost, ahout $850,000. FORT W.\SH1NGT0.\" -W.—Foundations have been completed for the li-sty apartment house at thc southwest corner of Fort Washington av and 161st st for the Friedman Construction Co., 171 Broadway, owner. Harold Young, 1204 Broadway, is architect. The Fort Masonry Co., .") Beekman st, has the brick mason work and the Alliegro Construction Co., 140th st and od av. the masonry tor foundations. The Melrose Plumbing Co., 4.'i3 East 160th st. has the plumb¬ ing, and Peter Laspina Co.. 391 East liyth st, cut stone work. Cost about $375,000. 152D ST.—Neville .& Bagge, 215 West 125th st, are preparing plans tor a 5-sty brick and limestone tenement, 50x100 tt, to be erected in the south side ot lo2d st, 100 ft east oC Broadway, tor John McLoughlin, 346 East Slst St. owner. Cost, about $50,000. 191 ST ST.—John Boylan, builder, contem¬ plates the erection of an apartment house in the south side ot 191st st, between .Audubon and St. Nicholas avs, on a plot 150.\100 ft. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. CANAL ST.—Demolishing is under way tor the 2-sty brick extension and alterations to the warehouse at 410-420 Canal st tor Benjamin C. Faulkner, care of Thompson, Koss & Warren. 256 Broadway. Jean Jeaume. 37 SuUiyan st. is architect. The Crucible Steel Co., 410-420 Canal st, is lessee. P. Roberts Co.. 37 Sullivan st, is general contractor. The Germania Roofing Co.. 26 Sullivan st. has the rooflng work, and the Chr. Hater's Iron Works. 107 West 37th st. has the steel and ornamental iron work. Cost about $25,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. MANHATT.\N.—Bids were received by the Board of Education, Aug. 11, tor fire proteclion work at Public School 40. Robert J. Mackey is low bidder at $5,025. M.\NHATTAN.—Bids were received by the Board of Education. Aug. 11. tor furnishing and erecting, complete, a pipe organ at the Washington Irving High School. M. P. Moller was low bidder, at $9,750. STABLES AND GARAGES. SOTH ST.—C. G. Flygaro, 144 West 39th st, has completed plans for alterations to the 2-sty brick garage, .50x90 ft., at 148 West 39th st tor the John D. Wendei Estate, care ot John G. Wendei, executor, 173 Broadway. Cost about $16,000 STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. BROADWAY.—Simeon B. Eisendrath, 500 oth av, is preparing plans for remodeling the res¬ taurant and cafe al the northeast corner of Broadway and 48th st for the Mecca Realty Co., Broadway aad 56th st, owner; Levi Weingar¬ ten, president. George Rector Co., Inc., care ot owner, is lessee. Cost, about $100,000. PEARL ST.—M. W. Del Gaudio, 401 Tremont av, is preparing plans for a 6-sty bri^a. loft to be erectea at 451-55 Pearl st for M. Bacci, 46 Park st, owner. CANAL ST.—Renwick, Aspinwall & Tucker, 320 5th av, are preparing plans for a 3-sty. ad¬ dition to the loft building at the northwest cor¬ ner of Canal and Sullivan sts tor the Trinity Corporation, 1S7 Fuiton st. Peter A. Frasse Co., on premises, is lessee. Cost about $40,000. 34TH ST.—James W. Cole, 403 West 51st st, has prepared plans for alterations to the 5-sty tenement 324 West :J4th st for Mrs. C. Mc¬ Donald, 315 West 33d St. SOTH ST.—Rouse & Goldstone, 38 West 32d st, have completed plans for two 12-sty apartments, S7.6 and 75x81.8 ft., to be erected at 149 to 163 West 8Uth st for the Aimore Realty Co., 30 East 42d St. Estimated cost, $510,000. 57TH ST.—Excavating is under way tor the 3-sty brick and stone taxpayer at the south¬ west corner ot 57th st and 5th av, for the Fifty-Seventh Street & Fifth Avenue Co., 37(i Sth av, August Heckscher, president. H. Ed¬ ward Ficken, 10 West 22d st, is architect. Irons & Todd, 101 Park av, have the gen¬ eral contract; B. A. & G. N. Williams, Walnut av and 133d st, cut stone work, and Post & McCord, 101 Park av, the steel contract. Cost, about $63,tW0. THEATRES. BROADWAY.