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108 RECORD AND GUIDE January 15, 1916 BROOKLYN'S OLDEST Real Estate Office FIRM ESTABLISHED 1843 Cf)e Cljauncep Eeal e^tatt Co. 187 MONTAGUE ST. BORO OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK CITY Telephones, 4300, 4301, 4302 Main Appraisers Auctioneers AGENTS AND GENERAL i^eal Csitate profeersi Members Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers Real Estate Board of New York Members Brooklyn Board of R. E. Brokers David Porter, inc. Real Estate Agents Brokers, Appraisers APPRAISERS FOR The United States Government The State of New York The City of New York The Equitable Life Assurance Society The U. S. Title Guaranty Co. The Home Trust Company, etc., etc. 189 MONTAGUE STREET Telephone, 8:S Main BROOKLYN, N. Y. Firm Established 1874 CoRwiTH Bros. Greenpoint Real Estate FACTORY SITES A SPECIALTY Mortgage Loans, Appraisals, Insurance Entire Management of Property 851 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn BROOKLYN iSTATE MANAGERS Members Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers CHAS. L. GILBERT. Pres. ROBT. E. PATTERSON, Sec'y NOAH CLARK, Inc. Real Estate—Insurance Water Fronts, Factory Sites, Appraisals Main Otiice 837 Manhattan Avenue Branches 545 Morgan Avenue 753 Nostrand Avenue BROOKLYN. N. Y. Member Allied Real Estate Interests Member Brooklyn Board of Real Estate Brokers Money to Loan on First Mortgages Joseph T. McMahon REAL ESTATE and MORTGAGE LOANS 188 and 190 MONTAGUE STREET BROOKLYN Telephone 834 Main SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTING, RENTING AND MANAGEMENT OF ESTATES LOUIS SCHR.\G bas leased for the Oltrogge Corporation, the oth loft in lo-4 West 2oiu ot lo Workman & Silver; for Morris Weinstein, space lu lU:;-4 West alst st lo Waluulau tc Goldstein; Hottcnberg & Uavis; Orieutal Cioak 4i Suit Co.; H. Strunsky & Co., aud Htyman Heller; for Johnson Si FleiscUhauer, in build¬ ing 107-li:j West -Oth st to Morris Slutsky; .\alor & Sciden, aud the Embroidery Mlg. Co. SHAW & CO. have leased tor Helen H. Steele Ihe 1st loft at iiUS East llTtb st to M. KaDiuo- wilz. MALCOLM E. SMITH & CO. leased for Priut- irs' Ink PublLshing Co. the llth floor at 12 West 31st st to Picard & Co., advertising agents. MALCOLM E. SMITH & CO. have leased the store and mezzanine Uoor at HI East 4Stli st lo E. & H. Uixon, milliners. SPEAR & CO. have rented for the Victoria Buildiug Corporation the Sth loft in lo:;-lii4 West 'S.Ld st to Abraham Cohen; for the Ue- Vinne Press 3 floors in :;i-23 East 4th st to the Uergwald Mfg. Co. and the LTrand Union Box Co.; for the Canebrake Realty Co. the bth loft in 4 West IGth st to L. & J. Fisher; and for A. J. Kerwin space in 27-35 West 24th st lo Abraham Leff. L. TANENBAUM, STRAUSS & CO. (INC.) have rented the 1st lott, comprising 14,5U0 sq. ft., in the Puck Building, Houston and Lafay¬ ette sts, to the Keller Printing Co ; the 1st loft of SS University pl for the Germania Life In¬ surance Co. to Glass & Lazow ; the 4th loft of 40 East 14th st for William Vincent Astor to the E.xcelsior Pad Co., and the store and base¬ ment of Ul-3 Sth av to Louis Hamburger & Co. for August Oppenheimer. STEPHE.N H. TYNG, JR., & CO. leased to Wallace C. Richardson (Inc.), advertising, offices in 3S1 4th av ; in 31 Union sq space on the 14th floor to the Harvey & Watts Co., canes and umbrella