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MANHATTAN AND BRONX y SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION . .. REAL ESTATE of the AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and SatisRed Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction S£jes, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estato Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics* Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Bntered at th« Post Office at New York. N. Y., &■ second class mattsr. Vol. C No. 2573 New York, July 7, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. JUNE 29, 30. JUL.Y 2, 3 & 5. Baxter st, 6G (1:167-47), nwc Franklin (Nos :i-4). 25x70x25x69. nes, 5-sty bk tnt ic strs; Amelia GoUand to Isaac GoUand, 22 W 12tJ: mtg $2o,UUU & AL.; July2; July 3'17; A$3l>,OOU-41,000. nom Bayard st, S3 (1:164-21), ss. abt 75 w Mott, 25x75x22x75, 5-sty bk tnt & fltra; Israel Weschanski to Morx-is aUniansky, 1S45 7 av; nitg $14,600; July3: July5'17; A$14,000-25,000. O C & 100 Bedford st, ©3 (2:584-37). nwc Morton (No 2y^i), 20x50, 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Eliz M Higgins to Luke Hi-^-ins. 370 St Nich¬ olas av; Aug;22'12; July2'17; A$7,000-13.- 000. nom Bedford st, 63 (2:584-37), nwc Morton (No 2d\ii), 20x50. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: A?7.000-13.000: also CARMINE ST. 39 <2:- 5SG-37), ns, abt 125 e Bedford, 25x100, 5- sty bk tnt & str; A$14,000-22.000; Luke Higgins to Eliz M McBennett, 240 W 130; June21: July2'17. nom Broome st. 107 (2:336-40). sec Willett (Nos 16-S). 25x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Bernard A Ottenberg to Ray Gronich, 470 Convent av; nitg: $25,000 & AE; June29'17; A$15,000-24,000. O C & 100 Carmine st, 39 (2:586-37). ns, abt 125 o Bedford, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Eliz M Higgins to Luke Higgins. 370 St Nich¬ olas av; Aus22'12; July2'17; A$14.000-22.- 000. nom Carmine st. 39, see Bedford, 63. Clark st, 22 (2:490-9), es, 150 s Spring, 25x90, vacant; Rector &c of Trinity Church, 187 Fulton, to Aborn Steel Co. 105 Leroy; EAcS; AL; June2S: June29'17: A$10,- 000-10,000. O C & 100 Daane st, ISTYs, see Greenwich, 322. East Broadway, 133 (1:283-38). ss. 160 e Pike, 25x75, 5-sty bk tnt &. strs; Sam! Kemer to Abr H Rosenberg. & Libbie, his wife, 1845 7 av, as tenants by entirety; B&S; nitg $20,000 & AL; June27: June29 '17: $20,500-28.000. gift Franklin st, 2-4, see Baxter, 66. Greenwich st, 322 (1:142-1), nwc Duane (No lS7i/-iJ, 50x20. 3-sty bk tnt & str; Melville H Beams, of Bklyn, tQ Chas L O'Shea. 99 Claremont av; AL; June25; July3'17; A$21,000-28,000. O C & 100 Greenwich st, 322 (1:142-1), nwc Duane (No 1871/j), 50x20, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas L O'Shea, of Bklyn, to Melville H Beams. 95 Joralemon, Bklyn; mtg $20,00J & AL; July2: July5'17; A|2l,000-28,000. O G & 100 Houston St. 341 E (2:345-49), ss, 25 o Ridge, 25x75. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Paulina Goldstein to Mamie T Schatzberg, 341 B Houston; mtg $18,000; June28; June29'17: A$17,500-25,000. O G & 100 Kins st, 1 (2:520-84). ns., 39.2 w Mc- Dougal, runs n26xw2,4xnel2 & 33.10xnw 5.2xwi3.3xs72.10 to st xelS.4 to beg. 5-sty stn tnt: Giuseppe Tomasulo, at 47 51st. Forest Hills. NY. to Michele Navazio. 2 King; mtg $10,000; June30: July2'17- A $7,500-12,500. O C &'lOO Mercer st, 79 (2:485-29), ws, 201.4 n Broome, 24.10x—x24.9xl00. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Burden Realty Corpn to Etagloc Holding Co, 59 William; mtg $24 000 & AL: July2; July3'17; A$17,000-29.000'. ,, _ O C & 100 Morton st, 29*^, see Bedford, 63. io?^"%^/.*.**, ^-*^ (1:251-8). nee South (No 195), 55x19.1x04.11x19. 