—Excavating is going on al the northeast corner of Broadway and 47th st for the theatre and offlce building to be erected on the old Brewster carriage factory site. The Sutphen Estate, 311 West 72d st, is owner of land ; M. H. Mark Realty Co., White Bldg., Buf¬ falo, X. Y.. is lessee of land and owner ot build¬ ing ; Thomas W. Lamb. 64f Sth av, architect: Cramp & Co., 25 East 26th st, general contraet- crs; George A. Just Co., 239 Vernon av. Long Island City, steel; and Lewis Harding & Co., 334 East 27th st, carpenter work. Estimated cosl is $500,000. Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. SOUTHER.N BOULEVARD.—Joseph Corn. 121 West 27th st, has purchased the property at 960-966 Southern Boulevard tor investment only. WASHINGTO.N AV.—Sommerteld & Steckler, 31 Union sq. have completed plans for two 6- sty brick tenements. 5nx94 ft., to be erected on the east side of Washington av, 56 tt. north of Wendover av, for Harry M. Goldberg, 309 Broad¬ way, owner. Cost about $90,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGTIS. THE BRONX.—The Board ot Education opened bids -August 11 for forming a culinary room in the first floor ot Public School 7. The low bid¬ der was J. M. Knopp, al $1,0S3. THEATRES. BOSTON RD.—Foundations are under way for the 2-sty hrick theatre, 154x163 ft., on the west side of Boston rd, 212 ft. north of 167th st, for the Weissager Amusement Co.. William H. Weissager, president. 773 East 169th st, owner, -Neville & Bagge, 217 East 12.jth st, are archi¬ tects. The Jackson Democratic Club. 1112 Jack¬ son av, Jandorf & Steiner, 131S Boston rd, and Anderson Ziegler Co., 404 Times Building, are lessees. Robert E. Moss, 126 Lilherty st. is steel engineer. M. A. Cerrucci, 332 East 150th st, lias mason work for foundations, and Thos. Milligan, Shakespeare av and 172d st, brick mason work. Brooklyn. DWELLI.NGS. UNION ST.—Benjamin Driesler. 133 Rem¬ sen st, has completed plans for two 2-sty brick and limestone residences, 20x43 ft, to be erected on 25 lots in the south side of Union st, between Rogers and Nostrand avs, for The Realty Associates. 162 Remsen sl, owners. Cost, about $4,000 each. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. HUDSO.N AV.—Bids are in for the G-sty rein¬ forced concrete warehouse. 100x105 ft. to be erected at Hudson and Front avs. for tne Bocru'.n & Pease Co., 109 Leonard st. N. Y. C. Wm. B. Boerum, Jr.. president. W. S. Timmis. 1.328 Broadwav, N. Y. C. is arcbitect and engineer Cost, about $100,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. .\V C.—C. B. J. Snyder. 500 Park av. has com¬ pleted plans for the 5-sty public school. No. 179. 200x91 ft. to he erected on the south side of .K\ C. trom East 2d to East 3d sts. for the Board of Education. Park av and 59th st. N. Y. C. Cost, ahout $240,000. Bids will soon be advertised. STORES. OFFICES .\ND LOFTS. ERO.^DWAY.—Excavating is under way tor a 2-sty brick, stone nnl inm taxpayer on tiift block bounded by Broad-^-iy Bush,vic:t av. Lin¬ den and Grove sts, Brooklyn, for Henry Von Glahn. 66 Washington av. Brooklyn, owner. Benjamin Driesler. 153 Remsen st, is architect, A. Kleinert. 316 Fiatbush av. is general con¬ tractor. Louis Frisse. 669 Bushwick av, has the plumbing work. Cost, about $20,000. COURT ST.—Foundations are under wav for the 12-sty bank and offlce building, 63xi:-15 tt, at the southwest corner ot Court and Jorale¬ mon sts, tor the Weinbro Real Estate Co., Inc., owner. W, E. Lehman, 738 Eroad st. Newark, N. J., is architect. J. H. Parker, 315 4th av, is general contractor. Cost, about $400,000.