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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 97, no. 2500: February 12, 1916

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February 12, 1916 Conveyances RECORD AND GUTDE Manhattan 79 20'rH st, 239 AV (3:770-19), ns, abt 460 w 1 av, jo.i)X(3.'ix2o.»xi4.3, ses, 6-scy bk tnt; benj Koseninal to Chas a Rosenthal, 1.,-i Vv ii-i; AJ.,; J<'ebi; FeOS'16; .'i»il,ouu- 2a,u00. O C & IUO i3iJ st, 503 AV (3:695-33), ns, 20 w 10 av, 2UX0-1, o-btv bk tnt & strs; Mary, wile i'reuk G Miner, 4 \V lUii, to Fredk G Miller, 323 Hudson, Hoboken, NJ; BkS & CaG; FeDo: Febj'16; A»12,500-15,500. O C & 3,000 25TH st, 130 E (3:880-75), ss, b'i.a w Lex av, lo.lxia.4, 4-sty & b Pk dwg; Cath W Saiidiord, 14 Meuen st, Portland, Me, 10 Keyum Kealty Corpn, 320 Bway; Feb 916; A$i7,500-18,500 (H S $16). nom 27TH st, 163 W, see 7 av, 301-5. 2UiM St. 3-7 W (3:831-30), ns, 150 w 5 av, ■(4.6x98.9, 10-sty bk office & str bldg; EAL Kealty Co, 505 5 av, lo Edw H Van Ingen, 9 hi ll; DiiS & CaG; nug $isOO,ouO 6 AL; Feb5; FeDi0'16; A?270,UoO-ulu,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 3iiO Sl, 2S-30 E, see Madison av, 147-9. 3-41H st, 3-12 W (3:939-36), SS, IOU W 1 av, ijx96.U, 4-sty bi-c tnt & strs & 3-sly bk rear tnt; jno F Murtha. 59 S Holland av, Rockaway Beach, B ol Q, el al, EXRS &c 'Ihos or I'hos J Murtha, to Jno F Murtha, 59 S Holland av, Rockaway Beach, B of Q; Heien or Nellie C McMahon, 14 Oceanus av, Rockaway Beach, B of Q; Thos J Murtha, 326 B 50, & May R Hughes, 3681 Bway, heirs Thos J Murllia, deed; mtg $5,- 700 &; .\1a; Jan31; Febs'16; A$15,000-20,UOu. nom 34TH st, 342 E| Jno F & Thos J Murtha to May R Hughes, 3681 Bway, NY, & Helen or Nellie C McMahon, 14 Oceanus av Rockaway Beach, B of Q, all heirs Thos J Murtha, deed; Vz pt; AT; mtg $5,750 & .\L; Feol; FebS'lO. gift B91M sc, 56 AV (3:840-80), ss, 189 e 6 av, 21X9U, 4-siy stn loft & str bldg, 1-sty ext; H f'reeman to Frebos Kealty Co, 42 Bway; mtg $60,000 & AL; Jan20; Feb5'16; .\lH3.oOU-f.o,000 (R S 50 cts). nom 39'1'H st, 530 AV (3:710-51), ss, 500 w 10 av, :!ox9«.9, 5-sty bk tnt; Bernard J De Passe to Marbrook Realty & Constn Co, 367 Fulton, Bklyn; mtg $18,150 & AL; DecSl'lS; FebO'lO; A$9,000-17,600 (R S 50 cts). nom 4STH st, 604-6 AV (4:1095-37), ss, 100 w 11 av, 50x100.5, 5-sty bk storage; Jos Mc- Gillicuddy, ol Tappany, NY, lo P Brady & Son Co, a corpn, 554 W 58; mtg $30,000 & AL: FebS'16; A$17,000-37,000 (R S $13). O C & 100 50TH st, 554 AV (4:1078-60), ss, 100 e 11 av, 2S.2X93.6. except pt released as re¬ corded Marl6, 1SS5; 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Temple C Burge to Onslow-Moore Co, 165 Bway; B&S & CaG; AL; May28'15; Feb9 '16; A$10,000-24,000. nom 50TH st, 554 AV (4:1078-60), ss, 100 e 11 av, 28.2x93.6, except pl released as re¬ corded Marl6, 1885; 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Onslow-Moore Co to Jno B' Boulton, 551 W 50; QC; Jan21; Feb9'16; .