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SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION i) BUILDERS This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases, in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Bntered at tbe Poat Oflice at New Tork, N. T., aa second claai matter. Vol. XCIV No. 2437 New York, November 28, 1914. PRICE 20 CENTS STREET INDEX OF RECORDED CONVEYANCES AND WILLS Showing street and number of Manhattan Conveyances and Wills recorded during the current week. An aaterlBk (*) Indicates a ero«s raferenoe. *Arden st, 2 (or Nagle av. ws), blk 2174-85). Attorney st. 31. Bank st. 105. Catharine st, l^Vz, rear. Fulton St. 122 & 216. Gansevoort st. 63-5. Goerck st, 157-161. Greenwich st. 809-13 & 833. Hamilton st, 10. Hester st, 188. Pearl st. 167-9. *Pine st, ll^A (or Pearl st, 169), Thompson st. 40-2. * Watts st (sec Thomp¬ son st, 40-2), blk 476- 61. AA'illett st, 54-6. 3d st, 19 E. *3d st, 390-6 E (or Goerck st. 161), 4th st, 314 E. Sth St. 705-7 E. Sth st, 366 E. llth st, 603 & 732-6 E. 14th St. 327-9 W. 16th St. 25 W. 19th St. 328-30 E. 21st st, 147 W. 22d St. 239 E. 22d St. 129-31 & 261 & 265 W, 23d st, 250-2 AV. SSd St. 203-9 E. 34th St. 463 W. 43d St, 343 W. 44th st, 3 E. 44th st, 317 W. 45th st, 21 W, 46th St. 48 W. 4Sth St. 232 W. 49th St. 40 E. 56th st, SO W. 60th st, 27-37 W. 69th st, 33 E. 74th St. 51 W. 75th St. 302 E. 76th st, 204 E. 77th St. 103 AV. 7Sth St. 218 E. *78th St. 231 AV (or Bwav, 2200-8). *79th St. 230 AV (or Bwav, 2210-S). *SOth St. 150 E (or Lex av, 1151-7). SOth st, 152 E. SSd st, 226-8 E. *S6th St. 2 W (or Cen¬ tral Pk'AV), 255-9). 89tii st, 17-29 E. 89th st E, SS, blk 1500- S9th' st, 72 W. 91st St. 74 AV. ■ 9Sth St. 137 & 207-9 AA^ 103d St. 135 W. 104th st, 51 E. 104th St. 128 W. 106th st, 158 & 162 E. 107th st AV. SS, blk 1S61- 42-44. 109th St. 70 & 324 E. 109th St. 106. W. *lllth st W, ns (or Len¬ ox av, ws), blk 1821- 31. 112th st, 9 & 228-32 E. *112th st W, ss, or Len¬ ox av, ws), blk 1S21- 36. *114th st, 30 E (or Mad av. 1732). 115th St. 258-60 W. 117th St. 236-8 E. 121st St. 427-31 E. 122d St. Ill & 273 W. 123d St. 101 E. 126th st, 73 W. 127th st, 127 W. 131st st, 26 E. 131st St. 368-70 W. 132d St, 270 AV, 133d st, 61 E. *lS3d st W (sec Brad¬ hurst av. 222), blk 2046-53. 181st st AV. ss, blk 2152- 72. *lS6th st, 600 W (or St Nicholas av. 1509-15). 192d st AV, ss. blk 2161- 110. Av D, 30-4. *Bradhurst av, 1-7 (or Edgecombe av, 180-6). Bradhurst av. 222. Broadway, bet SSth & S9th sts, blk 1236-44 p, 17 Broadway. "2200-18 & 2600-10. (Central Pk W. 255-9. Edgecombe av. 180-6. Lenox av, ws, bet 110th & lllth sts. blk 1821- 31-36. Lexington av. 1151-7. Madison av, 1242, 1584 & 1732. Nagle av, 21-3. *St Nicholas av. es (or Lenox av, ws), blk 1821-31-36. St Nicholas av, 1509-15. West End av, 885. 2d av. 1073, Sth av, 1326. Sth av. 2672. WILLS. 