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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 98, no. 2543: December 9, 1916

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December 9, 1916 RECORD AND GUIDE 315 Great Jones Realty Co & Ben Gom- precht. 48-50 Great Jones st. .Raisler Sprinkler Co. Sprinklers &c.....(R) 2,335.50 245 W 69th St Corpn. 69th st, 245 W.. Central Chandelier Co, Fixtures___ 350.00 Bronx. DEC. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7. R P Building Co. 26.33-.39 Sedgwick av..Central Chandelier Co. Chattels. 625.00 Reich Hldg Co, Inc. 881 Westchester av ..General Gas Appliance Co. Ranges. 523.50 BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. The first name is that of the Lender, the second that of the Borrower. Ill 11111111(111 III iiijii I iMLiii ITIIIII1II iiiiiiiiuiiiii III riiiiiii IIIIIIII1I n mill iiiinnimii iiiiTii mil I niimiiiiiTuiiiiDn 11 nDimniuii iMiniii;iniiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiitLi;iiTiuiiiiiiiiiii Manhattan. DEC. 7. CENTRAL PARK W. swc 91st. lOO.Sx 100; Lawyers' Mtg Co loans 145 B 49th Corpn to erect a ------ sty bldg ; 3 payments .........................20,000.00 Bronx. DEC. 1. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. DEC. 2. GRAND BLVD & CONCOURSE, ws, 1.89.9 s 189th, 50x88.1; N Y Title & Mtg Co loans Ewol Rlty Corpn to erect, ------- sty bldg; 3 payments___8.000.00 PLIMPTON AV, ws, 25 n 170th, 50 XlOO: 133 Bway Hldg Corpn loans Mellwin Rlty & Constn Co to erect ------sty bldg; 10 payments ........36,000.00 DEC. 4. No Building Loan Contracts flled this day. DEC. 5. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. DEC. 6. No Building Loan Contracts filed tbis day. DEC. 7. No Building Loan Contracts filed this day. j PLi iliuiuuiiluniiilUiitiniiiKii.....i iiiiiiiui......i.....ii......iiiiiruiiiiniiiiiuuiuuuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiLuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiia PLANS FILED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION "WORK. ABBREVIATIONS, (o) owner; (a) architect, (b) builder; (200) plan No. fr—frame. str—store, bk—brick. apt—apartment, tnt—tenement. dwg—dwelling, ext—extension. rf—roof. Manhattan. APARTMENTS. FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 12TH ST, 119-25 W, 6-sty bk apts, 75x82. tar & slag rf; $75,000; (o) The Lustgarten Co., 68 William; (a)- Jos. C. Sehaeffler, 38 W 32d (480). 192D ST, W, s s, 100 w Audubon av, 5-sty bk apts, 73xSS, slate rf; .$70,000; (o) Audubon Bldg. Corp., 340 Northern av; (a) Wm, A. Faiella, 391 E 149th (4,82). HAVEN AV, w s, 125 n 170th, 6-sty bk tnt, 75x87, slag rt; $75,000; (o) Waneta Realty Inc., 565 W 162d; (a) J. M. Felson, 1133 Bway (484). 9TH AV. 68-70, 6-sty bk strs & tnt, 39x100, tile rf; ,$30,000; (o) Martin O'Dowd & Patk. J. Molloy. 400 W 14th (al Gustave Erda, 826 Manhattan av, Bklyn (488), HOSPITALS. 