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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the REAL ESTATE ^0 AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leas«s, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendent, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real EsUte, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manluittan. "Bntared at the Post Office at New Tork. N. T.. aa second oUm Matter. Vol. XCIX No. 2568 New York, June 2, 1917. CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. MAY 25, 26, 28, 29 Se 31, Attorney st, awe Delancey, see Pearl, 293. Barclay st, 123, see Front, 221. Caroline st, i::-14, see Jay, 48-50. Chambers .st, 101, see Bway. 890-2. Charlton st, 16-24 (2:506-20-24), ss, 315.1 e Varick, 93x100.1, 5-2-sty & b bk dwgs; A $42,100-44.500; also CH.A.RLTON ST, 27-31 (2:519-58-60), ns, 230 e Varick, 59.10x100.4 x59.10x100.5, 3-3-sty & b bk dwgs; A$2S,- 500-31,500; also CHARLTON ST. 37-41 (2:- 519-63-65), ns, 118.4 e Varick. 71.3xl00.5x 71.2x100.6, 3-3-sty & b bk dwgs; A$34,000- 37,000; Rector, etc, of Trinity Church. 1S7 Fulton, to Wm S Coffin, 13 W 67: AL; Mav 29'17. O C & 100 Charlton st, 27-31, see Charlton, 16-24, Charlton st. .37-41, see Charlton, 16-24. Cherry st, ISSVa & 185 (1:243-69-70). ss, 176.6 e Market sl. 50.2x59.11x50.5x59.10. 2- 3-sty bk tnts Sc strs; Jas A Lynch, ref. to B F Keating Co. 452 Water; KURECLOS Apr26; .May23; May25'17; A$9,000-10,000. 11,425 Church st, 160-6, see Bway, 890-2. Colnmbia st, 101 (2:334-19). swc Stanton (Nos 267-9), 25x75, 6-sty bk tnt Se sirs; Caroline Baierlein, B of Q, to Theresia Muller, 155 Hendrix, Bklyn; May23; May 29'17; A$24,000-42,000. nom Delancey st, 178, see Pearl. 293. Delancey st, 190 (2:343-35), ns, 92.4 w Ridge, 22x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear loft bldg; Fannie Lefkowitz to Tillie Goodman, 22 Suffolk; AL; May25'17; A$17.500-22,000. nora Division st, 259 (1:287-44), ss, 108 e Montgomery, 20.6x42, 3-sty bk tnt & str: Jacob Margulies, 259 Division, to Jewish M.aternity Hospital, 270 East Bway; mts: $7,000: .A.pr24: May26'17: A$5,500-6,500. nom East Broadway, 259 (1:286-21), swo Montgomery (Nos 10-12). 23x95, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Isadore Kahn to Number Eleven Realtv Co, 291 Edgecombe av; mtg $54,250 & AL; May25; May28'17: .\ $27,000-48,000. nora EInrood st, 72-6 (8:2172-48), ws, 225 n Nagle av, 62,6x100, 5-sty bk tnt: East 97th St Corpn to Sonsin Holding Corpn, 570 B 161: mtg $55,000; MaylS; May26'17: A$-------$-------. O C & 100 Elwood St. 78-82 (8:2172-46). ws, 287.6 n Nagle av, 62.6x100, 5-sty bk tnt; East 97th St Corpn to Sonsin Holding Corpn, 570 B 161; mtg $55,000; Mayl5: May26'17; A$------- $-------. O C & 100 Essex st, 77-9 (2:409-58). ws, 88.6 n Eroome, runs nw87.7xne21.9xnw0.2xne22.I xseS7.10 to st XSW43.8 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Fannie Lefkowitz to Isaac Lefko¬ witz. 154 Delancev; AL: May25'17; A$3S.