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July 29, 1916 XV ECORD AND GTIIDE 75 .SSTH ST, 2-4-6-8 East, 9-sty store and brick fireproof apartment house, 90x95; cost, .$200,- 000; owner, Adele S. Dodd, 1067 5th av; ar¬ chitects, Delano & Aldrich, 4 East 39th st. Plan .No. 3.54. 4.STH and 49th sts, Lexington and Park avs, l"-sty brick and terra cotta fireproof apartment house; eost, $2,5(10,000; owner, N. Y. Central R R , Grand Central Terminal, ; architects, Warren & Wetmore, 16 East 47th st. Plan No. 315. 90TH ST and Park av, s e cor, 13-6ty brick fireproof apartment house; cost, .$1,IKJO,000; owner. Alliance Realty Co., 115 Broadway ; architect, Andrew J. Thomas, 2526 Webster av. Plan No. 31.S. BROADWAY and 171st st, n w cor, 5-sty brick fireproof tenement ; cost, $175,000 ; owners, G'ros.s & Bagge, .558 West 40th st ; architects, Neville & Bagge, 105 West 40th st. l^lan No. 326. MADISO.N AV, 160-64, 16-sty brick fireproof loft building; cost, $.5.50.000; owner. I. Ran¬ dolph Jacobs, 30 East 32d st; architects, W. L. Rouse & L. A. Goldstone, 38 West 32d st. Plan .No. 316. RIVERSIDE DR and Claremont pl, n e cor, 12-sty brick fireproof apartment house; cost, $15(10,0011; owner, CoU-Clare Realty Co., Clare¬ mont, Riverside Pk. and 120th st; architects, Neville & Bagge, 105 West 40th st. Plan No. 328. 5TH AV, 1140-1-2, 12-sty brick and terra cotta fireproof apartment house ; cost, $:100,000 ; owner, Floyd S. Bryce, Rosiyn, Nassau Co., N. Y. ; architects, Shape & Bready. 220 West 42d St. Plan No. 320. CHURCHES. 70TH ST, 147-53 West, and 146 West 71st st, three 2-6-6-sty brick and stone school, church and rectory, S0xlii7x2il0; cost, $500,000; owner. Cardinal John M. Farley, 252 Madison av ; architect. Gustave B. Steinback, lo East lOth St. Plan No. 359. CLUBS. 55TH ST, 6 to 8 West, 9-sty brick fireproof club; cost. $100,000; owner. University Club, 1 West 54th st; architects, McKim, Mead & White, 101 Park av. Plan No. 321. DWELLINGS. OOTH ST, 12 East, s s, 167 w Madison av, 5-sty brick dwelling, 2.5xl()0.SM! ; cost, $60,- 000 - owner, Robert L. Livingston, 41 East 7oth st; architect. Ogden Codman, 340 Madison av. Plan No. :306. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. 24TH ST, 144-164 East^ 12-sty brick and terra cotta flreproof factory, 286x197 ; cost. $800,000; owner, Leicestershire Realty Co., 1 Wall st , architect. Harry B. Milliken, 103 Park av. Plan No. 346. 43D ST. -257-03 West, 16-sty brick flreproof factory, 100x82; cost, $400,000; owner, J. W. Ahearn, 59 Liberty st; architect, Robt. B. Moss, 126 Lilberty st. Plan No. .351. 4STH ST, 121-5 West, 12-sty brick flreproof factory. 56x96; cost, $140,000; owner, Alt Realty Co., 15 West 45th st; architect, Wm. H. Gompert, 171 Madison av. Plan No. 335. 4TH AV, 3:32, l(i-sty brick flreproof factory, 40x100 ; cost. $4()0,(K10 ; owner, John W. Ahearn, .59 Liberty st; architect, Robt. E. Moss, TJO Liberty st. Plan .No. :;52. HOTEXS. 47TH ST, 12:i--J5-27 West, 12-sty brick and terra cotta fireproof hotel, 60x100; cost. $290,- 000; owner, Stebbing Co., 28 West 46th st; ar¬ chitect, Wm. H. Gompert, 171 Madison av. Plan No. .3:16. 