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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 92, no. 2382]: November 8, 1913

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862 RECORD AND GUIDE November 8, 1913 Cable Address Cruikshank, New York EstabUshed 1794 Incorporated 1903 Cruikshank Company Successor to E. A. Cruikshank & Co. No. 141 Broadway REAL ESTATE Agents Appraisers Brokers OFFICERS: Warren Cruikshank, President WiUiam L. DeBost, Vice-President WiUiam B. Harding, Treas. Russell V. Cruikshank, Sec'y DIRECTORS: E. A. Cniikshank Robert L. Gerry Warren Cruikshank R. Horace Gallatin WiUiam H. Porter William L. DeBost William B. Harding Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd MAN.)\GEMENT OF ESTATES 84 WILLIAM STREET NEW YORK BROKERS, APPRAISERS, AGENTS FIRM OF LEONARD J. CARPENTER Agents Brokers Appraisers 25 LIBERTY STREET Branch, comer Third Avenue and 6Sth Street Entire Charge of Property D. Y. Swainson A. H. Carpenter C. L. Carpenter JACOB APPELL REAL ESTATE BROKER AND APPRAISER 271 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET TELEPHONE CALL, 373 CHELSEA Wm. CRUIKSHANK'S SONS BROKERS APPRAISERS AND The General Management OF Real Estate 31 LIBERTY STREET J. CLARENCE DAVIES BRONX BOROUGH REAL ESTATE 149th STREET & THIRD AVENUE Te;. Con. Branch Office, 156 BROADWAY Member of Board of Brokers ESTABUSHED 1867 RULAND & WHITING CO. REAL ESTATE 5 Beekman St. 331 Madison Are. NEW YORK Irving Rulaod, Pret. Jas.S. Aodenon, Vtc«-Prei. Rich&td L. Beckwith, S«cy. A. Rene Moea. Ticu. SPECIAUSTS IN BUSINESS PROPERTY EDGAR A. MANNING REAL ESTATE Tel. f83o Murray HiU 4S9 FIFTH AVENUE THE WEEK'S REAL ESTATE NEWS Brokerage Sales, Auctions, Foreclosure Suits, Building Loans, etc., Together With Brief Personal Items. Apartment Houses Figured Prominently in the Business From the limited number of sales re¬ ported this week, no improvement in the real estate situation can be noted. Business, in the main, continues to con¬ sist of the usual quota of tenements, dwellings, flats and apartment houses, each with a small representation. A West 39th street Ioft building and a Bron.x vacant block front figured in the more conspicuous transactions of the week. .-August Heckscher added to his Fifth avenue holdings. The total number of sales in Manhat¬ tan this week was 13, against 18 for last week. The number of sales south of 59th street was 7, against 11 last week and 18 a year ago. The sales north of 59th street aggre¬ gated 6, compared with 7 last week and 16 a year ago. From the Bronx 12 sales at private contract were reported, against 3 last week and 21 a year ago. The amount involved in the Manhat¬ tan and Bronx auction sales this week was $313,825, compared with $1,956,669 last week, making a total since Janu¬ ary 1 of $44,448,100. The figure for the corresponding week last year was $165.- 425, making the total since January 1, i912. of $40,571,588. [ PRIVATE REALTY SALES. I Manhattan—South of S9th Street. GR.\ND ST, 207, 5-sty tenement, -n-ith stores, on lot :;3xS0. sold for Leonard -Weill to Dr. .^. .\ostrogiavanne, by Hiram Rinaldo. LE-ft'IS ST, 1)6. -1-sty building, on lot '20x50. adjoining the southeast corner of Rivington st. reported sold by Celia Stern. .MADISOX ST. 88. :i-sty dwelling, on lot 2.-..V bet Catherine and Market sts, sold by Catherine Quinlivan. PE.\RL ST, 74. 4-sty building, on lot i;4.