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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 100, no. 2588: October 20, 1917

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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE This section includes all recorded Conveyances, MisceUaneoas Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and batished Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases. Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estato Appraisals. Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendent Mechamcs Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan, Bntered at the Post Office at New TorV. N. T,. as second class Matter. Vol. C No. 2688 New York, October 20. 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. OCT. 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 & 18. Ardeu st, 2 (8:2174-85), sws, at nws Na- g-le av (Nos 17-9), 129.6x50, 5-sty bk tnt & -strs; Sarah A Punderford. of Mt Vernon, NY, to Olds Holding- Corpn, 217 Bway; mtg $56,500 & AL; SeptlO; Octl3'17; A$30,000- 77,000. O G & 100 Arden st, 3 (8:2174), sws, at nws Nagrle av (Nos 17-9); Olds Holding Corpn to Ulrika Realty Corpn. 302 Eway; mtg $56.- 500 Sc AL; Octl2; Octl3'17. O C & 100 Beekman st, 41-3, see William, 166. Broome st, 20 (2:322-27), ns, 25 w Man¬ gin. 25x79.2. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Sophia Mayer to Jennie Paley, 696 Cauldwell av; B&S; AL; OctlS; OctlS'H; A$6,000-15,500. O C & 100 Bruome st, 413 (2:473-40), swc Lafavette (Nos 186-92). 25x113x25x114, 5 & 6-sty bk loft & str bldg-; Ma-rion S I Martin, 21 W 54, to Anna E Smith, — Woodland st En¬ glewood. NJ; Octl6; Octl7'17; A$40.000- 57.000. nom Cannon st, 35 (2:332-64), swc Delancev. 25x100, 7-sty bk loft & .str bldg; Harry Bijur, ref, to Caroline Rav. Ill Lockwood av. New Rochelle. NY, plff; mtg $10,500 & AL: FORECLOSED & drawn OctS; Octll '17: A$10,000-2S.OOO. 25.000 Cherry st. 305-11 (1:246-33), ss, 95.10 w Clinton. 97.2x118.9 to ns Water (Nos 550- 6) x97.2x117.9. 2-5-sty bk storage bldgs; Wm L Gerrish to 550 to 556 Water St, Inc. at 550-6 Water: mtg $75,000 & AL; Oct4 •16; Octl6'17: A$40.000-77,000. nom Cliff .st, 80, see Pearl. 323. Cooper st (8:2242-11-19). nwc Lsham, 100 x249.1 to ss Seaman av xl04.1x279.3 va¬ cant; Wm B Isham & ano. EXRS Wm B Isham. deed, to Albt Erunlver. 2694 Briggs' av, Bronx; Octll; Octl5"17: A$41.000-41,000. 41,000 Cooper st (8:2242). nwc Isham; Albert Brunker. 2694 Briggs av. Bronx, to Mis¬ sionary Society of Saint Paul the Apostle in State N Y. 415 W 59; E&S & CaG; mtg $28,000 & AL; Octl5'17. nom Delaneey st, 332-4 (2:323-31-32) nwc Mangin (Nos 47-55)„ 73.10x100, 2-5-sty bk tnts & strs: A$32,000-72,500; also GREEN¬ WICH ST, 76 (1:18-43), ws, abt 190 s Rec¬ tor. 24x99.10x23x99.9, with AT to alley on rear & also alley leading into Washington st, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$25,000-40.- 000: also WEST ST. 68 (1:55-7), es, 183 s Carlisle. 25x88.3. with rights of wharfage, cranage, piers, bulkheads, &c. in front of above, 4-sty h\z tnt & strs; A$28.000-31,000; also WASHINGTON ST. 104 (1:55-27) ws. 146.8 s Carlisle. 23.4x88.6, 4-stv bk loft & str bldg: A$18,500-25,000; also 39TH ST, no E f3:S94-81). s.s, 255 w Lex av, 20x98.9 4-sty & b stn dVg; A$31.400-44,000; Robt T & Chas Emmet. TRSTES will Jane E Edgar, to Newbold L R Edgar, of Tuxedo NY; Webster A Edgar, of Casenovin, NY- Mary C Edgar, of Park av & Centre st Baltimore, Md: Herman L R Edgar of Dobbs Perry. NY; Lucile R Edgar of New¬ port, RT; Mary E Gallwev. of Newport RT: Robt T & Helena V C Emmet, of New Rochelle. NY. all remaindermen . of the trust created under will of Jane E Edgar- AT; QC; AL; Sept28; Octl6'17. noni , ^^,«1'«"«^'' ***• 332-4. nwc Mangin (Nos 47-55): also GREENWICH ST 76- also WEST ST. 68: also WASHINGTON ST 10*4 ■ also 39TH ST. 110 E: Newbold L R Edgar' of Tuxedo, NY, et al, heirs &c Jane E Ed¬ gar, to Edgar Estates Corpn. 27 Cedar- AL; Sept28: OctlO'l?. O C & 100 Uelanoey st, swc Cannon, see Cannon 3.->. Fornyth st, 145 (2:420-27).. ws. abt 150 n Delaneey. 