63D ST, 209-17 E, & 208-16 B 64th, 7-sty f. p. res.. 125x100. tile rf; $275,000: (o) Man¬ hattan Eye. Bar & Throat Hospital, 210 E eith; (a) York & Sawyer, 50 B 41st (478). STABLES AND GARAGES. IITH ST, 732-6 E, 1-sty bk garage, 72x90 corrug iron rf; $11,000; (o) Doohtermann Storage & Warehouse Co., 465 B 10th; (a) Brutus Gundlach, 212 5 av (481). BROADWAY. 4.3.52, I-sty bk garage, 150x125, slag rf; $40,000; (o) Anna Smith, 120 Bway; (a) Hurwitz, Landsman & Bartos, Bowery Bank Bldg. (487). THEATRES. S5TH ST, ■,!0n-I5 B, 3-sty firenroof ofllces, ball room, moving pictures. 74x102. slag rf; $200,000: (o) Musical Mutual Protective Union' 210 B Sflth ; (a) Trowbridge & Livingston, 527 5 av (486). MISCELLANEOUS. , .Ji-P,..,^'^- ^"--"'' ^- --""^y fireproof laundry, 146x100, gravel rf; $43,000; (o) The Beekman Est.. Inc.. 7 B 42d: (a) Sam J. Stammers, 320 o av (479). 64TH ST, 318 E, 1-sty firenroof office and dry kilns, .3.84x70. slag rf; .$25,000: (o) Kalt Lum- L328''Bway''%.f3)':'"- '"^^ '''""°^" * ^'"'"• 129TH ST. n w c 2 av. 1-sty bk boiler house, 2nx]1, corrug iron rf: $7.30; (o) Manhattan Railway Co 163 Bway; (a) Geo. H. Pegram, 16.5 Bway (4,83). 4P^-%^,"fS'^' 9--'^J'; ^-^ty ^^ ^"6°" '-lied, 50x 4(,, :(,i,goO: (oi Salv. Imperato, 2019 l ay • (a) Alfred L. Kehoe, 1 Beekman (489). Bronx. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS . I'^fZ. ?''/ ^ ^ <= Grand Conr-nurse, 6-stv bk L"/'.,^;'"?.^'"' '''"S '"'■■ •fl«"f»n".' fo) Grand Blvd & Conr-ourse Co, Inc., Hvmnn S Crystal 5 0^"%!^"''' ' ^''' ^^°' ^ '^^'"' ^'""' °^^ inOTH ST, n s, 76.5 w University av, 2-fi-stv bk tnts, slag rf, 55.3x100.2. .51.3x102.1; $120- 000; (0) Wm. M. Moore. 190th & University av; (a) Sommerfeld & Steckler, 31 Union sq (523). UNIVERSITY AV, n w c 190th, 6-sty bk tnt, slag rt, 76x90.1; $120,000; (o) Wm. M. Moore, on prem.; (a) Sommerfeld & Steckler, 31 Union sq (524). CLUBS. BARNES AV. w s, 26.4 n 213th, 1-sty bk & stn club house, 26.414x60, slag rf; $1,500; (o) Guercho & Cossa, 768 E 213th; (a) A. J. De Pace, 854 B 217th (518). DWELLINGS. 220TH ST, n e c Paulding av. 1-sty t. c. block dwg, slag rt, 30x44; $2,800; (o) The Catholic Institute for the Blind, Stephen Farelly, 11 Park pl, Pres.; (a) Robt. Glenn, 597 Courtlandt av (513). 222D ST, n s, 461.9 e Baychester av, 1-sty fr dwg, shingle rf, 18x66.6; .$300; (o) Crawford Real Est. & Bldg. Co., Geo. Crawford. 7 B 42d, Pres,; lessee, Angelo De Franio, 7 E 42d ; (a) Wm. Keegan. 7 E 42d (521). FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. ISOTH ST, s s, 100 w Clinton av, 1-sty bk storage, tin rf, 25.x50; $1,000: (o) Milk Realty Co., Simon Klein, 714 B ISOth, Pres.; (o) Arthur Boehnuer, 2001 Arthur av (523). SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. EASTERN BLVD, w s, 3.52 s Baisley, 1-sty portable fr school, 25x37; $.300; (o) City N. Y.; (a) C M Morgan, 529 Courtlandt av (517). STORES, OFFICES AND LOFTS. 