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8ECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE This section includes aU recorded Conveyances. Mortgages. Leases. Auction Sales. Voluntair Auction S^es Real Estate Appraisals. Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits, Judgments m Foreclosure Suits. Lis Pendens Mechanics Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens. Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate Buildmg Loan Contracts New Buildings and Alterations, in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx, and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Post Office at New York. N. Y.. as second class matter. Vol. XCVIII No. 2520 New York, July 1, 1916. PRICE 20 CENTS EXPLANATIONS OF TERMS USED AND RULES FOLLOWED IN COMPILING RECORDS. Q. C. Is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, 1. e., a deed wherein all the right, title and Interest of the grantor Is con¬ veyed, omitting all covenants and war¬ ranty. , . _ C. a G. means a deed containing Cove¬ nant against Grantor only. In which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be Im¬ peached, charged or encumbered. B, & S. is an abbreviation for Bargain and Sale <^eed. wherein, although the seller makes no expressed consideration, he really grants or conveys the property for a valuable consideration, and thus Im¬ pliedly claims to be the owner of It. The street and avenue numbers given In these lists are. In all cases, taken from the Insurance maps when they are not mentioned In the deeds. The numbers. It will occasionally be found, do not cor¬ respond with the exlstliig ones, owing to there having been no official designation made of them by the Department of Pub¬ lic Works. ^, ^ „ The first date Is the date the deed was drawn. The second date Is the date of filing same. When both dates are the same, only one is given. When the date of drawing Is other than In the current year the stated year Is given. When both the dates are in the same year the year follows the second date. The figures In each conveyance, thus, 2-482-10 denote that the property men¬ tioned is In section 2. block 482, lot 10. It should also be noted In section and block numbers that the Instrument as fll«d is strictly followed. . ,, ^ A $20,000—$30,000 Indicates the as¬ sessed value of the property, the first figures being for the lot only and the second figures representing both lot and building Letter P btefore second figure Indieates that the property Js assessed as In course of construction. 'Valuations are from the assessment roll of 1916. T. 5. preceding the consideration In a conveyance means that the deed or con¬ veyance has been recorded under the Tor- ren System. Flats and apartment houses are classi¬ fied as tenements. Residences as dwellings. All Christian names, streets, avenues, states and months are abbreviated when possible, also In some Instances names of Banks, Trusts and Insurance Companies. The number In ( ) preceding the serial number to the right of the date line, at tiead of this page Is the Index number for the Checking Index. The Star following names of street or ivenue In the Bronx Conveyances. Leases ind Mortgages Indicates that the prop¬ erty recorded Is In the annexed district, tor which there Is no section or block number. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS USED. iA)—attorney. A.L..—all Hens. AT—all title, ino—another. av—avenue, idmr—administrator, admtrx—administratrix, igmt—agreement. \—assessed value. ibt—about, id]—adjoining, xpt—apartment, isslgn—assignment isn—assign, itty—attorney, bk—brick. B & S—Bargain and Sale. bldg—building. b—basement. blk—block. iOo—County. r; a G—covenant against grantor. !Co—Company, "onstn—construction, con omitted—consideration omitted, ) 'orpn—corporation. jc—corner. ", 1—centre line. pt—court, Icertf—certificate. Iwg—dwelling, deed—deceased. e—East, exr—executor. p y trx___63£6CU trix* et al—used Instead of several names, foreclos—foreclosure. tr—from. fr—frame. ft—front. Individ—Individual. irreg—irregular. impt—improvement. installs—Installments. It—lot. Is—lease. mig—mortgage. mos—months. Mfg—manufacturing. Nos—numbers. n—north. nom—nominal. (o) office. pr—prior. pt—part. ol—place. PM—Purchase Money ilOTtf.K». QC—Quit Claim. R T & I—Right, Title A Interest. (R)—referee. R S—Revenue Stamp. r—room. rd—road. re mtg—-release mortgage. ref—referee, sal—saloon, sobrn—subordination. si—Blip. sq—square. s—south. s—side. sty—story. sub—subject. strs—stores. stn—stone. st—street. T&c—taxes, etc. tnts—tenements. w—west. V—years, O C * 100—other eonslderatlon and IIM. ■"S—Torren System. CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. JUNE 23, 24, 26, 27, & 29, Allen St, 35 (1:300-20), ws, 75 s Hester. 