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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the REAL ESTATE wmm BUILDERS AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx, and the recorded Wills and Real Estate Appraisals in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Post Office at New Tork. N. Y.. as second class matter. Vol. XCIX No. 2549 New York, January 20, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. JAN. 12-13, 15-16-17-lS. Aeadeiiiy st, 681' (8:2237-43), ws, 225 .1 Bway, 5(1x145.5x50.7x137.6, 5-sty bk tnt; Hudson Investing Co lo Delta Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $47,500 & AL; Jan 16; JanlS'17; A$10,000-$-------. O C & 100 Academy st, tiS2; Delta Holding Corpn to Laura Walker, 53S W 179; mtg $47,500 & AL- Janl6: JanlS'17. O C & 100 .Vcademy st, t!S3; Laura Walker to Wm J Weir, 159 Underhill av, Bklyn; mtg $47.- 5(10 & AL; JanlB; Janl8'17. O C & 100 \lleii .St. 74 (2:413-31). es, abt 88 n Grand, 23x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sly bk rear tnt; Sophia Moore, widow, lo .Sarah L Apelles, widow, both al Lake HiU, Ulster Co, NY; AL; Aprl'15; JanlS'17: .\$16.000-23,000. O C & 100 .Vllen st, S5-7. see Broome, 275-7. Arden st, 25 (8:2174-190). es. 242 n Nagle av, 27x110, D-sly bk tnt; Bromberg Really Co, 133 K 34, lo Delta Holding Corpn, 217 Bway; mlg $25,6o0 & AL; Decl5'16: Janl2 '17- A$4,50U-2D,000. nom .Vrden st, 25; Delta Holding Co to Edw H Kruse, 304 W 102, & Fredk Tiellg. 796 Jefferson av, Bklyn; mtg $25,500; Janll; Janl2'17. O C & lOU .Vrtleii st, see Sherman av, see Sherman av, sec .\rden. .Vrden st, nee Sherman av, see Sherman av. nec Thayer. .Vrden st, ss. 350 e Sherman av, see Sher¬ man av, nec Thayer. .Vrden st, sec Slierman av, see Sherman av. nec Thayer. Brldse st, 12, see Whitehall, 22. Uroome st, 275-7 .(2:413-14). swc Allen (Nos 85-7), 44x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs; Harris Fine, 46 Fl Washington av, to Spencer Holding Corpn, 109 Kast Bway; mtg $78,500; JanlS; Janl6'17; A$50,OOU- 88,000. O C & 100 Uurliu;; sl, 2-10, see Pearl, 230. Canal st, 435 (1:226-3), nes, 66.6 nw Varicic, runs ne40xse9xel4xsw46.5 to st x nw21 lo beg, 4-sly bk frit & strs; Cornelia E Martinez, ot La Jolla, Cal, EXTRX Mary E Stephens, lo Rector, &c, of Trin¬ ity Church, 187 Fulton; AL; Jan5; Janl7 '17; .Mil,500-10,500. !».5U0 Cun;^reNs st, 1-5, see Houston, 179-81 W. tjooiier sq, 32, see 8 av, 588-90. Delancey st, 26S (2:333-76), ns. 25 e Col¬ umbia. 25xlOU, 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Julia Bachrach, 1155 Park av, to Sagamore Trading Co, 1155 Park av; .^.T; AL; Jan 12; Jaiil3'17; A$16,000-33,000. nom Dey st, (;5-!>, see Pearl. 230. Division st, 247, see East Bway, 25S. East llroadway. 