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SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Mortgages, Leases, in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Post Office at New York. N. Y.»as second class matter. VoL XCV No. 2463 N&w York, May 20, 1915. PRICE 20 CENTS STREET INDEX OF RECORDED CONVEYANCES AND WILLS Showing street and number of Manhattan Conveyances and Wills recorded during the current week. An asterisk (•) indicates a cross reference. (or 211-^- 55. Broome st. 550. Cannon st, 102. ♦Cedar st. 157 West St. 98-9). Cherry st. 122. Division st. 264. East Broadway. 40. Goerck st. 102. Grand st, 462. Greene st, 213. Jackson st, 67. Jumel pl, es, blk ; 75-76. Leroy st, 15. Madison st, 7. Manhattan st, 7. Mulberry st, 243. New Chambers st, •Pitt st, 1-5 (or Grand St. 46L'J. Ridg-e st, 110. •Roosevelt st, 59 (or New Chambers st, 55). tit Nicholas av (s w c ISSth st), blk 2168-15. Suffolk st, 24. West st, 98-9. 5th sl, 316, 536-8 Sc 624 7th *st, 97 E. *14th St. 149-55 E (or 3d av, 126-S). 14th St. 314 E. 17th St, 40-2 W. 19th st, 427 E. 20th St. 420-2 Sc 511 AV. 26th St. 324 E. *29th St. 25 E (or Mad av, 103). 36th st, 38 E. 39tli st, 125 & 327-9 E. 39th St. 265-7 W. 44th St. 15-7 W. 4Sth St. 14 Sc 220-S W. 53d St. 316 E. 54th st, 223-9 E. o5th st, 220-2 & 503-5 E. SSth st, 421 E. 65tli St. 17 E. 69th st E, ns, blk 1481- pt 10. 69th st, 20 W. 73d Si. 346 W. 74th St. 410 E. *74th St. 501 E (or Av A, 1394). 75th St. 325 & 410 E. 76th St. 7 W. 77th st, 66-72 E. *7Sth st, 101 W (or Col av, 3S0-4). 79th st, 135-9 W. *85th st, 38-40 E (or Mad av, 1141). SSth st, 157 W. 91st St. 171 E, 93d St. 181 E. 93d St. 4-6 Sc 161-5 W. *94th St W (nec River¬ side dr, 222). blk 1253- 1. *98th st E (nwc Mad av, 1416-22). blk 1604-17. 102d st, 222 E. *102d St. 2-4 W (or Cen¬ tral Pk W, 418). 103d St. 115 E. *105th st, 2 W (or Cen¬ tral Pk W, 447-S). 106th st, 312 E. 108th st, 67 W. *109th st, 200 E (or 3d av, 1981). 109th st, 67-9 W. lllth St. 64-70 E. lllth St. 136-42, 507-11 & 517-21 W. 114th St. 212 E. *114th St. 122 W (or St Nich av. 66-72). 114th st, 609 W. 115th St, 23 E. *115th St W (sec 7 av, 1885-93). *117th st, 26 E (or Mad av, 17S2). llSth st, 352-4 W. 122d st, 143 W. 123d st, 204 W. 125th St. 524 & 528 W. *125t\i st, 603 W (or Claremont av, 180). *127th st, 101 W (or Lenox av, 339). 131st st, 21 W. 131st st, 208 W. 133d st, 12, 351^ & 163 W. 135th St. 506 W. 136th st, 522-30 W. 139th St, 205 W. *140th St. 601 W (or Bway. 3441-7). (or *141st st, 600 W Bway, 3449-59). 142d St. 605-9 W. 144th st, 560 W. 145th st, 155-61 AV. *14Sth St. 401 AV (or St Nicholas av, 757). *149th st, 418 W (or Con¬ vent av, 433). 150th st, 279 & 60S-10 W. 152d St. 623 W. 153d at W. ss, blk 2099- 46. *15Sth St. 491 AV (or St Nich av, 961). *162d St. 565-7 W (or Bway. 3880-8). *162d St, 601-3 AV (or Bway, 3881-3). 163d st, 465 W. 173d st, 524 AV. *176th st, 551 AV (or Audubon av. 220-6). 177th st, 504 W. 201st st AV (nwc 9 av), blk 2198-22. Av A. 1382 Sc 1394. Av D, 103-5. Amsterdam av, 1627-33, 21S4 Sc 2324-36. Audubon av, 220-34. Broadway, es, blk 2236- 7. Broadway, 36-42, 648, 3099, 3103, 3132-4. 3441- 59, 3SS0-8 & 3881-3. 2171- 1137- 1997- Central Pk W, 418 & 447-8. Claremont av, 29-35, 180, 182 Sc 190. Columbus av. 380-4 & 944. Convent av, 433. Ft AVash av (nec 162d st, 615 W). blk 2137- 40. Hillside av, blk 52. Lenox av. 339. Madison av, 103, 41. 1416-22, 1782, 9 Sc 2024. Manhattan av, 458. ^ Park av, 1747. Riverside dr, blk 2136- 24 & 28. Riverside dr, 222, 448 & 583 St Nicholas av, 58-60, 66-72, 757. 961 & 1124- 30. 1st av. 127, 209, 1036, 1038, 1487 & 1944. 3d av. 126-8 & 1981. Sth av, 908. Sth av. es, blk 1386-4. 6th av, 355. 7th av, 1885-93. 9th av, 455 & 588-90. 9th av, ses, blk 2188-1. 10th av, 329 & 785. WILLS. 