\61x irreg. northeast corner of Coenties Slip, resold for .Mfred C. Carsten. for cash, to a client, by the Charles F. Noyes Co. The property was bought at auction on Thursday by Mr. Carsten. representing certain Kaegelbohn heirs, at the stand of Samuel Goldsticker. for $24,000. The building is on one of the best corners in the neighborhood and it is stated that the new- owners are about to lease it through the Noyes Co. tor 21 years on a net rental basis. .'WD ST. 424-438 West. 12-5ty Ioft building, on piot 131x',iS.!i, bet Oth and 10th avs. sold 6y the McKeon Realty Co. to Joseph Guinet. who gave in exchange 520 Broadway, an 11-sty busi¬ ness building, on plot 50x100, near Spring st. the vacant plot. 100x100. at the southwest corner of Convent av and 141st st. and Mt. Vernon property. 4.8TH ST, 61 -West, 5-sty English basement dwelling, on lot 21.6x100.5 (Columbia College leasehold), resold for a client to Dr. Frederick H. Coerr by Maurice Wertheim. The house was formerly owned by Dr. George E. Brewer, who sold it some weeks ago through the same broker. .-)7TH ST. 4 West, and 3-5 West 56th st. three 4-sty and basement dwellings, the 57th st frontage heing .37.6 ft and the abutting 56th st frontage being 50 ft., sold for the 4 -tt'est o7th St. Co. to August Heckscher. by Henry D. -Wi¬ nans & May. Mr. Heckscher gave in part pay¬ ment the vacant lot. .30x175. on the east side of .5th av. nii.ll ft south of 70th st. and the va¬ cant plot. 126x about 01. on the n-est side of Broad-way. 300 ft north of 122d st. -U'ith the site of the former "Whitney house at the south¬ west corner of 5th av and 57th st. w-hich Mr. Heckscher purchased several months ago. he now ow-ns about 21.iM;Hi sq ft available for im¬ provement. Manhattan—North of 59th Street l()5TH ST. 2ri8-lit East. 6-sty tenement, on plot 36x100. near '..d av. sold by Samuel Shreyer to Max Eiger and L. Lusthaus. who gave in part payment the 3-sty tenement at 444-52 Ham¬ burg av. Brooklyn. 122D ST. 1.36 -West. 4-sty and hasement dwell¬ ing, on lot 17.6x11X1. bet Lenox and 7th avs. sold for Frederick Van Wyck to Mrs. Fanny Mooney. bv the Duross Co. 141ST ST. 351 -West. 3-sty dwelling, on plot 31x00.11. with 35 ft. in rear, sold for Thomas F. Hogan to a client, by D. H. Scully £ Co. TUe purchaser will occupy it after t-xtcu.sivw alterations. 143D ST, 510 West, C-sty apartment house. -'Westhourne," on plot 70.10x100, bet Eroad¬ way and Hamilton pl, sold by the Lloyd Con¬ struction Co. (Morris Goldberg, president! to an investor for price said to be $105,000. The sellers acquired the building in June. 1011. ADRIAN .KV, swc 228th st, 2Vi-sty frame dwelling on plot 63x100, sold for Patrick Mahon to a client for occupancy, by the Duross Co. ST NICHOLAS PL, 50, 6-sty elevator apart¬ ment, on plot 100x100, sold for the Strathcona Construction Co. to A. M. Eendheim by Frank E. Smith and .K. Ginsberg. The buyer gave in exchange the plot. 11X1x150, at the north¬ east corner of Riverside Drive and 155th st. The vacant parcel ligured in the deal at $100,000 and the latter at $225,Ot«i. The Riverside Drive corner w-ill be improved w-ith a high class ele¬ vator apartment house. Bronx. HO.ME ST, nec Hoe av (.Xos. 971-985 Home st), four 5-sty flats, on plot 130x109, reported sold by Samuel J Hoexter. 