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§70 RECORD AND GUIDE October 3, 1914 Geo. A- Fuller Company Fireproof Building Construction OFFICES: New York Boston Philadelphia Chattanooga Kansas City Montreal, Can. Winnipeg,Can. Baltimore Washington Chicago Detroit Milwaukee Atlanta Toronto, Can. Permit us to give you advice and suggestions regarding New Workmen's Compensation Laiv Ritch-Hughes Co. Architects Buildiag 101 Park Atc. PHONE \ 2086 [ ^^^A^ Insurance Specialists THE WHITNEY COMPANY (IncorporatL-d 1002) BUILDERS Architectural and Engineering Construction 1 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK New York Seattle Denver Boston GEO. HARRISON' JOHN F. MEYER HARRISON & MEYER Artificial Stone Pavements Centurian Building Madison%u^\s7i8 1182 Broadway RONALD TAYLOR Granolithic and Asphalt Pavements "TAYLORITE" FLOORING Office and Factory, 520 EAST 20th STREET Telephone. 4 Gramercy NEW YORK NO ARCHITECTS SELECTED. In this department is puV^Iishcd advance in¬ formation regarding building projects where architects have not as yet been selected. MOUNT VERNON, N. Y.—The Ward Leonard Electric Co., L. K. Kebler. president, Swan st, Bronxville, contemplates the erection of a fac¬ tory here. No architect selected. NEW YORK STATE.—Tbe Board of Super¬ visors of Chenango County, Bert Lord, chair¬ man of building committee, Afton, N. Y., con¬ templates the erection of a tuberculosis hospital here. No architect selected. CAZENOVIA, N. Y.—The Town of Cazenovia, District 7, Madison Co., J. O. Parker, con¬ templates the erection of a school here. No architect selected. SYRACUSE, N. Y.—The University of Syra¬ cuse, Prof. Hugh Tilroe, at site, contemplates the erection of a school of oratory at the ■ campus. No architect selected. CHURCHES. MANHATTAN.—Ludlow & Peabody, 101 Park av, architects, are taking bids on general con¬ tract for a 1 and 2-sty brick and stone church and school in the north side of loTth st, be¬ tween Lenox and Tth avs, for St. James Pres¬ byterian Colored Church, care of Church Ex¬ tension Committee of Presbytery of New York, 156 oth av. DWELLINGS. HARTSDALE, N. Y.—R. W. Gardner, S4 Will¬ iam st, Manhattan, architect, is taking bids for a 2*.^-sty brick and terra cotta residence for Reginald C. Knickerbocker, 450 4th av, Man¬ hattan. Cost, about $11,000. RYE, N. Y.—W. W. Benedict. 131 West 110th st, Manhattan, owner, is taking bids on general contract for a 2V2-sty frame residence at South View Park from plans by H. J. Robinson, 1st National Bank Building, Mt. Vernon. Cost, about $5,500. COLD SPRING HARBOR. L, I.—Bids will close about October 8 for a 2i)4^sty brick resi¬ dence and garage, 40x85 ft., for Donald Scott, y East ilth st, Manhattan. Murphy & Dana. 331 Madison av, Manhattan, architects. Clark, MacMullen & Riley, 101 Park av, Manhattan, heating, lighting and plumbing engineers. Chas. Leavitt, 220 Broadway, Manhattan, landscape architect. Cost, about $125,000. LARCHMONT PARK, N. Y.~Philip Resnyk. 40 West 32d st, Manhattan, architect, is taking bids for a 2V^-sty stone and frame residence. 26x30 ft., for Howard Naylor, Utopia Park, Larchmont. Cost, about $5,000. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. BROOKLYN.—Plans are being figured for tbe 4-sty brick factory, 61x90 ft., in the south side of Wilson st, 100 ft. west of Wythe av, for Truslow & FuUe. 48 Wilson st. WiUiam H. Ludwig. 801 Eastern parkway, architect. Cost, about $15,000. MANHATTAN.—Gustave E. Steinbeck, 15 East -40th St. has completed plans and is ready for bids for alterations to the factory and loft build¬ ing at 4:i2-4:>4 East Tlst st for the Leissner Realty Co.. Edward Leissner, president, 432 East Tlst St. Cost, about $15,000. MUNICIPAL WORK. WEST NEW YORK, N. J.