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January 15, 1916 RECORD AND GUIDE 107 ter, S. Patterson, B. Pitschal, E: Neibert, C, Griggs, J. Peters, K. Gilheany, M. Dorbandt; also offices in the Astor Theatre Building, 1531 Broadway, to W. F. Connelly, E. Reich & B. Merrill. FREDERICK FOX & CO. have leased for the Schulte Realty Co., stores at the southeast cor¬ ner of 23d st and Gth av to Gabriel Brill, auu, with Pease & Elliman, to the Beck Shoe Co. ; and the store aud basement 11 West 20th st to Fendrick-Masur-Brooks Co. JULIUS FRIE.ND, EDWARD M. LEWI CO. leased tor Empire Holding Co., to Lefcourt «i Brenner, two floors, containing 20,000 sq. ft. in 153-159 Madison av. JULIUS FRIEND, EDWARD M. LEWI CO. has leased for George Backer Realty Co. the loth floor, containing 7,500 sq. ft., in 99-103 Madison av to Baum & Wolff, Inc.. and for the World's Market Corporation to Lesser & Kasin- dorf 2,500 sq. tt. in 1237-1-239 Broadway; for Mrs. Julia i'itzgerald to Fahrer & Rubin the 7th Door in IG-IS East 12th st; also space m 12-14 West o2d st to Abraham Self. GREELEY SQUARE REALTY CO. leased in conjunction with Ogden-Clarkson Co. the store and ba.'iement at the southwest corner of 40th st and 2d av to Michael Flood and William Ben¬ nett for ten years, to be occupied as a cafe; also for J. Breen, as agent, the building 129 East 26th st to Mrs. Shea, and to V. Stallone for S. Mosley the store at 56 West 36th st. A. .\. HAGEMAX has leased the top lott at G'26 Gth av to John Benfatto ; 2d loft at G26 Gth av to the French F'eather & Novelty Hat Co. ; Gth loft at 102-4 West 3Sth st to Chic Em¬ broidery Co.; 1st loft at 637 Gth av to Herman Weinthrop ; 1st loft at 639 Gth av to Robbins & King, and 1st loft at 641 6th av to John Clark. HEIL & STERN have leased tor the 50 East 21st St Corporation the 10th and llth lofts in 4S-52 East 21st st, containing 20,000 sq. £t. of space, to Henry Peavy & Co., manufacturers o£ olothiug, for 5 years. HEIL & STERN have leased for the 40 East 30th St. Co. the 1st loft in 38-44 East SOth st to J. & F. Goldstone & Co. This 12-sty build¬ ing, which has just been completed, is now en¬ tirely rented. HEIL & STERN leased, in 44-50 West 2Sth st, 9th loft to Harry Brous and lOth loft to Jessica Waist Co. ; in 114-16 East 13th st, 2d loft to Livingston & Co. ; in 24-G West SOth st, top loft to Louis Spiegel, and in 11 East Slst st, top loft to Morris W. Haft. M. & L. HESS (INC.) have leased for F. & G. Pflomm, as agents, the northerly wing of the Sth floor ot the Johnson Building, 1333 Broad¬ way, to Freedman Bros. Co. (Inc.). M. & L. HESS (INC.) have leased the lOth floor at 23-5 East 21st st to Klein Postman & Co. ; also the Gth floor at 13-15 West 24th st to Robert Black & Co.; space on the Sth floor at 151 West 2.5th st to Joseph Weisman, and two floors at 151-3 West 19th st. JULIA BEVERLEY HIGGENS leased for Mrs. Crace Middleton her apartment at 40 East 62d st to Henry Wainwright Howe. WILLIAM R. HOOPER leased in the Wall Street Exchange Building, at 14 Exchange pl, the ground floor banking space, containing about 6,500 sq. ft., to the Equitable Trust Co. for a long term. HOUGHTO.N COMPANY has leased for Julius Tishman & Sons (Inc.) the 3-sty dwelling 156 West 95th st to Lillian H. Finlay. HOUGHTON COMPANY leased for the Farm¬ ers' Loan & Trust Co., executor of the estate of Norma H. Barrett, the o-sty dwelling 157 West 64th st to Jacinto Sotolongo, HUBERTH & HUBERTH have leased In the New York Evening Journal Building at Colum¬ bus Circle, offices to V. Hugo Koehler, archi¬ tect ; Geo. T. Gwilliam Co., Putney & Morgan, Helvey Auto Accessory Co., E. E. Gardiner and Heller & Levy. LOUIS KE.MPNER & SON leased for Robert Goeiet the