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SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases, in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Post OfTice at New York. N. T., as second class matter. Vol. X CIV No. 2419 New York, July 25, 1914. (56) PRICE 20 CENTS STREET INDEX OF RECORDED CONVEYANCES AND WILLS Showing street and number of Manhattan Conveyances and Wills recorded during the current week. An asterisk (•) indicates a cross reference. Carmine st. 80-2. Cherry st, 231. Columbia st, 77. Cortlandt st, 60. ♦EUwood st (nwc Hill¬ side av), blk 2171-42. ♦Emerson pl (nwc Sea¬ man av), blk 2248-92. Essex st, 40. Front st, 332. •Gouverneur sl (nec Front st, SS2), blk 24S-50-55. •Hamilton st, 48 (or :Market st, 59-63). Hester st, 126. Houston st, 214-S & S94- 400 E. Lafayette st, 2S1-5. Madison st, 195. Market st. 11, So & 59- 65. Mercer st, 231. ♦Norfolk st, 163-5 (or Stanton st, 1S4-6). Orchard, st, 154. Pt^arl St. 140-2. Pike st, 54. Prince st, 177. Rivington st. 5 & 40. Sheriff st. US. Spring st, 61. Stanton st. 134-6. AA'alker st, 15. ♦AA'ater st, 106-S (or Pearl st. 140-2). AA'atts st, 50. AVorth St. 20-2. ♦1st St. 207-11 E (or Houston st, 214-8 E. ♦2d St. 289-91 E (or Houston st, S98-400 E. ♦6th St. 2S8-40 E (or 2d av, 101). 10th st, 28 E 10th st, 211 W. 14th St. 347 E. 14th St. 209 W. 17th St. S30 &■ 334-40 W'. 21st St. 558 W^ 22d st, 21S W. 32d St. 145-51 E. 34th St. 129-33 AA^ (or Bwav. 1319-21). ♦35th. st, 122-6 AA^ (or Bway. 1319-21). 37th St, SS7 W'. 39th st, 21S W. 4Sth St. 317 E. 48th St. 32 & 612 AA'. Slst st, 347 AA\ S2d st, 265 W. SSth St. 52 E. 56th st, 70 E. 56th st, 421 AV. ♦62d St. 160 AV'(or Ams¬ terdam av, 49-55). 63d St, 154-6 E 6Sth St. 236 W^ 68th St. 74th st, 7Sth St. 79th St. (or (or (or G7th st, 121 AA' Bway, 19S1). 67th St. 123-7 W. 16 \A'. 345 E. 22 & 46-S E - .- __. 100 W. S4th st, 251 YV Bwav, 2321-5). S4th St. 253-65 AA^ ♦90th st, 100-2 E I*ark av. 1109-15). 90th st, 104 E. it2d St. llu-112 E. 102d St. 225 E. 105th st, 143 W. 106th st, S20 W. 107th St. 54 E. lOSth St. 32S-9 E. 109th St. 100 E. 109th st, 130 (t 227 110th st, S20 E. 115th st, 223 E. 115th St. 301-5 W. llGth st, 58-60, 123 "36 E 121st St,' 104 & 353 W. *121st st W (swc Man hattan av, blk 1947 AA'. & 53. 124th st, 326th st, 12Sth St. 130th St. 134th st. 232-4 E. 306 AV. S E. 526 W^ 72 AA'. 7th St blk ♦llSd St AA' (nec River¬ side dr, 660-6), blk ::o^fu-16. •14Sd st, 450-6 W^ (or Convent av, 310-8). ♦146th St. 167 (or 7th av. 2521-S). ♦147th st, 164 AA' (or av. 2537-9). 150th St. 420 AA^ I52d St. 259-65 AA^ *lo6tli st AA' (nwc Nicholas av) 2107-79. 167th st, 510 W. 167th st W, ss, blk 212S- 58. ♦ISlst st, 750 W (or Ft AA'ash av. 454-66) ISSd St. 520-2 AA^ ♦lS6th st AV (sec Wads¬ worth av), blk 2166- 33. Av A, 184. Av A. 10S8. Amsterdam av, 49-55. Amsterdam av, 710-2. Broadway, es, blk 2167- 32. Broadway, 1S19-21. 2321- 31. 19S1-7 & 1991. Columbus av, 70. ♦Columbus av, 390-6 or 79th St. 100 AA'. Convent av. 310-18 Ft AA'ash av. 454-66. ♦Hillside av (nwc Ell¬ wood). blk 2171-42. Madison av, 1677. Manhattan av, 156-64 & SOS. Old Broadway, 41-3. ♦Old Broadway, 45-7 (or 130th St. S26 AA'). Park av, 951, 1109-15 A- 1110. ♦Park av, 1489 (or I09th st, 100 E. Riverside ^r, 660-6. St Nicholas av. 92i. Seaman av (nwc Emer¬ son pl). blk 224S-9J- 97-pt lot 98. AA'adsworth av (s e c 1 'Hk 2166-33. West End av, 885. 1st av, 154 & 693. 2d av, 101. 2d av. 1S90. 2d av, 2453. 7th av, 2521-S & 2537-9. Sth av, 2131-9. 9th av, 445. ♦llth av, 130-6 (or 21st st, SSS AA'). AVI LLS. 10th St. 341 E. SSth st, 7 E. Broadway, 1841. sjiplanations of terms used and rull:!