—Bids will close October 13 for a brick and terra cotta municipal building. 75x180 ft., at 16th st and Taylor pl for the Town Council of the Town of West New York, O. L. Aufderheide, mayor. Cost, about $T5,000. STABLES AND GARAGES. BROOKLYN.—Plans are being figured for the 2-sty brick private garage, 70x98 ft., on the south side of Lexington av, 170 ft. west of Patchen av, for Poppke & Son, 371 Lexington av. W. B. Wills, 1181 Myrtle av, architect. Cost, about $25,000. GLEN GARDNER. N. J.—Bids will close Oc¬ tober 5 at the office of W. H. Kensinger. presi¬ dent Board of Managers, State of New Jersey, Department of Charities and Correction, for a 2-sty hollow tile cow barn and two silos, from plans by George S. Drew, State House, Trenton, State architect. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. MANHATTAN.—The Thompson Starrett Co.. 40 WaU st, general contractor, is taking bids on subs for the 12-sty business building on the west side of Broadway, from 35th to 36th sts, for William Henry Barnum and WilUam Everdell, Jr., Longacre Building, Broadway and 42d st. Clinton & Russell, 32 Nassau st, architects. I CONTEMPLATED 1 j CONSTRUCTION. | Manhattan. APARTMENTS. FLATS ANU' TENEMENTS. MANHATTAN.—The Halpin Building Cor¬ poration, Paul Halpin, 154 Nassau st, contem¬ plates the erection of a 5-sty apartment house al the northfciist c^racr ot Wadswurth terrac-i and 190th st, from plans by Moore & Land¬ siedel, 148th st and 3d av. PINEHURST AV.—Foundations are under wav for two 5-sty apartments, 150x96 ft., at 67- 73 "Pinehurst av, 11M> ft. north of ISOth st. for the Riverview Construction Co., Henry McBloch & BTo., 21 Waverly pl, owner. Samuel Sass, .32 Union sq. architect. V. Valentine Contracting Co.. 103 Park av, has mason and stone work. Park Iron Works. 712 East 136th st. steel and ornamental iron work. Cost, about $115,000. 64TH ST.—Horenburger & Bardes, 122 Bow¬ erv, Manhattan, are preparing plans for a 5-sty tenement, 40x100 ft., in the south side of 64th st, 140 ft. west of llth av. for James Carneval, 111 Warren st, Manhattan. IIITH ST.~Gronenberg & Leuchtag. 303 Sth av, have completed pians for a 6-sty apartment, 105x86.3 ft., in the north side of 111th st, 28T It. oast of Tth av, for the 114th St. Tth Av. Construction Co., 1S84 Tth av. Cost, about $12.5,1X)0. DWELLINGS. 5TH AV.—C. P. H. Gilbert, 1123 Broadway, is preparing plans for a 4-sty residence, lOOxllU ft., at the northeast corner of 5th av and 91st st for Otto Kahn, 52 Wiliam st. Rene Sar¬ geant, Paris, France, consulting engineer. Thompson Starrett Co., 49 Wall st, general contractor. MADISON AV.—The Gibbous Remodeling & Construction Co., 318 Columbia st, Brooklyn, had the contract for the construction of a pri¬ vate staircase and the installation of a Gurney elevator in the residence of John Cardinal Far¬ ley, on Madison av. The work was done under the supervision of the Right Rev. Monsignor M. J. Lavelle, rector of St. Patrick's. The cost of the improvement was subscribed by several members of the" board of trustees. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. BLEECKER ST.—Peter J. McKeon, 13 Park Row, Bureau of Fire Engineering, has com¬ pleted plans for a T-sty factory and loft build¬ ing at 26-30 Bleecker st for Mrs. Emma Schalck, 181 B'roadway. Cost, about $3,000. 3D AV.—Edward Lee Young, 118 East 28th St. is completing plans for alterations to the brewery at 3d av and 92d st, for general and executive offices, for the Jacob Ruppert Brew¬ ing Co., on premises. Bids will be received on separate contracts. HALLS AND CLUBS. BOWERY.—Walter H. Volckening, 116 De¬ catur st, Brooklyn, has completed plans for a 5- sty brick, steel and reinforced concrete store and lodge room building at 103 Bowery for the estate of Charles A. Chesebrough, WiUiam H. Chese¬ brough, 162 St. Johns pl, Brooklyn, executor. Cost, about $20,000. Bids will be taken from a selected list of contractors by architect when plans have been approved. 