60TH ST. 28-34 Bast, 14-sty brick flreproof hotel; cost, $400,000; owner, Dunnock Realty- Co., 119 West 4(.ith st ; architect. Emery Roth, 119' West 40th St. Plan No. 313. 70TH ST. 206-16 West, 14-sty brick flreproof hotel ; cost, $300,000; owner. Directors' Realty Holding Corp., :10 East 42d st ; architects, W. L. Rouse & L. A. Goldstone, 88 West 32d st. Flan No. :il7. BROADW.\Y, .5,87-9, .39-sty brick and terra cotta flreproof hotel, 51x128: cost, $1.900,000; owner. The Silk Realty Co.. :35 Nassau st ; arehitect, Chas. E. Horn. 1476 Broadway. Plan .No. :140. LEXINGTON AV, :'..50-2, 13-sty brick flre¬ proof hotel, .-)9xS5 ; cost. $140,000; owners, HoKgson Bros,, 4S5 5th av ; architects, Chas. Ewing & J. R. Allen, 101 Park av. Plan No. 337. MADISON AV & 45TH ST, s e cor, 22-sty bri.k fireproof hotel, 12.5x125; cost, $1,000,000; owner, A. Heckscher, .576 5th av; architects, Warren & Wetmore. 16 Bast 47th st. Plan No. . 357. STABLES AND GARAGES. 84TH ST, 1.57-161 East, n s. 220 w :>d av, 5- sty brick garage. 54.10x10(1 and 102.2; cost, .$45,000: owners. Robert J. Hahn and Wm. Lang. 148 East s:!d st ; architect, Carl P. John¬ son. :!o East 42d St. Plan No. ;'.00. 1ST AV. 11-24--28. 1-sty brick flreproof garage; cost. $25,000; owner, 5'ippman Schnurmacher, 112s 1st av ; architect. Louis A. Sheinart, 192 Bowery. Plan No. 312. V.4.NDAM ST. 22. 2-sty flreproof garage and apartment, 2:1x107; cost, $15,000; owner, August D. Juillard, Tuxedo. N. Y. ; archi- ter-ts. Trowbridge & Livingston, .527 5th av. tert.-. Trowbridge & Livington, .527 Sth av. Plan No. :'.60. STORES. OFFICES AND LOFTS. DYCKMA.N ST, 12S-140, 1-sty brick taxpayer stores; cost. $:io.()00; owner. I.'i5 Broadway Holding Corp., l:>5 Broadway; architect, J. C. Watson. Inc., 271 West 125th st. Plan No. 311. UEY ST. 20-24. 27-sty brick and stone fire¬ proof stores and ofllces. 61x167 ; cost, .$200,000 ; owner. 195 Broadway Corp., 195 Broadway : ar.-hitect, W. W. Bosworth, 527 5th av. Plan Nn. 339. FULTO.N ST. 172-82. 27-stv hrick and stone flreproof stores and offices. 78x157 ; cost, 200.- 400; owner. S. E. .lacohs. 42S 4th av ; archi¬ tect. W. W. Bosworth, 527 5th av. Plan Xo. :'.42. MOORE ST, 111-119, 12-sty brick fireproof office building, 139x72; cost, $.-100,000; owner, Fred. B. Jennings, 86 Park av; architects, Renwick, Aspinwall & Tucker, 8 West 40th st. Plan No. 3.58. PEARL ST, 42-50. 16-sty brick flreproof telephone exchange and ofllces, 111x174 ; cost, $1,200,000; owner, N. Y. Tel. Co.; architeels. McKenzie, Voorhees & Gmelin. H2;i Broadway. Plan No. 348. 2.8TH ST, 214-16-18 West, 12-sty brick fire¬ proof stores and lofts, .50x98; cost, $2.50.000; owner. Midtown Holding Corp., 907 Broadway: ■ architects. Neville & Bagge, 105 West 40th st. Plan No. :145. .34TH ST, 224-26 West, 17-sty brick fireproof stores, offices and lofts, 49x98: cost. $380,000: owner 224 West 34th St. Co., 2-24 West ■34th st; architect, Ed. L. Larkin, 259 West 34th st. Plan No. .3.50. 34TH ST, 256-66 West, 16-sty brick, terra cotta flreproof stores, lofts and ofllces. 160x197 ; cost. .$1,450,000; owner, Chelsea Exchange Bank. 266 West •■i4th st; architect, Ed. L. Larkin, 259 West :i4th st. Plan No. 3:33. .'16TH ST. 13-15 West, 16-sty brick fireproof store and lofts, 4.8x98 ; cost, $2.50.000 ; owner. J. Tishman. IS Bas.t 41st st; architects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 .5th av. Plan No. .340. 