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July 25, 1914 Mortgages RECORD AND (iUIDE Manhattan 45 8TH av (S;2106); also 157TH ST (polu Grounds); agmt as to re of adv privilege by. party 2d it & re from payment of $;i,000 for liquor privilege by party 1st pl; same & American League Baseball Club of N Y with same; Sept25'13; July2S'14. —■— STH av (8:2106); also 157TH ST (Polo Grounds) or BROADWAY & 225TH ST or elsewhere; same to same; ext Ls* from 1920 to 192S; Febll'14; July 2S'14. same term:? ^ LEASES. Borough of the Bronx, 169TH st, 286 E (9:2439), swc College av; double str. &c; Jacob Goossen to I'hilip AVesemann, 1460 Commonwealth av; Syf Septl; July22'14. 600 to 78U 170TH st E, nwc Stebbins av, see Steb¬ bins av. nwc 170. 173D st E, sec Hoe av, see Hoe av, sec 173. Arthur av, 2127 (11:3062), all; Albert Strasser to Louisa Hartstein, 2127 Arthur av; Syf Julyl; July20'14. 840 & 900 Claremont pkway, 417 (11:2897), west apartment on stoop fi; Jno B Schadel to Jno J Gurtov; Syf Junel; July21'14. 384 College av, swc 169, see 169th, 286 E. Cromwell av. es, 777.6 n 150th, see River av, ws, 777.6 n 150. Glebe av, nec AA'estchester av, see West¬ chester av, 2251. Hoe av (11:2989), sec 17Sd, s str; Mar- razzl Constn Co to Max Rosenblum, 871 E 178; 2 S-12yf Septl'lS; July2S'14. 660 & 720 Hui^hes av, 1968 (11:3079); all; P A Engelson to Hy C Kuver, 1968 Hughes av; Syf Aprl; July20'14. 600 River av (9:2357), ws, 777.6 n 150th, 125 x200 to es Cromwell av; all; AA'm V Astor to Adolph Saurer, Inc. 100 AA'illiam; 17 9-12yf Augl; 20v ren; Julv20'14. taxes &c & 2,500 Southern blvd, 1129 (10:2728); asn Ls; Julius Kahn to Roman Spraul, SIS Alex av; JulylS; July22'14. nom Stebbins av (11:2964), nwc 170th. double str adj cor; Gruensteln & Mayer to Ger¬ son Mezeblsh. 1471 Brook av, & ano; 5''"f Novl'lS; July20'14. 900 to 1,020 Union av, 997 (10:2669), all; Sam Levy to Rosalie Rosenberg, 451 E 171; 3 S-12vf Julvl; July20'14. 4,500 AVebster av, 2759-61 (12:3278). 2d fl; Henrv Tiedemann to Fredk Pump Jr, at 19Sth. swc AA'ebster av; 4 l-12yf JulylS; July20'14. 750 AA'estchester av, 2251 (*), nec Glebe av. double str: AA'ilhelmina Ruppel to Patk Wernhart, 22S1 AA'estchester av; Syf Augl; Julvl7'14. 780 & 900 3D av, 303S (9:2363). all; Bernard J MacCorrv to Fredk Rossbach. 428 E 157; Syf Mayl'16: July20'14. 6.000 & 6.300 3D av, 3038; asn Ls; Fred Rossbach to Fred Rossbach Inc, 3038 3d av; Julyl7; July20'14. nom 3D av, 4187 (11:2924); all; Sol Katz to Harry B Smith, 4187 3 av; Syf Julyl; July 2ri4. 900 Plot (*) begins at intersection of two stone walls distant 150 from ss road lead¬ ing from Henderson corner to the New Dock (commonly called New Road), runs nwlOOxeSO to high water mark x—lOSxsw 50 to beg; all; Margt J Uebel et al to Geo W Edlnondson, 2251 Tiebout av; Syf Junel: July21'14. 