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MANHATTAN AND BRONX New Yq.rk CJiy. SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the REAL ESTATE BUILDERS AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Entered at the Post Oflice at New York. N. Y.. as eecond class matter. Vol. XCIX No. 2551 New York, February 3, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. JAN 26-27, 29-30-31 & FEB. 1. Academy st, 688 (S;2237-41), ws, 275 n Bway, 50x153.3x50.7x145.4, 5-sty bk tnl; Delta Holding Corpn, 217 Bway, to Ceri Realty Co, 11 Cooper st, N Y C: mtg $47,- 000 & AL; Jan31; Febl'17; A$10,000-P10,- 000. O C & 100 Bank st, 121, see Greenwich, 791. Beach st, 53. see Greenwich, 58. Bedford st, 8S-90, see Grove, 20. Broad St. 11-21 (1;26'1). nec Bxch pl (Nos 53-5). runs n or nel63.Sxe or seSO.S xsw30.Sxse49.7xnel06.9 lo sws Wall (No 25) at point 156.11 se Broad xse2S.2xsw59.6 xnw4.1 xsw 57.9 xnw 5.11 xsw 13.Sxnvv-C.7xsw 101.6 lo ns pi xnwl26.2 to beg, 10-sty bk offlce bldg (Mills Bldg): A$3,500,000-4,- 175,000- also EXCHANGE PL, 51 (1:26-30), ns, 126.2 se Broad, runs se24.10xne9S.7xnw 25xswl01.6 to beg, 5-sly stn office & str bldg- A$175,000-185,000: Ogden Mills & Kuth L. his wife, at Staatsburg, NT & Elisabeth Mills Reid, at Purchase, NT, heirs Darius O Mills, lo Mills Kstate, Inc, 15 Broad; AL; Jan22: Jan39'17; AL. O C & 1,000 Burling si, 11 (1:75-7), nes. al nws Wa¬ ter (No 1S2), 19.6x56x19.10x54.10, 4-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Bernhard Lichtenstein to Fredk H Cone, 170 W 59; mlg $18,000 & A L- JanSO; Jan31'17; A$17,000-20,000. O C & 100 Cannon st, 61 (2:333-63), ws, abt 175 s Rivington, 27x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Rebecca Fuchs, 160 Tompkins av. Bklyn, lo Ignatz Leblang, 49 Clinton st, Tonkers, NY, undivided 42-100 RT&I or share; mtg $28,000- Janll; Jan26'17; A$15,000-28,500. O C & 100 Cathedral PkTvay, 52T (7:1882-15), ns, 341.8 w Ams av, 108.4x100, 9-sly bk tnt; Theo Sutro, ref, to Julius Stein, 345 Con¬ vent av, plff; mtg $263,000 & AL; FORE¬ CLOS Dec28'16; Jan29: Jan31'17; A$125,- 000-405,000. 40,000 over & above mtg & AL Cathedral Pliway, .12': Julius Stein to Aemar Realty Corpn, 322 W 107; B&S; mtg $263,000 & AL; Jan29; Jan31'17. O C & 100 Christopher sf, 17 (2:610-68). ns, abt 140 e Waverly pl, 20x90, 3-sty fr bk ft tnt; Margt A Campbell, 911 Park av, et al. to Marv C McGuire, 235 W' 75: B&S & CaG; Jan29: Jan30'17; A$10,000-10,500. nom Christopher st, nec \Vest, see West, 388- 389. Clinton st, 1S8-90, see Division. 218-22. Colllster »t, nwc Beach, see Greenwich. 58. Columbia st, 00 (2:334-50), es, 275 n Rivington, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & str; Fredk P Rehberger of Bklyn, EXR Chas J Rehberger, to Yetta Mathason, 138 Or¬ chard; mtg $24,500; Jan30; Jan31'17: A$15,- 000-32,500. 28,500 Division st, 21S-22 (1:314-40), neo Clin¬ ton (Nos 188-90). 