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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 98, no. 2536: October 21, 1916

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October 21, 1916 Conveyances RECORD AND GUIDE Bronx 217 Hughes av, 3433 (11:3076). es, 71.8 s ISSth. 24.10x87.6. 2-sty & b fr dwg; Jos Byers, TRSTB John Byers. lo Michael Pel¬ lechio. 414 B 116; Oct3; Octl7'16. O C & 100 Hughes av, 3433 (11:3076), es, 71.8 s ISSth, 24.10x87.6, 2-sty & b fr dwg; Michl Pellechio, 414 E 115. to Hudson P Rose Co. 7 W 45; mtg $2,500; OctlO; OCll9'16. nom Hughes av (11:3071). swc lS3d (No 626n 7r>x26, \'acanl: Michl Burke to Miscellane¬ ous Realty Co, 35 Nassau; Octll; OctlS'lS. nom Hull av, 3308 (12:3352).- es. 150 n 209lh (late Ozark). 25x100, 2-sly & b fr dwg; Gustav R Moje lo Louis ToUes, 876 For¬ est av; mtg $5,700; Octla'16. nom Jaeksun av, 1160 (10:2652). nec Home (No 721), 100x40. 5-sly bk Int; Ennis & Sinnott, Inc, a corpn, to Margt B Webb, 599 W 178; Uctll; OctlS'lS. O C & 100 Jeffersou av. uec Monaghan ay, see Monaglian av, nec Jefferson av, Jerome av, 1SS2-4 (11:28521, es, 51.6 n Mt Hope pl. 77.2x94.4x75x112..J. 1-sly bk sirs; Adam Wiener, ref, to Edmund Coffin. 13 W 57: mtg $10,000; FORECLOSED & drawn OctlO; OctlS'lO. 37,000 over mtg- Kepler av (12:3378), es. 90 s 23Slh, 22x 100. vacant; Benj J Kline, Plainfield. NJ, lo Thos & Agnes M Corrigan, 4314 Kepler av; OctO; Octl6'16. nom Lane av {*), 13 ft wide, running from City Island av, ss, being plot adj land now or late Jane Vickery. runs e50xs79,6xw50 xn79 to beg; Hy Buhre to Wm H Buhre, ISO Bay st. City Island; Octll; Ocll7'lS. O C & 100 Magenta av or 311fh st E (*), ss, 130 w Cedar av. 26x100; Louis G Hartman. ref. to Lois C Freedman, 150 W 95; FORECLOS Septll; Sepl27: OcllO'lS. 10 Marion av. 3979 (12:3292). ws. 366.9 n Bedford Park Blvd. 70x140. 2-sly & a fr. dwg; also PERRY AV (12:32-J2). es. 221.10 s 201st, 50x80. vacant: Wilhelmina Haffen to John M Haffen, 2505 Creston av; Sept 27; Octll'lO. nom Matthe«'« av. 1917 (*), being plot be¬ gins 1090 e While Plains rd at point 985 n along saffiie from Morris Park av. runs e 95 xn50xw95xs50 to beg, vVith right ot way over strip lo Morris Park av; Ely Neumann, 45 Bway. ref. lo Carolyn' W Peters, individ & as TRSTB. 1255 Pacific. Bklyn: FORECLOS Augll; Aug25: Ooll4 'IS. 1,800 Monaghan av, ws, 435 n Jefferson av, see Murdoek av. es, 100 n Jefferson av. .Monaghan av (*), nec Jefferson av, 25x 100; Julia O'Connor lo Patk O'Donohue, 230 26lh. Bklyn: Sepl25: Octl6'16. nom Murdoek av (*), es. 100 n Jefferson av. 25x100; also MONAGHAN AV (•), ws, 425 n Jefferson av. 24.1x104x52.10x100; Land Co "A" of Edenwald lo Frank J Bell, Scarsdale, NY; Julyl; OctlO'lO. nom Murdoek av, ^vs, 150 s Jefferson av, see Edenwald av, ns, 75 w Monaghan av. Nelson av (11:2876), nws, 129 sw Ma¬ combs rd, 25x98.6x25x97.9. vacant: Thos Long-staff. Norwalk. Conn, to Sarah A Boo- cock, 2241 N 6th, Phila. Pa; Sepl29; OctlS * 'IS. nom Newell av (*), es, 225 sw Elizabeth, runs sel0oxne26xse25xsw50xnwl26 to av .x ne25 lo beg; Edmund Hagenauer. 