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286 RECORD AND GUIDE Mav 13, 1916 HAVEN AV, e s, Sl s 171st st, 3-sty brick garage, 25x93; cost, $20,000; owner, Emma Holding, 111 West i:iOth st; architect, John Hooper, 2240 Broadway. Plan .No. IGS. STABLES A.ND GARAGES. IS2D ST, 470-72 West, s s. 175 c Amsterdam ov, 2-sty fireproof garage, ,30x95 ; cost, $;iO,000 ; owner, Margaret C. Brown, 73 Hamilton terrace; architect, Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 271 West l-23th St. Plan No IGS. STORAGE AND WAREHOUSES. GOTH ST, 243-245 West, n s. 17S e AVest End av. 2-sty fireproof storage and auto service. 5l)x 95; cost, $28,000; owner, Richard Carvel, GUS West 137th st; prlviite plans. Plan .No. 161. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. LIBERTA' ST. 110. 13-sty fireproof offlces. 71x Sl ; cost, $300.(1011; ownor, G(i Liberty St. Cotp., Hi Broadway; architects. Cross & Cross, 10 East 47th st. i'lan No. 164. 421) ST, i:',0-lS2 West, s s, 300 w Gth av, .29- sty Hreproof store, show rooms and offlces, SOx 98; cost, $600,000; owner. Bush Terminal Co., 100 Broad sl; archlterts, Helmle & Corbett, 190 .Montague sl, Brooklyn. Plan .No. 174 45TH ST, 18-22 West, 17-sty fireproof store and oflices, 1(H).\20U; cost, $7.3(1.(100; owner, Berkeley Arcade Corp., 23 AVest ISth st; archl- tecls, Starrett & Van VIeck, 8 West 40lh st. Plan .No. 17S. STORES AND TE.NE.MENTS. ISGTH ST. n w cor Audubon av, 5-sty brick stores and tenement. 61x90 ; cost. $70,00(1; own¬ er, Manhatian Heights improvement Co., 135 Broadway ; architects, Sass & Springsteen, 32 Union sq Plan N'o. 170. JilSCELLANEOUS. 29TH ST, 47 East, n s, 80 w 4th av, 2-sty brick restaurant,'--'0x98; cost, $12.0(10; owners. Caroline M. Todd et al, 173 2d av ; architects, Gross & Kleinberger, Bible House. Plan No 169. 159TH ST, Speedway, 1-sty brick shop, 44x25 ; cost, $3,000; owner, Interborough Rapid Transit Co., IGS Broadway; engineer, George H. Pe¬ gram, 165 Broadway. Plan No. Ii2. Bronx. APARTJIENTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 17STH ST. s w- cor JIarmion av. two S-sly brick tenements, slag roof, 43.6x90. 49.2x88; cost, $1(13,000 ; owner, JIarquette Const. Co., Jas. Dougherty. 881 Crotona Park North, Pres. ; ar- chite-t. Kreymborg Archtl. Co , 1029 East 16;id St. Plan No. 214. FRANKLl-N AV. w s. 343.10 s 169th st, 5-sty brick tenement, plastic slate roof, 77.3x111 ; cost, $73,(1110; owner. County Bldg. Corp., Dudley MacDonald, :!70 East U9th st. Pres. ; architect, Krevmborg Archtl. Co , 1029 East 163d st. Plan -No.'2i:i. D.VELLINGS. KAPPOCK ST. n e cor Spuyten Duyvii park¬ way, 3-sty frame dwelling, 25.8x63, slate roof; cost. $12,000; owners. Estate ot 1. G. Johnson. M. Johnson. Independence av, trustee; archi¬ tect. Everett A'. Jieeks. .32 Vanderbilt av. Plan No. 207. STR-ANG AV, n w cor Hill av, 2-sty brick store and d-n-elling, 20x34, slag roof; cost, $5,000; owner, Luigi Voljsato, 488 College av; architect, B. Ebeling, -2400 Westchester av. Plan No. 20S. KING AV, e s, 100 n Elizabeth st, 2%-sty hollow tile dwelling. 28.8x31.2. asphalt and shingle roof ; cost. $4..300; owner, Edw. O. Seif¬ ert. 616 King av ; architect. Geo. W. Kibitz, SOO East 175th st. Plan N'o. 209. ROMBOUT AV. e s, 1.30 n Hollers av, 1-sty brick dwelling, felt roof, 2SX.32; cost, $1..300; owner, Vito Matturo. 