store at 2431 Broadway to Leo Lichtman, hairdresser, for a branch store. PAUL A. McGOLRlCK leased to Solomon Weissman, 151-153 West 143d st, a S-sty tene¬ ment; and 37 West llSth st, a 5-sty flat. PAYSON McL. MERRILL CO. leased a duplex apartment at 823 Park av to Charles Ewing; and for Douglas Robinson, Charles S. Brown Co., an apartment at I'JO East Slst st to Mrs. Tarleton Winchester. GEO. W. MERCER & SON leased the Sth loft in 442 West 46 st to the Hartley-Wallace Co. ; also in conjunction with S. Osgood Pell & Co, the 1st lott at 440 West 4Gth st to Snow & Co. ; for the estate of Edwin P. Smith, the 1st floor ot 332 6th av to Herman Rothman. NELSON, LEE & GREEN and Manning & Trunk leased for Samuel K. Jacobs, tor about $8,000 a year, for ten years, the 1st loft in 15S7-15S9 Broadway to D. Maxou & Co., ladies' gowns and suits, who have been tor sixteen years at the northwest corner ot Broadway and 46th St. CHARLES F. NOYES CO. has leased space in the 19-sty Masonic Building, 23d st and Gth av, to David Ladin, and a floor at 47-49 West st tor B. Crystal & Son (Inc.) to the North¬ ern Chemical Co. and Frederick R. Hall. CHARLES F. NOYES CO. has leased addi¬ tional space in the Market & Fulton National Bank Building, 81-.S3 Fulton st, to L. Martin Co.. C. A. Andresen, Inc., and the Barnet Leather Co. OGDEN & CLARKSON CORPORATION has leased the 2d lott at 2 West 29th st to Jasper & Derman and the dwelling at 162 Madison av to Frances J. Lang. OGDEN & CLARKSON CORPORATION has leased at 29 East 10th st the 2d loft to the Abelson Flower Co., and at 56 East llth st the 1st lott to Klepper Brothers; the 2d loft to Goldberg 6 Markowitz & Co., and the 6th loft to Kreinik & Feigenbaum; at 106 Franklin st the 2d loft to William R. Lobel and the .3d lott to M. P. Kuczor & Co. PEASE & ELLIMAN have rented a loft in 6 West Sith st to Sigmund Rubin, furrier; also, furnished, for Mrs. Louise Finkel her apart¬ ment in the "Chatsworth," at 72d st and River¬ side dr, to Mrs. Clara Bennett. PEASE & ELLIMAN have rented for Ingalls Kimball, furnished, the residence at 506 Madi¬ son av, to George Rose. This house i.-i a S-sty separate dwelling, which is incorporated into the structure ot the Berkshire Apartments at the northwest corner ot Madison av and ,52d st. PE.\SE & ELLIMAN have leased to the Marten Co., millinery supplies, the 4th loft at 4 West 37th st; also, furnished, tor Joseph.B. Barnes to W. G. Borland the 4-sty dwelling, at 7.55 Madi¬ son av ; and, furnished, for the Misses Florence G. Larne and Alice Smith their apartment in 27 East G2d st to Mrs. Eliza P. Stickney. PEASE & ELLIMAN have leased for Frederick Hussey the store at 166 West Soth st to Max Reisberg; for the 149 East 40th St Co., an apartment in 149 East 40th st to James Lloyd Derby ; for the 7-11 West 45th St Co., controlled by Joseph Keen, space in 7-11 West 45th st to .\ltman & Szalkai, embroideries; furnished, for James A. Frame his apartment in 2131 Broad¬ way to Ferris E. Shaw ; for L. J. Phillips & Co., as agents, an apartment in the "Chatsworth," at 72d st and Riverside dr, to Mrs. M. Black. PEASE & ELLIMAN have rented for I. Ran¬ dolph Jacobs and associates an apartment in their new house at 161 East 79th st to Dr. C. J. MacGuire; for Bing & Bing to Martin Egan, ot J. P. Morgan Co., an apartment in 093 Park av; for the City Leasehold Co, Barnet House and associates, the store in 1 East S3d st, to Christine (Inc.), milliner; and for the 149 East 40th St. Co. an apartment in 149 East 40th st to Miss Harriet Forsyth; and in 780 Madison av to Ralph C. Erskine. PEASE & ELLIMAN have rented, furnished, tor Colonel E. M. House, his apartment in 115 East 53d st to Mrs. W'inston Churchill, the wife of the