23 Mani- tau av, Poughkeepsie. NY. to Bronx Park¬ way Commission. 280 Mad av; Oct7: Octll '16. 6,732.55 Norman av, sec Van Cortlandt Park S, see Van Cortlandt Park S. sec Norman av. Ogden av. 11S4 (9:2516), ses, 184 ne 167lh. 25x196, except part for av, 2-sty fr dwg & sir; Gerhardt B Weber lo Jos W Wood, 241 12th, Jersey City, NJ; mlg $2,- 000; OctlS; GcllT'lS, O C & 100 Olinville av (*), es, at ss lot 1, blk B, map Lester Park, runs e59.11 lo cl Elliott av as on said map xn26.2 to continuation of Wilson as on said map xw51.11 to Olinville av xs25 to beg, being part lot 1. blk B, said map: Chas McGarry to Bronx Boro Builders, Inc, 220 Bway; mlg $1,250; OctlS; Ocll4'16. 1,000 Olinville av (*), ws, 113.5 n Adee av. 18.11x115.8x18.11x115.2; Francis J Mc¬ Garry, Jr. lo Mary McGarry, SOO Burke; mtg $2,500; DeclS'16; Ocll6'16. nom Perry av, 3053 (12:3334), ws, 300 s 204th. late Woodlawn rd, 26x100, 2-sly & a fr dwg; Agnes Schaefer, 402 Marion Bklyn. to Patk M Burke. 326 E 21; mtg $4,500; OctlO; Octl7'16. nom Perry av, es. 321.10 s 20Ist, see Marion av, 2979. Pilg-rlni av ('). ws, 445.8 n Pelham rd, 100x100; Percv B Wightman et ai to Claribel P Lawton, 3130 Arnold pl; Oct7: Ocll7'16. O C & 100 Plympton av (11:2874). es, 210,3 s 170th, 25x96.5. vacant; Hy Mencher to Thos F Graham. 1451 Bway; SeptO; Octl3'16. nom Powell av (*). ns, 105 e Pugsley av, 100 xlOS, Unionport; Frank Gass to Marie Lang, 1209 Beach av; mtg $6,000; Ocll7: OctlS'lS. O C & 100 I'owell av. nwc Pugsley av, see Pugsley av, nwc Powell av, I'ngsley av (*). nwc Powell av. 103x 188.4x103x188.5; Otto Henschel, ref, to Magdalene Hess, 342 B 166; FORECLOS OctlO; Ocll7'16. 7,50O Rosedale av (*), nec 174th, runs n77.6 xseSO.6 lo ns 174th or Beacon av xw21.1I to beg; Wm W .-Vstor. of London, Eng, to Mary, wife ot Joiin P Berrigan, 1743 Bea¬ con av; B&S; OctlS'16. nom Ryer nv, 2323 (11:3151). es, 186.9 n ISSd, 50x100, 5-sty bk tnl: Valhalla Corpn to Frank H Smith. 967 E 156; mlg $33,000; OctlO: Octl7'I6. O C & 100 Ryer av. 2340-3 (11:3161). es, 260.4 s lS4lh. 76x100. 6-sty bk tnl; Faiella Constn Co to Delta Holding Corpn. 217 Bway: mtg $45,000; OctlO; Octl8'16. O C & 100 Ryer av, 2340-3; Delta Holding Corpn to_ August Eimer. 190 Riverside dr; mlg $45,000; OctlO; OctlS'lS. O C & 100 St Anns av, 738 (10:2617), es, 26 s 156lh, 25x90, 4-sly bk tnl & sirs: Martha Scbles¬ inger lo West Farms Constn Co. 30 B 42; mlg $14,500; Sepl29: OcllS'lB. nom Sherman av, 963 (9:2455). ws. 207.S n 163d. 46x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Peter Handi¬ bode, Inc, lo Herman Ritschel. 172 B 90; mtg $32,(JUO; Octll; OctlS'lO. O C & 100 Southern Blvd, 3153 (11:3111),' ws, 193.4 s 152d, 47.1x106.11x44x90.2, 6-sly bk tnt; Ada Kalien, 540 W loS, lo Bdw F Curtis. Seaford. LI; mtg $28,000; Octll; Octl5'16. N num Stebbinis av, 1360 (11:2965), es, 433.9 n Freeman, 25x66.6x25.11x73.5. 