^$10,000-24,- 000 (R S 50 cts). nom SOTH st, 554 AV (4:1078-60), ss, 100 e 11 av, 28.2x93.6, except pt released as re¬ corded Marl6, 1885; 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Ida Hertz, Wyoming, Penn, to Temple C Burge, 17 W 132; mtg $25,500 & AL; May 21'15; Feb9'16; A$10,000-24,000. nom 52D st, 217 E (5:1326-8), ns, 192 e 3 av, 16x110.10, 3-sty ■& b stn dwg; Eliz M Cronin, 226 Central Park W, to Richd H Harrison, 161 E 61; mtg $5,500; FebS; Feb 7'16; .\$7,000-9,000 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 52D .st, 353 E, see 1 av, 945. 55TH st, 327 E (5:1348-13), ns, 306.9 e 2 av, 18.11x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Law¬ vers Mtg Co to Gussie Geringer, 889 1 av; B&S; mtg $6,500; Feb9; FeblO'16; .\$7,500- 10,000 (R S $2). O C & 100 55TH st, 313 AV (4:1046-25), ns, abt ISO w 8 av, IS or 19x100.5, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Christian Schlerloh. of Great Neck, DI, to Alma Witt, 1351 St Nicholas av; mtg $18,- 000; Feb7'16; A$13,500-18,500. nom 56TH st, 346 E (5:1348-32), ss, 124 w 1 av, 18x80, 4-sty bk tnt: Lawyers Mtg Co to Salvatore Di Salvo, 930 1 av; B&S; mtg $6.UOO; FebS; Febl'lG; A$6,000-9,500 (R S $1). O C & 100 57TH st, lis AV (5:1272-51), ss, 325 w 5 av, 25x100.5, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Henry Parish, IS W 57, to Edw C Parish, 18 W 57; Fe.b5j Feb7'16; A$13S,000-155,000. gift or nom SSTH st, 443 E (5:1370-18). ns, 146.5 w Av A, 20x100.4, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Ru¬ dolph J Muller, of Monticello, NY, to R J Muller Realtv Corpn, 59 Wall; AL; Janll; Febl'lO; .A.$7.000-12,000 (R S $9). O C & 100 SSTH st, 231 AV (4:1030-15), ns, 145 e Bway, 25x100.5. 2 & 3-sty bk stable; Thos T Eckert Jr to Jas C Eckert, at Straw¬ berry Hill, Stamford, Conn; QC; FebS; Feb7'16; A$40,000-44.000. nom 60TH st, 223 AV (4:1152-19), ns, 325 w Ams av, 25x100.5. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Julius & Michl Maier to Thos J Malloy, 123 E 90; mtg $8,000 & AL; Feb7'16; A $8,000-10,000 (R S $2). O C & 100 OlST st, 230 AV (1:1153-10), ns. 225 e West End av, 25x100.5, 5-sty stn tnt; Mel¬ vin G Palliser. ref, to Jno W Thomson, at Pittsfield, Mass, as COMMITTEE Louisa Myers plff; FORECLOS July28'15; JanlO; Febl0'16; A$7.000-14,000 (R S $7). 7.000 62D st, 27-33 E (5:1377-24), ns 68 e Mad av 57x100.5, 9-sty bk tnt; Prazier-Cole- man Realty Co to City Real Bstate Co, 176 Bway; 'i pt; AT; AL; Dec29'15; FebS '16: .