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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 96, no. 2480: Articles]: September 25, 1915

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September 25, 1915 RECORD AND GUIDE 547 DUANE ST, 171, n w cor Staple st, erect marquise to 5-sty flreproot store and loft; cost, .$270- owner, Robert Colgate, 50 William st; contractor, Mike Prince, 479 West Broadway. Plan No. 2102. ELIZ.\BETH ST, 300-311, w s, 40 s Bleecker st, new wall, fire escapes, columns and girders, show windows, stairs, ceiling, plumbing flx¬ tures to two 3 and 4-sty stores and lofts ; cost, .$4,000; owner. County Holding Co., 2o6 Broad¬ way ; architect, Michael Bernstein, 185 Madi¬ son av. Plan No. 2189, ELIZABETH ST, 110, and 1,32 Bowery, erect sprinkler tank outfit to 5-sty hrick lofts; cost, $700 ; owner, Mrs. Fannie Arnheimr care Marks Arnheim, Inc., Broadway and Oth st; architect, L. G. House Engineering Co., Inc., 143 West 40th St. Plan No. 2172. GREE.NWICH ST, 567-573, n e cor King st, new flreproof stair enclosure, flreproof doors to 5-sty brick factory; cost, $1,500; owner. Cor¬ poration of Trinity Church, 187 Fulton st; architect, Thomas F- Rae, 253 West 27th st. Plan No. 2108. HOWARD ST, 20, stair enclosure fireproofed, new stairs, bulkhead, skylights, etc., extend vent shaft to 5-sty brick lofts; cost, ,$5,000; owner_^, Elizabeth Chesebrough. J. T. Durham, atty., .3--. Howard st; architect, Edmund Riesdorft, 8b Roosevelt st. Plan No. '2206. MERCER ST, 101, installing steel heams to 4-sty brick factory ; cost, $05 ; owners, Rosalind Reiman Sc Leona Reiman Nelken, New Orleans, La. ■ architect, A. J. Corcoran, Inc., 11 John St. ' Plan No. 2186. MERCER ST, 207-303, w s, 132 n Waverly pi, extend stairs to (i-sty brick lofts; cost, $160; owner. Sailors' Snug Harbor, 61 Broadway; architect. John Cox, Jr., 30 East 42d st. Plan No. 2213. MOTT ST, 7-0, w s, 166 s Park st, new ele¬ vator shaft opening, elevator machinery, pent house, skylight to O-sty brick restaurant and salesroom ; cost, $20p; owner, James B. Smith, Woodcliff Lake. N. J. ; architect, Franit M. CoiBn. 272 Manhattan av. Plan No. 2170. NEW BOWERY, 24, w s, 32 s Madison st, new opening, trap doors to 3-sty brick storage and shop ; cost. $50; owner, Martin T. Garvey, 3G New Bowery; architects, Horenburger & Bardes, r22 Bowery. Plan No. 2205. OLIVER ST, 25, w s, 89 n Madison st, new extension, partitions, walls, etc., removed to 3- sty brick dwelling; cost, $1,500; owner, St. James Church, 23 Oliver st; architect, Charles B. Meyers, 1 Union Sq West. Plan No. 2211. SHERIFF ST, 66-68. e s, 60 s Rivington st, new brick walls, iron beams, stairways, etc., remove partitions and balcony to 5-sty brick bath and meeting rooms ; cost, $15,000 ; owner. Max Rosenberg, 712 East 17th st, Brooklyn; architect, Jacob FiaJier, 25 Av A. Plan No. 2181. IITH ST, 333 East, n s, 106 w 1st av, new partitions, windows, brick wall, mason work to 4-sty brick tenement; cost, $2,000; owner, Isreal Schlasketsky, 1853 Madison av; archi¬ tect, Otto Reissmann, 147 4th av. Plan No. 21i0. 13TH ST, 442 E, s s, 124 w Av A, erect wall, ceiling, repair stairs to 4-sty brick stores and tenement; cost. $200; owner, Anthony F. Scala, 223 East 116th st; architect, Chas. H. Dietrich, 520 East 138th st. Plan No. 2221.. 