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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE This section includes all recorded Conveyances, MisceUaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assigtiments of Mortgages aad Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales. Real Estatfi Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Nev? Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan, "SnterAd at th« Post Office at New York. N. Y.. as second class aattsr. Vol. C No. 2583 New York, September 15, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCQS. Borough of Manhattan. SEPT. 7, 8, 10. 11. 12 6c 13. Allen st, 14. see Canal, 67-71. Attorney st, 35 (2:346-57). ws, 150 n Grand. ^ioxlOU, 5-stv bk tnt Sc strs; Wm J Brown to Elemco Really Co, 59 Liberty: BSzS: Sepl7; tieptS'lT. A$15,UUO-24,000. nom Beekman pl, :;7 (5:13ti2-20), es, 60.5 n 50lh. :^uxiUU, 4-sty 6c b stn dwg: Edw C Baumert to Caroline Baumert, his wife, both at 27 Beekman pl; mtg $13.UOU & AL; Septll; Septl2T7; A$b.UUU-10.0U0. nom Cuuul st, 07-71 (l;2yu-38-3y). nec Allen (No 14J, 50x55.6, 3-5-sty bk tnts & strs; Harris Youdelman, 3S4 Vernon av. Bklyn. to Louis D Livingston. 1127 Forest av. Sc Minnie Lieberman. 1125 Forest av; QC; Dec23'14: SeptlU"17: A$57,500-76.5u0. nom Charles st, 110, see Hudson, 533. Cuaritun st, :;g (2:506-19), ss, 324.5 e Varick l.oid iine). 23.1x100.4. 2-sly & b bk dwg; A$12,0uu-12,500; also CHARLTON ST, 28 (2:506-18). ss, 299.8 e Varick (old line). 25x100. 2-sly & b bk dws; A$12,0OU- 12.5U0: aiso CHAKLTON ST. 30 (2:506-17). ss, abl 2su e Varick (old line). 24.3x100. 2- sty & b bk dwg; A$12.Uu0-12.5U0; also CHAKLTON ST. 32 (2:5U6-16). ss. abt 255 e Varick (old line). 24.3x100. 2-sty & b bk dwg- A$12.000-12,500: Duane R Dills. 357 \V 119, to Wm S Coffin. 110 E 71; B&S Sc CaG; mtg $40,000 & AL; SeDtl0'17. O C & 100 Charlton st, 28-32, see Charlton. 26. Kldria^e st, 20 (1:293-7). nes. abl 95 s Canal. 25x87.6, 1 Sc 2-sty bk luft bldg; Geo P Sanborn et al to Morris Aisenstein, 320 W 87. Sc Morris Woronock. 373 New Lots av, Bklyn, firm Aisenstein Sc Woronock: B&S & CaG: AL; June29: Septl2'17; A exempt-exempt. O C & 100 Fletcher st, 17, see Maiden la, 139. Gouverneur st, 28 (1:267-18). es. 74 n Madison, 23.11x83.6. 6-sly bk tnt Sc strs; Fredk E Springer. 200 W 71. to Chas M Springer, 225 W 69: AL; Sepliri7: A$12.- 000-22,500. O C & 150 Hamilton ter, 6S (7:2050-64). ws. 619.6 n 141SI. 20x100, 3-sly & b stn dwg; Bond & Mtg Guar Co lo Emma Sachsenhaus. 63 Hamilton ler; B&S; Septl2: Septl3'17: A $8,700-14.000. O C & 100 Hamilton ter, G2; Emma Sachsenhaus, 63 Hamilton ler, to Blanche P' Goldfarb, 53 Hamillon ler; mtg $8,000; Septl2; Sept 13'17 nom Henry st, 46 (1:277-35). ss, abt 295 w Market, 25x100, 4-sly bk Inl & sirs; Chas H Young, 31 Poplar pl. New Rochelle, NY. Young, 31 Poplar pl. New Rochelle. NY. & Central Trust Co. 54 Wall, as sub TRSTES Geo Bell; AugO; Septl3'17: A$15.500-18.000. nom Horatio st. 46 (2:626-30). se. 70.4 e Hud¬ son. 20x60.3x20.1x58.1. 3-sly bk tnt &: str; Jas Lindsay, 624 Palisade av, Jersey City, NJ, el al. heirs &c Matilda Lindsay, to Marie L Loretan. 46 Horatio; AuglS; Sept 7*17; A$5.500-6.000. nom Hudson st, 533 (2:631-39). swc Charles (No 116). runs w74.11xsll.llxe32.5xse40.1 to st xn27.7 lo beg. 3-sty bk tnt & str; Chas H Young. TRSTE Geo Bell, to Chas H Young, 31 Poplar st. New Rochelle, NY, & Central Trust Co of N Y. 54 Wall, as eub TRSTES will Geo Bell; Aug9: Septl3 '17- A$1S.000-21.000. nom Maiden la. 135-7 (1:71-9-10). nec Water (No 153). 