1021 2d av; architects, Russo & Brohmer, 1431 Broadway. Plan No. 21.3. ST.ABLES AND GARAGES. 19GTH ST, n e cor Creston av, 1-sty brick stores and garage, plastic slate roof, 23x104.11; cost. $7.0110; owner. 2477 Davidson .Av. Co.. Inc., Hugh JIcLernon, 128 W. Highbridge rd. Pres.: architect, Andrew J. Thomas, 2526 Webster av. Plan No. 203. S'SGTH ST, n s. 230 e Barnes av, 1-sty brick earage. 20x20. tin root; cost, .$.300 ; owner, John H. D'amm, .S21 East 2-26th st: architect, Anthony J. De Pace, .8.54 East 217th st. Plan No. 210. STORES AND TENEJIENTS. TOWNSEND -AA', n w ror 170th st. five 5-sty brick stores and tenements, 60.11x90. 56x85; cost. $315,000: owners, J. JI. B. Co.. Inc., Jos. JI. Brody. 6 West .S2d st, Pres.; architects, Sass & Springsteen, "2 Union sq. Plan No. 211. JilSCELLANEOUS. JEROJiE AA', w s, 263 s Kingsbridge rd. 1- sty brick power house, slag roof. 50x113.6; eost. $40.000; ow-ner, Interborough Transit Co., T. P. Shonts. 163 Broadn-ay. Pres. : architect. Geo. H. Pegram. 163 Broadway. Plan No. 204. i:i4TH ST, n e cor So. Boulevard. 1-sty iron storage, SOx'SS; cost. $1,710; owner, The Laf- fargue Co.. Max J. (le Rochemont, on p'remises, Vice-Pres.; arcbitect, Kolb Portable Bldg. Co., .SO (Thurch st. Plan No. 206. ELLSWORTH AV, w s, 100 s Baisley av, 1- sty frame greenhouse, 16x97; cost, $1,000; own¬ er and architect, Benjamin Blaine, 2074 Arthur av. Plan No. 212. PLANS FILED FOR ALTERATIONS. ] Manhattan. .ALBANA' ST, 19. remove extension, new roof, fireproof skylight, parapet walls, fire escape, sinks, partitions to fi-sty brick store and apart¬ ments ; cost, $2..300; owner, Jlary S. Denison, 64 East 7Sth st; architect, Henry H Holly, .Sa-40 West .32d st. Plan No. 1214. COLUMBIA ST, 73%, new mullion window, partitions, gratings to 5-sty brick store and tenement; cost, $300; owner, Moses Scherer, 2G1 Rivington st ; architect. Abraham Fisher. 290 East .-Id St. Plan No. 1137. COil.VELIA ST. 17. ncw baker's oven, grat¬ ing to 2-sty brick bakery; cost. $1,800; owner, Attilllo J. Zampieri, 17 Cornelia st; architect. Otto L. Spannbake, 13 Park Row. Plan No. 121G EAST BROADWAY, 44, new stairs, bulkhead, repair fire escape to 4-sty brick stores and lofts ; cost, $1,000: owner, Cbas. Wilder, SSO Broad¬ way ; architects, Sass & Springsteen, 32 Union sq. Plan .No. 1217. ELDRIDGE ST, .84, new partitions, windows, toilets to two S-sty brick stores and apartments ; cost. Sl.MHi; owner. Elfrieda C. Boschen, 4SG Putiiain av, Brooklyn; architects, Stever & Vander Clute. S3 Broadway. Plan No. 1244. ELIZABETH ST, 172, ncw show window to 4- sty brick store, offlce and tenement; cost, $100; owner, Jiariano Scimeca, .M. D.. 2 Prince st; architects. Laspia & Salvati, 523 Grand st, Brooklyn. Plan N'o. 1-237. FR.ANKLIN ST, 186-188. new fireproof stair enclosure to G-sty brick factory; cost. $1.500;. owner. S. Charles Welsh, 213 Broadway ; archi¬ tect, Alexander S. Traub, 235 Greenwich st. Plan No. 1202. FULTON ST, .38-60. new stair and flreproot enclosure, bulkhead, windows and doors, hoist platform to two G-sty brick factories; cost. .$5.