handles ; in 25 Madison av. space on the ITth floor to the Anglo American Cot¬ ton Products Corp.; in the Hartford Building, the entire 12th floor to Julian Ollendorff Studios; oflice space on the 18th and I'Jth floors in Germania Building to William Spark, Jr.; for the estate of Ellen M. Hennessy, at 220 4th av, Oth floor to American Import Co, San Francisco, Japanese goods ; for the Thomas A. Emmet Realty Co. at 85 Madison av space to Letson & Knott, cotton goods; in conjunc¬ tion with Ewing, Bacon & Henry sub-leased en¬ tire 13th floor 185 Madison av to Bobbs-Merrill Co., publishers, for Rail Joint Co. ; and for Brett & Goode Co. in Printing Crafts Bldg. large space on 14th floor to Bragdon, Lord & Nagle Co., textile publishers. WM. A. WHITE & SONS have leased to The Tenney Press, for ten years, space in the Finck Building, now in course of construction at 318- 326 West 30th st. WM. A. WHITE & SONS, in connection with Robert F. Bbnsall, have leased to the Beekman Card & Paper Cu. for a long term, the store and b.iscment of the new Finck Building, now in course of construction, at 318-320 West 3yth st. J. G. WHITE & CO. leased in 470-47S 4th av office space to Miilen, Aikenhead & Co., Blacli Publishing Co., Munson Whitaker Co. and Jul¬ ius Schmid ; also lofts in 17-19 West 17th st to Gerstein Brothers & Co. ; in 1U7-111 West 25th st to Greenberg & Litty ; in 11 West 17th st to Isidore Weiss; in 22 Wooster st to Samuel Knee; in 110 East 18th st to Shapin & Cohen and Jacobson & Mechanic, and in 94 Chambers st to Louis Lavigne. ARTHUR E. WOOD leased to J. H. Kraft the store 210 West 125th st for a restaurant. UNITED MERCHANTS REALTY & improve¬ ment Co. rented the 2d floor in 28-30 West 34th st to M. Ratkowsky, and stores at the northeast corner of Bowery and Grand st to E. Capeson and at the southwest corner of Bowery and Houston to B. Hirsch. Bronx. PAUL A. McGOLRlCK leased to Saul Seltzer 835 Fox st, a 4-sty new-law apartment house, on plot 33.4x100. Brooklyn. GEO. W. MERCER & SO.N rented for the es¬ tate ot Edwin P. Smith, the dwelling, 1S3 Sands st, to Mrs. Yates. Suburban. FEIST & FEIST (INC.) leased for the Or- To Supply Co. to William B. Baggaley, of Short Hills, N. J., the 2-sty building 22 Haisej st, Newark. JOH.N F. SCOTT has rented for M. Keller his house on Mistletoe Way, Cedarhurst, L. I., to W. Redmond Cross, of Redmond & Co., New York. JOH.N F. SCOTT has rented for General Charles F. Roe his country place on the south¬ east corner of Ocean av and Longwood Cross¬ ing, Cedarhurst, L. I., to Benson B. Sloan, and for Mary Rutherfurd one ot her houses in Lover's lane, Cedarhurst, L. I., for another year to Warren S. Crane. HERBERT A. SHERMAN has rented for A. O. Sherman, his place known as "Eastciiff," at Rye, N. Y., directly on the water, a large house, garage, garden and five acres of ground, to John T. Terry. Jr., for the season. I REAL ESTATE STATISTICS The Following Table is a Resume of tUa Po^r^rrl nf Tniivej'anccs, Mort" Extensions ^ and Filed Building Permits, 1916 'Jan. 8 to 14 in Each gages, Mortgage Building Permits ruea i Borough During the Week, ! (Arranged with figures for the corresponding I week of 1915. Following each weekly table ! is a resume from January 1 to date.) MANHATTAN. Conveyancea. 