258 (1:2S6-6U), nwc Montgomerv (Nos 2-6), 23x105 to ss Di¬ vision (No 247) x23xl04.7, 6-sly bk loft & sir bldg: Julius H Gross, 515 W 145, to Dee Holding Co, 5 Beekman; AL; Jan4; Janl6'17: A$32,000-52,000. O C & 100 Kssex st, 7 (1:297-27), ws, 94.S ii Divis¬ ion, 20x87.6, 4-sly bk loft & str bldg; Wm A Geller at 355 EI Cenlro st. South Pasa¬ dena, Cal, to Loring Farnum al Pelham, NY; B&S & confirmation deed; mtg $13,- 000 & .\L; JanS; Janl3'17: .\$19,000-27,000. nom l':.vlra pl, 2, see 1st, 12 E. I<'ront st, 31 (1-34-6), ss, 112.7 e Coenties si, runs s82.5xe3xs0.6xe25.Sxn84.6 to sl xw 27.8 to beg, 4-sly bk loft bldg: Cha.s H Caldwell, TRSTE will Jas Phyte, tor Jane F Caldwell & ano, to Bell Bag Co, 61-3 Front; mtg $11,000 & AL; Dec29'16: Jan 17'17; .V$1S,000-25,000. 2.':,500 Front St. 174 (1:71-31), ws, 66.8 s Bur¬ ling sl. 19.4x84.8x19.9x86.1, 5-sty bk lott & str bldg; Josephine A Coale to Elisha P Cronkhile, al Greenwich. Conn; mtg $18,- 000 & -VL; Janll; Janl3'17: A$17,000-24,000. O C & 100 Front st, 20-5 (1:96-8), ns, abt 80 w Beekman, 20x72.6. 4-sly bk loft & sir bldg; Josephine .A Coale to Elisha P Cronkhile, at Greenwich. Conn; mlg $13,000 & .\L- Janll; Janl2'17: ..V$14,500-19,000. O C & 100 .McDuuKal st, .lladisou st, Rutgeis, runs to st xw26 to Globe sq, ss, 24.» e Wash, see Pearl, 230. Houston .st, 17y-!Sl W (2:520-34-37), swc Congress (Nos 1-5), runs w42xs75xw84.3x n75 lo ss Houston xw2.11xsl25xel29.2 to ws Congress xnl25 to beg, 2-4-sly bk tnts & sirs & 5-sty bk lodging house; Mutual Lite Ins Co to Shuttleworth. Keiller & Co, 474 West Bway; CaG; JanlS; JanlS'17: -A. $47,500-67,500. O C & 100 Houston st, IDl W (2:520-30), ss, 105 w Congress, 21x75, 3-sty bk tnl; Jas P Gra¬ ham lo Shuttleworth Keiller & Co. 474 West Bway: AL; Janl5'17: A$10,000-10,500 u C & 100 I3fi, see S av, 588-90. 207 (1.271-37). ns, 105.8 e n73.6xw25xn26.4xe51xsl00.1 beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Rulhada Realty Co, 704 Bway, to Meyer H Friedman, 1018 E 163; .\br I Ward, 717 W 177. & Moses L Roth, 53 E 96; mlg $46,250; Janl3; Janl5'17; A$25,000-48,000. nom Montsvmery st, 2-«, see East Bway, 258. .Morton st, 45 (2:584-42), ns, 13.6 w trom an angle of bend in st, which bend is 138.6 w Bedford, 28.11x79x25x92.9, 5- sty bk tnt; Sadie M Strauss, 45 \V 68, lo John E Rosasco, 13 Morton: mtg $10,200: Janl5; Janl6'17: A$i;,500-21,000. nom Pearl st, 228, see Pearl, 230. Pearl st, 230 (1:70-28)) ss. abt 40 w Burling sl ,—x—, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; mtg $14,000; A$15,000-19,000; also PE.-VRL ST, 228 (1:70-27), ses, 60.8 sw Burling sl, runs se33 & 64.3 xsw23.6xnw—xsw0.2xnw— xne2xnw36.8 to st x23.8 to beg, 6-slv bk lott & str bldg; mtg $30,000: A$26,000"-42,- 000; aiso PEARL ST, 232-4 (1:70-29 & 32), ss at sws Burling sl (Nos 2-10), runs se 174.3 to nws Water (Nos 172-80) xsw26 & 90.'(xnvv84.8xnel9.6xnwl3.9xne23.10 X se 7 x Iie25.4xnw22.4xne—xnw71.8 to ss Pearl xe ■10.4 lo beg. 2 & 4-sty bk bldgs; mtg $230,- 000; $15,000 ot which effects 172 Water st; .