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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 99, no. 2565: May 12, 1917

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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE of the AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. I "Entered at the Post Office at New Tork, N. T„ a» second class matter. Vol, XCIX No, 2565 New York,May];12, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. MAY 4, 5. 7, S, a & 10, Attorney st, 35 (2:346-57), ws, 150 n Grand, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Inter- Section Realty Co, 66 Bway, to Wra J Brown, 443 Central Park W; mts $26,000; May9'17; A$I6,000-26,000. O C & 100 Attomey st. OO-S (2:343-6). es. 200 s Rivington. 43.X100. 2-7-stv bk tnts & sti-s; Plain Realtv Co to Solomon H Friedman. ISOO 7 av: mtg; $61,000 & AL; Oct5'16; Mav 4'17: .\$27,000-61,000. O C & 100 Barrotv st, 111-5, see Greenwich. 644-51. ■ Bleecker st. 2S3 (2:590-50). es. 25 n Jones. 25x75. 5-stv bk tnt & sirs: Barter Realty Co to Harmon .\ckerman. 1265 49th. Bklyn; AL; MayS; May5'17: A$13.500-24.- 500. 500 . Brooiiie st, 249-51 (2:408-11), ss, 60.1 e Orchard, 40.2x87.6. 7-stv bk tnt Se strs; Jos D Goldstein, 62 W 119, et al, to Jos D Goldstein Realties. Inc, 149 Bway; mtg $55,000; Mayl; May4'17; A$35,000-62,000. nom Broome st, 203 (2:413-42) ss, 50.2 w Or¬ chard. 25.3x87.7x25.2x87.7. 5-sty bk tnt Xc strs. 2-sty ext; Jos F Muiqueen. Jr, 888 Park av, ref, to Jeanette F Bonner, 21 E 64, plft; FORECLOS Feb26; MayS; May! •17: A$-:!0.500-26,000. 25,000 CannI st, 30, see East Eway, 158. Central Park S, 200-2, see 7 av, 936. Cherry st, 216 (1:255-4), ns., 59.6 e Pike, 25.1x117.7x24.7x118.8. 6-stv bk tnt & strs: Jeanette Sterne, 2340 N Broad st, Phila, Pa; DEVISEE will Blanche Kronethal, to S Sender at Bradevelt, NJ; undivided RT &I: B&S a CaG; May7; May8'17; A$11,000- 28,000. O C & 100 Cherry st. 262 (1:256-4), ns, 78.11 e Rut¬ gers, 26.9x94.8x26.8x95.2, 5-sty bk tnt; Philip Sheitlis et al to Louis Eisenberg, 1278 Ocean Parkway, Bklyn; intff $18,000: Mayl; Mav7'17; A$I1.000-23.000. nom Crosby st, 20, see Grand. 119-31. East Broadway. 158 (1:283-70 & 75), ns, 50.4 w Ruts-ers. 25x106.9 to ss Canal (No 30), x28.5x93.6, 2-5-stv bk tnts & strs; 103d St Realtv Co, 15 E 107, to Gustav Lewko- •«'itz, 3915 Bwav: mtg $48,500 & AL; Mav3; May9'17; A$34,500-45,500. O C & 1,000 Goerck sf, Sl (2:329-71), nwo Rivington (No 320), 24.8x49.11x24.8x50, 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Rosie Rosenthal, of Bklvn, to Emma Bruestle, 132 E 23, Bklvn; B&S & CaG; AL; May7; Mayl0'17; A$12,000-20,000. nom Grand st. 129-31 (1:232-15). swc Crosbv (No 20) 50x80. 5-sty stn loft & sir bldg; Harry Biiur, ref. to Bank for Savgs. 280 4 av, plff: FORECLOS May2: MayS: Mav 5'17: A$80,000-95,000. 