(1011; owner. Leonard Lewisohn estate, 11 Broadway : architects, Benj. H. & Chas. N. Whinston. Plan N'o. 1220. GREE-NE ST, 20S. extend stairs and hall, con¬ crete floor, fire escape, stair enclosure to 6-sty briek lofts: cost. $4,000; owner, Helen M. Schur- mann. 243 Broadw-ay ; architect, Alfred H. Tay¬ lor, I.'IS West GSth St. Plan No. 1209. GRAND ST, 2SS-G0. new store front, opening, beams, flooring to 6-sty brick storage: cost. .$.300; owner, Elka Jack Realty Co., Inc., 61 Park Row; architect, JIaximilian Zipkes, 403 Lexington av. Plan N'o. 1204. HENRA' ST.—SG-S8, new stairs and enclosure, fireproof doors, fire escapes to 7-sty brick stores and lofts; cost. $3,000; ow-ner. Isaac Goodstein, 135 Broadway; architects. Sass & Springsteen, :12 Union sq. Plan No. 1216. T iPERTA' ST. 29-31. new tank and steel sup¬ ports to 12-sty fireproof factory: cost. $700: owner. Joseph Faby & Co.. 54 Maiden la ; archi¬ tect. Jlaxwell Engineering Co., Inc., 146 24th St. Brooklyn. Plan N'o. 1184. JIOTT ST. 70. new show windows, columns, girders, openings, mason work to 3-sty brick store and dwelling: cost, $500: owner. Ida Levinson: 162 Canal st; architect; Michael Burnstein. 183 JIadison av. Plan No. 1187. OLIA'ER ST. 50. new show windows, parti¬ tions to .3-sty brick stores and tenement ; cost. .■^3011: owner. Bartholomew Sbarboro, 14 Frank¬ lin st; architect. Jlichael Bernstein, l.s.3. JIadi¬ son av. Plan N'o. 11(50. WASHINGTON SQ. 15 North, new fireproof windows, doors, floor to 2-sty brick studio: rost. $.300 ; ow-ner. Rbeinlander Real Estate Co.. 31 Nassau st; architect. Jos. Mitchell, .332 West 24th St. Plan No. 1170. WAA'ERLA' PL. 101-103, n w cor JIacDougal st, new openings, bathrooms, fireproof doors, partitions, mason w-ork to 9-sty fireproof hotel ; cost. $50.000; ow-ner. the heirs of Howard An¬ derson, '290 Broadway ; architect. Henry A. Koelble. Ill East 2Sth st. Plan No. 1252. STH ST. 23 East, new show window, steel eirders. to S-sty brick store and lofts; cost. S200: owner. John Hicks, 1 Broadway; archi¬ tect. Frank Braun. 385 9th av. Long Island City. Plan No. 1-203. IITH ST. 325 East new partitions, floor drains to 1-stv brick poultry market; cost. $.300: owner. Adelaid E. Watson. 224 East 13th st; architect. John H Holler, 82 Wall st. Plan No. 1218. IfiTH ST. 4 We-t. new stairway, flrcproof window- and donrs to 10-stv flrcproof store and lefts; cost. $2,300; owner. Canebrake Realtv Co., "3 Xassau st; architect. Matthew W. Del Gaudio. 301 East Tremont av. Plan No. 1211. 22D ST. 6-12 West, new fire-escapes, doors, fireurnofintr. partitions to two S-stv brick lofts ; f-nst. $2,000 : owner. Jlanitoba Realty Corn.. 231 4(h av ; architects. Rouse & Goldstone. 38 West .".Sd st Plan No. 1234. 24TH ST. 1.39-161 West, new flre proofing throughout, fireproof doors, gasoline tank, oil separator, carriage -washes to 6-sty briek ea- r-i2e: cost. S2.4II0: owner. Chas. A. Winch. 383 Convent av : architect. Robert E. Moss, 126 Lib¬ erty St. Plan No. 1206. S.STH ST. 141-1.35 East, new toilet room, fire¬ nroof windows, floor, painting, sidewalk, ceiling lo S-stv fireproof lofts: cost. $7.30; owner. New A'nrl; Railwavs rn., 163 Broadway; architect. Chas. E. Corby, 621 Broadway. Plan No. 1228. 