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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 93, no. 2412: Articles]: June 6, 1914

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June 6, 1914 RECORD AJVD GUTDE 1015 GOODALE, PERRY & DWIGHT have been appointed agents tor 32 West 22d st, a 6-sty business building. FORMER BONDHOLDERS of the Westches¬ ter Townsite Co, have ordered the sale ot 127 building lots and two dwellings, at absolute auction, on the premises, to-day. JOHN M. DICKINSO.N is the buyer of the Murray Hill dwelling, at 127 East 36th st, sold recently by the estate of Samuel Sloan through Pease Sc Elliman. C. S. McCLELLAN & CO. have opened an offlce at 1st st and Corlies av, Pelham, N. Y., where they will conduct a general real estate business, BOLTON HALL is in St. Luke's Hospital with a broken shoulder blade, sustained in a fall from a bicycle at his country place at Berkeley Heights, N. J. CHARLES S. KOHLER was the broker in Ihe recent sal^e of the W0 Canal st, being entire block bounded by Centre, Canal, Walker and Harry Howard Square, on which there are three loft buildings. C. LEDYARD BLAIR and John B. Dennis, ot the flrm of Blair & Co., have purchased a tract of about 10,000 acres of farm land near Kings- port, Tenn., for the purpose of establishing a mammoth dairy and cattle ranch. The land was purchased from George L. Carter for about .fl,500.0(DO. and the Kingsport Farms, Inc., has been organized to take over the property. WEST SIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. took in part payment for the Placid Hall apartments at Riverside drive and 131st st, the plot 100x150 at the south corner ot the drive and 149th st. David Stewart was the broker. The plot will be improved with 12-sty apartments for six families on each floor, from plans by G. F. Pel ham. CALUMET CLUB at its meeting Wednesday night, voted to purchase the former Harry B Hollins residence at 12-14 West 56th st, for a new club-house. The club recently obtained, throuyih Pease & Elliman, an option to pur¬ chase that property for a reported price ot .?250.0O0. The details of this transaction were given in last Saturday's Record and Guide. SCHWAB Sc CO. negotiated the deal, recorded Friday, involving the building on plot 33x100 at the northeast corner of Tremont and Webster avs, sold by the ■\\'ebster-Tremont Building Co. to John C. Heintz and Jacob Siegel, of the ,Iohn Elchler Brewing Co. The buyers gave in exchange the plot 82x100 at the southwest cor¬ ner ot Brook av and 109th st, which will be improved with two 5-sty apartment houses. GEORGE C. TILYOU, proprietor ot Steeple¬ chase Park, Coney Island, has sold the 6-sty apartment linuse at 235 and 237 West 108th st on plot 73x111(1. and a cottage at Red Bank, .■v. J., fronting the Shrewsbury River, to Harry Schwitzer, who gave in part payment about 13 acres at Great Neck, with a 25-ft right ot way on Manhasset Bay. M. F. Sternherger, of the Gross & Gross Co.. and E. E. Howard were the brokers. LISTING BLANKS.—The current issue of the National Real Estate Journal contains a six- page article by Mr. L. D. Woodworth of the GarHeld Real Estate Company. Rochester on 'Listing Blanks." After a general consideration To Apartment House Agents, Painters and Contractors .LU-CO-FLAT is a modern preparation for Interior Decorat¬ ing. ItpTo( a surface ivit/ioul gloss that is soft to the eyes and pleasing to artistic tastes. LU-CO-FLAT is hygienic and is not affected by vapor, moisture or dampness. ICAen soiled it can be washed. It is easily applied and the cost is moderate. LU-CO-FLAT is m.ade in all colors and many shades. .\% a background for stencil detail it is incomparable. LU-CO-FLAT Ao/^.f its color—themo^ipermanent fiat coat offered. Many i hanijc bedroom walls from, the unsanitary pa¬ per to paint because LU-CO-FLAT is so generally pleasing, affording sanitation along with richness of color and beauty. Try it on your next job and you will use no other. Write for color card, sho wi ng combination of harmonious colors. Con,sult your Paint Dealer. we. 521 Washington Street NEW YORK The Queensboro Corporation LOTS PLOTS BRIDGE PLAZA ACREAGE Developers of Queens Borough Real Estate HOUSES LONG ISLAND CITY FACTORY SITES JOSEPH CACCAVAJO, C. E. WARREN C. HAFF, M. E. EXPERTS IN REAL ESTATE ENGINEERING 41 PARK ROW CACCAVAJO & HAFF INCORPORATED CONSULTING ENGINEERS PHONE CORT. 6226 BERGER'S METAL METAL We Fireproof Ceilings and Partitions of GARAGES and FACTORIES according to reg¬ ulations of Fire Department, City of New York, as per illustration VIOLATIONS REMOVED Also STAMPED METAL CEILINGS and WALLS for Stores and Residences LIGHTS BERGER MFG. CO. Chelsea No. 1409 22d St. and llth Ave., New York