1.5TH ST, 124-142 E, s e cor Irving pl, 2-sty brick and steel extension 22x84 erected, new openings to 20-sty flreproot ofHces; cost, $25,- (K>0; owner. Consolidated Gas Company ot New York. 130 East 15th st; engineer, W. Cullen Morris. Plau No. 2225. 16TH ST, 1 West, n w cor 5th av, new open¬ ings, iron beams to 11-sty fireproof mercantile building; cost, $3,500; owner, Ogden Goelet Estate, 9 West 17th st; architect, Richard Rohl, 128 Bible House. Plan No. 2216. 19H ST, 507-509 W, erect shaft for lift ele¬ vator to 2-sty brick storage and lofts; cost, .$^.00; owner, Katherine T. Moore, 101 Oth av; architect, Paul C. Hunter, 191 9th av. Plan No. 2222. 21ST ST. 215-217 East, addition to 4-sty brick school : cost, $1550; owner, City ot New Y'ork, Board of Education, .500 Park av; architect, C. 1). J. Snyder, 500 Park av. Plan No. '2210. 23D ST, 401 East, n e cor 1st av, new parti¬ tions, steel beams, c. i. columns, remove wall to 4-sty brick stores and lofts; cost, $1,200; owners, Isaac Roth Se Louis A. Hirsch, n e cor 2.3d st and 1st av ; architects, Bruno W. Berger & Son, 121 Bible House. Plan No. 2173. 2.5TH ST, 3.55 West, n s, 1.50 e Oth av. new concrete floors, sidewalk and yard, stall drains, &c, to 3-sty brick engine house; cost, $3..50O; owner. City of New York; Robert Adamson, Commissioner, Municipal Bldg.; architect. Will¬ iam S. Connell, Fire Department. Plan No. 2'20]. 28TH ST, 115 West, extend building to line, raise tier beams, new enclosed stairway, girders, posts, remove partitions and wall to 3-sty brick store and storage lofts : cost, $4.500; owners, Mrs. Bertha K. Bartlett. 1'221 North Cascade av, Colorado Springs, Col., and Miss Helen M. Post, Ridgefleld. Conn. ; architect, Charles C. Grant, .".7 East 28th st. Plan No. 2182. 2STH ST, .5'26-532 West and .525-.531 West 27th st, remove wall, ncw steel columns and beams, additi-^n to 5-sty brick and frame shop ; cost, $14,000; owner. The E. R. Merrill Spring Co., 5:12 West 2Sth st; architect, Paul C. Hunter, 191 Oth av. Plan No. 2212. 20TH ST, 114 East, s s, 193 e 4th av, ei-ect new front, extend floors, reset tiers, rebuild walls, new stairs, partitions, flreproof doors, fire-escapes, fireproof windows to 4-sty brick store and lofts; cost, .$:',.000; owner, Thomas Snell, 110 4th av; architects, Jno. B. Snook Sons. 261 Broadway. Plan No. 2184. .'UST ST. .'126 East, s s, 2S5 w 1st av, new toilet compartments, openings, extend fire-es¬ cape to 4-sty brick store and tenement; cost, $300; owners, Margaret Sc Patrick Burns, .326 East Slst st; architect, Julius J. Diemer, 118 East 2Sth St. Plan No. 2209. 34TH ST, 144 West, s s, 225 e 7th av, con¬ struct tank to 5-sty brick stores and lofts ; cost, $200 ; owner, Robard Realty Co,, 110 West Slth st; architect, John H. Knubel, 305 West 43d st. Plan -No. 2183. S.STH ST, 310 East, s s, 106 e 2d av, new water closet compartments, partitions, concrete cellar and yard, plumbing to 4-sty brick tene¬ ment; cost. .$.500; owners. Clofhilde M. Carroll, et al., 310 Mosholu Parkway, Bronx ; architect, Eli Benedict, 1947 Broadway. Plan No. 2187. 45TH ST, 65-67 West, n s, 176 e Gth av, two new bath rooms, change partitions to 10-sty flre¬ proof hotel : cost, $300 ; owner, will Ratel, 65- 67 West 45th st; architect, Augustus N. Allen, 2 West 45th st. Plan No. 2104. 