52.11x20.2x52.8x20.8. 6-slv bk loft & str bldg: Geo F Martens, at New Germantown. NJ. to W^m J Kuntz. 140 Palmer av. Mamaroneck. NY; Seotll'17: A $26,500-36.000. O C & 100 Maiden la, 139 (1:71-8). nes. abt 55 se Waaler. 17x— lo sws Fletcher (No 17). 5- sly bk loft Sc str bldg; Gustav Basch & ano. EXRS &c Solomon Aopel. to Mary F Betts. S3 East nv. Npwnrk. Conn: SeotlO; Sentll'17: A$1S.500-27.000. O C -S- 100 Maiden la, 139: also FLETCHER ST. 17; Gustav Basch. 40 E 83. to same; SentlO: Septll'17. O C & 100 Madison st, 141 (1:275-28). ns, abt 40 e Birmingham. 24x82, 4-stv bk tnt Sc sirs; Jacob Lunitz lo Jaclun Realtv C^ 162 Greene: B&S; mtg $10,000: Aug2S: SepllO '17: A$12,000-15.000. O C & IOO Mercer st, 91, see Mercer, 93. Mereer st. 93 (2:485-lhis & Mercer. 01, lot 22), ws. 76.1 s Spring, runs wlOO.llxs 1.2xw0.8xs23.11xel01 to st xn25 to beg, 6- sty bk loft & str bldg; A$34.000-67.000; also MERCER ST. 91 (73) (2:4S5). ws, abt 100 s Spring, 25x125, 6-stv bk loft & str bldg; also MERCER ST, 95-99 (2:485-21). swc Spring (Nos 106-112). 76.1x71.1x76.Ix 70.10, 6-sly bk loft & sir bldg: A?53 OQO- 93,000: J Denny O'Neil. as receiver of the Pittsburgh Life & Trust Co of Pillsbn- h. Pa. to Metropolitan Life Ins Co: Septl; Septl3'17. 100,000 Mercer st, 95-9, see Mercer, 93. Murray st. 25 (1:134-9). ns, 50.9 e Church. 24.4x88.3. 5-sty stn loft & str bldg; Eliz A Underbill lo Manbroquri Corpn, 24 Beaver; mtg $40,000 Sc AL; Aug 29; Septll'17: A$63,000-70.000. O C & 100 Ridge st, 85 (2:343-24), ws. 178.11 s Rivington, runs s26xwl00.5xn4.llxw25.2xn 21.1xel25.7 to beg. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs & 4-sly bk rear tnt; Algernon S Norton, ref, lo Morris Markowitz. 672 Bedford av, Bklyn; PARTITION Junel2'17; July 12; Sepl7'17; A$17,000-24,500. 20,100 Rivin^on st, 92 (80> (2:411-36), ns, abt 75 e Orchard. 25x75. 5-sty bk tnt & sirs; Jacob Geizler & Clara, his wife, individ 6 heirs Jas Jacobs, lo Louis Geizler. 1S84 7 av; AT; Sepl5: Seol7'17: A$16.000-23.000. nom St Nicholas pi, 15 on map 17» see St Nicholas av, 804. St Nicholas pl, 19 (7:2065-36). swc iSlst, 66x24.2. 3-sty Sc b bk dwg: Augustus Schuck. 19 St Nicholas pl, to Florence M Coffin. 22 Halsey. Bklyn; AL; Senl6: Sent S'17; A$10,500-14.000. O C & 100 St Nicholas pl, 19, see St Nicholas av, 804. Sheriff st, 83 (2:339-66). ws, abt 150 n Rivington. 25x100, 5-sly bk tnt & strs; David Aronson. of Bklyn, lo Elemco Realty Co. 59 Liberty: AL; Sept6: Septll '17: A$14,000-24.000. nom Sprint<: st, 1045-12, see Mercer. 93. Sujfolk st, 169 (2:355-61). ws, 126 s Houston, 24x100. 3-stv bk tnt & sirs & 5-sty bk rear tnt; Mendel Holtz. 1537 Fulton av, lo Talmud Torah Anshei Polen. 169 Suffolk; mtg $14,000: June26: SeptlO '17: A$15.500-17.500. nom Sullivan st, 99-101 (2:503-2), es. abt 100 n Spring, 50x100, 2-sty bk stable: Mer¬ cantile Stores Corpn to Stephen Guar- dino. 8222 19 av, Bklyn; Septll: Septl2'17; A$33.000-35.000. nom Teunissen pi, ses, at ws Terrace Viewr av, see Terrace View av, ws. 90.11 s Teu¬ nissen pl. Teunissen pl, ses, a1>t 115 a Terrace View nv, see Terrace View av, ws. 90.11 s Teuni.