2.8TH ST. 141-135 East, n s, 123 e Lexington av. carry up walls, extension, etc.. to 2-sty brick boiler room and sacrist; cost, $5.000: owner. The Church of St. Stephens. Archdiocese of New A'ork, 432 JIadison av: architect. Philip P. Parky. 101 Park av. Plan No. 1200. 32D ST. 12-14 West, new studio, galvanized iron canopy to 12-sty fireproof store, oflice and In'ts : cost, $1,3.37; owner. Pacific Realty Co.. 007 Broadway: arrhlteet. Geo. A. Dugan, 200 Sth av. Plan No. 1207. ."4TH ST. 124 -5\'est, new store fronts, stairs and enclosure, partitions, raise tier beams to 5- stv brick store, office and apartments; cost. SI ..800; owners. David C. and Isabelle A. Watts, 31 East SSth st; architects. Rouse & Goldstone. 38 West .32d St. Plan N'o. 1224. 41ST ST, 6 East, new partitions, vent shaft to 4-sty brick store and lodging; cost, $1,000; ow-ner. Guardian Holding Co.. 1234 Broadway; architects. Brook & Rosenberg, 350 Fulton st. Brooklyn. Plan No. 1247. UTH ST, 9 East, new show window, brick work to 4-sty brick stores and dwelling ; cost, $475; owner,'Francis G. Lloyd, care P. JI. Jler- rill, 9 East 44th st; architect, Henry H. Holly, 38-40 West SSd st. Plan N'o. 1242. 44TH ST. 147 West, new brick and steel work. interior alterations to 3-sly brick store; cost. $3,UOO ; owner, Helen Forbes Estate, IGS Broad¬ way ; architect, Herman Lee Jleader, 4 West .-Jod St. Plan N'o. 1239. 44TH ST, 310-312 West, new- fireproof stair- w-ay and enclosure, door, brick w-ork lo 3-sty brick factory; cost, $250; owner, Anna Etling, :il4 West 44th st; architect, John C. Watson, 271 West 123th st. Plan No. 1238. 44TH ST, 3 East, new flre-escape to G-sty brick factory; cost, $500; owner. Assembled Realty Ow-ners Co., 3 East 44th st; architects De Rosa & Savignano, ISO Nassau st. Plan No. 1166. 4.3TH ST. 102-1114 West, new openings, walls, skylight, partitions to tw-o 1 and 4-sty brick stores, offices and dwelling ; cost, $300; ow-ner. Jahn Dunston, 7G1 Gth av; architect, Edward M. .Ad'^lsohn. 1776 Pitkin av, Brooklyn. Plan N'o. 1179. 4.3TH ST, .34 West, new partitions, door open¬ ing to 2 and 3-sty brick stores; cost, $200; owner, 52-.34 West 4Sth St Co., .32 West 45th st; architect, J. G. H. Harlach, Larchmont. Plan No. 1210. 4GTH ST, 2:i3 West, new toilet rooms to 3- sty brick store and apartment; cost, $600; own¬ er, Leonard L. Hill. 131 Wesl SClb sl; archi¬ tect. Wm. F. Pennell, IsO Hobart st, Ridgefield Park, N. J. Plan No. 1176. 48TH ST, 112-114 West, new summer garden to two 3-sty brick restaurant and dwelling; cost. $1,000; owner, CTharies Runk, 31 Nassau st; architect, Fredk. Jacobsen, 27 Union sq. Plan No. 1203. .32D ST. 1:36-144 West. 3 new tanks, steel supports, fireproof enclosure to 12-sty flreproot store and lofts cost, $1.700; ow-ner. The 136-44 West 52d St. Realty Co., 1:36-44 West 52d st; architect. The Rusling Co., 39 Cortlandt st. Plan No. 1249. 5.3TH ST, 20 West, new 1-sty addition, electric elevator to 6-sty brick private dwelling; cost, $:1..300: owner. Dr. Frank E. Sondern, 20 West .33th st; architect. Robert A. Fash, 163 West 2(ith St. Plan No. 1221. GSD ST, 128 East, new addition, extend vent to S-sty brick residence; cost. $1,500; ow-ner, A. Henry Jlosle, 128 East G2d st; architect, -Arthur C. Nash. 345 Sth av. Plan No. 1213. S7TH ST, 263 West, rebuild wall and par¬ tition to 3-sty brick garage; cost, $100; owner, Walter J. -M. Donovan, 80 Broadwav ; architect, -Angelo JIagnoni. 