36TH ST, 2:34-6-8 West, 16-sty brick fire¬ proof stores and lofts, .59x91; cost. $4.50,000; owner. .36th St., Co., 118 5tll av ; architects. Neville & Bagge. 105 West 40th st. Plan No. ;i4:;. f>»:!6TH ST 005-17-WestL 16-stY/A)rick flreproof ' stores. lotts -and oCBces] 13?x3S; cost. $980,000; I oTvner, SessjryLAy:"Assoc., Inc., 115 Broadway: architect, Ed. L. Larklg,' 259 West 34th st. Plan No. Sfe:-------------- .')9TH ST, 208-12 West. 16-sty brick fireproof stores and lofts, 61x91: cost, Si50,t)00; owner, Midtown Holding Co.. 907 Bropdway : architects. Neville & Bagge. 105 Weft 40th st. Plan No. .'!44. 40TH ST, 104-6 West. 16-sty brick fireproof oflSoes and lofts. .50x98; cost. $7.50,000; owner. Valentine Cook. 100 Rutland rd. Prcenort. L. I. : architect, Albert J. Bodker, 62 West 45th st. Plan No. 3.55. 4.5TH ST. 49-51-53 West, 16-sty brick, terra cotta and granite flreproof stores. lofts and offices. 56x100; cost. .$425,000; owner. F. J. Fullayter. Philadelnhia. Pa.: architect. Ed. L. Larkin, 2.59 West 34th st. Plan No. 331. BROADWAY. 201-5, 27-sty brick fireproof store and offices, 61x167 ; cost, .«20ii.OOO : owner. 195 Broadway C-orp.. 105 Broat^w'ay; ar,?hitect. W. W. Bosworth, .527 Sth st. Plan No. .3.3,8. PARK AV, 112. .32-sty limestone and brick fireproof stores, offices and storage. 197x2.30; cost. .$4,700,000; owner, Benj. L. M. Bates. Hotel Belmont; architcts, Chas. Ewing & J. R. .•Mien. 101 Park av. Plan No. :3.30. 7TH AV, 469-479, 16-stv brick and terra cotta ^nd granite fireproof offices, stores and lofts, ' 10x98 ; cost. $1.0.50,000 : owner. Benj. F. Haas, "V. .5th av ; architect. Ed. L. Larkin, 259 West ",1th St. Plan No. 329. g> 7'rH_AX_ill2^)S^..16-siy brick__and terra "^■nU.a, granite flrenroof stores. lofis and" othcesT iS.'lx9S; cost, $1,.325,000; owner. U. S. Realty .•• Imp. Co., 115 Broadway; architect. Ed. L. I.arkin. 2.59 West 34th st. Plan No. 3.34.- TTTT "KV, 5()?1^^T^ T6^ty hr"ick, terra cotta -nd granite firenroof stores, lofts and offices. 50x98: cost, .$2,175.000; owners, Caroline White & Eliza W. White. 31 Nassau st; archi- t-et. Ed. L. Larkin, 259 West .34th st. Plan No. 341. WILLIAM ST. 110-116. 20-sty brick fireproof store and office building; cost. $981,000; owner. The 110 William St Corp.. 95 William st ; arehitect, Frank H. Quinby. 99 Nassau st. Plan No. .325. .•19TH ST, 7-9-11 West. 16-stv brick flreproof store and office: cost. $:100.000: owner, Frank V. Burton, Newburgh. N. Y. ; architects. Star¬ rett & Van Vleck. S West 40th st. Plan No. .323. 43D ST. 27 West. 16-sty brick flreproof store .-•ii'l office building; cost. Sl,100,000: owner. Syndicate Managers of the Racquet & Tennis Club, 71 Broadway ; architects, Starrett & Van Vleck. S West 40th st. Plan .No. ,3'24, 4 STH ST, 6 & 8 West, 16-sty brick fireproof "itore, lott and offices; cost, .$2.50.000; owner. Robert. T. Burrill, 6 West 48th st ; architects. Robt. T. Lyons, Inc., .52 Vanderbiit av. Plan No. .322. BROADWAY' and 172d st. s w cor. 1-sty brick ■^tcre and bakery; cost. $20,000; owner. Geo. Herbener. 558 West 1.59th st ; architects, Ne¬ ville & Bagge. 105 West 40th st. Plan No. .327. 