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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 95, no. 2446: January 30, 1915

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Bronx RECORD AND GUIDE Mortfagea January 30, 1915 104TH st, 52 E (6:1609), SS, 120 e Mad av, 25x100.11; ext of mtg tor $lo,OOU to JanS'lN, b'/c; Novl'14; Jan22'15; Lizetta A Thoms, 36 3d, Weehawken, NJ, with Jno S Jacobus, trste will Saml M Jacobus. nom 104TH st, 102 E, see Lexington av, 1643-5. 108TH st, 03 W (7:1844); ext of mtg for ^U.OMO to jan2riS. 5 Vj'/o ;; Jan.:olo; Title Guar JC: Trust Co with Itosa Kahl. 458 Manhattan av. "om lOSTH st, 301 AV, see Bway, 2801-23. I09TH St. 300 \V. see Bway, 2801-23. IKVIH St. 357 E, See 1 av, 2205. 114TH HI, 158-00 E (6:1641); ext of mtg for $^o,000 to Jui.v2ul:f. b^/z'jc; Jan2:i; Jan Zilo; l^awyers .Mtg Co With Saml Z,inn- sky. 17 E 07. »om 114TH st, 158-00 E (6:1641); ext ot mtg lor $5.UOO to July;io'19, Vr as per uona; pr mtg ^.JS.OOU; Jan;;2; Jan2(Ta; Saml Zir- uisky, \i E 9(. with Edwm Heed, ^m ^'iV\1'H''Ht?508 \V (7:1885), ss. 100 w Ams av. 7oxn>l; pr mlg $175,ooo; jan2b; Jan-- 'lb- due Augl'lV or sooner, G'/<,; Carolina A Paterno. 3-*4 Northern av, to A»^'»^"/,^,-^ J*aterno, 344 Northern av. , ';^?. 1141 H st, 508 w (-;18oo); ext of mtg loi $15,000 to Augri7, 6Vi: Jan26; JaiY/l;;; JOS Pateino. 435 Riveiside dr, with Caio- lina T Pattrno. 344 Norihem av. "O'^^ 114TH st, 514 \V (7:lStto). ss, I'O w Ams av, 7dx101; pr mtg $l&o.OOU; Jan2b; Jan27'15; due Augri7 or sooner, b'/t ; Caro¬ lina T Palerno. 344 Northern av, to An¬ thony A Paterno. 344 Northern av. H.^^O 114TH St. .514 W; ext ot mtg tor $lo.000 to Augl'lV. 6',( ; Jan26; Jan27'lo; Jos Pat¬ erno 435 Riverside dr. with Carolina f Palerno. 344 Northern av. nom iniH St. 520 W (7:1885); ext of mtg tor $45,000 to Augri7. «VI ; Jan21; Jan^- lo; Jos Paterno. 435 Riverside dr. with Mai R- S Paterno. 344 Nurtliern av. nom 120TH st, 310 W (7:1946). sec Manhattan av (No 462). 94.10x20; ext of mtg lor S23,- 000 to Aprri6, S'/r; Aprl6'14; Jajiiolo; Madeline A Agart & Salo Sc Leopold Cohn with U S Life Ins Co. „„. "om 12IST st, 229 \V (7:192.7). ns, 37o w 7 av 25x100.11; ext of mtg for $4,dOO to Marl6-19, 5';; pr mtg $17,oOO; Jan26; Jan 27'15; Liselta Lowenlhal. 2bD Ocean Pk¬ wav Bklvn. & Herman Israel. 2 W 120. with Mary Kennedy, 229 W 121 ^nom 122D st, 2:tO W (7:1927), ss, 3o2 w i av 34x100.11; ext of mtg for $28,000 to Mar ri8 5''.; Jan22; Jan23'15; Thos F Tierney with Metropolitan life Ins Co. 1 Mad av.