64x67.10x26.10x90.4, 6-sty bk tnt & sirs; Benj Tepper, of Bklyn, to Jatison Constn Co, 18 E 41; mtg $95,000 & AL; Jan24; Jan29'17; A$55,000-95.000. O C & lOu Exchange pl, 51, see Broad, 11-21. iBxehanee pl. 53-5, see Broad, 11-21. Eldridee St. 197 (2:421-72), ws, 100 n Rivington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Rose Lindenberg to Esther Koppelman, 144 Rivington; mlg $26,000 & AL; Jan25; Jan 30'17; A$21,000-31,000. nom Prankfort st, 35-7 (1:103-17), ss, 118.1 w Gold, 59x107x46.6x111.4. 5 & 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: Augustus Hemenway et al, TRSTES will Augustus Hemenway, deed, lo Jos P Cullman, 39 W 71; AL; Jan 24; Febl'17: A$70,000-93,000. O C & 100 Franklin st, SO (1:175-5), ns, 175 e Church, 25.1x100x25x100, 5-stv stn loft & str bldg; Louise H wife Edw D Self, 93 Vr Via Cente Stelle, Florence,. Italy, to Hy N Dodge. 38 Washington av, Morris¬ town. NJ; Jan27'17: A$45,000-53,500. nora Front st, 3;t (1:5-13). ss, abt 70 w Coen¬ ties sl, 28x107x28x105.10, ws, 4-sty bk stor¬ age; Howard G Wallace, 3456 Bway, de¬ visee Juliet Wallace, also known as Gur- don H Wallace, to Edw W Burr, 108 E IS; Jan31'17; .\$21,000-29,000. O C & 100 Front St. ss. G6 e Dover, see South, 166. Front st, 232-4 (1:97-33). ns, 25.1 w Peek sl, 36.7x73x37.11x73, 4-stv bk stable: Wm G Ihrig of Bklyn, to The Alliance Really Co, 115 Bway; Jan4; Jan31'17; A$19,000- 27,000. O C & 100 Greenn-ich st, 58 (1:18-53), ws, abt 190 n Morris, 25x108.10x25.9x109.2. 5-sty bit storage: A$26,000-33,000; also GREEN¬ WICH ST, 60 (1:18-52). ws. 401.3 s Rector, runs W16S.4 to es Washington (No 61) xs 23.4xe58.4xs4xel08.11 to st xn26.1 to beg, 5-sty bk storage; A$26,000-33,000; also WASHINGTON ST, 507-9 (2:596-55), es, 141.10 n Spring, 40.1'(x76.9x39.11x77. 5-sty bk stable: A$20,000-25,000; also BEAC'H ST, 53 (l:214-pt lot 1). nwc CoUister. 2dx 99.9, pt 6-slv bk storage: A$------$------j also WORTH ST, 9 (1:179-8), ns, abt 130 e Hudson, 25x100, 6 stv bk loft & str bldg; .4$25,000-32,500; also WORTH ST, 11 (1:- 179-7). ns, abt 155 e Hudson, 25x100, 6- sly bk storage: A$21.500-28,000; also WORTH ST. 13 (1:179-6), ns, abt 175 e Hudson, 25x100, 6-sly bk storage: A$24.- 500-32.000; also WORTH ST, 17 (1:179-4), ns, abt 100 w West Bwav, 25x100, 6-sty bk storage, leasehold: .\$25,000-32,500: also WORTH ST, 19 (1:179-3), ns, 75.2 w West Bway. 25x100. 6-stv bk storage, leasehold: A$24,500-32,000: also property at Hemp¬ stead, LI, & personal estate: Mary E Ball, 441 E 178, Bronx, daughter of .A.bbie M Wright, to Richd W Naylor. 167 Randall av, Freeport, LI; Lyman N Jones, 55 Whaley st, Freeport, LI; Walter R Mason, at Dunwoodie Heights. Yonkers, NT, TRSTES will Jos Naylor, the undivided 21st part: AT; Jan23: Jan26'17. 12,50O Greenwich st, GO see GreenTvich, 58. Greennich St. 791 (2:624-8). es. 93.10 s 12th, runs e66.5xn30xwllxn4.5xw55.5 to st XS34.6 to beg. 4-stv bk tnt; A$ll,500-21,- 000: also B.