55.000 Greemvieh st, 044-54 (2:603-37), swc Barrow (Nos 111-5), 100.3x98.4x100x104.1, S-sty bk factory: Julius Kayser, 18 E 71. to Ideal Investing Inc. a corpn, 45 E 17; mtg $150,000 & AL; May2: May9'17: A$70.- 000-257.000. O C & 100 Hamilton pl, .'.(J-S (7:2071-53 V2-54). swo Jane st, 8; Evelyn Vail et al, heirs See Annie S Baumann, all of Rahway, NJ, et al, to same; QC; SeptSO'lO; May4'17. nom Jane st, 8; John N Bruton. of Duval Co, Fla, heir Eliza P Bruton, to same: QC; Maris; May4'17. nom Jane st, S; Jos W Bruton et al, all of Bainbridge, Ga, & heirs Eliza P Bruton, to same: QC: Janll; May4'17. nora Kine sf, .-iO-S (2:519-10), ss, 91.9 e Var¬ ick, old line, 41.8x100, 6-sly bk tnt; Abr .U Lasser to Maurice E & Milton Lasser, all at 224 Clinton st, Bklyn; AL; Oct28'15; May9'17: A$25,000-57,000. nom Ludlon- st, 153 (2:411-21), ws, 100.4 s Stanton. 25x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos Swernofsky of Bklyn to Max Kass, 399 Grand, NY; Vz pt: AL: Decll'15; MayS'I7; A$20,000-33,000 (R S $1.50). O G & 100 Mnlden la. 25 (1:65-5). nes, abt 25 w Nassau, 24.8x45.6x23.6x39. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Kalman Haas. 7 E 69 et al. EXRS, &c, David B Einstein, to Kath S Galbraith, 76 Wra, Se Jane Sanders, 150 State St. Albany. NY; mtg $100,000 & AL; Apr27: May8'17: A$1I5.000-125,000. 125,000 I«Ianhattan st, 39-41 (7:1966-41), ns, 204.11 e Ams av. 40x100. 6-stv bk tnt & strs: Bernhard Rosenslock. 600 W 165. to Everon Co. 110 Nassau: mtg $50,000: Apr 25; May5'17; A$2S,000-60,000. nom Mulberry st, 231 (2:495-34), ws, 267 s Prince, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs Sc 4- sty bk rear tnt; Philip J Cook, ref, to Bond & Mtg Guarantee Co, 175 Remsen, Eklyn; FORECLOS Aprl7; May4; May7'17: A$19,000-23,000. 13,000 Rivington st, 320, see Goerck, Sl, Boosevelt st, 137. see South. 175. Scammel st, 30 (1:266-75). es. 60.1 s Mad, 27x95, 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-stv bk rear tnt; Hutwill Really & Trading Co to Largo Corpn, 192 Bway; mtg $19,750; Jan 3; May9'17; A$ll,500-15,000. nora South st, 174. see South. 175. South st, 175 (1:108-1). nwc Roosevelt (No 137). 26.10x49x28.7x39.2. 6-stv bk tnt & strs; A$I6,000-25,000: also SOUTH ST, 174 (1:108-2). nws, 26.10 w Roosevelt. 17.10x59.4x—X02.3, 4-stv bk tnt & sir; A $8,000-11.000: Fred B Lemaire, of Bklyn, to Hedern Cornn. 752 Bwav. Bklvn: % pts; B&S: mtg $18,000 Sc AL; Mayl: May5'17. nom Soutli St. 175, nwc Roosevelt (No 137); also SOUTH ST, 174: sarae to Jos V Le¬ maire, 35 Grove. Bklyn: % pt: B&S; mtg $18,000 & AL; Mavl; Mav5'17. nom Stanton st, 334-8 (2:325-34), ns, 40 w Mangin, 39.8x70. 6-sty bk loft bldg; Maiden Lane Savgs Bank, 170 Bway. to West Farms Constn Co. 30 E 42; B&S & CaG: mtg $20,000; Mayl; May5'17: A$I5.000-31.- 000. O C & 100 Sullivan st, 30 (2:476-10-12), es, 202 s Broome, runs e86 to an allev xn34 & 10.7 xw still along allev 11.5 to ss Watts (Nos 31-9) XW71.7 to Sullivan xslS.3 to beg. 6- sty bk tnt Sc strs; Lawvers Mtg Co to Martin Garone. 