2-sty & b fr dwg; Margt --^ McNulty to Jas L McNulty, 59 VV 8; mlg $4,000; AugS; Ocll7'10. O C & 100 Taylor av (*), ws, 25 n Wood av, 25x 90; Josiah A Thompson lo Wm R Butler, 1017 Tremont av; mlg $3.0,00; Oct7; Octl9 'IS. nom Tintou av, 591-3 (10:2653). ws. 100 n 150th, 37.6x95x37.6x94.11, 5-sty bk tnl; Saml VV Levine, rel, lo Emanuel Glauber, 885 West End av; FORECLOS Oct2; Oct 11; OctlS'16, 500 Tinton nv, 595-,7 (10:2653), ws, 137.S n 150th, 37.6x95.2x37.6x95, 5-sty bk tnl; Saml W Levine, ref, lo Esther Realty Co, 790 Riverside dr; FORECLOS; Oct2; Octl7; Oct 18'16. 500 Union av. 1233 (10:2682), es, 131.6 s 169lh, 20x168,4. 2-sly & b fr dwg; Albt Rosenthal to Dominico Taurone. 357 B 113; mtg $5,400; OcllT; Ocll9'lB. nom Union av, 1332; Dominico Taurone to Frank Krich. 1015 Trinity av; Octl7; Oct 19'16. nom Unionport av (*). es. 118.7 s Van Nest av, runs s71.6 lo Public pl xe43.5 lo Whne Plains rd xn48.7xw66.9 lo beg; Bronx De¬ velopment Co. 391 E 149, to Av Sl John & Fox St Corpn; mtg $12,000; Octl6'16, O C & 100 Unionport rd (*). es, 118,7 s Van Nest av, 71.6x43.5x48.7x66.9; Av St Juhn & Fox St Corpn lo Rebecca Miller, 2120 Belmont av; mlg $12,000; Octl7; Octl9'16, O C & 100 University av, 3430 (11:3213), es 215 s ISSth, 43x170.10x43.1x174.4, 5-sty bk tnl; Emma M W Bennewitz to Erhardt Storck, 12'i9 Lex av; mtg $35,000;Octl9'16. O C & 100 Valentine av, 2314 (11:3146), es. 513.3 s 184th, 50x109.11x60.2x113.9. 6-sly bk tnt; Emilio Farago Constn Co to Hai'ry Paul, 1980 2 av; mtg $35,000; Octll; Octl7'16 O C & 100 Villa av (12:3311). es. 409 n 204lh (Pot¬ ter pl), 16x100. 2-sty fr dwg; Henrietta Renshaw to Carmine lannaclto. 633 E 186; mlg $500: OctlS: Ocll4'16. nom Walker av (*), ns, 150 w Chauncey, 50 xl59.3x50.10x168.10, except part for East Tremont av; Robt F Neumann to Prank Gass, Inc, 2215 Westchester av; mtg $4,- 000; Octl6'16. O C & 100 Walton av (11:3183). es, 283.6 s 184lh, o7.6x99.6x37.6x99.1. 5-sty bk tnl; Superior Corporation to Michl Burke. 160 Bush- mlg $23,000; Octll: OctlS'lO. nom Walton av (11:3183). es. 246 s lS4th 37.6 X99.1 X 37.6 X 98.9. 5-sly bk tnt; Superior Corpn lo Michl Burke. 160 Bush; mlg $23,- 000; Octll; OctlS'lS. nom Washington av, 1239 (9:2390), ws. 117.6 n 16Sth. 26.S x 140.1 x 26.6 x 140.2. 3-sly fr dwg; Abr & Gussie Dubin to Morris Flas- lerslein. 942 E 165: mlg $4,750; Octll; Oct 13'IS. O C & 100 Washing-ton av. 3183 (11:3037). ws. 125 s Fletcher, now lS2d, 50x160, except part for Washington av, 5-sly bk tnt; Peter A Peterson, Perth Amboy, NJ, to Purchase Holding Corpn, at Purchase, NY; JuneSO '13; Octl7'16, O C & 100 Whitlock av (10:2601-2602), swc 149th, runs nw60.ll xsw69 xsllOxel67.0 to av xn 49.11 to beg. vacant; Friedrich Rubel, Woodside. LI, to Margt Schaefer, 281 E 154; mtg $2,000; Oct22; OctlO'lO, O C & 100 White Plains rd (»). es, 150 s O'Brien av, 25x111.6; Hudson P Rose Co, 7 W 45, to Vigenza Botla, 258 Clason Point' rd; mtg $1,100; Sept21; Octl6'16. O C & 100 Wilder av (•). es. 225 n Jefferson av. 25x100; Morris Janovsky. Bklyn, lo Wood- Mosaic, Inc; Sepl23: OctlS'lO. nom Wilder av, es, IOO s Jefferson, av, see Edenwald av, ns, 75 w Monaghan av. Wilder av, ws, 150 s Jelferson av, see Edenwald av, ns, 75 w Monaghan av. Woodycrest av, 1020 (9:2508). es, abt 1312 n rd lo Fordham as on map High- bridgeville, runs nl7.6xel00xsl7.6xwl00 to beg, 3-sly bk tnl; Claire J Forshew lo Re¬ becca Porter, 1020 Woodycrest av; mtg $4 - 200; OctlO; Ocll7'16. O C & 100 3D av, 3060 (9:2364). sec 157lh (No 480) 25x88, vacant; Eleonore K Klingenbeck, 2243 Tiebout av. lo Kiesler Realty Co, 1109 Forest av; ratg $8,000; Ocll7; OctlS '16. O C & 100 3D av. .3430 (10:2608). es, 175 n Spring pl or ISSth, 25x106.6x23.5x104.6. 3-sty fr bk ft tnl & sir & 2-sty bk rear bldg; Costantino Calamari lo Mari.a Calamari, 803 B 155; mtg $6,000; Octl7; OctlS'lO. O C & 100 3D av. .378.3-5 (11:2914), ws, 50.1 s 171st. 50x94.6x50x97.3. 3-1-slv bk sirs; Teresa Wallach, 2 W 72, to Terrain Realty Co, 25 Pine; Octl; Octl9'16. nom 3D av. 37S3-5; Terrain Realty Co lo Teresa Wallach, 2 W 72; OctS; Ootl9'16. nom Plot (10:2691), begins 111 s 167lh & 113.3 w Hall pl, runs s34.2xw25xs21.5xw25xnl8.8 xw25xn 35.11 xe 75 to beg. vacant; Sarah. wife Isaac Brown. New Haven. Conn, to Arthur Alkier. 200 Westminster rd, Bklyn; Sept27; Octl4'16. 100 Plot (*), begins at line bet lots 101 & 102, distant 56.6 e While Plains rd. runs e 5S.lxs75xw59.6xn75 to beg, part lots 99 to 101, map Husson ICsl; Susan H Rudd to -■Vugustin G Rudd, 83 Post av; OctlS; Oct IT'16. O C & 100 Interior plot (11:3129). begins 100 e Daly av & S3 n ISlst. runs n42xw5.5xn20.4 xw7.5xs63.6xe3.6 to beg, vacant; American Real Estate Co to Simonia Realty Corpn, 929 E 163; Nov9'15; OctlS'lS (R S 50 cts). O C & 100 MISCELUNEOUS CONVEYANCES. Borough of the Bronx. Crotona Park E, 1506-10 (11:2939). ss. 127.9 w Charlotte. 140x143.6x109.7x143.6. 2- 5-sty bk tnls: re mtg; Margt J Becker. Stamford. NY. lo Kleban-Leader, Inc, 4014 Park av; Ocl7; OctlS'lS, 22,000 Featherbed la. 134 (11:3874)- assign rents: Emma L Crawford, Bklyn, to Mary A Dempsey. 1656 University av; Mar23; OctlS'lS. nom 13STH st E. nec Brook av, see Brook av nec 138. 165TH st, 1115 E, see Bryant av. 1075. ISOTH St. 67 VV, see Harrison av. 2103-9. 180TH st W, sec Harrison av, see Harri¬ son av. ws. 220 s ISO 240TH st, 331-43 E, see Martha av, 4381-6. 241ST st, 330-43 E, see Martha av. 4381-5. Aqueduct av E, es, 137.5 n 180th, see Harrison av, ws, 220 s 180. Boston rd, 1506 (11:2966), ses. 701.10 n & ne along e & ses Wilkeus av & Boston rd from ns 17Ulh, runs se43xs47.Sxe50xn 107.3 to rd XSW70.2 to beg, 5-stv bk tnt; re mtg; Abel King, 148 B S5, & ano, to Av Sl John & Pox St Corpn, 661 Tinton av; OcU6'lS, 3.000 Brook av (9:2266), nec ISSth; consent lo stairway, &c: Louis Reichardt. 