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November 18, 1916 RECORD AND GUIDE 703 20.tl00, at 218 Central Park West, adjoining the south corner of Sjth st, which was recently acquired in foreclosure proceedings. The buyer is Mary E. A. Wendel. ST. NICHOLAS AV.—The Lawyers Mortgage Co. has sold S14 St. Nicholas av, a 5-sty dwell- iug, on lot 21.Sxirreg. Bronx. BRIGGS AV.—H. A. Douglas & Co. have sold tor Lee Farrington Realty Corporation the plot aO-tlUO on the east side ot Briggs av, 210 £t. north ol Coles la, running through to and front¬ ing in Poe pi. The site will be improved with a 2-sty business building. BKYA.\T AV.—The Lawyers Mortgage Co. has sold the two 2-lam. bricli dwellings at 1415 and lliy Bryant av. CRESTON AV.—The Level Realty Co.. Morris Miller president, has sold the 5-sty apartment at 2521 Creston av, just north ot" Fordham rd, on a plot 12xS0. The brokers were Simon G. Katzen and Woltsohn & August. CRESTON AV.—Fredericlt Brown has bought from the Padula Construction Co. for cash 2155 Creston av, a 5-sty apartment house with stores, on plot SOxlUO. FIELDSTON, N. Y.—Deiafleld Estate has sold to Jonathan J. Hamilton, of N. Y. City, a residence on Waldo av, near West 216th st, built from plans by Dwight J. Baum. GRAND BOULEVARD.—H. A. Douglas & Co. have sold for the Winat Realty Co. tne 2y3-sty frame house at 21(Jl Grand Concourse, 17 tt. south of ISTth st, to T. G. Holland, the occu¬ pant. The house covers a lot 25x55 ft. INTERVALE AV.—Alexander Selkin and David Mintz sold for Absar Realty Co., A. Weissman, president, the li-sty apartment, with stores, at the northwest corner of Intervale av and lt)5th st, extending to Rogers pl, 101x5iix ISaxirreg, held at $1(J0,0UU. The buyer is an put-of-town investor. This is one of four houses just completed by the selling company on land purchased a year ago. JACKSO.NI AV.—N. Morrison of Williamson & Bryan sold for Charles Richardson the two 3-fam. dwellings at 1058-lOtiO Jackson av. LORING PL.—The West 183d St Building Co. has sold the plot G7.2xlU0.2, in the west side of Loring pl, 580 ft. south of Fordham rd. SEDGWICK AV.—The Empire City Mort¬ gage and Holding Co., Samuel Barkin presi¬ dent, sold the plot 50x110 in the east side of Sedgwick av, 115.11 ft. north of Washington Bridge. The buyer is Samuel T. Munson, who gave in part payment 1118 Bedford av, a 4-sty flat, 28.(3x100, and similar house at 1141 Bed¬ ford av, 33x98, Brooklyn. Lebett & Strauss were the brokers. SOUTHER.\ BOULEVARD.—Henry Morgen¬ thau Co. sold to Annie Moss the two 5-sty apartment houses at the northwest corner of Southern boulevard and Barretto st, and known as 907 Southern boulevard and 922 Barretto st, 77x105 and 47x105, respectively. They are fully tenanted and are one block from the sta¬ tion entrance of the new Broadway-Lexington av subway now nearing completion. In part payment the buyer gave a plot 125x100.11 in the north side of East 138th st. The transac¬ tion involves about $325,000. TREMONT AV.—Clement H. Smith has sold lor F. & J. E. Ramsteck the store property at 718 and 71Sy2 Tremont av. It is a plot 25.4x 99.8 covered with a 2-sty frame building, be¬ tween Crotona and Clinton avs. TRINITY AV.—Kurz & Uren have sold for the Delco Holding Co, 971 and 073 Trinity av, two 5-sty new law apartment houses, each on lot 36.5x100. UNION AV.—The Lawyers Mortgage Co. has sold the 5-sty tenement, on plot 40.8.x98xl73, at 978 Union av. VALENTINE AV.—Charles P. Deshler sold for the Ensign Improvement Co. the 5-sty apartment, 50x100, at 2301 Valentine av. WEST FARMS RD.—N. Morrison of Will¬ iamson & Bryan sold for James Dowd the plot 50x91xirreg., on West Farms rd, about 75 ft north of Freeman st. Brooklyn. ELDERTS LA.—Edouard ,C. Panitz sold for Henry Rockmore a plot, 30x100, in the west side of Elderts la, 110 ft. north of Atlantic av. A dwelling is included in the sale, plans for which are being prepared. HANCOCK ST.—Frank A. Seaver & Co. sold for the Peerless Land Co. 481 Hancock st, a 3- sty dwelling. PROSPECT PL.—Charles Partridge has sold 641 Prospect pl, a semi-detached brick dwell¬ ing, to Anthony Blass. 48TH ST.—I. Salzberg sold tor the Ellis Assets Corp. to T. Rubin, a plot 40x100, in the northeast side ot 18th st, 400 ft. from 16th av. 51ST ST.