^$120.000-310.000. nom 62D st, 27-33 E; Isabel C Forbes, 114 Commonwealth av, Boston, Mass, et al, to same; % pts; AT; AL; Dec29'15; Feb8'16. nom 63D st, 305 E (5:1438-6). ns. 109 e 2 av. 29x100.5. 5-stv bk tnt; Bond & Mtg Guar Co to Angelo Lombardo, 448 E 13, 5-6 pts. & Jas Casale, 74 E 3, 1-6 pt: B&S: mte $13,500; Feb7; Feb8'16; A$10,500-23.000 (R S $3). O C & 100 63D st, 121 AV (4:1135-2), ns, 187.6 w Col av, 16.8x100.5, 3-sly & b bk dwg; -Arthur McGlone, 19 AV 65, to Jas A Farley, 72 W 48; CaG; mtg $9,500; FebS; Feb4'16; .\$10 500-14,000. O C & 100 70TH st, 30-6 W (4:1122-47-49%), ss, 370 e Col av, 79.6x100.5, 4-4-sty & b bk dwgs; Julius Tishman & Sons. Inc, to Jatison Constn Co, 18 E 41; mtg $75,000; Febl; Feb8'16; A$93,700-123,500 (R S $50). , O C & 100 71ST st, 316 E (5:1445-42), ss, 250 e 2 av, 25x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt; Fredk Schwarz to Frank Lutter, 1361 Av A; Vz RT&I; B &S: mtg $13,500; Feb7; Feb9'16; A|9,000- 19.000 (R S $4). O C & 100 72D st, 12 AA' (4:1124-42), ss, 225 w Cen¬ tral Park W, 25x102.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; .\lice W Smith, 400 Park av, to .Ambrose E Vanderpoel, 400 River rd. Summit, NJ; .■\L; Feb9; Febl0'16; A$55,000-67,000 (R S $57.50). O C & 100 73D St. 163 E (5:1408-25), ns, 265 w 3 av, 25x102.2, 2-sty bk stable: Jay Gould, at Lakewood, NJ. to B'eaverkill Corpn, 165 Bway; QC; mte $21,000; Febl; FebS'lO; .A $17,500-30,000 (R S $9). O C & 100 76TH st, 346 E (5:1450-40), ss, 300 e 2 av, 35x102.2, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Eugene L Richards, as temporary receiver in bankruptcy of Abr L Kass, & as Supt ot Banks of State NY, to Abr L Kass. 226 S 9'. Bklyn; QC; Jan20; Feb4'16; A$9.000-27.- 000. nom 70TH st, 346 E; Abr L Kass to Deposi¬ tors Assets Corpn, 100 Essex; B&S; Jan20; Febl'lG. nom S2D st, 243 E (5:1528-191/2), ns, 122,6 w 2 av, 15x102.2, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Church ot St Ignatius Loyola, 980 Park av, to Clara Straub. 169 E 81; Febl; Feb7'16: .\ Exempt-Exempt (R S $1). O C & 100 .S3D st, l(f6 AV (4:1213-60), ss, 105 e .Vms av, 25x109.8x25.1x107.8, 5-sty bk tnt; Saml De Novelles, 381 Webster av, Jersey City, NJ, et al,-10 Thos AVard Jr, 596 V7 152: mtg $28,000; Peb7; FebS'lO: .\$20.500- 28.500. O C & 100 86TH st, 124 E (5:1514-60), ss, 286.S e Park av, 25.6x102.2. 5-sty stn tnt; Corn Exchange Bank to Blinhalet L Davis, 249 W 22; B&S: mtg $37,500: FebS; Feb9'16: .\$40.500-42,500 (R S $7.50). O C & 100 SOTH st, 124 E; Eliphalet L Davis. 249 W 22, to Alfred Lewis, 310 W SO; B&S; FebS: Feb9'16. nom 04TH st, 28 E. see Madison av, swc 94. 