159TH ST, s s, 267 e Courtlandt av, 1-sty bk str & storage, slag rf, 23x98.4; $3,000; (o) Wm, J. Schloerner, 3158 3 av; (a) Anton Pirner, 2069 Westchester av (515). 181ST ST, s e 0 University av, 1-sty bk strs, 25.4x84.7, tin rf; $8,000; (o) Jas Adler, 535 W 135th; (a) Adolph Balschen, 2698 Creston av (520). STABLES AND GARAGES. TYNDALL AV. w s, 99.6 n 259th, 1-sty stn garage, plastic slate rf, 20x20; $600; (o) Jas. F. Ryan, 21 Jumel pi; (a) Wm. A. Kenny, 420 W 259th (511). ST. LAWRENCE AV. w s, 169.8 s Gleason av. I-sty bk garage, slag rf, .38x18; $500; (o) Susanna Ludeker, 1159 St. Lawrence av; (a) Anton Pirner, 2069 Westchester av (514). BRONXWOOD AV, e s, 75 s 214th, 1-sty bk garage, 13x20, tin rf; $,500; (o) Vincenzo Nar- della, 804 Metropolitan av, Bklyn.; (a) A. J De Pace, 834 B 217th (519). TINTON AV, w s, 170.11 s 163d, 2-sty bk garage, certain-tud rf, 100.11x76; $15,000; (o) Jno. W. Decker, 2605 Grand Concourse; (a) Jno. De Hart, 1039 Fox (522). MISCELLANEOUS. LIND AV. e s, 437.1 s 165th, 2-1-sty stn shops, 101x50, slag rf; $6,000; (o) Highbridge Bldg. Co., J. H. Jones, 1455 Undercliffe av, Pres; (a) Lloyd I. Phyfe, 1451 University av (516). iMuiiililiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiii(llliiiiiiiiuilliilllluilillillil»iiiuMiimiJlliiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimMiiiiii>>iiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiui[»umiuiiiuiiiLiiuiiii>u PLANS FILED FOR I ALTERATIONS. I iiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiitMiuimiiiniiiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiitriinC ABBREVIATIONS, (o) owner; (a) architect, (b) builder; (200) plan No. fr—frame. str—store, bk—brick. apt—apartment, tnt—tenement. dwg—dwelling, ext—extension. Int—Interior, rf—roof. Manhattan. BLEECKER ST, 65, divide str, toilet, etc, to 12-sty flreproof strs & lofts; $500; (o) Chas, T. Wills. 2,86 5 av ; (a) Hy. H. Holly, 3S-40 W .32d (3.360). BLEECKER ST, 133-7, f. p. partitions, doors, stairs to 5-sty bk str & lofts; $1,500; (o) Julia B. Cameron. 17 Cedar; (a) Wm. G. Wil¬ son, lis Leroy (.3.378). BROOME ST. 389. flreproof stair & elevator enclosures & doors, steel & mason wk to 4-sty bk str & storage; .$5,500 (o) Giovanni Aguino, prem. ; (a) Wm. A. Parfitt, 26 Court, Bklyn (3.371). BROOME ST, 416-22, increase elevator bulk¬ head to 7-sty bk lofts & ofllces; $1.30; (fe) Aston Est., 23 W 26th; (a) Hy. N. Paradies, 2.31 W ISth (3300). BROOME ST. 456. bulkhead, stairs, f. p. doors to 5-sty bk str & lofts; $350; (o) Solo¬ mon Loeb. 54 William ; (a) Wm. G. Wilson, 118 Leroy (.3.377). CLINTON ST, 47. water closets to 5-sty bk tnt; $.30; (o) Moritz Newman, 304 Pearl; (a) Gronenberg & Leuchtag, 303 5 av (.3389). DIVISION ST, 31, str front, vault lights, etc, to 3-sty bk str, club & apts: $1,000: (o) Israel Spingarn, 1078 Park pl, Bklyn; (a) J. M Fel¬ son, 11.33 Bway (3367). ELDRIDGE ST, 13, stoop to 5-sty bk strs & tnt; .