\$69,000-$------; also DEY ST, 65-9 or Globe sq (1:59-26-27), ss, 24.9 e 'Washington, 57.4x50.7x58.6x49.8, 4 & 5-stv bk loft & str bldg; mtg $50,000; A$4S,000-59,000; Kenneth Stevenson, 44 E 50, to New York City District Realtv Corpn, 280 Madison av; Janl3; Janl5'17. O C & 100 Pearl St. 232-4, see Pearl, 230. Sickles st, sec Sherman av, see Sherman av, nec Thayer. Thayer st, see Sherman av, see Sherman av, nec Thayer. Thayer st, nee Sherman av, see Sherman av. nec Thayer. Tliumiisou st, 234-0, see 3d, 72 W Walker st, 89 (1:195-15), ss, 49.3 w La¬ fayette, 24.1x85.7x24.1x86.1, 4-sly bk loft & str bldg; Danl J Early, ref. lo Mutual Lite Ins Co, of N Y, plft; FORECLOS Jan 11; Janl7; Janl8'17: A$25,000-27,000 14,00t) VVashlus'ton pi, 124 (2:592-7 & 37), sws 100.4 se Barrow, 20x100.2 to nes 4lh (No 181) x21.9x91.7, 2-3-sly & b bk dwgs; Ger- bereux Co to Georgiana B Maelav, 358 5 av; mtg $11,000 & AL; JanlO; Janl7'n; A$ll,500-15,000. O C & 100 Washineton st, (!4 (1:17-45), ws, 248.9 n Morris, 22.S.X— lo es AVest (No 41). x21.3x ISI.4 to beg, vacant: .A.$17,000-17,000; also WKST ST, 42 (1:17-13). es, 300.2 n Morris, 25.6x101.10x25.6x101.9, vacani; A$30,500-30,- 5»0: also WASHINGTON ST, 66 (1.17-44), ws, 269.10 n Morris, 25.6x78x25.6x78.2. va- cHut: .-^$19.000-19.000: also W.ASHINGTON ST, 70 (1:17-43), ws, 331 s Rector, 29x89.6x 27x89.6. vacant; A$24.000-24,000; Jos B Martindale el al, heirs &c Benj T Babbitt, to N Y Trust Co, 26 Broad; AT; Janll; Jan 18'17. nom Washington st, Olt, see Wash, 6 4. WashinKton st, 90 (1:17-31), ws, 40.6 s Rector, 25.1x92.6x24.8x89.6. 5-stv bk loft & str bldg; Wolcott G Lane, 15 E 74, to S F Zaloom & Co, 21 Washington; B&S; mtg $22,000 & AL; Janl7'17; A$26,000-35,- 000. O C & 100 ^VaNhinK'ton st, 70, see Wash, 64. Water st, 172-SO, see Pearl, 230. AVest st, 41-2, see Washington, 64. 'Whitehall st. 22 (1:9-51). swc Bridge (No 12). runs w66.8xs26.3xe25.9 & 45.6 to st xn27 to beg, 5-sly bk oftice & str bldg; Thos & John D Adams, EXRS Thos Adams, lo Chesebrough BuUding Co, 24 Slate; JanlD'U; A$90,000-95,000. 85,000 1ST st, 12 Ii; (3:457-44), nes, at ses Extra pl (No 2) 25.2x61.10x25x58.8, 4-sty bk ware¬ house: Bethuel T Barnes et al to Moses D Barnes, at Tenafly, NJ; B&S & CaG; mtg $6,000- Dec29'16; Janl2'17; A$12,000-16,000. 1U,5UU 3D st, 321-3 E (2:373-44), ns, 120 w .Kv D. 40x96, 7-sty bk stable; Wm H Daly, ref, lo J Frederic Kernochan, 862 Park av, TRSTE will Almy T Hicks, for Harriet R McKim, plff; FORECLOS Jan3; Janl2: Jan 18'17: ,\$22,000-48.000. 30,000 3D st, 72 VV (2:537-13), sec Thompson (No^ 234-6), 75x60, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs: Michl Pollak, of Woodbridge, NJ, to Prank B Colton, 83 Hillyer st. East Orange, NJ- mto- $55,000 & AL;-Janl3; Jan 17'17- .-V$36,000-71,000. nom 3D St. 111-3 W, see 8 av, 588-90. 