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BUILDERS AND NEW YORK, OCTOBER 4,-1013 SiEBIifiiiiSaiBfc WILL BE THE WORLD'S HIGHEST SKYSCRAPER I To Be Erected By the Pan-American States Association From Plans of Francis H. Kim¬ ball — Hudson Maxim Heading the Movement — A Vast Edifice of Wonderful Parts. •'JllliliilillilllB^^^^^^ FR.WCIS H. KIMBALL, of 71 Broad¬ way, Manhattan, is completing plans and specifications for the proposed Pan- American States Association Building, which is to be erected in this city. As outlined by Robert Lee Dunn, manager of the association, at 102 West 32d street, the proposed new home is to be the architectural wonder of the world, and is intended for permanent exhibits of the products of Central and Southern America and of the United States. It will contain the most e.xtensive and commodious club rooms, library and in¬ formation and translation bureau in the world. It will have a height of 901 feet, topping" the Woolworth Building by 150 feet, making it the tallest structure in the world. The design is of Spanish architecture, in keeping witli the under¬ lying purpose of the building—that of serving the joint interests of Latin- American countries and the United States. According to Mr. Dunn, the main section will have 32 floors with 23 and 25-foot ceilings. The remaining floors, up to the apex of the building, form a series of towers, rising to the full height. To quote from the asso¬ ciation's prospectus: "The 21,000,000 cubic feet of material required will come in large part from Latin-.\merican countries. The general plan is to provide a permanent place of exhibition of products of Latin America, as well as of the United States, so that buyers from all over the world may have a place where goods are ex¬ hibited permanently, together with all the facilities for transacting business with far-away countries. This will in¬ clude clulj and hotel features as well as offices for lawyers and merchants affili¬ ated with different industries. "Machinery Hall, whicli will occupy the first floor, will be an immense hall, taking in the entire area of the building. Here may be exhibited on a large scale every variety of machinery. The second floor will be devoted lo exhibitions of local manufacturers, and the industries of different sections are to have floors devoted to the exhibition of their prod¬ ucts. "One floor is reserved as a club for the Governors of the various States, where they will be entertained when in the city. It is a part of the plan of thc Pan-.\merican States Association to have at all times the co-operation of the Governors of.-States, who are vice-presi¬ dents of the or-ganization.' "Above the Governors' floor the next four stories are set aside for the Latin- American republics. The next seven floors will be laid out as offices for ex¬ porters, merchants and interests trans¬ acting business with Lafiri-.\nlerican people. "Above the office section there will 2 WHMaiiia m DESIG.X FOB P.\N-A:.IERICAX BUILDING, be a club floor, with a library unexcelled in the world. The Latin-American gov¬ ernments are to contribute to this libra¬ ry not only literature, but all manner of governmental and business reports; in short, everything of value printed in their respective countries, Latin-Ameri¬ can newspapers and periodicals, statistics of -American affairs, etc. "On another floor there will be a large dining-room, and eight private dining-rooms for men and women; with conference rooms and private club- rooms. Another floor will be construct¬ ed as an auditorium to be used for lec¬ tures and assemblies. The space in the tower will be largely devoted to private apartments for the use of distinguished visitors and guests of the association. "The cost of the building is estimated at $11,000,000. At the present time sev¬ eral sites are under consideration. One of these is the site facing the new Penn¬ sylvania Station on the east side of Seventh avenue, 32d to 33d streets; an¬ other is at the northwest corner of Lex¬ ington avenue and 42d street, at the Grand Central Terminal. The matter is in the hands of a committee, with the probability that it will soon be decided upon. "The building fund will doubtless be forthcoming as soon as a sufficient num¬ ber of leases for the floor space are se¬ cured. The response from the different Latin-American countries has been very gratifying; in fact, they are largely re¬ sponsible for the idea of having a per¬ manent home in New York for exhibits and for offices of consuls." Grand Rotunda. The heart of the building, this mag¬ nificent chamber will loom as a thing of exquisite and impressive beauty as one enters on the main floor. A huge mosaic, representing the globe, will lie under foot, coronated with the emblems of each of the twenty participating gov¬ ernments. Four chambers apart will serve as concourses before thirty-two bronze elevators. High, aloft, will be beautiful arches with deep graining and panels in high relief in color and gold. The hall, designed by the Brazilian government, will be a gigantic room covering 35,000 square feet of space. In panels about the walls will be emblaz¬ oned the names of that.republic's great cities, and in the main chamber will-Jie shown permanently everything'-.: Ihat Brazil has to offer to the remaind-er/of the world, either as a matter of inter¬ est or a product for purchase. The ex¬ tension expanse is so large that the lighting facilities will be unsurpassed. Hudson Maxim of Brooklyn is presi- derit of fhe Pan-.\merican States Asso¬ ciation. The full ground area of the building is 200 x 200 feet.