4oTH ST, 7-0-11 West, n s, 155 w 5th av, new extension and door opening to 16-sty fireproof mercantile building; cost, $300; owner^ 45th St Realty Co., 7-9-11 West 45th st; architects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av. Plan No. 2214. 40TH ST, 126-132 West, s s, 3.50 w 6th av, erect 2 hollow tile vaults to 12-sty fireproof of¬ fice buikling; cost, $600; owner, Leavitt Realty Co., 12fi-i:{2 West 46th st- architects, Moore Se Landsiedel, llSth st and 3d av. Plan No. 2195. .50TH ST'. 505-513 West, new flre escape, stairs, flreproof windows and doors to two 5-sty brick lotts ; cost, $1,(100 ; owner. Directors' Investment Co., 231 Av C, Bayonne, N. J. ; architect, Don¬ ald G. Anderson, 26 Av B, Bayonne, N. J. Plan No. 2220. 54TH ST, 114 East, ncw tank, steel supports to 5-sty brick tenement; cost, $250; owner, May H. Meyer, care A. Mugler, 405 East 117th st'; architect, August Mugler, 405 East 117th st. Plan No. 2215. 57TH ST, 120-124 West, s s, 270 w Gth av, new steel tank supports to 12-sty fireproof hotel ; cost. .$200; owner, Charles Van Bergen et al care Edmund CofBn, attorney, 34 Pine st; archi¬ tect. Charles Sheres, 37 Liberty st. Plan No 2217. 65TH ST, IS East, raise basement, extend building to building line, rearrange partitions, new elevator shaft, vent shaft, window openings and area, rearrange stairs to 6-sty brick dwell¬ ing ; cost, $9,000; owner, Hoyt Reiss Construc¬ tion Co., 51G 5th av ; architects, Gronenberg & Leuchtag. ;303 5th av. Plan No. 2180. 67TH ST, 26 W, new partitions to 2-sty brick stable: cost, .$3,500; owner, John McDermott, 2 Washington Market; architect, Frank E. New. man, 1123 Broadway. Plan No. 2224. 05TH ST. 20 East, s s, 05 w Madison st. new window, concrete floor, iron girder to 5-sty brick dwelling; cost, $.500; owner, James S. Cushman 26 East 05th st: architect, William S. Miller 141 East 40th St. Plan No. 2218. 97TH ST, 209 West, n w cor Amsterdam av, reconstruct hath room, mason work to 7-sty brick tenement; cost. $400; owner, Samuel Bookman. 0 East 62d st; architect, Eli Bene¬ dict. 1047 Broadway. Plan No. 2178. 107TH ST. 313 West, erect new enclosure, tin roof to 3-sty brick non-fireproof residence ; cost. $-100; owner, Edward H. Harris, 313 West 107th st: architect. John H. Corrigan, 2 Columbus Circle. Plan No. 2210. 12.5TH ST, 313-315 West, construct marquise to 4-sty brick restaurant and lotts; cost, $100; owners, Picker Bros. Realty & Improvement Co 313-315 West 12.5th st; ari-hitect. Edward His- nay. West 2.38th st, near Waldo av. Plan No 21.85. 1.34TH ST, 23-25 East, remove walls, new steel beams to 1-sty brick garage; cost, $300; owner James Everard Estate, 12 East 133d st; archi¬ tect, Leonard J. Stanford, 2250 Bathgate av Plan No. 2197. 181ST ST. Gll-615 West, n s, 125 w St. Nicho¬ las av, remove chimney, new partitions to 3-sty brick store and dwelling; cost, .$500 • owner Harry Siegel. 261 1st av; architect. Arthur Weiser, 271 West 125th st. Plan No. 2175. BOWERY, .331-3.3.3, 103 s 3d st, new stairs, partitions and flre-escape balcony to 5-sty brick lotts; cost, $3,000; owners, Susan Cox & Hous¬ ton A. Thomas, 14 Wall st: architect, Adolph E. Nast. 546 5th av. Plan No. 2171. BOWERY. 