- 000-62,000. nom Forsyth st, 77 (1:305-25), ws, 175 s Grand. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & o- sty bk rear tnt; John H Rogan, ref, to Shepherd Knapp, 8 Institute rd, Worces¬ ter, Mass, individ Se acting TRSTE will Shepherd Knapp, deed (Elsie K Powell & Kate L Knapp, TRSTES), plffs FORE¬ CLOSED Sc drawn & recorded Mav29'17: A$20,200-28,000. 22,000 Front st, 43 (1:34-2), ss, 25.3 e Coenties sl, 25.7x50.8x35.5x50.4, 5-sty bk loft & sir bldg; City Real Estate Co to Seamens Church Institute of N Y, 25 South st; B& S; mtg $14,000 & AL: Apr23: Mav31'17; A $14,500-19.000. O C & 100 Front St. 221 (1:97-22). ses, 116.7 ne Beekman, 16.9x70.10x16.8x70.9, 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; A$6,500-8,000;" also FRONT ST, 223 (l;97-23). ses. 133.4 ne Beekman. 16.9x 70.Ilxl5.Px70.10. 4-stv bk loft & str bldg; A$6.500-S.000; also PEARL ST, ?18 (1:70- 23), ses. 74.5 ne Fletcher, runs ne29.9xse35.9 Se 79.7xsw20.6xnwl22.9 to beg. 5-stv bk loft & str bldg; A$24,000-35,000; also PEARL ST, 220 (1:70-24), ses, abt 125 sw Burling sl, 20x103.6x20.4x100.7. ws. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$17.000-24.000; also BARCLAY ST. 123 (99) (1:128-25. ns. 132.11 e West. 22.10x100.3x22.8x99.II. 5-stv hk storage; A$26.500-36,000: Frederic Galla¬ tin, 2 B 55, to Almy Realty Corpn, 141 Eway; AL; May28; May29'17. nora Front St, 223, see Front, 221. Jacobus pl, nws nt nes 225th, see 225th W, nes at nws Jacobus pl. James st, 95 (1:111-35), ws, 75.1 s Ba¬ tavia, 25.2x43.7 to es New Chambers (No 83), x33.Sx66, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs; Michael A Rofrano to Felicia Campbell. 34 Madi¬ son; % nt; .\T; B&S & CaG; mtg $7,500; May26; May29'I7; A$9,000-12,000. O C & 100 Jny st, 4S-30 (32-4) (I;I42-2S), sec Caro¬ line (Nos 12-14), 52.10x59.1x53.5x59.9, 6- sly bk storage; FF Freehold Estates, Inc, 26 Liberty, to Standard Cold Storage Corpn, 48-50 Jay; mtg $38,000: May29; Mav 3ri7; A$40.000-58,000. O C & 100 Laight st, 71-7, see Washington, 401-11. Lewis st, 4 (2:326-32), es, 58.9 n Grand, 20x40.1, 3-sty bk tnt; Jas Olwell. 161 Ful¬ ton av, Astoria, B of Q, to Albert B Cory, 95 Lenox rd. Bklyn, TRSTE in bankruptcy Jas Olwell, bankrupt; Apr20; May29'17- A $3,000-4,000. nom Lewis st, 4; Albert B Cory, TRSTE in bankruptcy of Jas Olwell, bankrupt, to Chas V\ Sloane at Sands Point, Ll; AT- B.^ S; May25; May29'17, 200 Liberty St. 128, see Bway, 890-2. Madison st, 34-6 (1:116-17), ss, 59.8 w James. 37.6x50.2x38.1x50.2. 3 & 4-sty bk tnts & strs: Michael A Rofrano to Felicia Campbell, 34 Madison: B&S: mtg $16,500; May26; May29'17; A$15,000-22,000. O C & 100 niadison st, 34-6 (1:116-17). ss, 59.8 w James, 37.6x50.2x38.1x50.2. 3 & 4-sty bk tnts & strs; Vincent C Pepe to Michael A Rofrano, 5 James Vz pt mtg $27,500; Apr 7'09; May29'17; A$15,000-23.000. O' C & 100 Mercer st, 200 on map 198, see Bway, 890-2. Mercer st, 202-4, see Bway, 890-2. Mercer st, 298-300. see Bway. 890-2. Monroe st, 173 (1:269-12)., ns, 116.5 w Montgomery. 