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526 RECORD AND GUIDE March 21, 19l4 Geo. A. Fuller Company Fireproof Building Construction OFFICES: New York Boston Philadelphia Chattanooga Kansas City Montreal, Can. Winnipeg, Can. Baltimore Washington Chicago Detroit Milwaukee Atlanta Toronto, Can. You need A doctor to prescribe for your illness You need A lawyer to handle your legalmatters You need A builder to erect your building You need thoroughly competent, experienced insurance specialists to handle your insurance "That's Us" Ritch-Hughes Co. 1123 Broadway, New York Telephone 1721 MadisonSquare THE WHITNEY COMPANY (Incorporated 1902) BUILDERS Architectural and Engineering Construction 1 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK New Yorlc Seattle Denver Boston Plan* Figuring (Continued). Hungerford Brass Sc Copper Co., Uri T. Hunger- ford, president, 497 Pearl St. Cost, ahout $15,000. UTICA, N. T.—Plans are being flgured for the 2-sty bricl£ hottling plant, 44xlOS ft., on 3d av, for the Eagie Brewing Co., Wm. Welch, president. Peucliert & Wunder, SIO Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa., architects and engineers. Cost, about $30,000. MA.NHATTAN.—Louis E. Dell, 1133 Broad¬ way, architect, is taking bids for a 2-sty briclt storage building, 66x101 ft., in East 93d st, 90 ft. east ot 3d av, for George Ehret, on premises. HAL1.S AND CLUBS. MANHATTAN.—Hoppin St Koen, 244 Sth av, architects, are taking bids for remodeling the kitchen and other interior changes to the club house southeast corner of Madison av and 26th st for the Manhattan Club, on premises. Victor J. Dowling, president. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. MANHATTAN.—Eugene Schoen, 25 West 42d st, architect, is taking bids on general contract to close March 30 for alterations to the 5-sty hrick and terra cotta asylum and synagogue 274x280 2d st for the Austrian Hungarian Free Hebrew Burial Orphan Asylum Society, 17 Clinton st, Gus E. Hartman, president, 274 2d St. Cost, ahout $100,000. MUNICIPAL. BROOKLYN.—The City ot New York, De¬ partment of Water Supply, Gas & Electricity, 13-21 Park Row, is taking bids to close March 23 at 2 P. M. for a wagon shed and storage and offlce and storage building at the southwest corner of Butler and Nevins sts from plans by I. M. DeVarona, 21 Park Row, N. Y. C. Total cost, $10,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. MANHATTAN.—Plans are being flgured for the 5-sty school at 123-127 East 85th st for the Yorkville Talmud Torah School, 121 East 8oth st Harry Fischel, World Buiiding, chairman building committee. Benj. W. Levitan, 30 West Slst st, architect. Cost, about $100,000. PERTH AMBOY, N. J.—The Board of Educa¬ tion of Perth Amboy. John K. Sheehy, president, is taking bids for an addition to P. S. 4 in Smith st, near Davidson av, from plans by Day¬ ton & Smith, 102 Market st. Cost, about $50,- 000. THEATRES. BROOKLYN.—The Libman Contracting Co., I.IO West 46th st, N. Y. C, is flguring the gen¬ eral contract for a theatre at Bedford av and Prospect pl from plans by C. Volz, 2 West 45th st, Manhattan, architect, and desires bids on all subs prior to March 24, BROOKLYN.—^Wilfred Mulveny. owner, care of Koch Sc Wagner, architects, 26 Court st, is taking bids on general contract for alterations to the moving picture theatre southeast cor¬ ner of Bridge and Concord sts. GEO. HARRISON JOHN F. MEYER HARRISON & MEYER Artificial Stone Pavements Centurian Building Madiso^n^uare 8718 1182 BrOadway Wm. H.Oliver ^"'="°^'^*°^'''' Established 1!>46 DECORATIVE Painting Paper Hangings and Interior Decorations 57 Fifth Avenue NewYork Telephone, 833 Stuyvesant THEATRES. BROADWAY.—The Hoffman Co., room 501, Empire Building, 13th and Walnut sts, Phila¬ delphia, Pa., is preparing plans for alterations to the Broadway Theatre, 92x157 ft., at 1443 Broadway, for the Finance Co., of Penn., CFeorge H. Earle, president. Cost, about $75,000. Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 184TH ST.