1,000 to 1,500 MORTGAGES. Borough of Manhattan. JULY 17. IS, 20, 21, 22 & 23. Academy st (8:2237), ws, 175 n Bway, 50 xl 37.6x50.7x129.7; pr mtg $-------; Julyl7: Julyl8'14; due & int as per bond; The Jar¬ vis Realty Co. Inc. to Manhattan Mtg Co, a corpn, 200 Bway. 47,000 Academy st (8:2237); same prop; certf as to mtg for $47,000; Julyl7; JulylS'H; same to same. ------- Academy st (8:2237), ws, 125 n Bway, 50 xl 29.7x50.7x121.8; pr mtg $-------; July 17; JulylS'14; due &c as per bond: Knapp & French, Inc, to Manhattan Mtg Co, a corpn, 200 Bway. 45,000 Academy st; same prop; certf as to mtg for $45,000; Julyl7; Julyl8'14; same to same. ------- Academy st (8:2237); same prop: sobrn of mtg for $6,000 to mtg for $45,000; July 17; JulylS'14; Edw J Knapp with satue. nom Allen st, 131, see 2d, 214-6 E. Bleecker st, 285 (2:590), es, 50 n Jones. 25x75; July21; July23'14; due & int as per bond; Lorenzo Ciaffone, of Eklvn. to Jos Libonati, 376 AA'est Bwav. 6.000 4'Iinton st. 70-2, see Rivington. 164-6. Delancey st. 26S (2:333); ext of mtg for $21,000 to Febl7'17. S*-/; June9: Julv21'14; Julia Bachrach. IS E 60. with Jno A Brown. Jr. at Newtown Township. Delaware Co. Pa. nOm Ellwood st, sws. at nws Hillside av, see Hillside av. nws, at sws Ellwood. Essex st, 40 (1:311); ext of mtg for $27,- 000 to Decl2*17, 4 V2 ^'r: JulylS: July2ri4: Louise Benziger with Yetta Cohn, widow, 101 AV 112. nom Grand st, 451-3 (1:315), ss. 88.2 w Pitt. 31.2x96.10x34.SxSO.11; pr mtg $43,000; July 15: Julyl7'14; due Janl5'16, 6-"^; The 451 to 455 Grand St Corpn to Isidor Eckert, 324 E 4. & Saml Schack, 86 AV 119. 2,000 Henry st. 302 (1:267): ext of mtg for $14,000 to Julyl6'17. 5%; Julyl6: Julvl7'14: Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank with Morris L Mashkowitz, SSS Kelly. nom Hester st, 126 (1:303). ss. 49.11 w Chrv¬ stie. 24.11x50.3x24.10x49.10; PM: Julv20- July21'14: oySCr: Teresa M J O'Donohue to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, a corpn. 12.000 Horatio st, 26-S (2:626), ss, 74.1 w 4th, 49.11XS7.6x49.7x87.6; pr mtg $S9,U00; July 2;il4; due & int as per bond; Edmund D leller to Ni* Savgs Bank, a corpn, Sl S av. 1,000- Houston st, 308-40O E (2:371), ns, about tio w Sheriff, 40x60.7 to ss :;d (Nos 289-91), x40.4xt)S.S, ws; PM; pr mtg $-------, JuneSS; Juiy2Sll; due .junelOi7, bU; l-ouise Kaufold, 450 Throop av. Bklyn, to Fischel AVeintraub, 140 Riv¬ ington. I2,5U0 ±iudson st, 453 (2:603); sal L^; Julyl7; Juiy2i'l4; demand, 67c; Michl Sheenan to l^ion Brewery, a corpn, 104 W lUS. 500 Macdougal st, 1-7, see Spring, 223-31. Macdout^al st, 107; also MINETTA ST, 15 (2:542); leasehold; Jujyil; Julyl7'14; demand, —%; Jno or Giovanni Morando to Saranac Realty Co, a corpn, 149 Bway. note, 635 Madison st, 49 (1:279), ns, 76.1 w Oliver, runs n29.10xwl.Sxn74.6xw25xsl04.5 to st xe 2b.3 to beg; July20; July21'14; Ivu , Cliurch of St James to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, a corpn. 12,000 Madison st, 317 (1;26S), ns, 26.S w Gou¬ verneur, —X—; ext of mtg for $25,000 to Julyl2'17, 4',i^c; Julyl6; Julvl('*'14; Nich¬ olas C Benziger & ano, exrs &c Louis Ben¬ ziger, with Saml Kleban, 1800 7 av. nom Madison st, 333-43 (i:2t>(^; ext of mtg for $48,UO0 to Juiy9'17, bYcl July9; Julyl7 '14; Mary B Schwab. 