5-sty bk tnt & strs- Morris Weinstein. of Wash, DC. to 195 V^^'^^nP*^ ^^- ^ corpn; mtg $9,750; June21; June23 17: A$7,500-12.000: corrects error In last issue, when second line was omitted. Ridge st, lis (2:344-43). nws. 15o"^ne Rivington, 25x100, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Max lannenbaum. 790 Riverside Dr. to Anpl ^-^fli^ ^^' •^^' Junes; July2il7: A$13.500'- 22.500. . . O C & 100 Rivington at. 185 (2:343-15). ss, 100.7 W Ridge, 25x100.5. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 6- sty bk rear tnt; Abr C Weingarten to Weinten Realty Corpn, 309 Bway; mtg $38,000: June28; June30'17; A$20,000-28.- 500. nom Rose st, 53 (41) (1:114-20), ss, abt 165 w Pearl, 23x92.6x26.3x92.6, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Broadway Mtg & Investing Cd to Jacob Goldstein, 2o3 Tompkins av, Lklyn; B&S & CaG; AL; June30; July5'17; ?13,000-19.500. nom St Marks pi, 6 (2:463-12). S3, 100 e 3 av, 26xl2u, 5-sty bk bath house; Wm Barth. 90 Pitt, to David Wasser. 16 St Marks pi; B&S; AL; MaylO; Juiy2'17: A$20,000-57.- 000. nom South st, 195, see Oliver, 104. Spriufc st, 150 (132) (2:487-26). ss, abt 60 w Wooster. 20x80. 4-sty stn loft & str bldg; Rudolph L Cherurg. 559 W 164. to Spring Holding Co. 299 Bway; AL; June27; June30'17; A$12.000-17.000, nom Sullivan st. 61 (2:489-4), ses, 63 n Broome, 21x80, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Clotilde L Guarnieri et al to Giambat- tista Monteverde & Ameli_a, his wife, 11 Watts, as tenants by entirety; mtg $13.- 000 & AL; July2; July3*17; A$io,500-15,0'00. nom Sylvan pi, nee 120th, see 120th, 165-71 E. Water st, 233 (1:97-49). ss, 66.7 e Beek- man. 16.8x73.11x16.7x72.11, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Dan! A O'SuUivan, of Staten Island, E of R. to Valentine Lynch, 753 E 165; Va pt; mtg $9,000; Mar24: July5'17; A$9,500-14.O0O. O C & 100 "WUlett st, l(J-8, see Broome, 107. Willett St. G5 (2:338-23), ws. 125 s Riv¬ ington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Sig- mund Kraus to Oscar Miller. 800 E 160; mtg $22,000; June28: July2'17: A$15.000- 24,000. ■ O C & 100 "Wooster st, 150 (2:514-9), es. 195 s Hous¬ ton, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Benj Ber- instein, ref. to Marie C Nelson. 5 E 86. plff; PORECLOS June25; June28: June29'17; A $15,500-20,000. 15,000 3D st, 45 E (2:445-64), ns, 60 e 2 av, 20 X48.1, 3-sty bk tnt; Theresa Dorfmann to Regina Routenberg, 45 E 3; mtg $6,000- July3; July5'17: A$S,000-10,000. O C & 100 4TH St. IGC W (2:590-31), ws. 76 n Cor¬ nelia, 20.3x47.11x20x50.10. 5-sty bk tnt; Frank T Warburton, 46 Cedar, ref, to Bertha Steinberg, 546 Eastern Pkway. Bklyn; FORECLOS May31; Junel; JulyS '17: A?6,500-12,000. 500 5TH St. 400 E, see 1 av 82. 5TH St. 422 E (2:432-20), ss. 275 w Av A. 25x96.2, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; 173d St Realty Co to Esther Koppelman, 144 Riv¬ ington; mtg $18,000; July3'17: A$15,000- 19.000. "^ nom 7TH st, 229 E. see Av C. 107-9 9TH st, 55 W (2:573-72). ns, 248.10 e 6 av, 22.2x92.3, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Wm E Podesta, of Scarsdale. NY. to Lorenzo A Cuneo, 21 W 8; V2 pt; mt- $18,200- June 29; June30'17- A$14,000-16.000. nom IITH St. 631 E (2:394-53). ns, 233 w Av C. 37.6x103.3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; S How¬ ard Cohen, ref, to Margt M Roeth 1441 Dorris. & Geo Muh. at Valley Stream, LI: FORECLOS Aprl9; July3: July5'17- A$20.000-44,000. 32,000 ISTH st, 15 E, see Bway. 873-9. ISTH St. 17 E, see Bway 873-9 20TH St. 201-3 W, see 7 av. 342. 30TH Hi 25 E, see 30th. 27-9 E .-SOTH st, 27-9 E (3:860-24) ns. 110 e Mad av, 40.4x98.9. 7-sty bk tntj A$100,000- 120,000; also MADISON AV, 121 (3:860-22) nee 30th (No 25). runs n96.3xe90xn23.3x(^ 10xs20xel0xs99.6 to st xwllO to beg 12- Jty bk tnt; A$433.000-622.000: Vance Hewitt, ref. to Bank for Savgs, 280 4 av plff: FORECLOS June29; July2: July3'17. 