author; also tor G. & H. Blumen¬ thal the parlor floor in the new building at 18 West 47th st to the Maison La Fee, lamp shades, now at 5 East 47th st; for Lee & Fleischmann space in 25 West 45th st to the Fireproof Furniture & Equipment Co.; and furnished, tor Mrs, Augustus F. King to W. Prentice Sanger the 5-sty dwelling 162 East 7.Sth St. PEASE & ELLIMAN leased furnished to William Sloane for Artemus H. Holmes 453 .Madison av, one of the group of six dwellings forming the property known as Cathedral Court, covering the block front on Madison av, be¬ tween SOth aud Slst sts, directly opposite St. Patrick's Cathedral. No. 433 is the southerly of the two houses facing west on the court, the large house on the south side of the court be¬ ing that of the late Whitelaw Reid, and one of those in the north side that of William Fahnestock. Pease & Elliman leased to Mr. Holmes a furnished apartment in the "Van Dyck." at 72d st and Broadway, for the More- wood Realty Holding Co., controlled by Herbert Du Puy, of Pittsburgh, HOR.^CE S. ELY & CO. rented the last va¬ cant floor in the Sth av section of the new Rogers-Feet Building, opposite the Public Library, to the Kent-Costikyan Trading Co., rugs. GEO. R. READ & CO. leased the store and basement in 1160 Broadway to Daniel 'Fraad; liarlor floor store in 5 East SSth st to M. J. .lellinek : store and basement in 471 6th av to Harry Siegel : 1st lott in 42 West 15th st to Wolinsky & Sukoff, and 12th fioor front in 12 West Slst st to L. Fischman & Co. ROY SCHERICK and Cross & Brown Co. leased to the John J. Kelly.Co., costumes and dresses, the 8th floor in S6-38 West 37th st. HERBERT C. SCHLEY has leased for Cross & Drown, as agents, the ISth floor in 220 Sth av to the Cloak, Suit & Skirt Manufacturers' Pro¬ tective Association ; also to AUyn & Bacon, the Sth floor in 11 East SOth st; in 230 Sth av to the Eagle Pencil Co. showroom space ; to the Deer- ing-Milliken Co., office and showroom space on the 12th floor; to the Phillips-Jones Co.. the Gth floor and to Arthur Wolfson Co., space on the 14th floor. Sfal Eatatf Inarb of N^m fork Organized 1896 Incorporated 1908 FRANK D. AiVIES Pres. BURTON J. BERRY Sec'y-Treas. AMES & COMPANY Real Estate Agents and Brokers Telephone 3570 Madison Sq. 26 WEST Slst ST. DE SELDING BROTHERS Real Estate, Loans, Appraisals 128 BROADWAY A. V. AMY & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS BROKERS and APPRAISERS TeL, 8147 Cathedral 7th AVE., Cor. 115th St. Auctioneer 31 NASSAU STREET j Established 1856 J. ROMAINE BROWN CO. REAL ESTATE 299 Madison Avenue New York City Telephone 1481 Murray Hill R.eal Estate Experts Management —Sales—Collections Mortgages—Appraisals—Insurance Down Town Office, 156 Broadway W II-Founded Brooklyn Appraisals Our appraisals are founded on an experience and detailed and accurate records of 45 years. Appraising is not a "side-line" with us. BULKLEY & HORTON CO. 414 Myrtle Ave. 585 Nostrand Ave. BROOKLYN Phone—Bedford 5400 AUSTIN FINEGAN Real Estate—Insurance—Appraisals 35 NASSAU 'STREET, Tel. 1730 Cortlandt A. M. CUDNER REAL ESTATE CO. Real Estate Brokers and Managers :54 WEST _'.-D STREET OGDEN & CLARKSON Corporation Real Estate and Insurance 857-659 FIFTH AVENUE, Comer 62d Street LOUIS Agent, Broker and Appraiser Real Estate S CHRAG I':stablished 1890 Fel. 1700-1 Chelsea 142 W. 23d St. J. CLARENCE DAVIES BRONX BOROUGH REAL ESTATE 149th STREET & THIRD AVENUE Tel. Con. Branch Office. 156 BROADWAY Member of Board of Brokers TUCKER, SPEYERS & CO. Real Estate 435 FIFTH AVENUE, NEAR 39th STREET Telephone, 2750 Murray Hill JAA'IES N. WELLS' SONS (lames P. Eadie) Real Estate and Insurance Since 1835 at No. 191 NINTH AVENUE Established 1819 Phone. 5266 Chelsea