118 E 39, with Scam¬ mel Realty Co, Inc, 220 Bway. nom Minetta st, 15, see Macdougal, 107. Monroe st, 235 (1:266), ns, 168 e Scam¬ mel, 23.8x96x24x96; Feb2; J uly 17'14; due Decl0'14, —% ; Michl Rothstein, of Bklyn, to Delia L Gans, 824 Greene av, Bklyn. notes 500 Orchard st, 156 (2:411); ext of mtg for $19,000 to Julyl7'17, b%; Julyl7; July20 '14; Title Guar & Trust Co, a corpn. with Fredericke or Friedericke AVinckler, widow. nom Orchard st, 1.50 (2:411), es, abt 205 n Rivington. 25x87.6; Dec7'll; re-recorded from Decl4'll; Julyl8'14; ly6%; Fred¬ ericke AVinckler. of Bklyn, to Cath A AVhitaker, 7SS 5 av. 2,500 Pitt st, 52 (2:338); certf of payment of $3,000 on a/c of mtg & reducing same to $22,000; July20'14; Frank Drechsel, 720 Tinton av, to Jacob Elsen, 1416 Brvant a v. ■_____ KivIuKton st, 164-6 (2:349), nec Clinton (Nos 70-2). 50x57; June24; Julv22'14; due July21'19. o9r; Jos D Goldstein to Title Guar & Trust Co. a corpn. 55,OOo Rivington st, 164-6. nec Clinton (70-2): sobrn of mtg for $2,500 to mtg for $55,000; JulylO; July22'14; Sam Bernard with same. ;iom Rutgers st, 64 (1:255); ext of mtg for $25,000 to Julyl'17, 5%; Julyl; Julyl7*14: Nicholas C Benziger & ano. exrs &c Louis Benziger with Saml Tishman, 35 AA' 82. nom South St. 29 (1:34): asn Ls by wav of mte: as collateral for $11,000: Julv6; July 2ri4: A J Greiner & Albt Kleen *to Con¬ sumers Brewing Co of N Y, a corpn, 1011 ■^y A. nom Sprinf? st, 223-31 (2:505), nwc MacDou¬ gal (,Nos 1-7), runs w99.5xn2l4 to ss Van¬ dam (Nos 12-8), xeS8.SxslOO.lxe2S.Sxs6.llxe IS.lxsSO.l to ws Macdougal & again s along st 74.10 to beg; ext of mtg for $600,000 to Sept7'19. 59/; JulylO: July20'14; Republic of Panama by AA'm N Cromwell, its fiscal agent with Butterick Publishing Co & The Butterick Co, both corpus at 223 Spring. nom A andam st, 12-8, see Spring. 223-31. AA'atts st, 50 (2:477). ns, 247.2 e Varick. old line, 21.2x84.8 to 3 ft allev x21.2xS4.6: also AVATTS ST. ns, 26S.1 e Varick. runs n 85 to 3 ft alley xe42.6xs9xw21.6xs76 to st xw21 to beg. with AT to allev; Julvl7; July22'14; due & int as per bond; Edw & Jas Bergonzi, 4S AA'atts, to Louis Campora, at -Norths-ale, NJ, exr Alessandro Simon- etti. 15.000 AAatts st, 50; both parcels; same pron- PM; pr mtg $15,000; Julyl7; July22'14; due & Int as per bond; same to Jessie Ridlev. 293 State, Bklyn, et al, individ & trstes Annie R Finch. s oOO 2D St. 214-6 E (2:385). ns, 74.9 e Av B. 60x111.10; also ALLEN ST. 131 (2:415), ws, abt 150 s Rivington. 25x87.6; JulvlS- Julv 22'14; demand, 6%; Meichel & 'Salomon Henis- tn Ebling Brewing Co, a corpn. 760 St Anns av. 1 oOO 2D St. 2sn-91 E, see Houston. 398-400 E. CTH St. 23S-40 E, see 2 av, 101. OTH st, 645 E. see Av C. 89-97 14TH St. 534 E (2:407), ss, 170 w Av B. 25x103.3: July20; July22'14: due & int as per bond: Etbert Realty Co, Inc, to Wm Piat at Farmingdale, LI. 2 250 14TH St. 534 E; certf as to above nitg; July20: July22'14: same to same ___— 17TH st, 336 E (3:922). sws, 237 nw Livingston pl. 23x92: Julyl6: Julvl7'14- due & int as per bond; Wm F Flvnn, 1261 3 av. to Catholic AA^omen's Benevolent Legion a corpn. 153 E 44. 