—Koppe & Moore, 830 Westchester av, are T-reparing sketches for 5-sty apartment house to be erected at the northwest corner of 184th st and Park av, for the Winnie Realty & Construction Co., Maurice Muller. 939 Inter¬ vale av, owner. TINTON AV.—E.xcavating is under way for two 5-sty tenements, 42x100 ft., southwest cor¬ ner of Tinton av and 149th st for the Tinton Buiiding Corporation, Frank Biegrisch, presi¬ dent, oUl East 149th st. Harry T. Howell, 149tb st and 3d av, architect. Owner handles general contract. John Piecis, 704 Eagle av, mason contractor. Cost, about $110,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BRONX.—^The Board of Education opened bids March 16 for completing and flnishing the abandoned contract of J. J. Foley Plumbing and Heating Co., for item 2. Plumbing and drainage of P. S. 52. Christopher Nally was low bidder at $10,734. STORES, OFFICES AXD LOFTS. 3D AV.—Buchman & Fox, Madison av and 42d st, are preparing plans for a 5-sty brick fur¬ niture store. 55x99 ft., at 2929 3d av for J. Clarence Davies, 3d av and 149th st, and will take bids on general contract about April 1. THEATRES. l."i.-TH ST.—Paul B. La Velle, 507 5th av, has completed tentative plans for the completion of the 2-sty brick theatre, 80x175 ft., northwest corner of 15.3th st and Westchester av, for the Harthill Realty Sc Mortgage Co., Inc., Joseph Herzberg, president, 25 West 42d st, owner. Cost, about $50,000. I CC CONTEMPLATED j CONSTRUCTION. toWUJMiiirff.....imiil.....IliN.....■iiiwiPlil.......iiiiiiLUiimiM.....wuiiiiii......iiiMMwrnrrmnniiiM.......................... Manhattan. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 179TH ST.—C. B. Meyers, 1 Union Sq West, is preparing plans for a 6-sty apartment, south¬ east corner of 179th st and Fort Washington av, for the H. M. Construction Co., Samuel Minskoff, president, 927 East 163d st, owner and builder. WEST END AV.—Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av, have completed plans for a 12-sty apartment, southeast corner of West end av and 78th st for the 7Sth St. Sc West Bnd Av. Realty Co., Inc., 56 West 45th st. Cost, about $300,000. SHERMAN AV.—Moore & Landsiedel. 148th st and 3d av, have completed plans for a 5-sty apartment, northeast corner of Sherman av and 207th St. for the 207th St. Realty Corp., 154 Nassau st. Cost, about $115,000. 1ST AV.—Cohen Sc Felson. 329 4th av, have completed plans for alterations to the 4-sty ten¬ ement 147 1st av for Elias Jacobs Estate, 30 East 42d St. Cost, ahout $10,000. DIVISION ST.—Max Muller, 115 Nassau st, has completed plans for alterations to the 6-sty tenement, 62 Bayard st. for Eliza Pease, 61 West 74th St. Cost, about $6,000. RIVINGTON ST.—Chas. J. Reinschmidt. 147 4th av, has completed plans for alterations to the 5-sty tenement. 161 Rivington st, for Chas. Sc F. Falkenberg, 23 East 124th st. Cost, about $5,000. IT.'TH ST.—George F. Pelham. 30 East 42d st. has about completed plans for three 6-sty apart¬ ment houses, 50x112 ft. each, in the north side of 175th St. 100 ft. west of Audubon av. for the Mose Goodman Corporation. 117 West 119th st, owner and builder. Cost, about $90,000 each. RIVERSIDE DRIVE.—Samuel Katz, 1 Madi¬ son av, has completed plans for a 6-sty high class elevator apartment house at 838-844 River¬ side Drive, to cost $200,000. The Podwil Realty Co. is owner and builder. HALLS AND CLUBS. 39TH ST.—Beverly S. King, 103 Park av, architect, is revising plans for the 6-sty addi¬ tion to the Engineers' Club at 23 West 39th st, for the Engineers' Club, 32 West 40th st, owner. Henry G. Morse, 101 Park av, is consulting architect. Cost, about $100,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. STUYVESANT ST.—Joseph L. Stelnan and Rouse & Goldstone, SS West 32d st, are pre¬ paring plans for a 6-sty addition to the school at the intersection of Stuyvesant and 9th sts for the Hebrew Technical School. 34 Stuyvesant st, and will take bids on general contract from a selected list of contractors, about April 15. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. GROVE ST.—Chris. F. Bozemon care of Lord. Hewlett Sc Tallant, 345 5th av has completed plans for alterations to the O-sty store and loft building, 50x81 ft., at 52-54 Grove st, for George W. Cowen et al, on premises, owner. Cost, about $14,000. Brooklyn. APARTMENTS, PLATS AND TENEM'ENTS. TROY AV.—S. Millman Sc Son, 1780 Pitkin av, are preparing plans for a 4-sty tenement, 50x68 ft., on the east side of Troy av, 102 ft. south of St. Marks av, for Nass E. Berg, Inc., Iij7."> Lincoln pl, owner and builder. Cost, about $1:1:,OCX I. LIBERTY AV.—Chas. Infanger & Son, 2634 Atlantic av, are preparing plans for a 4-sty tenement, 43x90 ft., at the northwest corner of Liberty av and Lowell st, for Morris Halperin, 76 Broadway, owner and builder. Cost, about $28,000. WILLIAMS AV.—C. Infanger & Son, 2634 At¬ lantic av, are preparing plans for two 4-sty tenements, 50x88 ft., on the east side of Wil¬ liams av, 200 ft. south of Dumont av, for Wallan & Hoffman, Inc., 653 Georgia av, own¬ ers and builders. Cost, about $50,000 each. CONEY ISLAND.—Cohn Bros., 361 Stone av, are preparing plans for a 4-sty tenement, 45x85 ft., for Klein & Getzoff, 78 Junius st, owners and builders. Cost, about $25,000. The location is for the present withheld. VERMONT AV.—S. Millman & Son, 1780 Pit¬ kin av. are preparing plans for a 4-sty tene¬ ment, 23x89 ft., in the west side of Vermont ay, 1.50 ft. south ot Pitkin av, for Benj. Hoffman, 454 Hinsdale st, owner and builder. Cost, about $15,000. EASTERN PARKWAY.—Cohn Bros., 361 Stone av, are preparing plans for four 4-sty apartment houses, 50x91 ft., on the south side of Eastern Parkway, 189 ft. west of Nostrand av, for the Solomon Kraus Realty Co., M. Solomon, president, 2002 Douglass st, owner and builder. Cost, about $140,000. STH ST.—Demolishing is under way for a 6- sty brick apartment, 64x77 ft., at 176-180 South 8th st for the Keap Construction Co., F. Pel- oyger, president, 150 Hart st. Shampan & Shampan, 772 Broadway, architects. Cost, about $45,000. BROOKLY.N.—P. Tillion & Son, 387 Fulton st, are preparing plans tor an 8-sty apartment, 48i 78 ft., to cost about .$75,000. Exact locations and owner's name is for the present withheld. 8TH ST.—Laspia Sc Salvati, 525 Grand st, are preparing plans for two 4-sty brick tenements, 34x79 ft., in the south side of Sth st, 327 ft. east of 3d av, for the B. T. Construction Co., 340 St. Marks av, owner and builder. Cost, about $50,- (H 10. BANKS. NEW UTRECHT AV.—Slee & Bryson, 154 Montague st, are preparing plans for a 2-sty bank building to be erected at New Utrecht and 12th avs for the Broadway Trust Co., 839 Flatbush av, owner. Cost, about $20,000. DWELLINGS. IOTH ST.—Benjamin Driesler, 153 Remsen st, has completed plans for a 2V4-sty frame residence, 20x50 ft., in the west side of East 10th st, 190 ft. north of Av I, for Albert B. Dietrich, 1410 Av J, owner and builder. Cost, about $5,500. STOCKHOLM ST.—Carl L. Otto, 130 Fulton st, N. Y. C, is preparing plans for a 3-sty brick and stone nurses' home in Stockholm st, north of St Nicholas av, for the German Hos¬ pital of Brooklyn, on premises, owner. Cost. about $50,000. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. ATLANTIC AV.—Arthur Koch, 26 Court st, is preparing preliminary plans for a 2-sty brtck and concrete artificial ice plant, 180xl(X) ft., on the south side of Atlantic av. between Grand and Classon avs, through to Pacific st, for the Central Hygienic Artificial Ice Co., Joseph Cook, president. 543 Madison st. Cost, about $150,- 000. B'ids on general contract will be taken about April 4. HOTELS. SURF AV.—John P. Boyland, 402 Fordham rd. N. Y. C, has completed revised plans for a frame hotel on the south side of Surf av, 159 ft. east of West 38th st, for Shapiro £ Lowenthal, 245 West 130th st, N. Y. C, owners. The Siegel Contracting Co., 187 East 93d st. N. T. C., gen¬ eral contractor. Cost, about $20,(XX).