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792 RECORD AND GUIDE May 2, 1914 f^amam^ n Geo. A. Fuller Coinpany Fireproof Buildmg Construction OFFICES: New York Boston Philadelphia Ohattanooga Kansas Gity Montreal, Can. Baltimore Washington Chicago Detroit Milwaukee Atlanta Winnipeg, Can. Toronto, Can. You need A doctor to prescribe for your illness You need A lawyer to handle your legalmatters You need A builder to erect your building You need thoroughly competent, experienced insurance specialists to handle your insurance "That's Us" Ritch-Hughes Co. Architects Buiiding 101 Park Ave. ^2085 PHONE <2086 (2087 MURRAY HILL THE WHITNEY COMPANY (Incorporated 1902) BUILDERS Architectural and Engineering Construction 1 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK New York Seattle Denver Boaton GEO. HARRISON JOHN F. MEYER HARRISON & MEYER Artificial Stone Pavements Centurian Building Madison^SSi 8718 1182 BroadWay PLAIN and T> •_a* -* I DECORATIVE Jrailltlllg I J'SP"' Hangings and Incerlor Decorations V"..... 57 Fifth Avenue NewYork Telephone, 833 Stuyvesant Building Operations—Continued. To Figure on Kahn Residence by July. C. P.. H. Gilbert, 1123 Broadway, Manhattan, architect for the new resi¬ dence which Otto Kahn, the banker, is to erect, at the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and 91st street, will not be ready to receive estimates before about July 1. The construction will be fire¬ proof, of brick and foreign stone, four stories in height with dimensions of 100x110 feet. Rene Sargeant, of Paris, France, will be the consulting engineer. Contract for Brewster Residence. C. T. Wills (Inc.), 286 Fifth avenue, has ■ been selected as the general' con¬ tractor, on percentage, for the erection of a brick residence at Brookville, L. 1., for George S. Brewster, the banker, 49 Wall street. The plans for the residence are being prepared by Trowbridge & Livingston, architects, S27 Fifth avenue. The building will be situated on an estate of 190 acres which will be de¬ veloped as a model farm. Telephone Building for Bayside. The New York Telephone Company, IS Dey street, Manhattan, is having preliminary plans prepared by E. A. Munger for a telephone building to be erected here. Nothing definite has yet been decided. NO ARCHITECTS SELECTED. In this department is published advance in • formation regarding building projects where architects have not as yet been selected. NEWARK, N. J.—C. W. Stuart Co., Extracts, Main st, contemplates enlarging its business building in Main st. No architect selected. ELIZABETH, N. J.—The First Presbyterian Churoih o£ Elizabeth, Rev. Dr. William F. Whitaker, pastor and chairman ot building committee, 142 Stiles st, contemplates the erec¬ tion ot a brick and stone parish house in Broad st, near Caldwell pl. No architect selected. SYRACUSE, N. Y.—Syracuse Lodge, Order of Moose, F. Gerhard, president, contemplates the erection of an offlce building with club rooms in this city. Site and architect not selected. Estimated cost about $200,000. PALMYRA, N. Y.—The First Methodist Church, Rev. W. S. Wright, pastor, contemplates making alterations and additions to the church and Sunday school to cost between $8,000 and $10,000. No architect selected. JAMESTOWN, N. Y.—The City of Jamestown School Board of Trustees, Arthur Kettle, presi¬ dent, 500 Felton Building, contemplates the erection of a 1-sty brick power plant in 2d st and the Erie Railroad tracks. No architect selected. JAMESTOWN, N. Y.—The Crown Metal Con¬ struction Co., R. W. Clark, 118 Steel st, con¬ templates the erection ot a 4-sty brick factory on the Erie tracks. No architect selected. HERKIMER, N. Y.—^Harry Copeland, 119 North Main st, contemplates the erection ot two 3-sty brick stores and apartments in the west side of North Main st, south of Green st, to cost about $15,000. No architect selected. PENN YAN, N. Y.—The First Presbyterian Church of Penn Yan, Rev. N. D. Bartholmew, pastor. Main st; C. Russell, Penn Yan, chair¬ man of building committee, contemplates the erection of an addition to the church in Main St. No architect selected. jmnmwiiiiiwuiwuipu PLANS FICfURINQ. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. MANHATTAN.—S. Edson Gage, 340 Madison av, architect, is taking bids for alterations to the 4-sty store and apartments, 25x100 ft., at 20 East 48th st for the Advocate Realty Co., Wolcott 0. Lane, president, 80 Broadway. Cost, about $15,000. 21) ST.—Nast & Springsteen, 21 West 45th st, Manhattan, are completing plans for a 6-sty tenement with stores, 45x107 ft, at 362-364 South 'd st for the Solomon Kraus Realty Co., 217 Havemeyer st. Cost, about $40,000. The owner will take bids on subs and materials at once. BANKS. SOMERVILLE, N. J.—Plans are being fig¬ ured to close May 16 at 3 P- M., for the bank building and ofBces at the southeast corner ot Bridge and Main sts, for the Second National Bank of SomerviUe. P. C. Van Nuys, Main st, architect. Cost, about $40,000. CHURCHES. CLINTON, N. J.—The New Jersey State Re¬ formatory for Women, Mrs. C. B. Alexander, president Board of Managers, Mine Mountain, Bernardsville, N. J., is taking bids for a 1-sty brick, hollow tile and stucco chapel, dlxbo ft., from plans by Delano & Aldrich, 4 East 39th st, Manhattan. DWELLINGS. LITTLE FALLS, N. Y.