^sen pl. Wall st, 118 (1:37-1). nes, 38.2 nw South, runs nw21.llxne56xse5.llxsw6.8xsel4.8xsw 49 to beg. 4-sty bk loft & sir bldg; John Gerken Sc Clara R. his wife, individ & TRSTES under deed of trust recorded Mavl'13. to Lawyers Realtv Co. 160 Bway; correction deed: E&S: mtg $17,000 <& AL; Sept4; Sepl8'17: A$25.000-28.000. O C &: 1.000 Water ai, 93 (1:33-9), swc Gouverneur la. 25.5x71 8x25.1x72.3. S-sty bk loft & str bldg: Stanley Jordan. B of R. to Stanley Jordan & Co.. 116 Broad: mtg $20,000: May 15: Sent7'17; A$25.000-33.000. O C & 100 Water st, 15.1, see Maiden la, 135-7. 3D st, 40O-2 E (2:356-34). ss. 90.9 e Goerck. 45.4x82.9x45x88.6. 2-stv bk garage; Louis J Schwartz, ref. to Florence Schlos¬ ser. 324 W 100. a partv in interest: 1st mtg $30 000. taxes, int. &r: FORECLOS SeptS; SepllO: Scnlll'17: A^15.000-47.000. 500 over & aliove 1st mte: 7TH st,215-215V2 E (2:390-46-47), ns. 216.4 w Av C, 33.4x97.6. 2-5-sty bk tnts & ?*"<>•: Sarah Kallenberg, 717 Humboldt. Bklyn, to Harris Josepn. 66 Humboldt; mtg $23,- 750; Septll; fc>eptl2'17; A$16,OUO-Z4,OUO. nom IOTH st, 442-6 E (2:379-30). ss, 69.8 w Av D. runs s4i*.yxw23.3xsol.;ixwllxsll.4xw 3y.Sxny:i.3xe'iU.l lo beg. 3-4-sty bk tnts & 2-sty bk rear shop; Frank H Washburn, rel. to Edw Man, al North Stonin'^ton. Conn, TRSTE will Sarah Tailack. plff; FORECLOS Sept6; Septl2'l7: A$17.000-25.- 000. 25.000 19TH St. 43-5 E (3:848-30), ns, 125 w 4 av. 50x92, 8-sty stn loft & str bldg: J Denny O'Neil, as receiver of the Pills- burgh Life & Trust Co of Pittsburgh. Pa. to Metropolitan Life Ins Co; Sept4; Sept 13'17: A$95,000-180.000. 140.000 27TH St. 320 E (3:932-4?^ ss, 325 e 2 av, 25x98.9, 3-stv bk tni & 2-sly bk rear lofl bldg: A$10,000-12.000: also 27TH ST. 328 E (3:932-41). ss. 350 e 2 av. 25x9S.9. 3-sly bk tnt & 1-sly bk rear stable- A$10,- 000-12.000: also 27TH ST. 330 E (3:932-40^ ss. 375 e 2 av, 25x98.9, 5-slv bk tnt; A$10,- 000-21.000; Chas Dorn. 361 3 av. to Emma K Huber & Bertha. Lydia &Elsa F Kege- ler. all at 328 E 27; AT; QC: Septl2: Sp-I 13'17. - . . nom 27TH St. 328-30 E, see 27th. 326 E. 25TH St. 128 E (3:880-76). ss. 69 w Lex av. 15.4x49.4, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Lila J F'airbairn, 220 Sheridan rd. Evanston. 111. lo Reyam Realty Corpn, 2-16 W 33; mt
E (5:1310-12). ns, 108.9 w Lex av, 18.9x100.5. 4-sty f- b stn dwg; Anna W Sherman, of Rye, N.Y, to BVtz Sherman. — Post rd. Rye NY: mtg $57.000: Julv30: Sepll0'17; A$26.000-45,000, nom 58TH St. .%30 W (4:1086-48), £S, 375 W 10 av, 25x100.5. 5-sty bk tnt &'sirs; J Sid¬ nev Bernstein, ref, lo West Side Savgs Bank. 110 6 av, plff: FORECLOS SepllO: Sepll2'l7: A$9,500-15.000. 14,500 eOTH st, 143 W. see Bwav. 1961-9. OOTH st, 211 E (5:1424-9), ns. 212 e' 3 av, 28x100.4. 4-stv stn tnt: Maria RoOney lo Margt V Rooney. both at 211 E G9: mtji: $8,000 & AL: Aug21: SeDtll'l7: A$l3.50a.- 24.000. nom 69TH st, 319 E (5:1444-12). ns. 269 e '2 av. 27x100.4. 4-slv stn tnt; Maria Rooney to Margt V Rooney. both at 211 E .69: mtg $12,400 & AL: Aug21; Septiri7: A$10.000- 19.000. now 73D St. 250 W (4:1164-52), ss, 303.S e West End av, 19.4x102.2. 4-sty & b hk dwg. 1-stv ext: Heinrich Stern to Selma Stern. 250 W 73: mtg $20,000 & AL; SentL: Senn3'17- A$22.500-30.000. - nom 74TH st, 33 ^V (4:1127-15'), ns. 360 e Gol av. 20x102.2. 4-stv & b bk dwg: Letitia, K Ketterer to Ida M Palmer. 1 W 85: mtg $25,000- Augl7: Septll'17: A$25,500-35.500. ^ nom The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringem^n^t will le^dA<>: T^tosg^u^i^^-