97TH St. 60-2 E (6:1602-44). ss, 150 w Park av, 50x100.11, 6-stv bk tnt & strs: B 97th St Corpn, 322 W 139, to Nathan Raynes, 782 Dawson: 1st mtg $13,000, 2d mtg $------- & AL; Feb7; FebS'16; A$26,500- 62.000 (R S $11). nom 97TH st, 4S AA^ (7:1832-50), ss, 440 w Central Park W, 20x100. 4-stv & b bk dwg; Kalo Realtv Co, 368 E 149. to Clif¬ ford Putnam, Villa Sciglia. Taormina. Sicilv, Italy; mte $18,000 & .AL; Feb9: Feb lO'lG: -\$12.200-19.000 (R S $1). nom OSTH St. 208 E (6:1647-42). ss, 160 5 e 3 av, 25.3x100.11. with all title to strip adj on w 0.5x100.11. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm L Phelan, of Bronx, to Phelan Es¬ tates. Inc, at Columbia Trust Co Bide. Willis av & 148th: mte $7,000 & .AL; Feb S; FebS'lG; --\ $9 200-14 000 (R S $1). nnm OSTH St. .13 AV (7:1834-8). ns, 175 e Col av. 24.10x100.11. 5-stv stn tnt; Ellen G O'Brien et al, all at 449 H-^'sev. Bklvn, to Jno P O'Brien, 449 Halsev—T^kl vn: B&S & CaG: Febl; Feb7'16; .ASIS,000-23.500. nom 101ST st, 343 E (6:1673-24), ns. 40 w 1 av, 40x100.11. 6-stv bk tnt & strs: 137th St Rsaltv Corpn to Prospero Realtv Cn, 261 Bwa-s-; mte $30,000 & AL; Feb9; Feb 10'16: .A$ll.000-36.000 (R S 50 cts). nom 102D st, 11.3-5 AV (7:1857-24). ns, 195,10 w Cnl av. 45.10x100.11, 6-stv bk tnt; Min¬ nie Bendheim to Irene F Bendheim.^ bnth at 1978 Mnrris av: % RT&I; AL: FebS; Feb9'16: .\$2S.500-65,000 (R S $2.50). nnm 102D st, 113-5 AV (7:1857-24). ns 195 10 w Col av. 45.10x100.11. G-sty bk tnt: Min¬ nie Bendheim to Beatrice Pnsenhnum. bnth nt 1978 Morris av: U RT&I: AT^: FebS; Feb9'16: .A$2S-500-65.0O0 (R S $2.50). nom IfC.TH St. 4-6 AV (7:1840-37), ss. 100 w Central Pnrk W. 50x100.11. 6-stv bk t"t: Marv E Horton to Ellen A Stewart. 1231 Rwnv: V, pt: mtg »S5 000 & .AT,: JanSl; FeblO'16: .A$24 000-84.000 (R S $47). nom 107TH St. 3t0 E (6:1679-2'^i'-). ns. 7110 w 1 av. 28 2x75.6 5-stv stn loft bide- Jas .A Lvnch. ref, to Metropolitan Snv^s Bank. 59-61 Cooner sq E nlff: FORECLOS Febl; Feb2; Febl'lG: .A$7,000-16,000 (R S $!■>). 12 000 108TH st, 238 AV (7:1879-55). ss, 549.8 w Ams av, 25.4x100.11. 2-stv bk garaee; Lasette .?• Miirnhv, Inc. tn .Almeen Realtv Cnrnn. ?SS W lOS: AT,: Feb9: FeblO'16: A $19 nno-20.50n (R S $8). nom 1(f«TH St. 81 E, see Park av. 1500. IIOTH St. 221 E (6:1660-10), ns. 235 e 3 av. 25x100,11. 5-stv bk tnt & strs- Benj Rnsenthnl, 30) Brnome. tn Chas S Rnsen- thnl. 124 W 114; v, pt; AL; Feb7: FebS'16: AJS.000-20,noo. O C & 100 lillTH St. ?S E (6:1616-60). ss. 75 w Mad av, 25.3x100.11. 5-stir stn fnf: .ill'ionO- 24.500: also 12RTH ST. 244 E ('6:1792-'?'i), ss 101 w 2 av. 2Gv99.11. 5-stv stn tnt; Wni Clave ref to Liiba Lewis. 1 E 101. nlff: FOr>Er'T.OS D"c22'1^- JanlS: FebS'lG- A $6-3nn-i3.5no (R S »l.Sn). 1.300 112TH St. 216 E (6:1661-411/,), sr in^n e 3 av,, 3-stv & b stn dwe- Sol Hanford. ref. tn Hnnor B Dou's-'ns. nt TTn.i- w.