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Harris Sackm of Bklyn to Sarah Oshinsky, 5 403 15 av, Bklvn; AL; June26'16; A$16,000-26,000 (R S $1). noi" Broome st, 313 (2:418-11), ss, 74,11 w Forsyth 25.2x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Anna Weintraub, 704 West End av. to Saral J Kessler, 528 W 111; mtg $25,000; June23 '16; AJ18,500-26,000. O (2 & 100 Canal st. 41 (1:298-33), ns, 21.10 w Lud¬ low 21.10x50, 3-sty stn bank; AL; A$18,- 000-26,000; also LUDLOW ST, 5 (1:298-31), ws, 50 n Canal, 25.5x87.6x25.3x87.6, 3-sty stn bank; mtg $25,000 & AL; A$19,500-33,- 500; Kobre Assets Corpn, 61 Bway, to Walter L Clark, 720 Mt Royal av, Balti¬ more. Md; B&S; June21; June23'16. nom Cannon st, 33 (2:332-65), ws, 150 n Broome, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas .7 Schlesinger to Pepie Kreshover, 201 Av B; AL; Apr20; June29'16; A$12,000-23,500. nom Christopher st, ST (2:619-82). ns, 66.11 e Bleecker. 24.10x91.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Annie Jl Adolphl to Lillie Adolphi, 217 2 av; B&S & CaG; AL; Dec28'14; June24'16; A$14,000-24,500. O C & 100 Cooper St. 67 (8:2241-pt lot 6). ss, 275 e 204th (Hawthorne), 25x100, 1-sty fr dwg; Theo Hetzler, 137 Riverside dr, EXR Martha Barringer, to Theo B Barringer, 351 Carlton av, Bklyn; June5; June26'16; A$------$------ (R S $1). 1.000 DIvi.sion st, 3S (1:289-48). ns, 109.1 e Chrystie. runs e25xn48.2xw20.7xs5xw3.9xs 54.3 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm Steinberg of Bronx, to Philip & Louis Brenner, both at 60 Division; mtg $18,500; June29'16; A$16,000-23,500 (R S 50 cts). O C & 100 Dyckninn st (8:2150-33-35-36 & 41-51). es, at int cl of 10 av, runs ne along cl 10 av 219 to Sherman Creek & Harlem River xe, s, sw, s, sw & w along creek & river to cl Dyckman if extended xn66.3 to es Harlem River driveway xnl25.4 to es Dyckman, original line, x again n216.3 to beg, with AT to land under water, dock¬ age, &c; also HARLEM RIVER DRIVE¬ WAY, es, at cl Dyckman, runs s21.8xe6.11 xn along cl Dyckman 20.3 to beg, gore; also HARLEM RIVER DRIVEWAY, es, 20 s of cl Dyckman, runs e6.11 to said cl xse46 to h w 1 xsw28 to driveway xn47 to beg, with AT to land under water, dock¬ age, &c, vacant; Elek J Ludvigh, ref, to Geo C Smith, 39 W 56; Vs pt; mtg $43,000 & AL; FORECLOS June22; June26'16; A $46,050-46,050 (R S 50 cts). 500 Fletcher st, 55, see Maiden la, 157. Houston st, 413-5 E (2:335-15). ss, 92,10 e Sheriff, runs e42.10xs46xsw6.6xw6.1xs24.2x w33.2xn76 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Adolph Rosenstein Realty Co, 299 Bway, to Adolph Rosenstein, — Hollywood av. Far Rockawav, LI; AL; June27'16; A$22,- 000-46,000 (R S $2). O C ,& 100 Lnfayctte »t, 224 (2:482-24), ws, 76.3 s Spring, 24.6x50.4x24.4x50.4, 6-sty bk tnt & strs- May Phillips, of Lowville, NY, to Jas E March 233 Lafayette: mtg $15,000; June 13- June23'16; A$10,000-15,000 (R S $6). O C & 100 I.tKllow St. 5. see Canal. 41. Mnili.son st, 10.S (1:272-41), ss, abt 115 e Pike, 23x100, 4-sty bk tnt & strs: Mor¬ ris Stitch to Millie Stitch, his wife, 168 Madison; mtg $18,000; Mayl8; June28'16; A$15,500-17,500 (R S $1). nom Mndisou st, 228 (1:270-30), ss. 22.6 e Jef¬ ferson, 21.1x80 4-sty bk tnt & str, 2-sty ext; N Taylor Phillips, ref, to Caroline A Suydam, 110 9th, Garden City, LI. plft; FORECLOS June27; June2S; June29'16; A $12,000-15,000 (R S $14). 14,000 Madison st, 348 (1:266-64). ss, 193.1 e Scammel, 23.6x95.2x24.1x95.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jennie Klein, 265 E 165, to Sophie Gottlieb, 624 Blvd, Rockaway Beach, B of Q; June29'16; A$ll,000-17,500 (R S 50 cts). nom Madison st, 352 (1:266-62), ss, 240.2 e Scammel, 23.3x94.10x23.3x95.1, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Gertrude Lefkowitz, 3327 De¬ catur av, to Albt L Neumann, 71 Palmetto, Bklyn; mtg $14,000 & AL; June 24; June2S'16; A$ll,000-17,500 (R S 50 cts) nom Maiden la, L-JT (1:72-7), ns, 81.6 e Front,__ 20x101.6 to ss Fletcher (No 55) xlO.SS'--, ■1-sty bk loft & str bldg; Thos H Messen¬ ger, EXR c^ic Thos Messenger, to Archi¬ bald D Russell of Princeton, NJ- AL; June 20; June27'16; A$15,000-16,000 (R S $8). 7,750 Maiden la, 157; Elise M Gignoux, of Great Neck LI, & ano, heirs &c Thos Messenger, to same; AT & B&S; AL; June 27'16 (R S $8). O C & 100 Monroe »t. 102 (1:255-39), ss, 52 e Pel- ham 25 10x93.9x25.10x93.10, 5-sty bk tnt & strs' Wm & Emanuel Fichandler to Eliz Fichandler, 1072 Park pi, Bklyn, & Ros- etta Fichandler, 735 E 160; mtg $30,000; June23^16: A$17,000-20,000. nom Nortli Moore st. 1) (1:190-48), ns. abt 65 e Varick 24.1x75.2x23.8x75.3. ws, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: A$15,000-30,000; also 81ST ST 155 W (4:1212-12>'=). ns, 290 e Ams av, 17 6x102 2 3-sty & b bk dwg; Percy H Williams.' as TRSTE. to Fredk A Tanner, 155 W 81- QC; June23; June26'16; A$14,- 500-16,000. . "°™ The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.