-^NK ST, 121 (2:633-41), ns, 252.8 w Greenwich, runs wl6.5xn95xe8.llx n21.10xe7.8xsll4.2 to beg. 5-sty bk tnt: A $7,000-13,000: John D Wellenkamp of Bk¬ lvn to Augusta Wellenkamp. 209 Hewes. Bklyn; AL; JanlO; Jan26'17. nom Grove St. 20 (2:588-6). sec Bedford (No 90). 28.1x100. 6-stv bk tnt & sirs; mtg $27,000; .\$20,000-47,000: also BEDFORD ST. 88 (99) (2:588-4). es. 100 s Grove. 24 10 x6S.8x24.6x67, ss. 3-stv bk tnt; mtg $4,500- A$7,500-8.500; Gustav J Dohrenwend to Harry Goldschmidt. 183 2 av: % pt: SePt 20'16; Jan27'17. O C & 100 Houston st, 40 E (2:522-43). nwc Mul¬ berry (No 299). 35.1x100.5x25.5x98.9, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Moses H S Joseph, 271 Central Park W, et al, to Clarence W Gaylor, 359 Lenox av; AT; QC; mtg $40,- 000 & AL; JanS; Jan30'17; A$45,000-60,000. nom Houston st, 40 E, nwc Mulberry (No 299); same prop; Clarence W Gaylor, 359 Lenox av, to Louis Shulsky Co, 146 Av D; B&S; mtg $40,000: JanO; Jan30'17. nom Howard st, 8, see Lafayette, 139-45. Lafayette st, 139-45 (1:234-1), nec How¬ ard (No S), 112.4x27.5x111.8x31, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Alliance Reallv Co to Wra G Ihrig, 261 Hancock, Bklyn; mtg $48,000; Jan31'17; .^.$55,000-70,000. O C & 100 Lafayette .st. 238. see Spring. 67-73. Leonard st, 17 (1:179-50). ns, abt 200 w West Bway, 25x91, 3-sty bk stable; A$21,- 000-23,000; also 13TH ST, 117 W (2^609- 54), ns, 205 w 6 av, 20x100, 3-stv & b bk dwg; .A.$12,500-14,500; Margt A Campbell, 911 Park av & et al, to Chas I Campbell, 911 Park av; B&S & CaG; AL; Jan29; Feb ri7. nom Lewis st, 11 (2:326-19). ws, 158.4 n Grand. 16.8x100. 6-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Morris Rothenberg to Lillie Levsersohn, both at 4905 11 av, Bklyn; B&S; mtg $3,- 000 & AL; JanSl; Febl'17; A$6,000-15,000. O C & 100 Liberty st. Ill (1:60-4), ns. abt 60 w Church, 25x101.2, 5-sty stn loft & sir bldg- Wm P Eno, 1771 N st, Washington, DC, to Henry L Eno, 65 Stockton st, Princeton, NJ; B&S: Jan30'17; A$85,000-100,000. nom .Madison st, 174 (1:272-38), ss, 1S6.3 e Pike. 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Gussie Koppelman, of Bayonne, NJ, to Chas Beck¬ er, 1236 Mad av; mtg $31,000; Jan29; Jan 30'17; A$17,000-35,000. nom .Madison st, 342 (1:266-67), ss, 119.10 e Scammel, 24.2x96, 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Belli Friedman to Dora Levin, 208 W 141; -A.L; Jan25; Jan27'17: A$ll,500-20,000. O C & 100 .Monroe st, 85 (1:272-3), ns, 90.5 e Pike, runs n45.1xw5xn54.11xe25xsl00 to st xw20.2 to beg, 6-sty bk stable; Saml Kleinberg to Ernestine Jacobowsky & Cecilia R Ober, 321 W 138, as joint tenants; correction deed; mtg $20,500; Jan29; Jan30'17; A$14,- 000-24,000. O C & 100 Mulberry st, 299, see Houston, 40 E. Norfolk st, 115 (2:353-30), ws, 125 s Riv¬ ington, 25.7x100x26.6x100, 6-sly bk tnt & strs; Fannie Frankel to 115 Norfolk Street Corpn, 54 Loew av; B&S: Jan25: Jan26'17: .4$24,500-41,000. O C & 100 Norfolk st, 16G (2:355-38), es, abt 75 n Stanton, runs s25xe55.5xne51xwl00 to beg, 5-sty bk tnl & strs; Oakdale Realty Co to N Y post Graduate Medical School & Hos¬ pital; mtg $20,000; Dec30'16; Jan30'17; A $16,000-25,000. nom Oak st, 52 (1:278-34), ns, 91 e Oliver, 20 X50.3, 4-stv bk tnt & strs; A$7,000-8,000; also 0.