^ 12eTH st, 230 E (6:1790). ss, 130 w 2 av. 25x99.11; deed recorded as mtg as per statement filed & RT of $42.d0 paid. Dec 17'14- Jan25'15; Luke A Burke, 112 ^\ yj. to National Surety Co, 115 Bway. nom 127TH st, 011-17 \V (7:199o). ns, 192.8 v\ Bway. 100x150 additional ^0^1^^^^* J.7,,^rtn' cure mtg of ^50.800 to extent of $2o,00o. owned by parties 2d pt against I^IST SI. 630 W sec Riverside dr; pr mtg $195.00, Jan20; Jan25'15; installs, $1,000 to $ monthlv. G"r\ Shenk Realty & Constn Co. ^6 W 107. to Abel King. 148 E 65. & Isaac Schorsch. 38 W 97. ^ P'%Z 127TH st, 011-17 \V; certf as to mtg for $20,000; Jan20; Jan25'15; same to same. 129TII st, 159-01 W (7:1914). ns. ISO e 7 av 41.8x99.11; Jan26; Jan27'lo: due Febl „ •18'or sooner, b^/^'/r; Theresa Lenimon 319 ^ W 94 to Uanl Burke at oxford, Ni, A: Louise M Underhil, 987 Madison av, trstes will Abr Underbill. ^ 13.500 129TH St. 543 W (7:1984); ext of mtg for $48,000 to Febl'18, 57.; Jan21; Jan2ol5. Richd Lathers Jr. at New Rochelle. N\, & ano. exrs Richd Latliers. with Sadie Moses. 730 Riverside dr. ^ ^t. v. i "?!? 141 ST st, 332 W. see St Nicholas av. 141ST st, 030 W, see 127th, 611-7 W. 140TH st, 220-2 W (7:2034) ss 420 e S av, 40x99.11; Jan28*15; SyS''.; Ready Real¬ tv Co. 80 Maiden la. to Wm Rankin. 110 «r mn .i 0 , 0 0 0 149TH st, 220-2 W; certf as to mtg for $2.n.o00: Jan28'15; same to same._ — 141)TH st, 220-2 W; pr mtg $2.-}.0Oit; jan 28'IS- 2v6'; ; same to Preferred Mt- t^oi'P"' "S^^rH !^.i"r^i.-2'\v: certf as to mt^^'fo, $2,650: Jan2S'15: same to same. ^o"^~7 154TH st, 308-10 W (7:2047) ss \2 o e Bradhurst av. 50x99.11; pr mtg^ $33.00O_ Jan22: Jan26'15; 5y6'/^ :„ Paul Kohn of Eastchester, NY, to Geo Pfaff. 53* ^^^14^8^^ 102D st, 539-41 W (8:2122), "S. 205 e Bwav. 80x99.11; ext of mtsr for $82,000 to Dec2"'17, 5V..^;; JanS; Jan22'15; N Y Life Ins Co, 346" Bway. & Real Estate Mt5 (^o of NJ. 63 Wall, with Simon Shloss, 2o4 \\ no nom ilTSTH St. 709-11 AV (8:2176): ext of mtg for $11,000 to JanlS'17, 6^'*-: Jan25: Jan2fi ■15- Helen N Spraker. at Washington av & Roland rd. .\rdslev-on-Hudson. NY. with Edwin F Caraerher. 66 Morton. nom 17STH St. 752 W, see Pinehurst av, 11-9. \v \, 123 (2:435); asn Ls bv way of mtg as'cullateral to secure $1,500; JanlO: Jan27'15; Chemia Ramer Sc Adoliih \^ ert- heimer both at 125 1 av, to Ebling Brew¬ ing Co. 760 St Ann's av. nom .\v C, 19 (2:385), ws. 40.2 n 2d. 20.1x52.2x 20 1x50.2: pr mts- $-------: Janl9; Jan23 1o; 2y6'-^- Julius Stoloff, 314 E 4, to I Arthur Stoloff, 314 E 4. 2.000 Amsterdnm nv, 021 (4:12211; sal Ls; Jan 21- J:in23'15; demand. G^, \ Wm O'Donnell toJacob Ruppert, a corpn. 