5TH AV and .32d st. n e cor, 18-sty brick and stone fireproof store and office; cost, $400,000; owner. George T. Rives. 69 East 79th st; archi¬ tects. Trowbridge & Livingston. 527 5th av. Plan No. 319. THEATRES. n5"CKMAN ST, 126, 1-sty brick flreproof the- !-ti-e; cost, $60,000; owner. i:!5 Broadway Hold- )ME Corporation. 13.5 Broadway : architect. .1. C. Watson. Inc.. 271 West 125th st. Plan No. 310. MISCBLLA.NEOUS. WEST ST, .■3.59-.360. 1-sty concrete fireproof drying house for lumber. 48x20; cost, $.500: owner. Geo. G'unshore, 149 7th av; architect, ,los. Weisner. 243 Bast 17th st. Plan No. 3.56. The Record and Guide rcjirints the plans filed for new buildings in Manhattan from July 15 to 21. inclusive. In last week's issue these plans were reported, but additional information as to size of the buildings has been obtained, therefore they are reprinted. APARTMENTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. .59TH ST. 24-6-8 West. 21-sty hrick fireproof apartment house. 75x73 : cost. $0.50.000; owner. Alex Smith Cochran. 527 5th av : arehitect. Al. .los. Bodker. Plan No. 2Sfi. 172D ST, n g, 230 w Fort Washington av, 8- sty brick tenement house, 100x81 ; cost, $80,000; owner, James Bradley, 1 Madison av; archi¬ tect, E, H. Janes, 124 West 45th st. Plan No. 297. NAGLE AV, 1 & 2, two 5-sty brick tenements, HKIX105; cost, $100,000 each; owner, 302 5th Av Co., 320 5th av ; architect, Geo. P. Pelham, Inc., :30 Bast 42d st. Plan No. 298. CLUBS. 60TH ST, 47-49 East, 4-sty brick fireproof club, 31x100 ; cost, .$.50,000 ; owner, Grolier Club of New York City, 29 East 32d st; architect, Bertram G. Goodhue, 2 West 47th st. Plan No. 302. DWELLINGS. 79TH ST, 13-15 East, 5-sty brick and con¬ crete fireproof private dwelling, 3Sx70; cost, $125,000; owner. Thorn Newbald, Hyde Park, N. Y.; architect, McKim, Mead & White, 101 Park av. Plan No. 296. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. 42D ST, .•151-;303 West, and 4:3d st, 352-360 West, n s, SO e Oth av, 22-sty fireproof brick and concrete factory, 120x210; cost, $600,000; owner. West 42d-43d St Corp., Hugo S. Mack, Pres., 5 Beekman st; architects, Maynicke & Franke, 25 Madison S(i North. Plan No. 304. 36TH ST, 307-313 West, n s, 104.10 w Sth av, 12-sty fireproof brick and concrete factory, 77.2x98.9; cost. $100,000 ; owner, 307-313 West ;i6th St Corp., Hugo S. Mack. Pres., 5 Beekman st; architects, Maynicke i: Franke, 25 Madi¬ son Sq. No. Plan No. 305. HOTELS. 4CTH ST. 65 West. 13-sty brick fireproof ho¬ tel, 76x100; cost, $400,000; owner. The Feianita Co., 65 West 46th st; architects, Denby & Nute, 65 West 46th st. Plan .No. 289. 5STH ST, 21 to 23 West, 12-sty brick fire¬ proof apartment hotel, 40x,S0; cost, $500,000; owner, Alex. Smith Cochran, .527 5th av ; archi¬ tect, Al. Jos. Bodker, 62 West 45th st. Plan No. 285. STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. 29TI1 ST, 46-.50 West, 12-sty brick fireproof store and loft, .5:>x90 ; cost, $165,000 ; owner, 43 West -23d St Corp.. 31-:i3 West SSd st; archi¬ tects, Somerfeld & Steckler, 31 Union sq. Plan .No. 2.87. 40TH ST, 109-11 East, 20-sty brick flreproof store and oflice building, 47x98; cost, ,$2.jO,(X)0 ; owner, E. Flagg, 109 Broad st; architect, B. Flagg, 109 Broad st. Plan No. 299. BROADWAY, s e cor :37th st. 21-sty brick flreproof store and office building. 