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1110 RECORD AJVD GUIDE June 20, 1914 1 onveyant-es. .'i;:;,;;;:(i.."'.lT ; mortgage tax indebt- rciriFs's, ..^n:,;:i.'i.4o4. nil.....jiiuiunniiiuiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiJi REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS. The following valuations were placed on real estate properties this week by the State apprais- i]s in transfer tax proceedings. The amount speiilied does not in every case indicate the iquity ot the deredent. It simply quotes the estimated market value of the realty, regardless of mortgages or other liens. ESTATE OF SOPHIE SINGER.—Premises 519 Wi-st 142(1 st, valued at |15,in.Ki. DIVIDEND NOTICE. FFLTON TRUST COMPANY OF .NEW YORK, 149 Broadwav. New York City, June 18. 1914. 44TH CONSECUTIVE SB.MI-ANNUAL, DIVIDEND. Hv Resolution ot the Board of Trustees, a .s>mi-Annual Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, is payable on July 1. 1914. to stock¬ holders of record at the close of business 3 P M. June 22. I'.n4. CH.A.RLES M. V-\N KLEBCK. Secretary. Light Your Halls Twenty inspectors have recently been detailed by the Tenement Hpuse De¬ partment to see that hall¬ ways of apartment and tenement houses are lighted at rfight in accordance with the law. The law reads that there shall be a light at night in the lower hall and one in the hall on the second floor. Many owners and occupants of tenement buildings un¬ consciously violate these provisions because of an inadequate method of con¬ trolling the light. If you feel that the hall¬ ways of the buildings you own or occupy are inad¬ equately lighted or the light¬ ing improperly controlled we shall be pleased to render you any assistance in our power. Write US and one of our lighting experts will show you how electric light will not only protect you against law-violation, but he will prove to you that it's the most economical form of lighting for hallways. EDISON ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING CO. OF BROOKLYN 360 Pearl Street Telephone, 8000 Main (Connecting all Branches) LAWRENCE DRAKE.—4r.0v, Pearl st, $18,- OUO; 4tis-4i;.si,i, Pearl st, $:;2,(Kio; 301 Washing¬ ton st, .f.'Hi.iHiU; 99 Murray st. $38,000: 482 Water st, .f.'iO.iiiHi; 11 Catherine slip, $8,500; 396 Water st. .$5..5iiii; 49 Hamilton st, $10,500; 57 .Market st, $2o.<«i0; S.'.'.i Division st, $8,000; l(i7 Varick St. ifl.5,
; 3:;0 'West 57th st, .|38,00O, and land at 21 sth st and Harlem River, $15,000. JACOB KOR.X—(These valuations made in March, llKlSl. 31 Crosby st, $32,500; 3o4 West :;sth st, .f:i2,ii(Hi; 198 Henry st, $31,000; 736 Broadway. .fl75.(XK); 1865-1867 3d av, $97,000; 1.58-160 West 2!ith st, $87,500; and the follow¬ ing leasehold properties : 353 Sth av. sec 34th st, if3iHi,u0u; 36 East 9th st, .f25.0(Ki, and 22.8 Rivington st, $1'.i.(Xk>. JOH.X S. HUYLER, JR.—127 East 17th st, .$25.(XU); 17 West Ii7th st, $40,000; 16-18 West i:!5th St. .f:;u,(Hiii; 5:!0 Wi-st 143d st, $13,000, and south side of 211th st. M2 ft. west of Sherman av, plot 175x(ilxS!iv5'.>. .'t;2.5,iili(l. MATILDA L. BEDFORD.—217-219 West 18th st, $15,000: 14.5 East Slst st, $13,000. .MURTHA E. GARRY.—121 West 141st st, $11,7011. FANNIE G0LDMANN.-.",13 East 19th st, .$ n..5tNi. CHARLES WITTENAUER.—80 West 15th st, $05,0011; 2211 6th av, .$'.iii.ii(«i. lAMES J. CAMPBELL.—72 East 123d st. $12.5011. 7 CHARLES T. GALLOWAY.—lOC-KiS West .SOth st, .$47,.500: 702-794 Washington av, $46.0UO. MARTHA P. KUBNSTLER.—299-301 lOth av, $4S,000. RASHE SARASOH.N.- 20 Montgomery st, $l:;.00(i. FRANZ THOMA-N".-.