19IG Jan. 7 to 13 TotalNo............... Assessed value......... No. with consideration. Consideration.......... Assessed value......... Jan. S to 14 129 $8,040,800 19 51.957,900 S1,723.0U0 Jan. 1 to 13 120 86,318,410 9 $272,800 $266,710 Jan.!toU Total No............... Assessed value......... No. With consideration. Consideration ■ ........ Assessed value......... 220 $13,286,500 37 $2,818,488 ..... $2,487,000 HortsagcB, 1916 Jan. 7 to 13 TotalNo.............. Amount............... To Banks & Ins. Cos.. Amount............... No. at 6*............. Amoun(............... No. at oV^it........... Amount............... No. at 5<............. Amount............... No. at 4V4<.......... Amount............... No. at ii............. Amount.............. IJnuaual rates........ Amount.............. Interest not given.... Amount.. ........ 252 $12,828,910 24 $786,700 $811,210 1915 Jan. 8 to 14 76 $3,903,174 16 $2,803,500 31 $803,969 1 $1,000,000 16 $532,600 2 $44,000 $1,148,171 9 $349,000 36 $432,054 1 $4,500 21 $591,500 Jan, 1 $20,655 25 $682,250 1 to 13 $1,530 TotalNo.............. Amount.............. To Banks & Ins. Cos. Amount.............. 127 $5,641,740 28 $3,441,500 MoTtitaee Extenaiona. Jan. 7 to 13 TotalNo............. Amount.............. To Banks & Ins. Cos.. Amount............. 83 $3,906,550 53 $3,222,800 Jan. I to 13 Total No............. Amount.............. ToBanks & Ins.Cos. Amount.............. 113 $4,871,550 72 $4,034,800 19 $118,617 Jan 1 to 14 157 $2,342,770 16 $458,500 Jan. 8 to 14 35 $1,383,606 S $.588,.TOO Jan. 1 to 14 70 s: 25,.W3 20 $1,420,000 New buildings.......... 5 Cost.................... $1,250 000 Alterations.............. $217,484 Jan 1 to 14 New buildings.......... 14~ Cost.................... $2.584.450 AlteraHonB.............. $385,819 BUO.XX. Conveyances. 1916 Jan. 7 to 13 Total No................ 96 No. with consideration.. 10 Consideration........... $27,550 Jan. 1 to 13___ TotalNo................ 1S6 No. with consideration.. 15 Consideration........... $143,525 HortKBgrea, 1916 Jan. 7 to 13 TotalNo................ 59 Amount................. $337,157 ToBanks&Ins.Cos___ 4 Amount................. $86,500 No. at 6il............... 26 Amount............... $187,550 No. at 5i.4<............. 5 Amount................. $35,000 No. at 5f............... 4 Amount................. $9,.500 Unusualrates........... 1 Amount................. $2,557 Interest not given....... 22 Amount................. $102,.550 Jan.1 to 13 Total No............ 122 Amount............. $1,085,991 To Banks £ Ins. Cos.. 8 Amount.............. $179,600 Mortgaee Bxtenstons. Jan. 7 to 13 TotalNo................ 26 Amount................. $496,100 To Banks & Ins. Co..... 8 Amount................. $245,000 Jan Ito 13 Total No................ 35~~ Amount................. $743,600 Ao Banks & Ins.Cos.... 12 Tmount................. $385,500 Bnilding; Permlta. lOlfi Jan. 7 :o 13 Newbulldlngs...........' 12 Cost.................... $414..100 Alterations.............. $3,400 Jan. 1 to 13 Newbulldlngs........... 25 Cost.................... $986,500 Alterations.............. $6,000 1915 Jan. 9 to 15 6 $442,100 $73,165 Jan. 1 to 15 g $515,100 $155,296 1915 Jan. 9 to 14 103 13 $129,325 Jan.1 to 14 215 25 $225,875 1915 Jan. 9 to 14 53 $391,246 2 $36,500 35 $115,946 1 $35,000 3 $16,700 14 223,600 Jan. 1 to 14 121 $988,470 4 $68,500 Jan. 8 to 14 21 $402,500 2 $9,200 Jan. 1 to 14 29 $591,000 4 $45,200 1915 Jan. 8 to 14 1() $262,600 $4,535 Jan.lto 14 14 $4si,pno $7,135