35TH ST.—Butler & Rodman, 16 East 23d st, are preparing plans for alterations to the 3- sty parish bouse at 35th st and Lexington av for the Church of the Epiphany, Rev. Doctor Crocker, on premises. Cost, about $30,000. Bids will be taken by the architects about Oct. 5. APARTMENTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. lUTH ST.—Gronenberg & Leuchtag. 303 oth av. are preparing plans for a 6-sty apartment. lo.'.xK.K) It., in the north side of West 111th st, 2S7 ft. east of 7th av, for the 114th St. and 7th Av. Construction Co., Max Weinstein, presi¬ dent. 1S84 7th av, owner and builder. Cost, about $125,000. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. MAN,HATTAN.—Bids were opened by the Board of Education Sept. 28 for installing heat¬ ing and ventilating apparatus in P. S. 52. Wells & Newton Co. of New York, low bidder at $4.- 622. For installing temperature regulation in P. S. 52 at $4,300. Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. TINTON AV.—George F. Pelham, 30 East 42d st, has been commissioned to prepare plans for two 6-sty brick and steel apartments, 49x SO ft. and 52x89 ft., on Tinton av. near 163d st. for Aaron Goodman and associates, 117 West llOtb St. Manhattan. Total cost, about $80.- 000. ANDREWS AV.—Neville & Bagge, 217 West 125th st, have about completed plans for seven 5-sty tenements. 39x72 ft., on the west side of Andrews av. 197 ft. south of 179th st, for the Oesting Building Co., on premises. Cost, about $140,000. LORING PL.—Plans are about completed by Neville & Bagge. 217 West I25th st, for five 5- sty tenements, 40x72 ft., on the east side of Loring pl, 104 ft. north of Burnside av, for the Oesting Building Co., on premises, owner and builder. Cost, about $100,000. ISHD ST.—Goldner & Goldberg. 391 East 149th st, are preparing plans for a u-sty apartment with stores. 75x100 ft., at tbe northeast corner of lS3d st and Park av, for tbe Isaac Lieder Realty Corp., care of Brand & Silverstein, 4014 Park av, owner and builder. Cost, about $70,- 000. ANDREWS AV.—A. J. Thomas. 2526 Webster av, is preparing plans for a 5-sty apartment, 50x100 ft., at the northeast corner of Andrews av and 183d st for a building company to be formed. Brooklyn. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. GLENMORE AV.—Cohn B'ros.. 361 Stone av. have completed plans for two 4-sty tenements. 35x90 ft., at Glenmore and Georgia avs for the Idan Holding Co.. S. Sassulsky. president, 312 Hopkinsoii av, owner and builder. Cost, about $70,000. HOPKINSON AV.~Wortmann & Braun. 114 East 28th st, Manhattan, have completed plans for a 4-sty tenement. 50x88 ft., on the west side of Hopkinson av, IOO ft. south of Sutter av, for the S. & R. Realty Co., Arthur Spinola. president, 626 Saratoga av, owner and builder. Cost, about $70,000. STOCKHOLM ST.—W\ T. McCarthy, 16 Court st, has completed plans for a 4-sty tenement, 'tOxSU ft., in the west side of Stockholm st, 2iK) ft. south of Central av. for the 250 Pacific Street Inc.. 45 West 34th st, Manhattan. Cost, about $25,000. WARWICK ST.—S. Millman & Son, 1780 Fit- kin av. have completed plans for two 3-sty tenements. 22x75 ft., in the east side of War¬ wick St. 1.^0 ft. north of New Lots rd. for the Warwick Improvement Co.. S. Ettlinger. presi¬ dent. 635 Ashford st, owner and builder. Cost, about $22,500. LINCOLN PL.—M. Joseph Harrison, 230 Grand st, Manhattan, has completed plans for a 4-sty tenement, 40x61 ft., on the south side of Lincoln pl, 450 ft. west of Franklin av, for the Wvler Construction Co., Marcus Rosenthal, president, 35 Nassau st. Cost, about $25,000,