1639 3 av 4.2 9 .i. 81 Amsterdam nv, 877 (7:1857); sal Ls; Jan21: Jan23'15: demand. G'/c; Jas Guil- foyle to Jacob Ruppert. a corpn, 1639 3 av. ^ 6,584.50 Amsterdam nv, 2145 (8:2111); ext of mtg for $oi»,uuo to Muyl'l8, 5'^ : JanJb; JanJo '15; Hy F Schwaiz, at Greenwich. Conn. with Giuseppe Bozzo, 278 VV 115, Se Thos Mulligan. 14(4 Siiakespeare a v. nom Urondwuy, 2801-23 (7:1893), nwc 108th (No 3oi;. :.uI.lo lo sd lo9th (Ao 300) xloo; pr mtg $AoO,ouu; Jan7; Jan26'15; lOy or sooner, 5'/c; Marbrick Really Corpn, 527 5 av, to Carrie M Butler, at Ridgelield, Conn. , 50,000 Uroudwuy, 2801-23; certf as to mtg for $50,01)0; Jaii26'lJ; same to same. ------- CulumltuH uv, stj.> ^7:ls3a>; ext of ml^ for $ to Janl'l9, 4'/^ 'y : Jan2o; Ja,n 2s'15; Louis Fi-ank, 31s W 22, with Fanny, wile of A: Saml Heiibroner, 349 Central Park W. nom Edgecumbe av (7:2053), ws, 149.11 s 150th, V9.ll to cl 149lh (closed) xlOO; bldj- loan; Jan:i2; Jan23"15; demand, G'/t\ I'od- gur Really Co to City Mtg Co, 15 Wall. 75.000 Edgecombe av (7:2o53); same prop; certf as to mtg for $75,o00; Jan22; Ja]i23'15; same to same. ------- Lexington nv, 227 (3:889); ext of mtg foi- $:;2,000 to Nov3"17, bVi'/r; Decll'14; Jan 22'i5; Cornelia W & Jno H Hall, at Tarry- town, NY, Se ano, trstes will Martha J Hall, with Wm H English, 271 Berkley pl, Bklyn. nom Lexington av, 1043-5 (6:1631), sec 104th (No 162;. 50.11x95; pr mtg $34,000; Jan20; Jan22'15; due Aprl5"i6 or sooner, O'y ; Jakob Herskovilz lo Isaac Cohen, 315 Cen¬ tral Park W. 4,300 Madison uv, 1200-70 (5:1502), swc 91sl (Nus 26-8J, 100.8x62.3; pr mtg $90,000; Jan ^.j i.j; due & int as per Ijond; Angela A Cole, 357 W 56. lo Eliz M J Fenlon. 228 Corlies av. Pelham, NY. 6.50i' 3laiihnttan av. 402, see 12oth. 316 W. I'urk av, 12:^0 (5:1507). ws, 75.6 s 96th. . 25.2x100; I'M; pr mtg $24,000; Jan2S'15; due & int as per bond; Emma G Conboy. ot l-Jklvn, to Elmer A Miller, 963 Madison av. 5,250 Pineliurst av, 11-9 (8:2177). sec 178th (No 752), 127.6x96.3x127.7x101.11; ext of mtg for $140,000 to May20'20, ^V2'/c'\ Jan 15; Jan26'15; Mary E Freeman, of Troy. NY. with Lincoln Mtg Co, 233 Bway. nom Itlverside dr, sec 14l8t, see 127th, 611- 7 W. St Nicholas av, 020-2 (7:2048), sec 141st (No 332), 38.4x102.4x37.10x108.9; pr mtg $-------; Jan27; Jan28'15; 3y6'Y ; Louis i Harris to .Morris Weiss. 124 E 91. S.Soo AVadsworth nv. 248-52 (8:2167). ws, 6<'.2 6 110.2 n 185lh, 2 lots, ea 50x115x49.2x1'') Sc 50x115; 2 mtgs. ea $12,000; 2 pr mtgs $42,500 eu; Jan28'15; due Se int as per bond; Wadsworth-Washington Corpn. 20,{,s 5 av, to Ver Planck Estate, a corpn. 