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232 RECORD AND GUIDE February 6, 1915 The Cfinton Fireproofing System INSTALLED IN THE PRINCETON BOAT HOUSE Princeton, N. J. Pennington & Satterthwaite Architects BUILDERS Matthews Construction Co. ALBERT OLIVER 101 PARK AVENUE H. G. OLIVER. Manager IN USE, A QUARTER OF A CE.NTURY PORTLAND (^CEMENX The Lawrence Cement Co. Makers and Shippers of more than 33>000,000 Barrels Cement \ BROADWAY NEW YORK — Dragon White — GEO. HARRISON JOHN F. MEYER HARRISON & MEYER Artificial Stone Pavements Centurian Building MadiJotfcsTis 1182 Broadway E. M. Houghtaling & Co., inc. TEXCRAFT FACE BRICKS JCvLi'y Shade, Kiinl and Description 101 PARK AVENUE Telephone: Murray HiU 4497 THE NEW JERSEY TERRA COTTA CO. K. MATHIASEN, President ARCHITECTURAL TERRA - COTTA Tcl. 3003-4 Cort. Singer BIdii., 149 Broadway RAPP CONSTRUCTION CO. (Incorporated) Fireproof Arches 30 EAST 42d ST. Phone. Murray Hill 1831 F. B. Rapp, Pres J. F. Rapp, Vice-Pres. W .J. Rapp. See. & Treas Contracts Awarded—Queens—Continued. MANHATTAN (sub).~The contract for the Hopper Bldg., to be constructed at Bway and .'lOth St. calling for 1,800 tons of steel. Is un¬ derstood to have gone to Harris, Silver & Baker. MISCELLANEOUS. LYNX. MASS.—The Lynn Gas & Electric Co. will erect a r>,(HX),(XK) cu. It. gas holder. Bart¬ lett Hayward Co., Baltimore, Md., has received the contract for the tank and the Mai:Arthur Concroto Pile & i^'oundation Co.. 11 Pino st, Manhattan, will install the foundation which will be composed of about 1,4
ton-^ of steel shapes. I PLANS FILED FOR NEW i CONSTRUCTION WORK. Manhattan. AI'AU r.MCX'lS. FLATS AXD TEXEMENTS. ISOTH ST and Haven av, nec, 6-sty brick tenements, 115x71>; cost, $17o,(XiO; owner, Great Xorthern Constn. Co., inc., Harry Falk, presi¬ dent, 3TSj Broadway ; architects, Blum & Blum. TiO.') 5th av. Plan No. 32. GRAND ST, 2at-ll, s s, 47 e Mott st, 6-sty brick, non-rtreproof store and tenement, 47x07 ; cost, $o."),00o; owners, Reinelli & Guardina, 87 Elizabeth st ; architect. Arthur G. Carlson, 157 Remsen st, Brooklyn. Plan No. 31. WEST END AV. 5G9-77, 12-sty brick apart¬ ment, 12nxlU0: cost, $500,000; owner, Paterno Constn. Co., Chas V. Paterno. president and treasurer, 272 We.st S4th st; architect. Gaetan Ajello, 1 West .'Uth st. Plan No. 33. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. AMSTERDAM AV, 45-47, 10-sty, brick (ad¬ ministration), 54x50; cost, $100,(X>0; owner, N. Y. Nursery and Children's Hospital, 161 West Olst st, Jacob W. Miller, president, 45 Exchange pl; architect, Chas. Volz, 2 West 45th st. Plan No. 23. HOTELS. o5TH ST, 13-17 West, 8-sty brick, fireproof, apartment hotel, 75x84; cost, $200,000; owner, Geo. Backer Constn. Co., Geo. Backer, presi¬ dent, .56 West 45th st; architects, Wallis & Goodwillie, 50 West 45th st. Plan No. 23. SCHOOLS AXD COLLEGES. OST-H ST, 4-6-.S-10 East, 4-sty brick fireproof school and dwelling, 50x60; cost, $75,(XXJ; own¬ er. St. Bernard's School Bldg. Co., Inc., Jesse E. Waid. Pres., 59 Wall st; architects. Delano & Aldrich. 4 East 39th st. Plan No. 35. STABLES AND GARAGES. 121ST ST, 340 West. Manhattan av, 505, s w cor, 1-stv brick, non-fireproof garage, 15x18; cost, $150; owner. Anna Kutsickian, 340 West 121st st; architects, Gronenberg & Leuchtag, 303 Sth av. Plan No. 27. BROADWAY. 2464, 1-sty brick fireproof sup¬ ply station for automobiles. 12x20; cost. $350; owner. Chelsea Realty Co., C. H. Burdett, Pres., 135 Broadway ; architect. Metal Shelter Co., Inc., 17 Battery pl. Plan No. 38. STORES. OFFICES AND LOFTS. 25TH ST. 32-34 West, 16-sty brick lofts and stores, 50x80; cost, .