37TH st 300-11 W (3:761-28-29). ns. *125 w 8 av. 50x98.9. 2-5-sty-bk tnts & strs: Aaron Coleman to Amco Realty, a corpn. 11S2 Bway; B&S: mtg $45,000 & AL; June 16; Julyo'17: A$30,000-62,000. O C & 100 3STH st, 107-9 W (3:814-30-31). ns. 100 w 6 av, 40x98.9, 4-sty stn hotel; Harriet S Fischer (James) to Remainder Realty Co, 690 6 av; AL; Junel5: July3'17; A$116.000- 118,000. O C & 100 43D st, 400-0 E, see 1 av. 756-68, 51ST st, 23S E (5:1324-34), SS, 200 W 2 av, 16.3x100.5. 3-sty & b stn dwg; Mary, wife, & Mayer Zalka^ to Pesach Salzman, 69 Suffolk; mtg $8,000 & AL; June29; July 3'17; A$6.000-8.000. O C & 100 SOTH st, 33S-40 W (4:1046-52), ss. 275 e 9 av, 50x100.5, 6-sty bk tnt; Hunts Point Realty Co to Henry J Schwartz. 600 West End av; B&S & CaG; June28; June29'17; A$41,000-85,000. O G & 100 OlST st, 347 E (5:1436-20), ns, 132.4 w 1 av. 23x100.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Sophie MuUer, of Lklyn, to Emil Muller, 229 E 126; mtg $12,000; June25: July5'17: A$8,- 000-18,000. O C & 100 65TH st, 310-6 W (4:1176-43). ss, 200 w West End av. 84.11 to es land N Y C & H R R R Co xl04.3x57.1x100.5. 2 & 3-sty bk stable; Thomas & Buckley Hod Elevator Co to N Y State Realty & Terminal Co, at 450 Lex av; mtg $24,000 & AL; June27; June29'17: A$18.000-28,000. O C & 100 07TH st, 205-17 E (5:1422-5). ns, 100 e 3 av, 225x100.5, 1 & 5-sty bk Central Opera House; Kroywen Realty Co. 30 E 42< to Central Opera House Co, 205 E 67; mtg $117,500 & AL; June27: June29'17; A$114.- 000-225,000. O C & 100 CSTH st, 37 E (5:1383-26), ns, 125 e Mad av, 25x100.5, 5-sty & b bk dwg; Marshall J Dodge to Herbert Scoville. at Salisbury, Conn; mtg $55,000 & AL; June29: July3'17: A$70,000-105,000. O C & 100 OSTH st, 38 E (5:1382-46), ss, 159 e Mad av. 16x100.5, 5-sty stn dwg; Martin T Manton to Thos Bodger. 501 W 122; mtg $32,000; June30; July3'17; A$40,000-60,000. nom 72D st, 271 W (4:1164-1). nec West End av (No 260). 25x100, 4-stv & b bk dwg; Spencer Aldrich, at B'ayshore, LI, to Mary L Shanley. 10 Johnson av. Newark, NJ; mtg $50,000 & AL; Junel; June30'17; A $85,000-95.000. O C & 100 73D st, 272 W (4:1164-60). ss. 100 e West End av. 18x100, 4 & 6-sty & b bk dwg; Herman A Heydt, ref. to John M Ferry. 31 W 45, Bayonne. NJ; FORECLOS June25: June28: July2'17; A$21,000-29,000. 20,000 74TH st, 11 E (5:1389-9), ns. 200 e 5 av, 20x102.2, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Graham Lusk to Emily Hesslein, 65 W 49; mtg $18,000 & AL; Junel4: July3'17; A$64,000- 72,000. O C & 100 SOTH st, 529-33 E (5:1577-18-20), ns, 14S w East End av (Av B). 7^x102.2, va¬ cant; Peter Damm, 518 E 80, to Flelsch- mann Vehicle Co, 518 E 80; mtg $18,000; June29: Julyo'lT; A$22.500-22,500. O C & 100 SOTH st, 219-21 W (4:1228-20), ns. 275 J7 Ams av, 50x102.2, 7-sty bk tnt; Anna Wood. 322 W 57. to Wm H MacKnight. 2971 Marion av; AL; July2; July3'17; A $48,000-110,000. O C & 100 SIST st, 21G E (5:1526-40), ss. 203.4 e 3 av. 25.5x102.2. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Arcy Realty Corpn to Chas Rubinger, 1990 7 av; mtg $15,000; also another mtg $------; June 15: June29'17! A$ll,000-24.000. nom SIST at, 155 W (4:1212-12V2), ns, 290 e Ains av. 17.6x102.2. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Kdvj Carr, ref. to Dry Dock Savgs Instu, 341 Bowery, plff; FORECLOS June29: Julv 5-17; A$14,500-16,000. 14,000 SIST st, 2.-;o-0 W, see Bway. 2251-9. S4TH st, 208 W (4:1231-40). S3, 170 w Ams av. 26x102.2, 5-sty sta tjit; Ellen M Round, of Wilkes-Barre. Pa. to Sylvan Mtg Co. 2211 Bway: mtg $18,000; June29: July3'17: A$22.000-30,000. O C & 100 87TH st, 140 W (4:1217-48), ss. 390 w Col av. 20x100.8, 4-stv & b stn dwg: Alli¬ ance Realty Co to Sconset Realty Corpn, 111 Bway; B&S: mtg $20,000 & AL; June 30'17; A$19,000-25.000. O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.