$.300; (o) Maurice H. Cohen, prem.; (a) Sam. Cohen, 22 Union sq (3384), FULTON ST, .32-8, flre-escape. stairs & en¬ closure to 3-sty bk strs. offices & factory ; $1,- .$.300: (o) Chas. Lane, 3 Beekman; (a) Eugene De Rosa, 1.30 Nassau (3398). GRAND ST, 96-8, flre-escape, f. p. windows to 6-sty bk lofts; $1,000; (o) The Grand St Realty Co.. 126-8 5 av; (a) Geo. A. & Hy. Boehm, 7 W 42d (3370). GREENE ST, 217-9, fire-escape, t. p. windows to 4-sty bk str & lofts: $6.30; (o) Hy H Hersche, 45 Bway; (a) Fk. Elian & Co., 47'? W Bway (.3.380). v. , ii< LIBERTY ST, 1.30, fireproof doors & parti¬ tions to 4-sty bk strs & storage; .$2.50' (o) Sophia Mahoney, 549 Riverside dr; (a) Chas M, Straub, 147 4 av (.3.338). PIKE ST, 64, ext, partitions, windows to 4- sty bk tnt; $l,.30O: (o) Fred Rlmetz, 02 Pike • (a) Sam Cohen. 32 Union sq (3351). PRINCE ST, 93-99, tank house, stairway, etc, to 6-sty bk strs & lofts; $2,500; (o) Wm. W. Astor. 21 W 26th; (a) J. Francis Burrowes, 410 W 34th (3368). WASHINGTON PL. 17-9, flre-escape to 6-sty bk factory; $1,000; (o) Chas. Greer. Rye. N. Y.; (a) Maurice J. Engel, 420 B 48th (3382). WATER ST. 745-46. fire escapes to 5-sty bk stable & shop; $800; (o) Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Co., Produce Exchange; (a) Leistner & Nussbaum, 200 Clinton (3353). WILLIAM ST, 155, stairs, partitions, flre- escapes to 5-sty bk str, lofts & offlces; $4,0(X); (ol Hy. Leerburger, prem.; (a) Geo. Fred Pelham, Inc. (3387). 3D ST, 276 B, steel & iron wk to 5-sty bk strs & tnt; $1,200; (o) Sam Levy Est. 257 Bway; (a) Morris Schwartz, 194 Bowery (3395). 9TH ST, 605-15 E, exits to 5-sty f. p. public school; .$5,000; (o) City N. Y., care Bd. of Education, 500 Park av; (a) C. B. J. Snyder. 500 Park av (3.385). 9TH ST, 6 W, partitions, plumbing, heating & mason wk to 3-sty bk res.; $5,000; (o) August Zinsser, 12 w 10th; (a) P. F. Brogan. 204 W 23d (3400). I2TH ST, 29 W. bath room, windows to 5-sty bk tnt; $500; (o & a) Albert L. Adams, 217 B 5th (3364). 14TH ST, 312 E, flreproof partitions & doors to 4-sty bk str & rooms; $200; (o) New York Eye & Ear Infirmary, 218 2 av ; (a) Arthur J. Stever, Jr., 55 Bway (3334). 14TH ST, 29 W, mason wk, window to 3-sty bk res; $100; (o) Van Beuren Est, 65 5 av; (a) Arthur H. Puller, 2 w 45th (3388). 15TH ST, 29 W. tank to 10-sty flreproof lofts; $600: (o) The Hermitage Co., 30 Broad; (a) Maxwell Engineering Co., 146 24th, Bklyn (.3313). I7TH ST, 635 B, partitions, windows, doors to 5-sty bk tnt; $500; (o) Bliz. Heckmann, 633 E 17tb ; (a) Otto Reissmann, 147 4 av (3.344). 17TH ST, 6.34-6 B, raise 1-sty, slag rf. metal windows to 5-sty bk bakery; .$2,500; (o) A. Goodman & Son, Inc., 6.38 E 17th ; (a) Jno. H. Friend, 148 Alexander av (3361). 19TH ST. 11-9 W. elevators, flreproof doors & windows, stairs to 11-sty flreproof lofta; $10,000; (o) Louis Stem, 41 W 42d; (a) Homer A. Held (3373). 