163D ST East, ss, vacant block front between Stebbins av and Roger pl. measuring 230 ft. on 163d st and 125 ft. on the other sts, sold for George F. Johnson to a client, by L. M. Mosauer & Co. The buyer is a building company, which will improve the site with 5-sty apartment houses. The plot was held at $115,000. The property occupies a peculiar position, being at the junction ot 162d and 163d sts. Stebbins and Westchester avs. 179TH ST, 748 East. 5-sty new law building on plot 36x95, bet Clinton and Prospect avs, sold by the Bischoff Construction Co. to a buy¬ er, who gave in exchange the Hotel Plaza at SeacliB, L. I. .ANTHONY AV, 1731-1733. two 2-family houses, north of 174th st, sold for the Lawyers Mortgage Co to a client, by M. Heller. BRIGGS AV. 2.591 and 2599. two 5-sty new- law apartments, on plot 90x85, sold by the William Oerting Co. to an investor. DEC.\TUR AV. 2565-2567, 5-sty flat-house, on plot. 50x107, south of 193d st. sold by J. Gross¬ man to a buyer said to be Henry Kiel, who owns adjoining property. EDSON AV, two-family house on lot 25x100. sold for Julia Mezey to a client by the Schoen- Westchester Realty Co. H.WE.N .KV, e s, 75 ft. north ot 169th st. lot 25xl34x irreg. sold for the estate of Adelaide Murdock to Ennis & Sinnott by James E. Barry & Co. JEROME .KV, w s, 163 ft south ot Kingsbridge rd. two .J-sty flats, on plot liRixll4. reported sold by H. B. Davis to William Gundlach. PROSPECT .KV, 131.5. 5-sty apartment house, on plot 40x105. resold for the John J. Tully Co. to a client, by Alexander Selkin and David .Muntz. This is the third sale of this property through the same brokers. TIFFANY ST. 941, 5-sty apartment house, sold tor August Schussler to the New York Con¬ struction Co. by Henry & Burnsteiner. WHITE PLAINS -\V, 3320, 3-sty flat, with store, on lot 25xln(i. sold for a client by Hugo Wabst. Brooklyn. C.\RROLL ST. 1202. 12(14. 1206, three 2-tam¬ ily houses sold for T. Brown to A. Lupien by the Bedford Exchange. The buyers gave in ex change the 3-sty brick flat at 671 Lincoln pl. RYERSON ST, ETC.—H. W. Rozell & Son have recently sold for Mr. Steward 107 Ryerson St. a 3-sty franie building, to a client for in¬ vestment; 226 Clermont ax. 2i.i-sty frame for Mrs. Rome to a client for occupancy : 69 Park av, .3-sty brick apartment w-ith store for Mrs. McAnerj- to a client tor investment ; 193 Carl¬ ton av. a 3-sty and basement brick for Mrs. Dalil to a client for occupancy. The same brok¬ ers also sold in conjunction with De Hyman Bros.. 310 .\delphi st, a 3-sty and basement brick for Mr. Duggi to a client for occupancy. 3D ST. 498, 4-sty and basement dw-eiling. on lot 22x100. in the Park Slope section, sold for J. G. Partlin to Eleanor Renwick for occu¬ pancy, by the Duross Co. EAST ISTH ST. 595, 21^-sty frame and stucco bungalow, on plot 40x100. sold for R. H. Thomp¬ son to a client, by David Porter. The same broker also sold for the E. R. Strong Building Co. the southeast corner of Foster av and East 10th St. a 2V>-sty brick and stucco bungalow. WEST 24TH ST, 120 ft south of Neptune av. tw-o lots. 40x119. sold by Herman Brandstein to Martin Shower, who will improve with two bungalow-s. GATES AV. 393a. 4-sty building, sold for the Eagle Savings & Loan .Association to William Xecker. the undertaker. The building at the present time has a parlor and basement store, but Mr. Xecker is planning extensive alterations to the huilding. He contemplates building a garage in the rear and a 2-sty extension for