331 Madison av. 24,00tj Wadsworth nv, 24H-52; certf as to 2 mtgs, eacli for $12,000; Jan2S'15; same lo same. ------- Wadsworth av. 250 (8:2167), ws. 160.2 n 185lh. 54.5x115; pr mtg $45,000; Jan2S'15; due Sc int as per bond; Wadsworth-Wasi,- ington Corpn. 2038 5 av. to Ver Plan -ic Estate, a corpn. 331 Madison av. 12.7-J5 Wndsworth av, 250; certf as to mtg f'>r $12,735; Jan2S'15; same to same. ------- IST av, 2205 (6:1685). nwc 113th (No .'^5 7). 25x75; Dec21'14; Jan27'15; 3y6'; ; Domenico Taurone, 357 E 113, to Cono Marino. 320 E 108. 2.000 2D nv, 1207-15 (5:1418). swc 64th (No 238), 125.5x105; PM; Jan23: Jan27'l5: Sy or ooner. S'i; Hollywood Garage Corpn, 244 E 64. to Kath S Galbraith at Shoreham Hotel. Wash, DC. Sc Jane Sanders, loO State St. Albanv. NY'. 70.OoO 2D av,1207-15; also 64TH ST. 238 E; subm of mtg for $5,000 to mtg for $70,000; Jan 23; Jan27'15: Ewen Duff with same, nom 2D av, 1542 (5:1543); sal Ls; Jan25'15: demand. G'', \ Har.'v E Lowe to Geo Ehret. 1197 Park av. 1.000 2D av, 1030 (5:1547). es, 25 s SSth. 25x SS- 'A pt; AT; pr mtg $11,000; JanlS; Jan 22'15; demand. \''<; Mildred Menzinger to Louisa Menzinger, 1636 2 av. 2,SOo 3D av, 777 (5:1352); sal Ls; JanlS; Jan 25'15; demand. 6'^:'^; Jas Doris to Lion Brewerv. 104 W 108. 6.500 3D av, lMt9 (5:1331); sal Ls: Jan27; Jan 2s'15; demand. G'/r; Albt Feckelsberg In Jncob Ruppert. a corpn. 1639 3 av. 3.201 3D nv, 1201 (5:1424); sal Ls; Jan27; Jnn 2S'15- demand. 6'^: Patk J O'Brien t> Jacob Ruppert. a corpn. 1639 % av. 7.00.1 3D av. 1543 (5:1532), es. 26 s S7th, 19.6x 100- Jan26'15: 3v6';^: Frank T Faulkner. of Bklvn. to Chas G Koss. 62S West End av ■ '^■O'^f' 3D av, 1751 (6:1647). nec 97th (No 2011 25.7x90; Jan20: Jan25'lS; SyST'r ; Jas W Gillespie, at Middle Granville, County of Washington, NY, to Jennie G Hannis. 123 W 8'> 8.000 .5TH nv, 400 (3:838). ws. 65.4 s 37th. 27.7 xl20- PM; Jan 25; Jan26'15; due Febl'lS. SV.^;; XT s Realtv & Impt Co to Margt O Sage. 604 5 av. 325.000 .5TH av, 473 (5:1275). es. 52.6 s 41st. 26\ ns 4 Jan28*15: 5v4i^'7, : Guardian Holding- Cn. Inc. to Oceanic Investing Co. Inc. 49 Wnll. 125.000 5TH av, 473: oertf as to mtg for $125,000: Jan26; Jan2S'15: same to same. ------- 5TH av (6:1603), sec 9Sth (No 2), 100.11 xloo- ^ pt- nr mtg $30,000 on whole: Sept 4M1- Jan23M5: demand. G^fr; Jerome Sit-erel to Wm R Rose. 309 W 81. 'note 11.000 5TH nv (6:ir.03>. ^^e 98th (No 2). 100.llx P^O; 1-, pt; nr mt^- $41,000; Sept4'14: Jan27 '15-' demand. 6';; Jerom*^ Siecrel to Jos B Gr*^cnhut. 135 Central Pnrk W et nl. firm J B Greenhut Sz Co. Bankers, note $6i\00n OTH av, 020 C^:R3S). es. 106.11 n 36th. 20 3x100: 3lPo r.TH AV .62^ (3:S3S). es. 1*>7 3 n 36th. 