^ followed in compiling RECORDS. Q. C. Is an abbreviation for Quit Claim daed. i. e., a deed wherein all the right, title and interest of the grantor is con¬ veyed omitting all covenants and war¬ ranty. C. a G. means a deed containing Cove¬ nant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬ peached, charged or encumbered. B. & S. Is an abbreviation for Bargain a»d Sale deed, wherein, although the seller makes no expressed consideration, ho really grants or conveys the property for a valuable consideration, and thus im¬ pliedly claims to be the owner of It. The street and avenue numbers given In these lists are. In all cases, taken from ♦he insurance maps when they are not mentioned in the deeds. The numbers, it will occasionally be found, do not cor¬ respond with the existing ones, owing to there having been no official designation made of them bv the Department of Pub¬ lic AVorks. The first date Is the date the deed was drawn. Th© second date ,1s the date of flUng same. When both dates are the same, only one Is given. When the date of drawing Is other than in the current year the stated year Is given. When both the dates are In the aame year the year follows the second date. The figures In each conveyance, thus, 2:482—10, denote that the property men¬ tioned is In section 2. block 482, lot 10. It should also be noted In section and fclock numbers that the Instrument as filed is strictly followed. A $20.000~$JO,000 indicates the as¬ sessed value of the property, the first figures being for tho lot only and the Recond figures representing both lot and buUdlng. Letter P' before second figure Indicates that th© property Is assessed as In cours*» of construction. Valuations are from the assessment roll of 1914. T. S. preceding the coaslderatlon in a conveyance means that the deed or con¬ veyance has been recorded under the Tor¬ rens System. Flats and apartment houses are classi¬ fied as tenements. Residences as dwellings. All Christian names, streets, avenues, states and months are abbreviated when possible, also in some Instances names of Banks, Trusts and Insurance Companies The number In ( ) preceding the serial number to the right of the date line, at bead of tbis page I.^ the Index number for the Checking Index. The Star following names of street or avenue in the Bronx Conveyances. Lea^s and Mortgages indicates that the pr«Dp- erty recorded ia in tho annexed district, for which there Is no section or block number. KEY TO ABBREVIATIOIVS USED. (A)—attorney. A.L.—all liens. AT—all title. ano—another. av—avenue. admr—administrator. admtrx—administratrix. agmt—agreement. A—assessed valus. abt—about. adj—adjoining. apt—apartment. assign—assignment. asn—assign. atty—attorney. bk—brick. B & S—Bargain and Sale. bldg—building. b—basement. blk—block. Co—County. C a G—covenant against grantor. Co—Company. constn—construction. con omitted—consideration omitted. corpn—corporation. cor—corner. c I—centre line. ct—court. certf—certificate. 39 dwg—dwelling. deed—deceased. e—East. exr—executor. extrx—executrix. et al—used instead of several names. foreclos—foreclosure. Lr—from. fr—frame. ft—front. individ—individual. irreg—Irregalar. impt—Improvement. installs—installments It—lot. !s—lease. mtg—mortgage. mos—months. Mfg—manufacturing. Nos—numbers. n—north. nom—pnminal. (o)—oflice. ' pr—prior. pt—part. pl—place. PM—Purchase Money Mortgaae. QC—Quit Claim. R T & i_Right, Title & Interest. (R)—referee, r—room. rd—road. re mtg—release mortgage. ref—referee. sal—saloon. sobrn—subordination. sl—slip. sq—square. s—south. a—side. sty—story. sub—subject. strs—stores. stn—stone. st—street. T &c—taxes, etc. tnts—tenementa w—west. y—years. O C * 100—oth«r oonslderatloB aa4 tlOt. TS—Torrens System. ■ 4. "'I'l