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April 18, 1914 RE( ORD ANT) (JTTIDE 687 totalling $352,600. Mortgages recorded this week number 79, involving $2,573,- 073, as against 95 last week, aggregating $1,793,585. From the Bronx 22 sales at private contract were recorded, as against 17 last week, and 13 a year ago. The amount involved in Manhattan and Bronx auction sales this week was $795,400, compared with $518,077 last week, making a total since January 1 of $12,415,924, The figures for the corre¬ sponding week last year was $1,445,765, and the total from January 1, 1913, to April 19, 1913, was $19,081,826. Riverside Drive Plot Sold. Bernard Smyth & Sons and the DuflE & Brown Co., sold for William Gamble ■ and John Brown, the plot 100x80 at tlie northeast corner of Riverside Drive and 147th street to Charles M. Rosenthal. The plot was held at $110,000. Mr. Rosenthal recently acquired Pieken Court, the ten-story apartment house, adjoining. $1,500,000 Park Avenue Deal. It was reported yesterday tliat the F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Co., propurtj' occupying the block front on the east side of Park avenue from SOth street to 51st street, had been sold to interests which intend to replace the five-story brick brewery and seven old dwellings with apartment houses or high class dwellings. The property has been held at about $1,500,000. The brokers were the Douglas Robinson Charles S. Brown Co. Pennsylvania Investor Buys. Ex-Governor V/illiam M. Brown, of Pennsylvania, bought from the Alpha Construction Co., and the Mansad Con¬ struction Co., the entire block front on the east side of Madison avenue, bet¬ ween Sid and 83d streets, which is improved with two eleven-story apart¬ ment houses on plot 200x90. In ex¬ change was given Long Island property known as Stewart Manor, which com¬ prises about 2,000 lots, just beyond Gar¬ den City. It is said that the new owners contemplate developing the property for home sites. The entire transaction in¬ volved nearly $2,000,000. Ex-Governor Brown, now a resident of Newcastle, Pa., was represented by Stoddard & Mark. The brokers were Ambrose F. Becker, Herman Feinberg, and J. G. Bassman, of the N-R-G Realty Co. Oceanic Company Adds to Holdings. The Oceanic Investing Co., which several months ago purchased the south¬ east corner of Fifth avenue and 42d street, and the 41st street corner of the same block, has bought, through Leo¬ pold Weil, from the estate of Margaret Scully, the 5-sty building at 1 East 42d street and through Slawson & Hobbs, from Carolina O. Colfree, the 6-sty building at 3 East 42d street, on plot 40x100. The sale was made subject to leases on the property held by the Childs Restaurant Company and the Riker- Hegeman Corporation. Sale on Bankers' Row. Maurice G, Strauss and John E. Henry, Jr., sold for Edward King to the Aries Realty Company, Arthur Pinover president, 38 Pine street, a three-story structure, 23.7x61.8, between Nassau and William streets, for which he gave in part payment Brooklyn property, a four story apartment house on the south side of Caton avenue, between East 17th and 18th streets; also forty lots, in the north side of 68th street, between Twenty-first and' Twenty-second ave¬ nues, and nine dwellings at the north¬ east corner of Cropsy avenue and Bay 13th street. The transaction involves nroperty held at about $768,500. Nego¬ tiations are said to be well advanced for the re-sale of the Pine street building to a prominent bond house. Big Bronx DeaL Alexander Selkin and David Mintz have sold for The Fleischman Realty Co., the 16 five-story houses 1503 to 1525 Charlotte street, 5 being 40x100 each, and 8 being 37.6x100, and 1458 to 1462 Wilkens avenue 37.6x100 each. The property was held at $750,000. This was an all cash transaction over the first mortgages. The buyer was John J. Tully, a Bronx builder, who will offer the property for sale. 72d Street Residence Sold. Oliver G. Jennings has sold his four- story residence at 7 East 72d street, on plot 28x102.2, near Fifth avenue to the 4 West Fifty-seventh Street Corpora¬ tion, W. Emlen Roosevelt, president. The company recently sold the vacant sit, 30x175, at 882 Fifth avenue, which it is learned was taken by Mr. Jennings and on which he contemplates erecting an English basement house from plans by Walter B. Chambers and Stephenson & Wheeler. The brokers were William B. May & Co. Manhattan—South of S9th Street. GRAND ST.—Katherine Turnbull sold, through Hiram Rinaldo and the Charles F. Noyes Co. the 3-sty building at 209-211 Grand st to RinelU & Guaraedino, who will improve with a moving picture theatre. The property has been in the same family tor over a century. LUDLOW ST.—Walter A. Stevens, Inc., sold tor P. R. Peixotto to M. Katz the Ti-sty front and rear tenements at 14 Ludlow st, 32.4xS7.6. SOUTH ST.—D. Sc W. Mulllns have sold for Augusta K. Werrick and others to Reardon Brothers 22S and 220 South st, running through to 44!) and 451 Water st, a .5-sty warehouse on plot 40x100. The property is between Market and Pike slips and was acquired by tho sellers several years ago. l.STH ST.