2.38-242, w s, ,54 n Prince st. ncw partitions and stairs to 3-stv brick store and dwelling; cost, .$.500; owner, Eugene A. Hoff¬ man Estate. 258 Broadway ; architect Morris Schwartz. 194 Bowery. Plan No. 2207. BROADWAY, 692-694, and 2 to 20 East 4th St. new fire-escape stairs, flreproof doors, con¬ crete floor arches, partitions to 12-sty flreproof stores and lotts; cost. $1,000; owner, Broadway &• Fourth Street Building Co., 49 Wall st; ar¬ chitects. Clinton Sc Russell, 32 Nassau st. Plan BRO-VDWAY, 1384-1.390, s e cor 38th st, new marquise to 8-sty hrick hotel; cost, $400; own¬ er, Saul K. Wronkow. 1384 Broadway; archi¬ tect. Harry Hurwitz, 230 Grand st. Plan No. BROADWAY. 2081-87. n w cor 102d st, new foundations, safe deposit vault, partitions, toilet room, screens, booths to 7-sty brick tenement; cost, $.'i.OllO; owner, Jacob Bookman Estate. 0 East fi2d st; architect. Charles L. Fraser, 1604 University av. Plan No. 2204. BROADWAY. 141-145, s w cor Liberty st, mason work, store fronts, beams, partitions fireproof flooring, stairs to 10-sty flreproot stores and offlces; cost, .$5,000; owner, Pitts¬ burgh Lite Se Trust Co., 11.33 Broadway; archi¬ tects. Jardine. Hill Sc Murdock, 3 West 29th st. Plan No. 2177. BROADWAY. 16.31-16.37, n w cor 50th st, new partitions, mezzanine to 3-sty flreproot store and Infls; cost. .$,800; owner, the Wendel Es¬ tate. 175 Broadway; architects. Jno. B. Snook Sons. 2G1 Broadway. Plan No. -z—l. MADISON AV. 195-197, s e cor .35th st. cut window opening, ncw partitions to 4-sty brick dwelling; cost. $.500; owner, Maria De Witt Jessup estate, care Chas. S. Brown Co., 10 East 4.5th st; architect, Charles Stegmayer, 168 East Olst St. Plan No. 2191. POMEROY FIRE RETARDANT WINDOWS Built in the belief that the BEST hollow- metal fire retardant window is the only SAFE fire retardant window for a builder to use or for a manufacturer to sell. S. H. POMEROY CO., Inc. 30 East 42nd Street NEW YORK Telephone, M. H. 3338 WINDOWS Safety Heaters for Garages, Stores, Lofts, Play¬ rooms and Workrooms where inflammable vapors may exist. R. KIDDE, Distributor 90 West Broadway, New York 1 ^ -^ FIREPROOF ^ WINDOWS M. F. Westergren Incorporated . . 1 ^ -y^ '.ii'6-'.i'6i Iiast liitf St. '' NEW YORK (3291) Telephone-} 3292 [■ Melrose <3293 J *- FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU AND STATE LABOR LAW WINDOWS Metal Covered Doors, Windows and Mouldings Standard Firedoors a Specialty ECLIPSE 'riZli-^^ 273-277 RUSSEI.L STREET, BROOKLYN Phone, Greenpoint 3162 QT TVr FIREPROOF SASH yjKJi^ AND DOOR CO. Manufacture and Installation of Metal Covered Woodwork Fire Prevention and Labor Law Windows and Doors a Specialty Standard Fire Doors OFFICE AND FACTORY 370-380 Jefferson St., Brooklyn Phone, Stagg 3912 TELEPHONE STAGG 3500 GLASS AND GLAZING HEADQUARTERS J. H. WERBELOVSKY Glass lor New BulJaing^n^IteratlonsI ■Wired Class. Colored and Fancy Glass L ■GLASS FOR EVERY PURPOSE.* Beautifyl ■your Home. Library. Desk, Table, etc., byl ■glass TOPS FOR FURNITURE! MIR-I ■ RORS MADE TO ORDER OR RESILVER-I ■ED. If you are Building or Altering your| ■ Store Front, ask about my new METAlI Ibar FOR STORE FRONTS, which Is STRONO.I lORNAMENT/IL INO LOW PMCED I I J. H. WtBBtLOVSKT. 86 Meserole St.. Bnolilyii|