$200,O(iO; owner, Irvel Realty Co., 37 Liberty st; architect, Geo. F. Pelham, 30 East 42d st. Plan No. 26. SlST ST. 34-36 East. 13-sty brick oflice. 50x 100; cost, $200,000; owner, Robt. W. Goelet. 9 West 17th st; architects, Warren & Wetmore, 16 East 47th st. Plan No. 25. 4TH AV, 414-18. 10-sty brick lofts and stores. 69x70; cost, $225.0(H); owner, Elias Kempner, 37 Liberty st; architect. Geo. F. Pel¬ ham, 30 East 42d st. Plan No. 24. MADISON AV, 309-11-13. and 42d st. 28 East, 20 and 4-sty brick fireproof stores and offices. 52xS5; cost. $350,000; owner. Watson Estate, care A. M. Maclay, 31 Nassau st, and August Heckscher. 57S Sth av ; architects. Jardine. Hill & Murdoek, 3 West 29th st. Plan No. 30. .50TH ST. 18-20 East, 11-sty brick fireproof show rooms. 56x90; cost, .$2iHMH)0 ; owner, Grand Rapids Furniture Co., Owen H. Mannes. Pres,. 34 West 32d st; architects. Rouse & Goldstone & Jos. L. Steiman, 38 West 32d st. Plan Xo. 36. 27TH ST. 116-120 East. 12-sty brick fire¬ proof store and lofts. 66x87 ; cost. $225.(MH); owner, D. & M. Company. Benjamin Mordecai, Pres., -SO East 42d st; architects. Rouse & Gold¬ stone. 38 West 32d st. Plan No. 37. MISCELLANEOUS. 133D ST. 15 E, 1-sty brick blacksmith shop. 16x41; cost, $500; owner. James Everard's Breweries. 10 East 133d st; architect, J. P. Voelker. 979 3d av. Plan No. 34. OTH AV, 604-6, 93 n 3oth st, 2-sty brick, non-fireproof offices and restaurant (automat), 29x86; cost. $25.mM>: owners of building. Horn & Hardart Co.. Jos. V. Horn, Pres.. 600 West SOth st; architects. Stuckert & Sloan 1420 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, Pa. Plan No. 29. BLACKWELL'S ISLAND, e s. opposite GSth St. 2-sty brick, fireproof building, day room and industrial building for women). 167x30; cost, $.56.ltO<1; owner. Dept. of Public Charities, Henry C. Wright. 1st deputy com.. Municipal Bldg. ; architects. W^alker .t Gillette. 128 East 37th st. Plan No. 22. Bronx, APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TEXEMENTS. FOX ST. n w cor Av St John. 5-sty brick tenement. 50x90. slag roof; cost, .?50.00O; own¬ ers, Howala Constn. Co., Chas S. Levy. 1029. Tremont av. president; architects, Moore & Landsiedel, 3d av & 14Sth st. Plan No. 43. FINDLAV AV, w s, 177.8 n 169th st, two 5- sty brick tenements, 31.6x88, slag roof ; cost, .it6iH.»; owner, Anna Dafeo, 1036 Underhill av ; architect, M. W. Del Caudio, 40l Tremont a v. IMan Xo. 50. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. CABOT ST. at East River, 3 corrugated steel storages, 1-sty. 33.4x82.6; 2-sty, 25.0x1.59.6; 3- sty, 70.0x100.0; cost, $12,000; owners. Rock Plaster Mfg. Co., D. L. Haigh, on premises, president; architect, A. C. Fox, 1123 Broadway. Plan No. 48. STABLES AND GARAGES. SOUTHERN BOULEVARD, e s, 325 n Bar¬ retto St. 2-sty briek garage, slag roof. 50x100; cost, .$50,000 ; owner, Columbia Const. Co., John Cantwell, 3210 3d av, Treas. ; architect, Edw. J. Byrne. 14Sth st and 3d av. Plan No. 45. LAFAYETTE ST, s s, UO w Prospect av, 1- sty brick garage, slag roof. 20x.52 ; cost, $2,- : owner. Henry F. Grimm. 170 Ma¬ genta st: architect, Chas. Infanger, 2634 At¬ lantic av. Plan No. 599. EXETER ST. e s, 260 s Oriental boulevard. 2- sty frame dwelling. 26x46. shingle roof, 1 fam¬ ily ; cost, $5,500; owner, Mrs. Olive Wolfe, 402 Ocean av; architect, A. F. Cassidy Co., 272 B'eaumont st. Plan No. 604. WEST 36rH ST. e s. 130 n Surf av. 1-sty frame dwelling. 16x39. shingle roof. 1 family; cost. $4.50; owner. Mrs. Fanny Burnett, 2945 West SOth st; architect. R. T. Schaefer. 1526 Flatbush av. Plan No. 614.