-iv. Susses av. M'-^rristn-w^n, NJ, & Gminn W B Bailev. "1 E 94, ir:"vps x- TRSTES Wm R Barr. plffs: FORECT.OS Jan27: F^h o. ji'ei^.cir;. ,i«R nno-7.son (p s $6). 6,000 ll'fH St. 133 AA' r7;lS'?2-9), ns. 1 75 P 7 av. 30^-inni1 5-sty hk tnf: Delia pr-ennd tn .Arlnlnh Mancen .ft Gen Dettlnff both 131 W 112: mte $''S.5no- FebS: Febl'lG- A$19- 000-34,000 (R S $1.50). O C & 100 113TH st, 104 E (6:1640-43), ss, 183.4 w 3 av, 16 8x100.11, 3-sty & b fr dwg; Edw Cummings, & Ellen, his wife, 164 E US, to Jno Dorsey. 9 Clinton av, Ossining-on- Hudson. NY; AL: Feb7; FebS'16; A$6.100- 7,000 (R S 50 cts). nom 113TH st, 104 E; Jno Dorsey to Ellen Cummings. 164 E US; -AL; Feb7: FebS'lG (R S SO cts). nom 113TH St. 142 AV (7:1822-58), ss, 120.3 e 7 av, 20.3x100.11, 5-sty bk tnt: Sidney P Ettinger to David R Gimbel. 315 W 113; mtg $18,000 & AL; Feb2; Feb7'16: A$12,- 500-21.000 (R S 50 cts). O C & 100 114TH st, 238-40 E (6:1663-35 & 36), ss, 163 w 2 av. 42x100.11, 2-4-sty stn tnts; Nebo Realty Co. 175 E 79, to Max Schwartz, 924 West End av; mtg $4,500 & AL: Jan29; Feb9'16; A$13,000-20,000 (R S 50 cts). nom 114TH st, 34 AV (6:1597-57), ss, S4S.4 e Lenox av. 17.8x100.11, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Tilmil Realty Co to Leah Williams, 71 W 113; .AL; Febl; Feb5'16; .A$9,400-11,000. nom 114TH St, 520 AV (7:1885-43), ss, 250 w .Vmst av, runs sl01xw50xn.01%xw25xn 100.11 to st xe75 to beg, 8-sty bk tnt; Maria S Paterno Campagna. 344 Northern av, to Paterno Bros, 601 W 115; mtg 4215,- 000 &AL: FebS; Feb9'16; A$66,000;215,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 117TH st, 7 AV (6:1601-30), ns, 150 w 5 av, 23.1x100.11, 6-sty bk tnt: Hy W Free¬ man to Frebos Realtv Co Inc, 42 Bway: B&S: Jan20; Feb5'16; A$12,800-28,500 (R S 50 cts). nom 119TH st, 324 E (6:1795-42), ss, 356.3 w 1 av, runs sl00.10xwl8.Sxn55.1xe.0%xn45.8 to st xel8.7 to beg, 2-sty & b bk dwg; Donright Co to Phelan Estates. Inc. Col¬ umbia Trust Co Bldg. Willis av & 14Sth; mtg $4,500 & .AL; FebS; FebS'lG; .A$5,600- 6.500 (R S 50 cts). nom 119TH st, 326 E (6:1795-41), ss, 337.6 w 1 nv, 18.8x100.10. 2-sty & b bk dwg; Don- right Co to Phelnn Estates, Inc. Columbia Trust Co Bldg, Willis av & 148th; mtg $4,- 300 & .AL; FebS; FebS'16; A$S,600-6,500 (R S 50 cts). nom 119TH St. 330 E (6:1795-40), ss, 300 w 1 av. 18.9x100 10, 2-stv & b bk dwg; Don- right Co to Phelan Estates, Inc. Columbia Trust Co Bide. Willis av & 148th; mtg $-'.500 & .AL; FebS; Feb8'16; A$5,600-6.500 (R S $1). nom 120TH st, 349-53 E (6:1797-22). ns, 84 w 1 av. runs w49.4xnl0O.Uxe33.4xs5O.6xel6xs 50 5 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Eugene L Richards as temporary RECEIVER in bankruptcy of .Abr L Kass & as Sunt of Banks of State NY, to -Abr L Kass. 226 S 9, Bklyn; QC; Jan20; Feb4'16; A$14,000- 46,000. nom 120TH st, 349-53 E; Abr L Kass to De¬ positors Assets Corpn, 100 Essex; B&S; Jan20: Feb4'16. nom 120'rH st, 140 AV (7:1904-50), ss, 404 w Lenox av, 17x100.11. S-sty & b stn dwg; Mollie, wife Ralph Scheuer, to Jno Moller, 44 E 72, & Chas G Moller. 