112 SOth st. Corona, L. I. Plan No. 1127. 103TH ST. 112-138 West, new flreproot win¬ dows and doors to 1-sty brick garage; cost, $r>(K1: owner. Jacob Wicks. Jr.. 701 JIadison av ; architect. Lucian Pisciotta. 391 East 149th St. Plan N'o. 1188. 109TH ST. 317 East, new partitions, stairs, brick work, fireproof ceiling, w-indow to 5-sty brick tenement : cost. |30(); owner, Nassau Jlortgage Co., 46 Cedar st; architect, Morris Schwartz, 194 Bowery, pian No. 1146. USTH ST, 418 East, new windows to 3-sty brick stable and wagon storage; cost, $200; owner, Domenic Pecora, .301 East USth st; architect. Matthew W. Del Gaudio, 401 East Tremont av. Plan No. 1213. UOTH ST, 119-121 East, new stairs, parti¬ tions, columns, girders, raise tier beams, etc., to tw-o 4-sty brick stores and dwelling; cost, $3.(100; owner, James JI. Lalor. 31 Overlook rd. Summit. N. J.; architect. Nathan Langer Sl East 12Sth St. Plan No. 1223. llfiTH ST. 340 East, lower area to 3-stv brick tenement: cost, $100; ow-ner. Frank S. S'tarace, :Un East lieth st; architects, De Rose & Cava¬ lieri. 2333 1st av. Plan No. 1208. 119TH ST. .316 East, new brick extension, jiar- titions to S-sty brick store and dwelling ;'cost. $1..300: owner, Angelo JIalgeiri, 204 Mott st; architect, Louis -A, Shienart, 194 Bowery. Plan No. 1219. 12SD ST, 157 West, remove partitions to 7- sty brick tenement; cost, $1.30; owner. Metro¬ polis Securitv Co., 251 Broadway; architect, Geo. Dress. 1931 JIadison av. Plan No. 1227. 12flTH ST. 1.3S East, new 1-sty brick exten¬ sion to S-sty brick garage: cost. $300: owner. Louis Kahn. 1.33 East 12Gth st: architects. Moore & Landsiedel, USth st and 3d av. Plan No. 1131. 134TH ST. 28 West, s s, 412 w Sth av, in¬ crease apartments to 5-sty brick tenement: cost .$3.000; owner. Estelle G. Winston, .393 Canal st; arcbitect, Eli Benedict, 1947 Broadway. Plan No. 1229. 137TH ST, 602 West, new iron flue to 6-sty brick store and tenement; cost. $90: owner. AA'alter J. JI Donovan. .302 West 10.3th st; architects, Hartel & Davies. 693 .Atlantic av. Brooklyn. Plan No. 1233. U6TH ST. 2(iS-211 West, new bulkhead, root, flreproof w-indows and doors, steel work to 2- sty fireproof film factorv and studio ; cost. $.500; ow-ner. nias. JI. Rosenthal. 160 Broadway: ar¬ chitects. Goldner & Goldberg, .391 East UOth ft. Plan No. 1167. AA' B. IS. new partitions, fire proofing, en¬ large window to 4-sty brick store and dwelling; cost, .$.300; owner. James W. JicBarron Estate, 401 Grand st : architect, Jlax JIuller, 115 Nas¬ sau St. Plan No. 1212. AV D. 103-103. new partitions to 6-sty brick store and tenement: cost. $30; owner. Lena Jlichelson. 64 West 114th st; architects. Gron¬ enberg & Leuchtag, 303 Sth av. Plan N'o. 1241. AV D. 153-163. s w cor llth st, new fireproof stairways to 4-sty brick factory; cost. $5.(100; ow-ner. Avenue D & llth St. Realty Co.. llth st and Av D: architects. Seymour & Schoen- w-ald. Grand Central Terminal. Plan No 12.32. The text ot these pages Is copyrighted. AH rights are reserved. 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