62 W 120, owner, to Manhattan Railway Co & ano: Augl7; Octll'lS. nom Bryant nv, 1075 (10:2750); also 165TH ST. 1115 E; assign rents to secure pay¬ ment of $6,000; Ronele Constn Co to Max Fine, 402 Grand; Octl6'16. nom Burnside av, 37, see Harrison av, ws, 220 s 180. Davidson av, es, 569.9 n Burnside av, see Harrison av, ws, 220 s ISO. Davidson av, 2041. see Harrison av, ws. 220 s 180. Grand av, ws, ISO n ISOth, see Harrison av. ws. 220 s 180. Harrison av, 2103-9 (11:3210), nwc 180th (No 67), 150x100, 2-5-sly bk tnts: re mlg; Arthur B Spingarn & ano EXRS lo Saml H Spingarn lo Harrison Ave Bldg Co, 215 W 125; Sept2; Octl7'16. 13.000 Harrison av, sec 180th, see Harrison av. ws. 220 s ISO. Harrison av (11:3210). ws. 220 s ISOth. 55x141.9 to old Croton Aqueduct x56.4x 163.8, vacant; also AQUEDUCT AV B (11:- 3210), es, 127.5 n ISOth, 50.4x101.4x50x96.5. vacant; also HARRISON AV (11:3206) sec 180th, 90x100, vacant; also GRAND AV (11:3206). ws, 180 n ISOth, 120x100. vacant- also DAVIDSON AV, 2041 (11:3193), nwc Burnside av (No 27). 63.9x90x122.9x107.11, vacant; also DAVIDSON AV (11:3192), es, 569.9 n Burnside av. 200x90. vacant; re mtg; Arthur B Spingarn & ano, BXRS Saml H Spingarn, lo Clemilt Really Co, 507 5 av; Octl8'16. 18,000 Martha av, 4381-5 (12:3389), swc 241sl (Nos 330-42), runs w2S7.4xs200 to ss 240t^. (Nos 331-43 xelS7.4xnl00xel00 co av xnlOO to beg, 15-2-sly & a fr dwgs; re mtg; Emi¬ grant Indust Savgs Bank lo Danl Houli¬ han, 2867 Bainbridge av; OctlS; Ootl6'16. 9,000 Morris av, 2171 (11:3181); re judgt; Bb¬ ling Brewing Co lo Jacob Pritz. 2184 Mor¬ ris av; Sept25: OcllS'16. nom Pilgrim av (*). ws, 445.8 n Pelham rd, 100x100; re mtg: Percy B Wightman el al, EXRS Abbie H Wightman. to Claribel F Lawton, 3130 .\rnold pl; Ocl7; Ocll7'16. nom Ryer av, 2340-2 (11:3151), es 260.4 s 184th. 75x100; re mtg; Ajay Realty Corpn to Faiella Constn Corpn, 340 Northern av. O C & 100 Tiebout av (11:3146). ws. 300 s Clark st. on map Farm P Valentine —• to pt 115 e Valentine av x—. vacant; re mlg of all land lying east of line 115 e Valentine av; Carrie E Tyler, Freeport, LI, to Tiebout Constn Co, 482 Jackson av; OctlO; Octl7 '16. S.OOO ■ University av. 1751 (11:2878). sobrn ot Ls to mtg; Patk Moran with Flora E Isham, 21 E 63; June2i: June27'16: cor¬ rects error in issue of Julyl, when prop read Decatur a v. nom 3D av, 3715 (11:2911), ws, 139.5 n 170th. 25.1x126.4x25.9x124.9; consent to 3d track; Thos W Farrell & ano, EXRS Bdw D Far¬ rell, owners, to Manhattan Railway Co; June21; Octl9'16. 163.02 3D av, .1J15; consent to 3d track; Bow¬ ery Savgs Bank, mtgee. to same; June29: Ocll9'16. nom Power of atty; Annnie L Morris to Cruikshank Co of N Y City; NovSO'lO; Oct IS'16. ------ LEASES. Borough of Manhattan. OCT. 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 & 19. Elizabeth st. nec Kenmare, see Ken¬ mare. 19-21. Front St. 2 (1:8). all; Geo F Vingul & ano TRSTES will Bliz F Floyd, to Robt Vendt. 345 Evergreen av, Bklyn; Syf Oct 1; Octl9'16. 1,500 & 1.800 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.