49th st, 338 E. 53d St. 448 AA^ ■XPLANATIONS OF TBRMS USBD AND RULES FOLLOWED IN COMPILING RECORDS. Q. C. Is an abbreviation for Quit CTlalm deed, 1. e.. a deed wherein all the right, title and Interest of the grantor is con¬ veyed omitting all covenants and war¬ ranty. C. a Q. means a deed containing Cove¬ nant against Grantor only, in which he eovenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be Im¬ peached, charged or encumbered. B. A 8. is an abbreviation for Bargain aad Bale deed, wherein, although the ■•ller makes no expressed consideration. ha really grants or conveys the property for a valuable consideration, and thus im¬ pliedly claims to be the owner of It. The street and avenue numbers given in these Hats are. in all cases taken from the Insurance maps when tney are not mentioned In the deeds. The numbers. It will occasionally be found, do not cor¬ respond with th© existing ones, owing to there having been no omclal designation made of them by tha Department of Pub¬ lic Works. The flrst date is the date the deed was drawn. The second date Is the date of fllln^ same. When both dates are the same, only one is grlven. When the date of drawing ts other than in the current fear the stated year is given. When both he dates are In the same year the year follows the second date. The figures In each conveyance, thus, 2:482—10, denote that the property men¬ tioned is In section 2. block 4S2. lot 10. It should also be noted in section and block numbers that the instrument as Sled is strictly followed. A $20,000—$30,000 Indicates the as¬ sessed value of the property, the first Sgures being for the lot only and the second figures representing both lot and building. Letter P before second figure Indicates that the property Is assessed aa In course of construction. Valuations aro from the assessment roll of ltl4. T. S. preceding the ooaslderatlon In a conveyanca meana that the deed or con¬ veyance has been recorded under the Tor¬ rens System, Flats and apartment housaa are classi¬ fied as tenements. Residences as dwellings. All Christian names, streets, avenues, states and months are abbreviated when passible, also in soma Instances names of Banks, Trusts and Insurance Companies. The number In ( ) preceding the serial nunaber to the right of the date line, at haad of this page is the Index number for the Checking Index. The Star following names of streat or avenue In the Bronx Conveyancea, Leaaes and Mortgages Indicates that the prop¬ erty recorded Is In tha annexed district, for which there Is no section or block number. KBY TO ABBRETIVITIONS USBD. (A)—attorney. A.L.—all Ilena. AT—-all title, ano—another, av—avenue, admr—administrator. admtrx—admlnlstratrla. agmt—agreement, A—assessed valua. abt—about, adj—adjoining, apt—apartment, assign—asslgnmant. &8n—assign, atty—attorney, bk—brick. B A S—Bargain and Bala. bldg—building, b—basement, blk—block. Co—County. C a G—covenant agalnvt grantor. Co—Company, constn—construction, con omitted—consideration omitted, oorpn—corporation, cor—corner. c l^-centre Una. ct—court, certf—oer tl float*. ^l ' *" dwg—dwalling. dec d—d e c e ased. o—East. exr—executor. extrx—executrix. et al—used Instead of several aasea. foreclos—foreclosure. fr—from. fr—frama. ft—front. Individ—individual. irreg—Irregular. Impt—Improvement. installs—Installmantr It—lot Is—lease. mtg—mortgage. mos—months. Mfg—manufacturine Nos—numbers. n—north. nom—nominal. (o)—office. pr—prior. pt—part pl—place. PM—Purchase Money Mortgage. QC—Quit Claim. R T & I—Right. Title A Interest (R)—referea. r—room. rd—road. re mtg—releaae mortgage. ref—referee. sal—saloon. sobrn—subordination. sl—slip. sq—square. 8—south. 8—side. sty—storv. sub—subject strs—stores. stn—stone. st—street T &c—taxes, ete. tnts—tenementa. w—west y—-yeara. OCA 100—other eonaldaratlon aad 1100. TS—Torrens Byatem. S^ 189