54 Oak: B&S; AL: May2: Mav4'17: .A.$25,300-55.300. O C & IOO Union sq E, 30 or 4 av. 187 (3:871-84), e s, abt 55 s 16th, —x—, 5-sty bk str. 1-sty ext; all title: also AT to all real estate & 140th (No 538). 37.7x61.8x34.7x76.4, 2-3-sty chattels In N Y to which party 1st pt is & b bk dwgs: Kath S Galbraith, 76 Will iam, to Patk M Finlay, 455 E 57; AL; Mav 10'17: A$16,500-26,000. O C & 100 ■ Henry st, 218 (1:269-80), ss. 117.11 e Clin¬ ton. 23.6x100, 6-sty bk tnt; Jas A Foley, ref, to Henry Jones, 105 W 72; Sara Be;-- nard, 317 W 89. & Isaac J Danziger, 242 E 58. EXRS Morris Jones, plffs: FORE¬ CLOSED & drawn Aprl6; May9'17; A$15,- 700-31,000. 26,000 Houston st, lOS E (2:456-39), ns, abt 100 w 2 av. runs neS5.2xw3.2xn24.3xe5.10xne 40.6xse22.6xswl00 to st xnw22.6 to beg, 7- sty bk loft & str bldg; Lawrence Holding Co to Leonidas Realty Corpn, 84 5 av; B&S & CaG: AL; Marl5'17; A$21,000-41,000; cor¬ rects error in issue ot Marl7, when de¬ scription read 92 e Lodlow & as to bldg. O G & 100 Jane st, 8 (2:615-73). ss, 103.3 w Green¬ wich av. 20x64x19.8x62.1, 3-stv & h bk dwg; .\do1ph H Baumann, of Rahway, N,i, to John Fox, 8 Jape: QC: Jan2I; May4'17: A$5,500-6,000. ■ nom any manner entitled; Beverlv W Robinson of Merrick. LI. to S Gross Horwitz, 11 E 32; May7: MayS'17; A$93.500-100,500. O C & 2.000 University pl, 1 (2:548-1 & 22-23), nec Waverlv pl (Nos 27 & 29). runs n42.10ye 74.6xn57.10xe67xsl00.8xwl41.6 to beg. 3- 4-sty & b bk dwgs; Wm N Cohen, ref. to Citv Real Estate Co. 176 Bway, plff; FORECLOS Apr27; May7; May8'17; A$99,- 000-111,000. 100,000 AVashington Sn E, 80 (2:546-3), ses. 56.5 ne Ith, runs ne5Gxsel09.6xswl6xseI5.6xsw 96.5 to ns Ith (No 41) xnw25xne56.5xnwl00 to beg, fi & 7-stv bk tnt: Premium Holding Corpn to Benedict Apartment Corpn. 149 Church: mtg $100,000; Aprl7: May7'17: .\ $80,000-95.000. O O & 100 Water St. .357-9 (1:110-30). ss. abt 40 w James sT. 33.4x76. l-sty fr office & rear bldg- Alliance Realtv Co to Roger C Kipp. 299 Cumberland. Bklyn: B&S; mtg $7,000; AprlS: Mayl0'17; A$12,000-12,500. O C & XOO AVatts St. 3l-», see Sullivan, 39, AA'averly pl, 27-9, see University pl, 1. AA'hite st, 21-3 (1:178-28), ss, 100 w Church, 48.11x100.5, 6-sty stn loft & str bldg: Central Trust Co of N Y, 51 Wall, TRSTE will Elliott Zborowski, to Louis Zborowski, at Higham, near Canterbury, England; May7; Mayl0'17: A$55,000-81,000. nom AVhite st, 64-0 (1:193-1), ns, 80 w Bway, 46.1x108.8x46.11x109.3. 5-sty bk loft & sir bldg; Gouverneur M Carnochan, of New City. NY, et al, to Citizens Investing Co, 222 Lafayette: AL; AprSO: May4'17; A$80.- 000-110,000. O C & 100 AVhite st, 64-6: Citizens Investing Co to Norlin Realty Corpn. 