23.1x100x23.3x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Isidor Sholtz to Marie Kahrs, 1493 Edgewater rd; mtg $27,600 & AL; Mav 24: May25'17: A$13,000-26,000. O C & 100 Monroe st, 279 (1:265-3). ns, 50.2 e Jack¬ son, 25x95, 6-sty bk tnt; Gussie Lefko¬ witz. 255 Ft Washington av. to Cily Zu- louf, 1552 43d, Bklyn; mtg $29,000 & AL; May35; May26'17; A$9,000-33.500. O C & 100 Montgomery st, 10-12, see East Bwav, 259. Morris st, 22-4, see Bway, 890-2. New Chambers st, 83, see James, 95. New st, .'52-4. see Bwav. 890-2. Pearl st, 218-20, see Front, £21. Pearl sf. 293 (1:98-47). nws. 75 ne Beek¬ man. 25.10x99x25.10x100. vacant; A ex¬ empt-exempt; also DELANCEY ST, 178 (2:348-70), nwc .attorney. 25x100. 3-sty bk theatre & hall; -A.-e.xemot-exempt; City N Y to Salem Land Co, 20 Exchange pl; Mav2i: May31'17. exch Pitt st, .30-3 (2:337-7). es, 112.9 n Broome. 37.6x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Abr B Keve, ref. to Citizens Savgs Bank. 56 Bowerv, plff; FORECLOS May21; Mav31 '17: .4$23,000-46,000. 3S.0OO Prince st. 13S (2:501-15). ss, 75 e West Bway. 25x101. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg: Wm P Devine of Bklvn to Harold C M.nthews, 14 E 69- mtg $34,000 & AL; Nov 6'16: Mav29'17; A$17.nn0-27.000. no.m Ridfte St. 78 (2:343-42). es. 100 n De¬ lancey. 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$15,- 000-29.000; also AV C. 78 (2:375-5), es, 102.6 s 6th, 18.9x92.8, 5-stv bk tnt & strs; .■^$14.000-22.000: also IITH ST. 521 E (2;. 405-51), ns. 270.6 e Av A. 25x103.3. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A$13.000-24.000: Irving Sol¬ omon cf Bronx to Rosie Solomon. 616 E 168. Bronx, as TRSTE in trust for party 1st pt until he reaches 30 yrs of age: A T; B&S: Mavl8: Mav29'17. nom St Marks pl. RS (2:449-18). ss. 300 e 2 av, 25x97.6, 6-sty bk tnt ,^ strs; East 46th St Re.altv Corpn to Milton Mayer. 97 Lock- wood av. New Rochelle. NY: mtg $29,000: Mav21: Mav2fi'17: .\$lS.nnn-34.000. nom St Marks pL 70 (2:409-24). ss. 175 w 1 av. 25x97.6. with AT to land bet above to cl of 8th St. 4-stv bk tnt & strs: Saml Cohen to Rose Cohen, his wife, 70 St PRICE 20 CENTS Marks pl; AL; May28; May29'17: A$18,000- 25,000. nom St Nicholas pl. 11 (7:2065-31), nwo 150th, 64x23.6 to es St Nicholas av (No SOO) X65.5 to 150th x9.9. 3-sty & b bk dwg; -Archer M Huntington to Geo C Heye. 375 Park av; B&S; AL; May25; May31'17; .\ $11,000-14,000. O C & 100 South St. 4-5, see Bway. 890-2. South st, 17 (1:5-28), ns, abt 50 e Broad, 28x77, 7-stv bk office & str bldg; Richd W Block, of Bklyn, & ano, to A J Barker Savage, at Malverne. LI; B&S & CaG: mtg $35,000; May21: May25'17; A$19,500-34,00i). nom South st, 17; Juliette C Block. Individ & EXTRX Richd W Block, deed, to same; mtg $35,000; May21: May25'17. nom Stanton st, 158 (2:350-34), ns, 75 e Suf¬ folk, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Wm Bondv, ref. to Solomon Kirshbaum, 113 E 91: FORECLOS Mavl: May31'I7; A$I9,000-25,500. 