290 Mad av, TRSTES will Peter Moller; B&S: mtg $11,- 000: Jan21: FeblO'16: A$8.500-11,500. nom 121ST st, 345 E (6:1798-20), ns, 150 w 1 av. 25x100.11, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Hy E Jones, of Newport, RI. to Morris Schloss¬ beimer. 173 E 95; B&S; mte $12,500; Jan 17; FebS'16: A$7,000-16,000 (R S $1). O C & 104 121ST st, 447 E (6:1809-22). ns, 100 w Pleasant av. 25x100.11, 4-sty hk tnt: Chas E Lvdecker. ref, to La'wvers Mte Co: FORECLOS Febl; Feb7; FebS'lG; .A$6.500- 10.000 (J^ S $8). 8,000 122D sf, ino E, see Park av, 1753-5. 122D St. 255 E (6:1787-191/.), ns, 73.6 w 2 av, 14x70, 3-stv & b stn dwg; Jno Od- done, 164 B 104, tn Cecelia Zanelli, 303 E 104: mtg $4,890; FebS; Feb7'16; A$4.300- 5,500. nom 122D st, 265 E. see 2 av, 2385. 122D St. 140 AA' (7:1907-10%), ns, 215 e 7 av. 20x100.11. S-sty & b stn dwg; Bliz Anderson to Wm H Eagleson, 295 Haw¬ thorne St. Bklyn: B&S: mtg $15,000: DecS '15; Febl'lG; A$10,000-15,500 (R S 50 cts). O C & 100 122D St. 237 AV (7:1928-18), ns, 335 w 7 av, 14.6x100.11. 3-stv & b stn dwg: Es¬ ther R Gilbert to Rebecca Gilbert 237 W 122; re claim fnr Sl nOO; QC & AT; Febl; FebS'lG: A$7.50O-S.50O. nom 124TH St. 50 E (6:1748-70), ss, 136 e Mad av. 18x100.11, 3-stv & b stn dwg: Ai'nes Farrell to Gen W Denton. 129 B 122- mte .«5 500- DecSO'lS; FebS'16: A$7.- 200-9.000 (R S $2). O C & 100 125TH sf. 72 AV (6:1722-67). ss. 122 9 e Lenox av, 18 1x100.11. 3-stv bk str, 1-sty ext; Jas A Perrv of Plainfield. NJ, to Os¬ car D Thees. 271 Lenox av. NY. & Jno D Thees at New Rochelle. NY: Jan26; Febl '16: A$43 000-46 OOO (R S $40). nom 127TH St. 119 E (6:1776-12). ns, 115 w Lex av, 31x99.11. 5-stv bk tnt: Carrie Steiner. individ & ADMTRX of Jacob Steiner et al. to Emily. Rose. Fredericka & Carrie Steiner. all at IS W 107: mtg $22,750; Jan6; Febl0'16; A$10,500-26,0OO. nom 127TH St. 247-9 E, see 2 av. 24«5. 12.'STH St. 244 E. see lllth. 28 E. ISOTH St. 107 E (6:177S-6). ns, 115 e Park nv. 25x99 11. 4-stv bk tnt & strs; Hnrrv Riju'- ref to Li77ie Vnn Boskerck. 10 W 61- FORECLOS FebS: Feb9; FehIO •JR- M7 onn-in snn (r s $7,50). 7000 130TH st, 66 AV. see Lenox av, 572-4. 130TH st, 6S-7n AV. see Lenox av, 572-4. 142D St. 235 AV (7:2028-13). ns. 300 e 8 av 25x99.11, 5-stv stn tnt: Lucille Push to Lambert Snvdam Jr. SSO Park nv. T^STE will Jas Suvdam. nlff; FORECLOSED & drawn Febl;" Feb5'16; A$9,500-23,000 (R S $15). 13,000