27 William: AL: May 3; May4'17. O C & 100, AVilliam st, 93-7 (1:67-5), ws, 93 n Mai¬ den la, runs n60.3xw84.4xsl.5xw25.Gxs49.11 xe25.6xsI4.2xe35xs7.5xe48 to beg, 14-sty bR office & str bldg; Julius Kayser, 18 B 71, to Ideal Investing Inc, a corpn, 45 B 17: mtg $600,000 & AL; May2; May9'17; .K $375,000-670,000. O C & IOO 4TH st, 41 AV, see Washington sq E. 80. OTH st, 230 E (2:464-25), ss, abt 200 w 2 av, 21x65, 3-sty bk tnt & sirs; Wm J Amend, EXR Emma K Braumann, to Bak¬ ers & Consumers Compressed Yeast Co, 229 E 9: mtg $8,000 & AL; Mayl0'17: A$9.000- 11,500. O C &100 IOTH st, 293 E, see Av A, 160-4. IOTH sf, 59-67 AV (2:574-73-75). ns. 71.2 e 6 av, runs e95xn9I.10xw45.2 & 49 SxsOO.S to beg. 2-6-sty bk tnts: Citizens Investing Co to Gouverneur M & Frederic J Carno¬ chan, both at New Citv, NY: mtg $140,000 & AL; MayS; May4'17: A$83,000-$------. O C & 100 ISTH st, 16 E (3:846-65). ss. 175.6 w Bwav, 23.10x94. 9 & lO-stv stn oftice & str bldg; Louis Bowsky, 438 W 116, to 1889 Lexington JKve Co at SO Maiden la: B&S & CaG: mtg $100,000 & AL: May7; Mav8'17; .•\$45,000-100.000. O C & 100 20TH st, 240 AV (3:769-60), ss, 530 w 7 av, 24x93.2x24x92.7. 4-sty bk tnt & 2-sty bk office; Nicholas Sc Peter Hasselberger, of Bayside, LI. EXRS Cath Dierkes (Kell¬ er) to Beni Ehrman. 52 E 89: mtg $4,000: Apr28: May4'17: .\$13,500-15,000. ll.OOO S2D st, 332 AV (3:745-55), ss, 395.7 e 9 av, 20.10x98.9, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Rebecca E Hersev. 312 W 51, to Anna wife Rav¬ mond S Wood. 322 W 57: AprSO; May7'17; A$ll,000-14,500. O C & IOO 25TH St. 240 W (3:774-62). ss, 375 w 7 av, 15x78.9. 4-stv bk dwg: Frank Callahan to Edw T Kennard. 789 West End av: mtg $7,250 & .-^L; MayS; May5'17; A$8.000-10.- 000. O C & 50 31ST st, 202 AV (3:780-45), ss, 75 w 7 av, 25x97.4x25x97.6,, 5-stv bk tnt; 'Stuvvesant Real Estate Co to Ephraim B Levy, 2 W 72; CaG; Mayl; May7'I7; .\$40.000-45.000. O C & 100 .33D sf, 308-10 E, see 96th. 19 W. SSD St. S12-4 E, see 96th. 19 W. S5TH st, 329-31 AV (3:759-23-24), ns, 322.11 w 8 av. 51.1iy2x98.9. with AT to Vz inch strip ad.i on w. 2-5-sty stn tnts: Thos Reynolds to Hyman Orlean. 29 W 104; mtg $50.000;,May2: May5'17; A$31.000-62.000. nom SSTH St. 329-31 AV: Hyman Orlean to Mary E Reynolds. 27 W 96; mtg $50,000: Mav4: Mav5'17. nom. .WTH st, 44 AV (3:857-70). ss. 520.1 w 5 av, 16.7x98.9. 4-sty stn. loft bldg; Col- lingwood Realtv Co, 45 W. 35, to Seth H Moselev. 45 W 35: mtg $38,000 & AD; May 8- MavI0'I7: A$41.000-44.000. nom 37TH St. 253-7 AV (3:787-14-16). ns, 150 e 8 av, 50x98.9, 3-4-sty bk dwgs; Richd Val¬ lender, 3209 Park av, Bronx, to Lucien A Dubernet at Rutherford. NJ: mtg $86,000, on above & No 251 W 37th st; AprSO'lS; Mav5'17: .\$fi4.500-70.500. nom SSTH st 22 E. see M.idfRo.n av. 241-5. 39TH "st. 216-20 AV (3:788-60). ss. 166.G w 7 nv 123.4x98.9. 12 X- 13-sty bk loft bide- Julius K.Tvser. 18 E 71. to Idenl In¬ vesting Inc. a crirpn. 45 E.17: mtg JIJO-OOO. on w 62,10 ft & AL: May2: Ma:^^!/:,^ $217,000-560,000, O C & 100 The text of t-hese paged la copyrlghteiJ, Ml rights aro reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infrlngeroent will leaa to proseoutJoT.