13 oqo 17TH St. 3.36 E; sobrn of mtg for $2;000 to mtg for $13,000: Julylo: Julvl7'14- Ber¬ tha Sattler. 306 AV 102. with skme. nom ISTH St. .325 AA' (3:742). 21.10x92- ext of mt^r for $10,000 to Julyl'17, b^r- July 17*14: Louisa Ohlsen, at Bavside, LI* with Margt Fitzsimmons. 359 W 22. nom 20TH St. .3.-.-7 E (3:849>. ns. 27S w 4 av 49.7x92; ext of mte- for $100,000 to Julv'>'> ■17. 5'^: JuneSO: July20'14; Robt S Clark at rooperstown, NA'. with Emilv B Hopkins 1 E 56. - i ^^^ 22D St. 213 AA' (3:772). ns. 101.2 w 7 av 15x78 5x15x78.7: PM: Julyl7; Julv22'14- 3v sc;: Eliphalet L Davis to Jas H'Riplev at Hempstead, LT. ^ c,o(^ 28TH St. 113 W (3:804). ns. 1S5 w 6 av 21.5x98.9: 1-3 pt: also asn rents; nr mtsr $-------; JulylS: .Tu]y22'14: lv6%: Edw B Dunne, 305 W 29 to Jno C L Daly. 377 Union, Bklyn. 220 30TH St. 233 E (3:911), ns, 250 w 2 av, 20X9&.9; pr mtg $7,500; JulylS; Julyl7'14; due & int as per bond; Katnryne A Smith & Mary E Langmack to Mary E McCourt. 441 9 av. 1,000 44TM st, 557 AV (4:1073), ns, 100 e 11 av, 25xlUl>.4; pr mtg $9,000; July22'14; '2y6Vo: EUz Gorgers, bol VV 44, to jno J Ahearn, bl2 Hudson. 3,000 52D st, 205 AV (4:1024), ext of mtg tor $^,uyu to Marl5'17, b%; Jan20; Julv;il'l4; Fannie Veith, 9 AV 95, with Jessie E Smith, SoS 7 av. nom 57TH St. 345 AV (4:1048), ns, 237 e 9 av, 19x100.5; pr mtg $18,OUU; J uly 20; July2i '14; lyO'/o; Emma J Herren at Tarrytown, NY, to Margarethe Banks, 431 Auduuon av. 2,000 62D st, 160 AA', see Amsterdam av, 49-55. 63D st, 156 E (5:1397), ss, 21S w S av, 16 xlUoxltixlOl; July:il'14; due & int as per bond; Fredk J Sterner to Lawyers Mtg Co, a corpn. 14,000 67TH st, 121-7 W, see Bwav, 1981-7. 77TH st, ::o« AA' (4:li6S), ss, lis.9 e West End av, 18.9x102.2; pr mtg $15,000; Julvl; juiy21'14; 1\ o Benj F Romaine, 24 E 11, to Louis P & Girard Romaine. 68 Broad, exrs, &c, Julia A T Romaine. 5,000 78TH st, 22 E (5:1392), ss. 104.8 w Madi¬ son av. 15.4x102.2; PM; Julyl6; Julyl7'14; bybYc: Jno L de Saulles, IS E 60, to Law¬ yers Title Ins & Trust Co, a corpn. 30,000 78TH st, 22 E; PM; pr mtg $3u,000; July 16; Julyl7'14; byoYo; same to Francis B Robert, 38 AV 59. 6,500 7STH st, 217 AV (4:1170). ns, 200 w Ams av. 21x102.2; 1-9 pt; Julyl7; JulylS'14; Sy or sooner, S%; Geo D AVagner & Edna M, his wife, to Mary E AA'agner, 60 AV 126, gdn of AA'alter E AA'agner. 1,500 79TH st, 117 W (4:1210); ext of mtg for $130,000 to Augl'19. 5%; Julyl6; July20'14; Republic of Panama, by AA'm N Cromwell, Its Fiscal Agent, with Philip J Rudden. nom S2D St. 509 E (5:1579), ns, 147.8 e Av A, 29.8x102.2; ext of mtg for $4,150 to Julyl •19, 67c; July20; July2S*14; Chas Heintz. 1556 Av A, with Hy M Schuh, 509 E 82, exr, &c. Louisa Schuh. nom S4TH st, 2,53-65 AA', see Bway, 2321-31. 92D st, 321 AV (4:1252), ns, 250 w West End av, 15u to es Riverside dr (Nos 200- 1). x61.7x153.10x56.11; ext of mtg for $200,000 to July7'17, 4 V2 %; June7; July23 '14; Albt D Oppenheim with Bank for Savings, NY, 2S0 4 av. nom 94TH st, 146-S AV (4:1224), ss, 439.10 w Col av, 35.2x82.11 to ns Apthorps la x35.2x 84.o, \l-ith AT to Apthorps la; pr mtg $23,- UUO; Julyl; July21'14; Iv6f1:: Benj F Ro¬ maine. 