4TH st, JSl W, see Washington pi, 124. fiTlI St. 752 E (2:375-35). ss, 89 w Av D, runs S76.5xw4xs20.7xwl8xn97xe22 to beg, 5-slv bk tnt; Eustace Seligman. ref, to Philadelphia Trust Co, 415 Chestnut st, I'hila, pa, TRSTE for Neilson Brown, will .-\-lex Brown, plff; FORECLOSED & drawn JanS; Janl2'17; A$13,000-20,000. 17.,(>00 7TH st, 3S E (2:462-18), ss, 168.10 w 2 av, 24.5x90.10, 4-slv bk tnl; Wm Kerner & Harris Sokolski to 38 East 7th St Realty Co. 354 Grand; mlg $24,000; Dec32'16: Jan 16'17: .4$15,000-21,000. O C & 100 STH st, 324Vi E (2:390-20), ss, 387.6 e Av B, 24.9x58.11x24.10x61.5, 5-sty bk ml & sirs; .-Vbr Jacobowitz, 324% E 8, lo Her¬ man Greenwald. 261 E 7; mtg $15,000; Jan 15; Janl7'17: A$13,000-18,000. O C & 100 STH St. :{!>4 E (2:377-30). ss, 155 w Av D, 27.9x97.6, 6-sty bk ml & sirs; Abr Shapiro, of Bklyn, to Nathan Raynes, 782 Daws.3n; mtg $37,500; JanlS; Janl6'17: .\$15,000-34,000. O C & 100 UTH St. 734-e E (2:378-24), ss, 218 w Av D, 40x93.11, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Jacob Schwartz to Morris Haupt, 437 E 5; M RT&I (partv 2d pt now owns Vz Pt); mtg $40,000; Deell'15; Janl5'17; A$22,000-50,000. O C & 100 OTH st, 734-0 E; Jos Zimmerman el al to Morris Haupt, 437 E 5; ^4 RT&I; mtfe $40,000; Aug25'15: Janl5'17. nora 12TH St. 129 W (2.608-57), ns, 282.8 w 6 av, 22.6x103.3, 4-slv & b bk dwg; Anna S Wilner, 133 W 12, to Eliz G Frazza, 636 E 25, Paterson, NJ, EXTRX Margt A Kean; B&S: mtg $16,000 & AL; Jan9; Jan 16'17; .V$14,500-19,000. nom 14TH st, 140 .E, see 8 av, 588-90. 14TH st, 220 .E (2:469-18), ss, 229.6 e 3 av, 24x103.3, 5-sty stn tnt & sirs; Geo L Lewis, ref, lo Per.''ect Coatfront Pad Co, 30 UniverHUv pl. plff; 1st mlg $-------; FORECLOS Jan3: Janl2: Janl3'17; A$23,- 000-30,000. 5,000 over & above 1st mtK 14TH st, 231 W (3:764-22), ns. 375 w 7 av. 25x120, 4-sly & b stn dwg; Jacob .K Gelssenhainer & Anna M Warren, EXRS Susan H Gelssenhainer, to Stephen C;ha- boud & Fulgence Moris, bolh at 229 W 14, as Joint tenants: AL; Dec20'16: Janl6 '17; A$19,500-25,000. O C & 100 17TH st, 11 E (3:846-11), ns. 225 e 5 av, runs n85.1xe2.2xn20.1D xe 25.2xs20.5xw2.2xs 86.4 to st xw25 to beg, except Pt that lies e ot line 251.6 e 5 av & 94 s 18fh, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Sherman B Townsend & Eugenia P, his wife, to Nora A Townsend, 43 I'rospect av, Montclair, NJ; ^s pt- mlg $70,000; Julyl'lS; Janl6'17; A$44,000-72,- 000. nom 17TH St. 11 E; Mary E T Frazee & Nora .■V Townsend. bolh of Montclair. NJ, to 11 East 17th St Corpn, 115 Bwav; mtg $64,- 000; Janl5: Janl6'17. nom lilTH st, 239 W, see 8 av, 184-6. lltTH st, 203 tv (3:769-5), ns, 88.3 e 8 av, runs n78.1xell.9xnl5.11xel6.3.xs94 to st xw28 to beg, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Clarence I'. Smith. 150 E 63, et al, EXRS, heirs. &c Mary H Smith, to Ethel N Dana. 123 E 53; .VugSl'lo; Janl7'17: A$15,000-22.000. nom The text ot these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to pcosecutlon.