—Realty Associates sold to Joseph A. Hamilton, the 2-sty dwelling, 1113 Slst st, on lot 20x100. The house Is one of a row ot ten recently completed by the Realty Asso¬ ciates, nine of which have been sold. 67TH ST.—AIco Building Co., associated with Realty Trust, sold the 1-famlly, semi-detached residence at 2121 U7th st, on plot 21x100. at Maplcton Park, near the 22d av station ot the Sea Beach subway, to W. J. Rothrock for oc¬ cupancy. 9DTH ST.—Charles J. Obermayer, of the Greater New York Savings Bank, who recently purchased the dwelling at the corner of OOth st and Shore rd. Fort Hamilton, has enlarged his holdings by purchasing the adjoining land, owned by the estate of Tom Johnson, ot Cleve¬ land, O. The purchase, which was made from Max Kurzrok, who bought the properties from the Johnson estate at an auction held by Joseph P. Day a few years ago, comprises a frontage of 585 ft. in Oflth St. 294 tt. on 3d av, and 174 ft. on the Shore rd. An additional purchase was made by Mr. Obermayer, comprising the triangular lot fronting 87 tt. on 3d av and 85 ft. on Shore rd. FLATBUSH AV.—Mclnerney-Klinck Realty Co. sold lor the L. & A. S. Building Co. the 3-sty business building, in course of con¬ struction on the east side of Flatbush av, 42 ft south of Clarendon rd, 22x100. KINGS HIGHWAY.—Louis Gold sold the three 5-sty buildings on the south side of Kings High¬ way, between East 12th and East 13th sts. MARCY AV.—R. A. Schlesing sold for the Weaver Realty Co. the 4-sty tenement at 752 Marcy av, to the Island Holding Corporation, whicli later re-sold it through the same broker to Phillip Muller. 5TH AV.—Tutino & Cerny sold for William J. Wells, Jr., the 3-sty dwelling and store, at 5407 5th av, on lot IS.xOO. Queens. JAMAICA.—The Spader property in Fulton st, opposite Pontine st, has been bought by the Triangle Realty Co. The realty has a frontage of 110 ft on Fulton st and a depth of 200 ft, and will be the site of five 3-sty stores and apartment buildings. Richmond. SOUTH BEACH.—Meister Builders have sold to Marino Bros, a plot 100x92, fronting on Washington av, near Old Town rd. Three houses will be built on the plot. Nearby Cities. NEWARK, N. J.—Crist & Herrick have sold tor Spencer S. Thomas of Detroit, the plot on the north side of Cross st, between Broad and Spring sts, containing 9,382 sq. ft., to Harry G. Cooper. NEWARK, N. J.—Louis ScWesinger (Inc.) sold for Mrs. Jane A. Clark, the 2-fam. dwell¬ ing, at 071 Summer av. NEWARK, N. J.—Feist & Feist sold lor Emanuel Ronzoni, the plot at 708-720 Freling¬ huysen av, to the John H. Meyer Tire-Duck Co., ot New York, which will build a plant con¬ taining about 100,000 square feet of space; also sold for J. W. Greene, the plot, 22x135, at 130 Banit st, to S. P. Schechter, who will erect a 4-sty business building, and for Saul Cohn, the 1-tam. dwelling at 59 Hillside pl. Rural and Suburban. Dl.X HILLS, L. I.—Shields Brothers (Inc.) have sold to a client a tract of 35 acres. The property fronts on the Dix Hill rd and the Old Country rd, and adjoins a tract recently sold to the same buyer by the same brokers. ESSEX, CONN.—Bishop White, of the Ameri¬ can Chain Co. of Bridgeport, Conn., has bought Highmoors, Charles B. Bliss's country place at Essex, Conn. The estate contains 60 acres, a residence of 12 rooms, carriage house, barn and other outbuildings. Douglas Eskell, of Joseph P. Day's olfice, negotiated the sale. FORT SALONGA, L. I.—Harry H. Howard has sold the property recently purchased from Venn Hughes at Fort Salonga, consisting of 10 acres and buildings, to John Shields. The property adjoins "Day Break," the country estate of Mr. Shields. Theodore S. Hall was the broker in the transaction. HARTSDALE, N. Y.—Kenneth Ives & Co. have sold for H. W. Johns his country place on Landers rd, Hartsdale, containing 14 acres, residence and stable, to Thomas Evarts Adams of the Lancia Motors Co. The property was held at $40,000. HU.NTINGTO.N, L. I.—Daniel M. Gerard sold for Joseph Geoghegan liis home, at Huntington, to Charles O'Donohue. The property contains seven acres, on the east side of Huntington harbor, near the yacht club. There is a large modern dwelling on the property, and the grounds are developed. LOCUST VALLEY, L. I.