\K ST. 34 (1:278-35). ns, 111 e Oli¬ ver, 20x50.3. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; A$J,000- 8,000; Hannah V C Bassett to Martin Ga¬ rone, 54 Oak; B&S & CaG; mtg $10,000; Febl'17. O C & 100 Oak St. 54, see Oak, 52. Peck si, 41 (1:107-12), es, abt 45 n South, 20x37, 4-sly bk str; Chas F Wallers, 83 W 119, to Jack Swartz, 66 E 96; mtg $12,- 000 & AL; Jan23; Jan30'17; A$9,000-10,500. 12,0tK> South st, 106 (1:108-5), ns, 60.2 e Dover, runs nl43 to ss Front at point 66.1 e Dover xe22.9 to land N T & Bklyn Bridge xs 116.4 & 28.5 lo South xw50.7 to beg. 1 & 2-sty bk bldg; Anna M Procter, of Bklyn, to Albt H Bragg, at Pelham, NY; B&S &j CaG. mtg $15,000; Jan26; Jan29'17; A$40,- 000-45,000. nom Sprins st. 67-73 (2:496-36-38), ns, 50.6 e Crosby, 100.3x102.6x97.9x109.1, 2-6-stv bk loft & str bldgs: mtg $50,000; A$105,000- 135,000; also LAFATETTE ST, 238 (2:496- 33), ws, 77.11 n Spring, 25.10x22.9x25.2x 29.2. l-sty bk sir; A$6,500-7,000: John Ait¬ ken, EXR, John W Aitken, to Empire Mtg Co. 46 Cedar; Janl6: Jan27'17. O C & 100 Thomas st, 68 (1:147-19), ss, abt 75 e West Bway, 25x100, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Gladys R Martin at Hotel Ritz, Lon¬ don, Eng, lo Florence C Satterwhite, for¬ merly Martin. 803 5 av; AT; Nov29'16; Jan 31'17; A$2S,000-35,000. nom Van Corlear pl, 22, see Adrian av, ss, 375 w 227. Wall St. 35, see Broad. 11-21. AVashington st, 61. see Greenwich, 58. AVashington st, 507-9. see Greenwich. 58. AVater st, GO (1:30-24). nws, abt 115 sw Old sl, 24.4x70.8x24.5x71.3, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Augustus Van H Stuyvesant to Toung & Griffin Coffee Co, 95 Water; B& S & CaG; AL; Jan27; Febl'17; A$15,500- 21,000. O C & 100 AVater st, 182, see Burling sl, 11. AAater st, 184 (1:75-6), nws, 54.10 ne Burling sl, runs nwl9.10xsw0.6xnw36xne 3.11xnw9xnel6.3xse62.7 to st xswl9.5 to beg, 5-sty blc loft & str bldg; Bernhard Lichtenstein et al to Fredk H Cone, 170 W 59; mtg $16,000 & AL; JanSO; JanSl '17; A$12,000-17,000. O C & 100 AA'atts st, 86 (2:378-33), ns, abt 150 w Varick. 21.2x80 to alley, 5-sty bk loft & sir bldg; A$S,000-16,000; also WATTS ST, 88 (2:578-34), ns, 206.4 e Hudson, runs e 21.4xn43xeO.SxnS7 to alley xwl2xswllxs70 to beg, 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; A$S,000- 15,000; Henry Mitchell et al to Mitchell Reallv Co, 692 Greenwich: B&S & CaG; mtg $20,000 & AL; Jan29; Febl'17. O C & 100 AA'atts St. 88, see Watts, 86. The text of these pages la copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.