62d st, 244 E. 71st st, 254 W. SSth St. 112-4 W. 130th st, 212 W. EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS USEJJ AND RULES FOLLOWED IN COMPILING RECORDS. Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, I. e., a deed wherein all the right, tltl© and interest of the grantor is con¬ veyed, omitting all covenants and war¬ ranty. C. a G. means a deed containing Cove¬ nant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be Im¬ peached, charged or encumbered. B. & S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, although the seller makes no expressed consideration, he really grants or conveys the property for a valuable consideration, and thus im¬ pliedly claims to be the owner of it. The street and avenue numbers given in these lists are. In all cases, taken from the insurance maps when they are not mentioned In the deeds. The numbers, It will occasionally be found, do not cor¬ respond with the existing ones, owing to there having been no official designation made of them by the Department of Pub¬ lic Works. The first date Is the date the deed was drawn. The second date Is the date of filing same. When both dates are the same, only one is given. When the date of drawing I3 other than In the current year the stated year Is given. When both the dates are in the same year the year follows the second date. The figures In each conveyance, thus, 2:482-10, denote that the propertv men¬ tioned is In section 2, block 482, lot 10. It should also be noted In section and block numbers that the Instrument as filed is strictly followed. A $20,000—$30,000 Indicates the as¬ sessed value of the property, the first figures being for the lot only and the second figures representing both lot and building. Letter P before becond figure Indicates that the property Is assessed as In course of construction. Valuations are from tr.e assessment roll of 1914. T. S, preceding the consideration In a conveyance means that the deed or con¬ veyance has been recorded under the Tor¬ ren bystem. Flats and apartment houses are classi¬ fied as tenements. Residences as dwellings. All Christian names, streets, avenues, states and months are abbreviated when possible, also in some Instances names of Banks, Trusts and Insurance Companies. The number in ( ) preceding the serial number to the right of the date line, at head of this page Is the Index number for the Checking Index. The Star following names of street or avenue in the Bronx Conveyances, Leases and Mortgages indicates that the prop¬ erty recorded Is In the annexed district, for which there Is no section or block number. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS USED. (A)—attorney. A.L.—all liens. AT—all title. ano—another, av—avenue, admr—administrator, admtrx—administratrix, agmt—agreement. A—assessed value. abt—about. adj—adjoining, apt—apartment, assign—assignment, asn—assign, atty—attorney. hk—brick. B & S—Bargain and Sale. bldg—building. b—basement, blk—block. Co—County. C a G—covenant against grantor. Co—Company, constn—construction, con omitted—consideration omitted, corpn—corporation, cor—corner, c 1—centre line, ct—court. certf—certificate. dwg—dwelling. deed—deceased. e—East. exr-—executor. extrx—executrix. et al—used instead of several namei. foreclos—foreclosure. fr—from. fr—frame. ft—front. individ—individual. irreg—irregular. impt—improvement installs—installment!. It—lot. Is—lease. mtg—mortgage. mos—months. Mfg—manufacturing. Nos—numbers. n—north. nom—nominal. fo)—office. pr—prior. pt—part. pl—place. PM—Purchase Money Mortgage. QC—Quit Claim. R T & I—Right, Title & Interest. (R)—referee. R S—Revenue Stamp. r—room. rd—road. re mtg—release mortgage. ref—referee. sal—saloon. sobrn—subordination. sl—slip. sq—square. s—south. s—side. sty—story. sub—subject. strs—stores, stn—stone. st—street. T &c—taxes, etc. tnts—tenements. w—west. y—years. O C & 100—other consideration and $!•#. TS—Torren System. 217