—William A. White & Sons and C. Sc Ci. Razzetti have sold for Mrs. Mary R. Hop- son the 3-sty dwelling, on lot 20,10x1 o?,.:i, at 122 \\Vst 13th st to Domenico Cella, who owns the adjoining property at 121. With this property Mr. Cella now controls a 41.8 ft. plot. 21 ST ST.—William B. May & Company and William H. Archibald have sold the 3-sty resi¬ dence 427 West 21st st for the estate of Fran¬ ces A. Young. 22D ST.—Edwin E. Butler and G. DeWitt Williamson, as executors of the estate of Elias Butler, have sold to Joseph P. A. O'Donnell, through Ogden & Clarkson, the 4-sty dwelling, on lot 2.5.\f),S.O, with frame building in rear, at 12n East 22d st. Elias Butler hought the prop¬ erty in 184!> and it has ben considered one of the landmarks of the section. 37TH ST.—William A. Kane sold to the Kips Bay Brewing Co.. Hugh P. Skelly. president, the plot inOx97x irregular, in the north side of 37th st, 125 ft. east of 1st av. The plot wiil be improved with a 2-sty garage tor the brew¬ ing company's automobile trucks. In part pay¬ ment the purchaser gave the vacant plot at 239 East 38th st. 4GTH ST.—Pease Sc Elliman sold for the estate of WilUam Tousey, Dr. Sinclair Tousey and E. A. Carley, executors, 14 East 46th st, a 4-sty dwelling, 2.'ixl(iO. 4GTH ST.—.lacob J. Tabolt and .Tohn P. Kir- nan Sc Sons have sold for Henry C. Fullan, H. Augusta Walsh and Mary L. O'Shea, the 4-sty dwelling at 331 West 46th st, on lot 19.6x100.5. 4STH ST.—John C. Forster sold through E. Henry Eckhardt, 609 West 48th St. oOTH ST.—Taylor Bros, sold for the estate of Frances L. Wilson the 4-sty dweliint; 44 West SOth st, on lot 20x100.5, Columbia College leasehold. LEXINGTON AV.—Dr. Earle Connor has pur¬ chased for occupancy, from Fernando Wood, the 4-sty dwelling, on lot 25x100, at 284 Lexing¬ ton av. which was formerly the home of Natalie Schenck Laimbeer. The brokers were Francis n. Robert and C. Walter Cushier. Manhattan—North of 59th Street. 71ST ST.—Douglas L. Elliman Sc Co. sold for William S. Post, 171 East 71st st, a 3-sty dwell¬ ing, on lot 15x102.2, to Dr. Albert R. Lamb for occupancy. This house adjoins the new .30-ft. house of Mrs. Ransom S. Hooker. 71ST ST.—Pease Sc Elliman have sold for Mrs. N. J. Sexton 22 West 71st st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 18x100.5. Aida and Anna Les¬ ter, ot Chicago, bought 20 West 71st st, adjoin¬ ing, through the same brokers last year. .SOTH ST.—The Corn Exchange Bank has pur¬ chased from Bella Glaser the two 5-sty flats at , 124 and 126 East 86th st, on plot 51x102.2. The ' bank will alter the lower floor of the house at 126 and establish a branch of the Corn Exchange Uank there in the near future. Later the entire property may be improved with a large banking oflice on the ground floor. The brokers were Duff & Conger. r>7TH ST.—Northcote Realty Co., Edgar A. Levey, president, sold to Lowenfeld Sc Prager, the 5-sty tenement, 203 East 07th st. TOIST ST.—Joseph F. A. O'Donnell has resold to Mrs. H. Resse, the 5-sty flat, on piot 25x 100.11, at 72 West 101st st, which he bought last September trom the First United Presby¬ terian Church. HSTH ST.—Joseph Corbett sold 73 West llSth st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 20.6x100.11, near Lenox ,nv. to R. Plechner, who gave in part pay¬ ment 7,18 Beck st, a 2-sty two-family house, on lot 25x100, between 156th st and Longwood av. 131ST ST.—James J. Connor sold for Michael Dwyer 252 West 131st st, a 3-sty dwelling, 17.(1 xri9.11, Tbe purchaser, Charles A. Lock, gave in part payment the cafe at 487 West Broadway. 132D ST.—Friday & Lehmann sold tor the heirs ot Adolph B. Lux the 5-sty apartment house at 548 West 132d st. The buyer gave in part payment three 2-tamily houses at 718, 722 and 721 Rector av. Queens. 138TH ST.—Charles Wynne has sold to an In¬ vestor 115 West 138th st, a 5-sty flat, on a lot 25x100. Mr. Wynne purchased the property two weeks ago. Business EBtabUabad 1853 Horace S. Ely & Company This company acts as agent for Trtistees, Executors and Owners in taking entire charge of Real Estate. Makes appraisals. Acts as Broker in the sale and leas¬ ing of Real Estate. 21 LIBERTY STREET 27 WEST 30th STREET JOHN F. DOYLE & SONS REAL ESTATE AGENTS BROKERS and APPRAISERS 45 WiUiam Street New York City Management of Estates a Specialty Member of Board of Brokers John F.Doyle John F. Doyle, Jr. Alfred L. Doyle JOHN C. R. ECKERSON Successor to THOMAS & ECKERSON iM anager of Estates, Broker, Appraiser 33 WEST SOth STREET, NEW YORK Wallack's Theatre Building E. DE FOREST SIMMONS REAL ESTATE Tel., 837-838 Plaza 2 EAST SSth STREET Established 1887 CHAS. S. KOHLER REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Broker and Manager of Estates 901 COLUMBUS AVE., cor. 104th St. Highest References Tel., 5504 Riverside FRED'K FOX & CO. Business Building Broiters 14 W. 40th STREET and 793 BROADWAY O. D. & H. V. DIKE Midtown Business Property CANDLER BUILDING, 220 WEST 42D ST. THOMAS J. O'REILLY Real Estate Broker, Appraiser and Agent BROADWAY AND 109th STREET New York Representative of Caughy, Hearn and Carter, Baltimore and V.'a.shington Sulflow & Mass Co., Minneapolis, Minn HAROLD W. BUCHANAN Mortgage Loans & Real Esta-e 49 WALL STREET