—Cocks & Willets sold to Philip A. S. Franklin, president of the International Mercantile Marine, Royston, the estate ot William C. Pate, at Locust Valley, L. X. The property contains about 30 acres and commands an extended view of Long Isl¬ and Sound. RYE, N. Y.—Herbert A. Sherman has sold for Mrs. M. S. Wainwright three acres at Milton Point, with a large frontage on the "Water. The buyer will improve the land with a dwelling, trom plans by Architect S. Edson Gage. SCARBOROUGH, N. Y.—Fish & Marvin, in conjunction with Cocks & Willets and Wm. A. White & Sons have leased to Mrs. Samuel Hill, daughter of the late James J. Hill, a portion ot William Roekfeller's property at Scarbor¬ ough. There are about ten acres and a large Colonial house and outbuildings. The property is near the estates of Frank A. Vanderlip and Gustav Schwab and adjoins the Sleepy Hollow Country Club. It is one ot the handsomest es¬ tates in the Hudson river section. The prop¬ erty is leased unfurnished, and the amount in¬ volved is said to be approximately $.50,000. SUMMIT, N. J.—The Summit Developing Co. sold a plot 150x110, on Park and Summit avs, for the Summit Home Land Co. TARRYTOWN, N. Y.—Henry Ollcsheimer, president of the Metropolitan Bank, has en¬ larged his estate, known as Isalina Court, by -iVj acres, which he has purchased from the estate ot George S. Scott. This property is on the east side ot Broadway, opposite the estates of John D. Archbold and Colonel Jacob Ruppert. The brokers were Nichols & Hobble. WHE'ATLEY HILLS, L. I.—Henry A. Rogers of Worthington Whitehouse (Inc.) sold for Henry M. W. Eastman, a tract ot woodland In Broad Hollow Woods, adjoining two tracts re¬ ported sold to the same purchaser last week by the same broker. icnuinHiniiimniiiDi,.....ii.....uii.......nrraiiiiii......iiiriii.........u........uiiiiii>......ui.........iii LEASES. I Kf mitnnnnniiimnnnumtaimiTiimimniirmnmntniin iirmniiinrliiiiiimniiiiiiirtmiiimrTniiiiinriiniiiiiiliiiiiiirniiinttiFiiinirii......r......niiriMiniiin......uniiniinil Excellent Brooklyn Conditions. Charles Partridge, Brooklyn broker, reports an active renting and selling market for residential properties in the Bedford and Eastern Parkway sections. He said: "We are experiencing an ex¬ cellent deniand for apartments, return¬ ing about $10 a room, and we have only four vacancies at present in all of the buildings of this type at present under our management. There is also an ex¬ cellent demand for dwellin,g properties at rentals ranging from $45 to $SS for the two-story houseSj and $75 a month for the three-story buildings." Mr. Partridge has been appointed managing agent for eleven apartment houses, in Sterling place near Franklin avenue, Bergen street near Nostrand avenue, Macon street near Marcy avenue, Ber¬ gen street near Washington avenue, on I'nderhill avenue, and at Pacific street and Classon avenue. Fifth Avenue Dwellings for Trade. Cartier, the Fifth avenue jeweler, has -leased the Morton F. Plant house at the southeast corner of Fifth avenue and 52d street, marking another step in the transition of this section of Fifth avenue, from the residential to the busi¬ ness stage. It was also rumored that aaeal estate Poarb 3ttcatpataUb 1308 ©rganijrb IBSB FRANK D. AMES Pres. BURTON J. BERRY Sec'y-Treas. AMES & COMPANY Real Estate Agents and Brokers Telephone 3570 Madison Sq. 26 WEST 31st ST. Our Sales Department holds the record for closing BrouUiyn's largest casl; deal for 1916. What can wc do for yuu? BULKLEY & HORTON CO. Phone 414 Mvrtle Arc. Bedford 5400 683 Xostiand Ave. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Auctioneer 31 NASSAU STREET R.eal Estate Experts I56WEST r?HST Management—Sales—Collections Mortgages—Appraisals—Insurance Down Town Office, 156 Droadway AUSTIN FINEGAN Real Estate—Insurance—Appraisals 3S NASSAU STREET. Tel. 1730 Cortlandt OGDEN & CLARKSON Corporation Real Estate and Insurance 605 FIFTH A'VENUE, above 48th Street TUCKER, SPEYERS & CO. Real Estate 435 FIFTH A'VENUE, NEAR 39th STREET TelephonCr ■ ' Murray Hill JAMES N. WELLS' SONS (James P. Eadie) Real Estate and Insurance Since 1835 at No. 191 NINTH AVENUE Established 1819 Phone, 5266 Chelsea