'JOidySO: ponal lien with mtcr $60,000: Dec9'14: Jan27'15: dup Spnt?8'19. S--; : Geo Cantrpll of Ridsrewood. NJ: Mnrv J Cantrell. widow, ^- Frank S Cantrell. both of Huntington. LI, & Emma C Beard, of Bklyn, to American Biule Society, b Bible House. 20,000 01H av, 028, see 6 av, 626. O'lH av, 095 (3:815); leasehold; Janl6; JanJb'lS; demand, G'/c \ Demetrios Kara- gianis. 095 6 av, to Jas Everards Brtw- eries. 12 E 133. gold 7.500 71 M av, 341 (3:805), nec 29th, 24.9x75; pr mtg $-------; Jan22'15; 2y5'A : Jas Todd, of iikiyn. to Geo Ehret, 1197 Park av. lo.OOU lOTH av, 370-2 (3:729), es. 24.8 & 49.4 n 31st, 2 lots, ea 24.8x60; 2 PM mtgs, ea $10,- 000; JaiUl; Jaii22'15; due Janb'23, 4 Va Vo; Chas J Malone Sc Eneas J Lealiy to Adolph Flegenheimer, 427 l''t Washington av. 20,000 lOTH av, 370-2; PM; Jan21; Ji.n2;i'15; due Jaij6'lft, 5S; same to saiiit. 3,750 MISCELLANEOOS MORTGAGES. borough ol Mannattan. Amu Int in estate ot Uura Lands- berger, deed, lo ext of $J,400; pr mtg ^o,- 000; Jan27; Jan2s'15; due on distribuliun of estate. 4'> ; Sadie Isaacs to Jacob Landi- berger, lol \V 78. 2,4oo Car & locomutive Lm (miscl); agmt & gen mtg; Jan2i; Jan22'15; lOvS^f ; Cuba Co, vendor, & U S Trust Co of N Y, lessor, with The Cuba R R Co, at Camaguey, Cuba. gold Sou.oOO (-battel mtg (miscl); certf t^ consent to mtg lor $1,6(5; Jan22; Jan26'15; Adolf De Jong. Inc. lo Guslina 0'D»nnell. ------- Chattel mtg (misclj; consent of stock¬ holders to mig tor $1,475; Ucl8'14; Jan27 '15: World American Ice Cream Co Inc to .\br Kraus, 84 Ridge. ------- I'inella.N, Florida (miscl); consent to two mtgs, each for $750. to secure notes; Jan28'15; St George's Alexandrine Co, J7 Madison av. to M \V Ulmcr. ------- MORTGAUhb. Borough of the Bronx. Hall pl, nee Uo^erN pl, see Intervale av, nws, at ses Rogers pl. Home Mt. HM12 (10:2753). ext of $33,000 mtg to Jan25'20 at 5 V^'/c ; Jan2o; Jan27'l5; Lawyers Mort Co with Wm Sinnott Co, 967 E 165. nom -Mt Hope'pl, 247 (11:2804). ns. 190 w An¬ thony av. 20x100; pr mtg $8,500; Jan2;; Jan28'15; ly6',i ; Margt A Clarke. 247 Mt Hope pl. to Florence L Schiff. 106 Mt Hope pl. 1,000 Mt Hope pl (11:2851), ss. 85.11 e Jerome av, 25x125; Jan21; Jan27'15; due. &c. as per bond; Dorothy E Mugler. 1905 David¬ son av, to Jacob Sobel, 9s4 Simpson. 