■;82 East 1.5'.lth St. $6.00(1. -MITCHELL WEISS.—16 West 113th st, $25,000. OSCAR KUH.N—22!S East 71st st, $l(;.(i(io. OBITUARY MYER BONDY, real estate broker, with of¬ fices at 021 Broadway, died on Monday, at his home, 145 West lllth st, from heart disease, after a brief illness. Mr' Bondy was fifty-five years old and a former resident ot Albany. N. Y. He is survived by a widow, two sons and a daughter. WILLIAM VA.N BRUNT BENNETT, a promi¬ nent real estate operator of Gravesend, and the last Supervisor of that town before its annexa¬ tion to Brooklyn, died on Thursday of heart disease at his home, 928 Kings Highway, aged 02. Mr. Bennett was born in Gravesend and in his youth was active in the politics of the town. He is survived by a widow and a daugh¬ ter. AUCTION SALES OF WEEK. Kxcept where otherwise stated, the proper¬ ties offered were in foreclosure. Adjourn¬ ments of legal sales to next week are noted xmder Advertised Legal Sales. • Indicates that the property described was bid in for the plaintiff's account. The Auction Market. Out of thirty-two offerings at the Manhattan and Bronx Exchange Sales¬ rooms this week, nineteen went to plain¬ tiffs or other parties in interest; seven sales were either withdrawn or ad¬ journed and the remaining six proper¬ ties went to outside bidders. Among the latter was Samuel A. Berger, who paid $86,625 for the 5-sty casino at 8-12 Ave¬ nue D, and Katie Graf, who bought the tenement at 78 Stanton street for $13,- 975. For the coming week, the most im¬ portant sale will involve 197 lots oppo¬ site Van Cortlandt Park, to be offered by Joseph P. Day and J. Clarence Davies. Mr. Day will also sell half-a- dozen parcels in Greenwich Village to close the estate of Henry Corse. Large holdings of the Ellen M. Hennessy es¬ tate will be sold at the stand of the same auctioneer as a result of a partition suit instituted by Mary B. Averill et al against Forbes J. Hennessy et al. Manhattan. The following is the complete list of property sold, withdrawn or ad¬ journed during the week ending June 19, 1914, at New Y'ork Real Estate Salesroom, 14 and 16 Vesey st, JOSEPH P, DAY. Greene .xt, 204-(t (•), es, 100 s 3d, 50x100, 6-sty bk liift & str bldg; due, $92,414.64; T&c, $2,417 :i;i; central Trust Co, NY. 45,000 12TH st, 539 E, ns, 148 \v Av B, 22x103.3, 3-sty bk bldg & strs (vol); bid in at J12,400. ------- 2SD st, 306 W, ss. 100 w 8 av, 20x98.6. 3-sty bk tnt & str; withdrawn. ------- 34TH st, 223 AV (*), hs, 283.4 w 7 av, 16.8 xSO, 4-sty & b bk dwg; due, $2,146.85; T& c. $283.50; sub to 1st mtg $11,000; German Kahn et al exrs, 11,214 48TH M, 220-S \\, ss, 275.6 6 8 av, 99.6x 100.6, 4-sty bk theatre (Longacre); with¬ drawn. _____ OIITH st, 4« w i»), ss, 515.6 w Central Park \V. 22x100.:,, 4-sty & b stn dwg; due, $10,(172.77: T&c. .$Ui(i.70; sub to a prior mtg of $:!(!.00(1; E Lansing Satterlee. 40,281 IOIST .St. 209-11 w, ns, 100 e Bway, 54.9 xlou.ll, 7-sty bk tnt; due, $14,642.54; T&e, $979; sub to 1st mtg of $78,000 (corrects error in issue of June6, when buver was plaintiff); Henij- A Petersen. 93,025 Il.S'l'H st, SOB W (*), ss, 125 w S av, 25x 100.11. 5 sty bk tnt l>1 strs; due, $2:',.193.81; T&e, .$1,17(1; Anna .V (iillies. 23,000 .Mudisou av, 173, bet 33d & 34th, 24 8x 1110. 5-sty bk bldg; withdrawn. ------- HENRY BRADY. Brounie st, 141 (•), ss, 20 e Riil.s^f, 2Ux i:o, 3-sty bk tnt i»i str; due, $lo,s4.-i.s:i; Tire. :,',2l.'i.2(i; City Real Estate Co. g.iioii Alailisou st, 3.33-5 (♦), nec Scammel, 96x 3,i.:ix:i.-..7x41.3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; due, $12,20.0.(15; T&c, $783.84; sub to 1st mtg (if $.