25.330 Stanton st, 267-9, see Columbia. 101. Thompson st, 58 (2:488-3), es, abt 108 n Broome, 18.9x94, 3-sty bk tnt & str & 4- stv bk rear tnt; Edigio D'Allesandro, 5S Thompson, to Nicola Galgano. 189 W 10; AT; mtg $11,000 & AL; Sept22-16: May23 '17: A$10.000-14,000. nom Van Corlear pl, sws, see 225th W, nes at nws Jacobus pl. Warren st, 30 (1:135-13). ns. 25 e Church, 25x100, 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Rector, etc, of Trinity Church, 187 Fulton, to Francisco Garcia. 215 Hancock. Bklyn. & Jose Garcia, 30 Reina, Havana, Cuba; B.& S; May31'17: A$73,000-80,000. O C & 100 Washington st, 20-2, see Bway. 890-2. Washine-ton st. 401-11 (1:217-14). sec Laight (Nos 71-7). 125x80. 6-sty bk fac¬ tory & mill; Ragus Tea & Coffee Co lo Union Paciflc Tea Co. a corpn, 71 Laight; Mav28'17; A$S0,000-I55,000. nom Water st, 46, see Bway, 890-2. Water st, 48, see Bway. 890-2. West St. 24-5, see Bway. 890-2. West St. 26-7, see Bway. 890-2. W^est st, 27 on map 27-9, see Bway, 890-2. W^est st, 28, see Bway. 890-2. STH St. 379 E (2:378-51). ns. 293.1 w Av D. 24.9x93.11. 4-stv bk tnt; Hv J & Saml Schumacher. TRSTES will Henry Schu¬ macher, to Mamie Muth (formerly Schumacher). 409 W 129; May22; Mav25'17; A$12.500-15.000. nom 9TH st, ,309 E (2:451-57). ns, 125 e 2 av, 25x92.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Louis & Lena Daum, 69 W 97. to Annie Werner. 911 E 176; mtg $31,000 & AL; May26; May28'17: A$I6.nOO-25.000. nom IITH st, .'521 E. see Ridge. 78. IITH st, 646 E (2:393-30). ss, 83 w Av C, 25x94.9, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Abr A Sil¬ berberg to Bessie Silberberg, both at 64 B 91; mtg $30,000; May25'17; A$12,000-17,000. nom 13TH St. 53-4 E, see Bway, 890-2. 14TH St. 2.34 W. see 10 av. 196-8. 17TH St. 40-2 W (3:818-73). ss. 575 w 5 av. 50x92, 12-stv bk loft & str bidg: Jacob Hertzberg, 137 W 115, to 40 West 17th St Corpn. 128 Bwav; mtg $200,000 & AL; May 23- May25'17; A$62 500-180.000. nora 17TH st, 100-2 W. see 6 av, 265-7. 19TH St. 23-7 E, see Bway. 890-2. 19TH St. 134 E (3:874-53). ss, 194.2 w 3 av, 23.1x92. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Eliz C Mc¬ Cartin. 274 Barrow st. Jersey City. NT. EXTRX Marv E McCartin. to Fredk J Sierner. 154 E 63; mtg $15,000 & AL; May 31'17; A$22,300-24,500. O C & 100 19TH st, 235 E (3:900-22). ns. 166 w 2 av. 22x92. 3-stv & b bk dwg; Ashbel P Fitch, ref, to Missionarv Sisters of the Sacred Heart, 229 E 19: PARTITION SALE Aprl2; Apr27; May25'17; A$ll,700-14,500. 13,250 20TH st, 20-4 E. see Bway. 890-2. 21ST st, 162-66% W. see Bway. 890-2. 22D st, 34 E. see Bwav. 890-2. 22n st, 474-82 W. see 10 av. 196-8. 23n St. l.'^S W (3:798-74). ss. 175 e 7 av. 22 6x98 9. 7-stv bk loft & str bldtr; Mentor Realtv Co to Saml Hevman. 285 Central PprkW; AL; Mayll: May29'17: A$45.50^ 76,000. ""™ The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. _ Nptfcp is herg^y given that Infringement wUJ lead to prosecut on.