2,000 Roju:erM pl. NeN. at u^vh Intervnle av, see Intervale av, nws. at ses Rogers pl. Villa pl (12:3322), ws, 188.4 s Van Cort¬ iandt av, 100x100; Jan21; Jan22'15; due July21'15. G'/t; Aloha Realtv Co to N Y Title Ins Co, 135 Bwav. 30.000 Villa pl (12:3322): same prop; certf as to above mtg; Jan21; Jan22'15; same to same. ------- Waldo pl (*), ws, 150 s Tremont rd, 50 xlOO; JanlS; Jan25'15; due &c as per bond; Jno Kadel, 2167 Glebe av, to Charwyn Realty Co. 135 Bway. 1,000 130TH Hi E (10:2651). ss. 384 e St Anns av. 341x100; ext of $8,000 mtg to Julvl'18 at 5^' ■ Jan2; Jan22'15; Wm H Hottes. in¬ divid & as exr Conrad Hottes. with Philip S Hoffman, 1114 Jackson av. nom 140TH Ht, 323-5 E (9:2331), ns. 275 .v Courtlandt av. 50x80; pr mtg $25,000; Jan 27: Jan28'15: due Mayl5'17. 6',;; Eliz M Wolski to Dora Klav, 523 E 150. 5.00J I50TH Nt E (9:2378), ns, 100.8 w Elton nv. 50x100; sobim agmt; Jan27: Jan28'15' Enoch C Bell, Nyack. NY', with Title Guar t^' Trust Co. 176 Bway. nom l.-OTH Ht E (9:2416). ns, 165 e Park av, 100.2x100x100.2x101.7; also 156TH ST E (9:2416). ns, at prolongation of ws lot 696. map Melrose South, runs nlo0.2xs2 to ns 156th xwlOO.2 to beg; Jan25; Jan26*lS; 3y5':'r; L^lrich Schoch & Casper Fischer to Ernest O Fischer. 403 E 155. 10,000 ir.STH Ht E (9:2380), nes. 250 nw Elton av. 25x100; ext of $4,000 ml- to Oct2'19 at S-"; ; Decl4'14: Jan26'15; Jno Friedrich with Jno Moser. 413 E 158, & Fredk Ernst. 1663 1 av. nom lOOTH Mt E, HWC Park av, see Park av. 'swc 160. 10r»TH Ht E (10:2659), ss, 129.10 w Tin- ton av, 20x143.8: ext of $1,000 mtg to Mar 2'17 at G'/f; Mar2*14: Jan26'15; Henry Sclierf 720 Trinity av, with Henry Kruger. 764 E 165. nom 17313 Ht E, HWC Clay av, see Clay av, swc 173. 17riTH Ht E. nwc Anthony av, see An¬ thony nv. nwc 175. 170'rH st E, HMc Daly av, see Daly av, swc I7:t. 17J>TH Hi, ."»! E, see Waltoo av. 2000. 1S3D Ht, 1010 E (11:3102). ns. 47 w Pros¬ pect av, 24x75; Jan9: Jan23'15: installs, G'/, ; Sarah Pellcr. 743 E 183^ to Jacob Gut- terman. 2216 Adams pl. 600 1S7TH Ht E, nec Valentine nv, see Val¬ entine av. sec 187. I02D »t E, HWC Grand blvd A conconrne, see Grand blvd Sc concourse, swc 192. 200TH Ht E (12:3312), ss. 388.2 w Ernes- cliffe pi. 25.6x25x92.6; PM: Oct28'14; Jan 2215; due Sec as per bond; Jno Cornell to .Melitta C Witte, 385 Sterling pl, Bklyn. 6,000 210TH Ht E (•). ss. 100 w White Plains rd. 20x100: Jan 25: Jan 26*15; due &c as per bond; Jno J O'Brien to Danl Sullivan. 4 W 104. 5,000 222D Ht E (•). ns. abt 280 w Barnes av. 25x114, Wakefield: Jan20: Jan22'15; 7.yG^/r; Vincenzo Palazzolo & Anna Sabella to Emil MatthieFsen. 332 E 150. 700 220TH Hi. sr.O E <*), ss. 205 w Bronx- wood av. 25x114; PM: pr mtg $4,000; Dec lO'U: Jan27'15: 3vGCy ; Santa Pirri. also known as Santa Rumore. 856 E 226, to Saml Stecher, 144 Columbia & ano. 600 The text of theae pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.