-,4,000: -Aug Ruff & ano. 65,000 Scumiiiel n(, nec :tIadison, S( , .Madison, :>,:!:!-,-,. HERBERT A. SHERMAN. Stanton st , 78, ns, 45 e -Allen, 21x65, 5- sty bk tnt & str; due, $11,o.t9.65; Ti*ic, $2,- 378.94; Katie Graff. 13,fl75 SAMUEL M-ARX. eOTH st, 243 E (*), ns, 115 w 2 av. 20x 100.5, 3-st,v & b stn dwg; due, $14.:!74.33- T&c, $452.77: Dry Doek Savgs Instn. 12,000 M. MORGENTH-AU JR. CO. .Vv D. s-12, es, 37.2 s 3d, runs e70xsl8.1 >;e—x.s37.2x\v;iOxiia6.1 to beg, 5-stv bk cas¬ ino; due, $24,447.44; T&c, $i;23:' Saml -A. Berger. SO.OOS Total ........................ $399,103 Corresponding week 1913..... 1,667,873 Jan. 1, 1914, to date.......... 17,179,234 Corresponding period 1913.... 24,455,313 Bronx. The following are the sales that have taken place during the week end¬ ing June 19 ,1914. at the Bronx Sales¬ room, 3208-10 3d av. JOSEPH P. DAY. .Vnilerson av (*). ws, abt 135 s 165th, runs wlluxs!i.7x\vloo to Woodycrest av (No 1038), xs20.5xe215xn30 to beg, 2-sty & 1, fr dwg; due, $6,865.09; T&c, $2,570,58; Will Totten et al. 7,500 Arthur av, 2361-:t, see Arthur av, 2375-7. .'Vrthur av, 2:{7.-.-7 (*). ws, 164.7 s 187th, .00x115.11x50x115.5, 2-st.v fr dwg & str & 1-sty bk theatre; also -ARTHUR AV, 2361- 3, ws, 264.7 s lS7th, 50x116.11x50x116.5, 5- sty bk tnt & strs: due, $4,740.51; T&c, $683. !IV; sub to two mtgs aggregating $37,639.17; Smada Realty Co. 31.450 Franklin av, 1251-3 (*), ws, 116.3 n 168th, runs Wll5.3xs46.2xw44.8xn—xeil x n 60 xe 168.SXS76.6 to beg, 2-2-sty fr dwgs; due, $16,050.26; T&c, $475; Stephen D Pringle. 16,000 Prospect av ,2058A, on map 2058 (*), es, 314.6 s 180th, 16.6x150. 2-sty fr dwg; due, $5,613.05; T&e, $195.73; Effingham I Wal¬ grove. 5,000 Tremont av (»), sws, 161.9 ne & e Sedg¬ wick av, 74.3x71.2x68.9x86, vacant; due, $5,416.85; T&c, $923.79; Chas J Harvey. 6,000 AVoody Crest av, 1038, see Anderson av, ws, abt 135 s 165th. BRl'-AN L. KENNELLY. St Cieorge's Crescent, ns, see Van Cort¬ land av, ss. ITOTH St. :!St2 E (•), ss, 47.9 w Clay av, 20.2x63.3x1 (:.Sx74.4, 2 & 3-sty fr dwg; due, $5,174.68; T&i.', $950; Eliz A Reid, extrx, 1,500 \ un Cortlauilt av (*), ss , & ST GEORGE'S CRESCENT, ns, lots 616, 617 & BIS. 75x125.6x;i.-,.(;xi;(l.7. vacant; due, $2.- 3U7.05; T&c, $260; Mary C Allinger. 1,500 HENRY BRADY. l.-.OTH Nt. 148 K (•), ss, — w Mott av, runs s 150xe39.6xslo.2xw47.5xsl0.6xw2xnw 71.6xe3xnl00xel8.6 to beg, 2-stv & b bk dwg and 1 & 2-sty fr rear stabl(?; due, $2.- 492.31; T&c, $13.17; Jno Toner. .S,500 107TH St. .n.si i:, nec Pranklin av (No 116(1), 2.0x100, 2-sty fr dwg; due, $7,024 52- T&c, $23;i: Jas J Martin, def. 7 275 176TH sf. ,S25 (1075) E («), ns, 46.1 w Marmion av, 2.Jxl00, 3-stv fr dwg- due $1,039.60; T&c, $S04.26: -Marv E Roberts. 2,000 Bryant av, 1489 I*}, ws, 225 s 172d, 20x 100. 3-sty bk dwg; due, $8,113.16; T&c, $890.83; Christina Gerstener et al exrs 8,000 Frnnklm av, 1100, see 167th, 581 E. GEORGE PRICE. ISIST St. oeo K, see Belmont av, sec 181. S3.-TH st E, nwc Kepler av, see Kepler av, nwc 23 5. Belmont av, sec ISlst (No 660), 100.9x 40.4, 5-sty bk tnt; due, $15,669.17; T&c. $115.05; Philip Passon 16.050 Kepler av (»>, nwc 235th, 75x100, 2-2- sty fr dwgs; due, $1,719.12; T&c, $300; sub to 1st mtg of $9,000: .Andrew C Jung. 11,000 HERBERT A. SHERMAN. ;»lai>es av, 2157-9 (»), ws, 78.6 s 182d, 60.111x1 I.-,.3x75.11x116.1. 2-5-stv bk tnts; due, $s,134.26; T&c, $535.42; sub to two 1st mtgs aggregating $47,500; Prospect In¬ vesting Co. 48,500 JAMES L. WELLS. 170TH st AV. STVC Inwood av, see Inwood av, swc 170th. Inwood av (•). swo 170th, 38.3x—, va¬ cant: due, $812.S.S: T&c, $57,83; Walter P "^Veleh, 250