—Linn Kinne, Utica, N Y. is ready for bids tor a 2%-aty residence and garage, 45x94 and 24x40 ft. In Prospect st, for J. J. Gilbert, president ot the Gilbert Knitting Co., 42 W. Gansevoort st. Little Falls, to cost about $50,000. Trowbridge St Ackerman, 62 West 45th st, Manhattan, are associate architects. HARTSDALE, N. Y.—Parker Morse Hooper, 15 West 38th st, Manhattan, architect. Is taking bids for a 21,4-sty frame residence on Green¬ acres av for Fred Lavis, 50 Church st, Manhat¬ tan. Cost, about $8,000. PERTH AMBOY, N. J.—Plans are being fig¬ ured for a 2%-sty brick and stucco residence, 32x25 ft., in the east side of Water st, 300 ft. south of Gordon st, for Mrs. Margaret C. Clani, care of architect. John W. Ingle, 527 Sth av, Manhattan, architect. YONKERS, N. Y.—G. Howard Chamberlin, 18 South Broadway, architect, is taking bids on general contract for a 2%-sty frame residence, 32x38 ft., on Fairfield rd, for M. R. Briney, Morris Crescent, Yonkers. Cost, about $8,000. MANHATTAN.—Walker & Gillette, 128 Bast • 37th st, architects, are taking bids for al¬ terations to the 4-sty brick residence, 20x57 ft., at 134 East TOth st, fbr A. Leo Everett, 134 East TOth St. Cost, about $8,000. OAKLAND, N. J.—George Von Arx, 75 Mont¬ gomery st, Jersey City, has nearly completed plans for a 2^4-sty frame residence, 36x40 ft. and garage for Mrs. Sarah B. Milliams, Oak¬ land, owner. Cost, ahout $10,000. MANHATTAN.—Arthur C. Nash, 345 Sth av, architect, is taking bids for alterations to the 4-sty brick residence, 18x60 ft., at 41 East 63d st, for Edward L. and Margaret T. Hunt, 54 West SOth St. Cost, about $7,000. WESTHAMPTON BEACH, L. I.—Hiss & Weeks, 452 Sth av,' Manhattan, are 'taking re¬ vised bids on separate contracts for a 2^-sty terra cotta block and stucco residence for H. H. Butts, care of J. H. Richardson &' Co., 1 Maiden lane, Manhattan. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. BRONX. — Borden's Milk Co., 108 Hud¬ son st, S. Frederic Taylor, president, owner, is taking bids for a 3-sty brick pasteurizing plant, 50x141 ft., on the east side of Park av, 136 ft. south of ISOth st, from plans by A. Ullrich, 367 Fulton st, Brooklyn. Cost, about $90,000. HOTELS. WHITE PLAINS AV.—Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and 3d av, are preparing plans and will take bids until May 10, for a 3-sty hotel, 30.3x41.6 ft., at the northwest corner of 219th st and White Plains av, for the Jacob Ruppert Realty Corp., 90th st and 3d av. Cost, about $21,000. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. MINEOLA, L. I.—The Libman Contracting Co., 126 West 46th st, is flguring the general contract for two additions to the court house for the Board of Supervisors of Nassau Couhty, Philip J. Christ, chairman. Cost, about $225,- 000. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y.—Bids will be taken up to May 16, 3 o'clock, p. m., by Oscar 'Wen¬ deroth, supervising architect, Washington, D. C, for the 2-sty post office building, at Rose and Huguenot sts, to cost about $80,000. BROOKLYN—R. I. Dodge, 233 Broadway, Manhattan, will call for bids about May 3, for the 8-sty tactory, 90x80 ft, reinforced con¬ crete, in Van Brunt st, Brooklyn, for the Adriance Machine Works, 254 Van Brunt st, to cost $100,000. NBW ROCHELLE, N. Y.—The Libman Con¬ tracting Co., 126 West 46tU st, Msinh^ttan, Is figuring the general construction for the United States Post OfBce Building here from plans by Oscar Wenderoth, architect, Washington, D. C, and desire bids on all sub-contracts prior to May 14th. MINEOLA, L. I.—Bids will close May 5 for additions to the 1 and 2-sty reinforced concrete and steel court house, 60x160 ft. each tor the B'oard of Supervisors of Nassau County, Court House, Philip J. Christ, chairman of building committee. W. B. TuDby, 81 Fulton st, Man¬ hattan, architect. Cost, about $225,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGTES. B'ROOKLYN.-Howells & Stokes, 100 William st, Manhattan, architects, are taking bids to close May 4 for the 4-sty brick, terra cotta and stone manual training school, 60x112 ft., at the Pratt Institute, 215 Ryerson st. ORANGE, .N. J.—Plans are being flgured for a 3-sty brick and limestone addition, 54x70 ft, to the school for the Carteret Academy, The Kennedy Mead Co., proprietors, 291 Essex av. Orange. Taylor & Mosley, 40 'Wall st, Manhat¬ tan, architects. BROOKLYN.—The Libman Contracting Co., 126 West 46th st, Manhattan, is flguring the general contract for the Manual Training School of Pratt Institute, Steuben st, from plans by Howells & Stokes, architects. MANHATTAN.—Plans are being reflgured for the 5-sty brick and limestone school, 25xT5 ft., at llSth st and St. Nicholas av, for the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle, 118th st, west of St. Nicholas av. Rev. Father J. B. McGrath, pastor. F. A. DeMeuron, 31-33 East 27th st, architect. STABLES AND GARAGES. BROOKLYN.—The Libman Contracting Co., 126 West 46th st, Manhattan, is flguring the general contract for the stables at 134 Jamaica av, for the Department of Water Supply, Gas & Electricity. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. MANHATTAN.—David Bleir, 545 East 139th st, architect, is taking bids for changing the 6-sty brick lofts, northwest corner of Canal and Chrystie sts, for the 125 Canal Street Co., Davis Schoft, president. Into offices and stores.