24 E 11. to Louis F & Girard Ro¬ maine, 68 Broad, exrs, &c, Julia A T Ro¬ maine. 4 000 IIOTH st, 2 E (6:1615); ext of mtg for $49,000 to AprSu'19. 5^'-; JulvlO; Julv21'14; Mary B Slevin with Jno A Sonntag. nom 112TH st, 210-4 E (6:1661), ss, 155 e 3 av, 40.6x100.11; ext of mtg for $39,500 to Junel5'19. bY-^'^c; JulylS; Julv21'14; Isaac Marx. 585 Quincy. Bklyn, with Jacob Holtzberg 231-3 AV 111. nom 114TH St. 508 AA^ (7:18SS); ext of mtg for $160,000 to Julyl6'17, 57o; Julyl6; July 17'14; Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, a corpn, with Carolina T Paterno, 344 North¬ ern av. nom 114TH st, 508 AV; sobrn of two mtgs for $27,500 & $11,000 to mtg for $160,000; July 16; Julyl 7'14; Carolina T Paterno, 344 Northern av, & Jos Paterno, 435 Riverside dr, with Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, a corpn. nom llOTH St. 123 E (6:1644). ns. 256 e Park av, 25x100.11; PM; pr mtg $-------; Julyl6; Julyl7'14; due & int as per bond: Benj Goldberg, 1251 47th, Bklyn. to Adrian H Jackson, 151 AV 121. 15 000 121ST st, 353 W (7:1948), ns, 186 w Man¬ hattan av, 16x100.11; PM; pr mtg $-------; Julyl7'14; SyS-^; Rena Arvine to Henrv Muller, 251 E Klngsbrlde-e rd. 6,000 123D st, 214-6 E (6:1787); ext of mtg for $37,500 to JuneSO'19, 5%; July9: Julyl7'l4' Max J Klein. 22 Mt Morris Park W, & Ignatz Roth, 102 W 121, with Jno A Brown Jr. at Newtown Township, Delaware Co, Pa. nom 124TH St. 206 E (6:1788); ext of mtg for $10,000 to Junel'17. 4U(r«; June2S; Julvl7 '14: AVm Becker. 1413 Sterling pl. Bklyn with Jno A Brown Jr, at Newton Town¬ ship. Delaware Co. Pa. nom 126TH st, 306 AV (7:1952). ss, 116.8 w 8 av, 16.8x99.10; PM; pr mtg $6,000; Julyl4: JulylS'14: due & Int as per bond; Anna P Pettes, 306 AV 126, to Arnstaedt & Co, a corpn, 104-12 E 25. i,boo 129TH St. 515 AV (7:1984); ext of mtg'for $18,000 to July23'17. b%: JulvlO; Julvl7'14- Thos Latham, 200 E 75, with Walter F Kingsland. 22 Av du Bois de Boulogne Paris, France. nom ».l'^J^ **» ^*^' ^^ (7:1984): ext of mtg for $18,000 to July23'17, S^t; JulvlO; Julvl7'14- Thos Latham. 200 E 75. with AA'alter P Kingsland. 22 Ave du Bois de Boulogne Pans. France. nom 133D st, 119 AV (7:1918): agmt not to rec¬ ord deed of even date unless partv 1st pt defaults m sum of $100 & upon pavment of same deed to be returned bv partv 2d pt: pr mtg $14,600 & AL: Julv20: Julv21'14- Lottie Laing. 70 AV 133. with Harrv De- more. 2283 7 av. ^^'' ^^om .1.34TH st, 72 AV (6:1731)- ext of mte- fn.- $15,000 to Mayl9'16. 5%: Jan2Vl3: jfly?7 K^-r.^V'^^.^^P^'' ^'*^ Louise M Pollock, at Pittsfield, Mass. ^0^^ 141ST st, 158 AV (7:2009). ss, ''94 10 e 7 av 27.7x99.11: pr mtg $19,000; JulylV; Julv 14: due July2S'19. R-,- Nellie Lorge. 4230 Bway, to Jeannette Monheimer. 601 W 119 2.101 141ST st, 158 AV; sobrn of mtg for 89 000 to mtg for $2,100; Julyl7: Julvfs'll- same & Max H Levy, 2048 E 17. Bklvn with ^^"^®- ■ nom Th, t.xt Of .h... pa... 1. copyright.,!. AI, rl.ht. „. r...r..d. Notlc, 1. hereby g.v.n that .nfr.n„m.„t w„, U.d to pro..e„«oa