105x197 ; cost. $1,000,000; owner. Robert Hoe Estate, Inc., 15 William st ; architects, E. Flagg and M. Flagg, 109 Broad st. Plan No. 300. (ITH AV. 709-17, 12-sty brick fireproof office building. 0.8x125; cost, $:300,0()0 ; owner of land, Louisa M. Gerry, 258 Broadway ; lessee of land and owner of building, Philip Lewisohn, 119 West 40th st; architects. Maynicke & Franke, 25 Madison Sq North. Plan .No. :103. MISCELLANEOUS. OTH AV and West .59th st, s w cor, 14-sty brick fireproof studio building, 100x72; cost, $,800,000 ; owner, 105 West 55th St .Co., inc., 14 East 09th st; architects, Schwartz & Gross, 347 5th av. Plan No. 288. 105TH ST, 37 West, 3-sty brick laboratory, 28x62; cost, .$:35,0OO; owner, German Memorial Hospital, 2 West 106th st; architects. Palmer & Hornbostel, 63 William st. Plan No. 301. Bronx. APARTMB.VTS, FLATS AND TENE.MENTS. BAINBRIDGE AV, s w cor Mosholu pkway, 5- sty brick tenement, 28.2x94.4. slag roof; cost, $45,000; owners, M. T. Constn. Co., Wm. J. Tully. 953 Whitlock av, Pres.; architects, Krevmborg Architectural Co., 10-29 Bast 163d st. Plan No. 358. BURNSIDE AV, n w cor Davidson av, 6-sty brick tenement, 107.91x93.2, slag roof; cost, $90.000; owners, M. M. S. Bldg. Co., Inc., Mil¬ ton M. Silverman, 507 .5th av, Pres.; architects, Neville & Bagge, 101 West 40th st. Plan No. 3.59. DWELLINGS. BARNES AV. w s, 10O.3 s 'J.SOth st. two 2- sty frame dwellings, tin roof, 21x53 ; cost, $10,- 000; owner, Dr. Geo. M. Fischer, 345 Bast ,84th st; architect, Henry Nordheim, 1087 Tre¬ mont av. Plan No. .364. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. PATTERSON AV. s s. 100 e White Plains rd, 1-sty stone factory, 17x70, slag roof; cost, $2,800; owners, 5'ungert & Bernac, 1062 West¬ chester av ; architect, Anton Pirner, 206!) West¬ chester av, Plan No. 353. STABLES AND GARAGES. 169TH ST, n w cor Merriam av, 1-sty brick garage, 25x100. slag roof; cost, $1(),000 ; owner, Thos. Giordano, 7,83 East 180th st; architect, Chas S. Clark. 441 Tremont av. Plan No. .'156. 172D ST, s s. 125.61 e .3d av, 1-sty brick garage and factory, 31x98, slag roof; cost, $8.000; owner. Thos. GTIordano, 783 East l.SOth st : architect, Anton Pirner, 2069 Westchester av. Plan No. .354. FORDHAM RD. n e cor Grand av, 4-sty brick garage. 111x76.11, slag roof; cost, $50.00(1; own¬ ers, Henry Koch Realty .Co., Henry Koch, 2273 Creston av. Pres. ; architects, Schwartz & Gross, :!47 5th av. Plan No. :l.57. PROSPECT AV, e s, 51 n 180th st, 1-sty brick garage, 26x90, slag roof; cost, $10.000; owner, Thos. Giordano, 78.3 East ISOth st; architect, Chas. S. Clark, 441 Tremont av. Plan No. :35.5. CROTO.NA PARKWAY, e s, :39.40 s 17Sth st, 1-stv brick garage. 68x139.3. slag roof; cost, $20.000: owners, F. & J. B. Ramsteck. 4212 Park av ; architect. Wm. H. Meyer, 1861 Carter av. Plan .No. .3.52. 181ST ST, s s. .50 w Grand Concourse. 1-sty torra cotfn stable and shed, tin roof. :'0xl8: cost. $50; owner. Win, C Bergen. 1932 Arthur av ; architect. W. C. Martin. 1932 Arthur av. Plan No. 366. The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement tvill lead to prosecution.