21ST ST, 41 B, tank to 8-sty fireproof lofts; $600: (o) The Hermitage Co., 30 Broad; (a) Maxwell Engineering Co., 146 24th, Bklyn (3312). 24TH ST, 205-11 B, metal windows to 6-sty flreproof offlce & factory; $400; (o) J. M. Hor¬ ton Ice Cream Co., prem.: (a) Jos. Reydel, Jr., 1370 Dean, Bklyn. (3372). 23TH ST, lis B, mezzanine floor to 12-sty flreproof lofts; $S00: (o) Mrs. Louise C. H. Dyckman, 1.32 Berkerly av. Orange, N. J.; (a) Buchanan & Son, Inc., 107 Leonard (3366). 25TH ST, 53-9 E, lift to 16-stv flreproof lofts; $!,.500; (o) Israel Unterberg, 90 Franklin; (a) Louis A. Abramson, 220 5 av (3365). 26TH ST, 239 W, water closets to 4-sty bk tnt; .$2,000; (o) Thos. McGoey, prem.; (a) Jno. H. Knubel. 305 W 43d (3393). 27TH ST, 19 W, vent duct to 5-sty bk str & offlces; $100: (o) Chas. Hanfleld, prem.; (a) Bent H & Chas. N. Whinston, 148th & 3 av (3.3.55). 27TH ST. 12-6 W. ext to IS-sty f. p. str & lofts; $1..800: (o) Chas. Kaye, prem.; (a) Hurwitz. Landsman & Barth, Bowery Bank Bldg. (3386). 30TH ST, 222 W, boiler room to 2-8ty flre¬ proof garage: $50; (o) Mrs, Anne Duffy, 260 W 72d; (a) Chas. Volz, 2 W 45th (3352). .30TH ST, 142 B, bk & Iron wk to 2-sty bk garage; $75; (o) Geo. W. Thompson, 142 E .30th; (a) Jno. B. Snook Sons, 261 Bway (.",.;23). 37TH ST, 248-.50 W, stairs, doors, partitions, bk & steel wk to 3-sty bk storage & shipping rooms: .$4,000: (o) Jas. Ottley, 2.36 W 37th; (a) Chas. J. Graff, 229 W 36th (3391). .39TH ST, 441 W, bk wk, girder to pool room & tnt; .'i;i20; (o) Bernard G. Foss. 495 9 av; (a) A. H. Von Hassel, 408 W 124th (3305). 43D ST, 7 W, passageway to 3-sty f. p. club ; .?.iOO: (01 Centurv Club, prem.: (a) McKIm, Mead & White, 101 Park av (3381). 45TH ST, 150 W, ext to 5-sty bk str, photo gallery, lodgings; $350; (o) Solon L. Frank, 122 E 25th; (a) Jno. A. Hamilton, 32 Bway (3383). 47TH ST, 21.3-41 W, flreproof partitions to 4-sty flreproof strs & offlces: $200; (o) Mitch¬ ell H. Mark Rlty Corpn, 1571 Bway; (a) Odell Whitenack, 231 W 1.8th (3.350). 54TH ST. 238-40 W. elevators, bk & steel wk to 4-sty bk garage; .$4,000; (o) Emll Selig. prem. ; (a) Horenburger & Bardes, 122 Bowery (3396). 6STH ST, s w c Av A, flreproof doors & par¬ titions to 6-sty bk factory: $l,.inO: (o) Selden- hurg & Co.. Inc., Ill 5 av; (a) Geo. F. Pelham. Inc., 30 B 42d (3.354). 72D ST, 131 E, stairs, partitions, bk & steel wk to 1-sty stn church ; $1,200; (o) Tho Hallenlc Enstern Orthodo.x, prem.; (a) Bdw L. Angell (.3.392). lOOTH ST. 32-4 W, toilet room to 7-sty f p factory; $.300; (o) Schinasi Bros., 34 W 100th- (a) Chas. H. Gillespie, 1123 Bway (3379). lOlST ST, 76 W, ext to 5-sty bk str & tnt; S2.j0; (0) Mary J. Noonan. 76 W 101st; (a) Jno. H. Friend, 148 Alexander av (3363). 126TH ST, 506-8 W, partitions to 5-sty bk strs & tnt; $200; (o) Max Lippman, .565 W I62d (a) J. M, Felson. 1133 Bway (3337). The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.