24x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Mary Gordon of Yonkers. NY. to Thelma Gor¬ don. 191 Elm st, Yonkers NY- u, jnt of party 1st pt in % pts; sub to life e'state of n'^ffl^M^M':^'' P^*^ $lfi-0no & AL; JunelG: Octl ri7: A$17.000-23.000. noni Urand st, 10-14 (2:477-29), ns, 122 8 e A arick. old line. 66 to allev x72 to allev on rear x irreg x83: also AT to 9 ft allev on e & n. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; N Y Countv National Bank to Ambrose Realty Co, 135 Bway; mtg $64,500; OctlO; Octl3'17- A$30.- 000-67,000. o C & 100 Grand st, 10-14; Ambrose ReaUy Co, 135 Bway, to Box Board & Lining Co, 10-14 Grand; B&S & CaG; mtg $64,500; Octll; Oct]3*17. O C & 100 Greene st, 137 (2:514-26). ws, 170 s Houston, 36.9x100x36.11x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; John J Halpin, ref, to Green¬ wich Savgs Bank. 246 6 av. plff; FORE¬ CLOS Oct9; OctlS; Octl6'17; A$23,000-37.- y<^0. 30,000 Henry at, 30 (1:277-43), ss, abt 170 e Cath. 25xl0lt. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Rebecca Mandel to Max Mandel, both at 574 West End "av; mtg $28,000; Octl6'17; A$16,000- 33,000. nom Henry st, 83 (1:282-7), ns, 237.5 e Mar¬ ket. 25x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Jennie Paley. of Bronx, to Jos L B Maver 63 E 74; B&S: AL; Sept21; Octl8'17; A$]3,500- -6.000. O C & 100 iNhnm at, nwc Cooper, see Cooper, nwc Isham. Isham st, nes at ses Seaman av, see Sea¬ man av, ses at nes Isham. Lafayette st, lS«-»2, see Broome 413. Livingston pl, 17 (3:922-82), sec 17th (No 330). 53x120, 7-sty bk tnt; Louis Liv¬ ingston et al to Beth Israel Hospital As¬ sociation, 70 Jefferson st; mtg $151,000 & AL; Junel; Octl6'17; A$57,500-137,500. O C"& 161.0-00 Madison st, 1S2-4 (1:272-33-34), ss, 225 8 w Rutgers, —x—. 2-5-sty stn tnts & strs; U- S Trust Co, EXR & TRSTE David H King, Jr, to Letitia K & Percival C Ket¬ terer, 575 West End av. EXRS & TRSTES of Letitia K Arnold (King); all RT&I if any; this deed given to confirm title of parties 2d pt, although thev claim their title is good, &c; June6; Octl6'17; A$32,- 000-46.000. O C & 50 Madison st. 184 (108) (1:272-33), ss, 225.8 w Rutgers, 21.2x100, 5-sty stn tnt & strs; Perry J Fuller, ref. to Letitia King, plff; sub to AT, mtg $20,000 & FORECLOS Feb 3. 1S92 on this & other property, an int of $4,100 & tax lease of 1.000 vrs from year 18S1. also to taxes & AL; Feb23 1892; Oct 16'17; A$15,000-21,500. " 8,000 Madison st. 352 (1:266-62). ss. 240.2 e Scammel, 23.3x94.10x23.3x95.1. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: Jennie Marino to Elemco Realty Co. 59 Liberty; mtg $14,000; Octl7; OctlS ■17: A$10,000-15.500. O C & 100 Mangin st, 47-55, see Delancev. 332-4. Mulberry st, 81-3 (1:199-21-22), wS, 175 s Walker, 50x100, 2-5-stv bk tnts & strs Xz 3-sty bk rear tnt; A$34.000-51,000; also IIOTH ST, 304 E (6:1681-491/.), ss, 75 e 2 av, 25x75. 4-sty stn tnt & strs; A$5,000- 9,500: also UOTH ST, 306 E (6:1681-48), ss. 100 e 2 av. 25x100.11, 4-stv stn tnt; A $6,000-10.500: 112TH ST 337 E (6:- 1684-23). ns, abt 125 w 1 av. 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$7,000-23.000: also BOW¬ ERY. 139 (2:423-6). es, abt 125 n Grand, 25x108. 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty bk rear loft bldg; A$25,000-27.000: Angelo Dove & Lillian, his wife. 247 E 114. to Michl J Bove. 247 E 116; undivided inter¬ est: Oct4: Octll'17. nom ^^iciiols pi (8:2255-56 & 79). ss, 235.1 sw Prescott av. runs swl3a.llxsel89.3 to nws Prescott av xne & el2S.lxnw202 to beg. 2- sty fr dwg. 1-sty fr garage & vacant; Emma L Cole, widow Isaac D Cole. Jr. to nianche L, wife Sevmour Rosedale — Prescott av; AL; Octl6: Octl7'17; A$8,300- 10.400. nom Orchard at, 187 (2:417-61). ws, 209 n Stanton. 25.2x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Jacob Koehm. ' Jr, & Kath Rothmann (Schmidt), both at 2075 Honevwell av to Theresa Koehm, 2075 Honevwell av; AT; B&S; AL: Sept29'15: Octiri7; A$17- 000-27.000. nom Pearl st. 323 (1:105-5 & 14). nws! 135.4 from nwc Pearl & Ferry, runs nw38xne 0.7xnw53xnw80 ta Cliff (No 80) xswl9 Ixse 50.3 & 22.9 & 99.4 to Pearl xne23.3 to beg 5 & 6-sty bk loft & str bldgs; Henry G Trevor, of Southampton. LT to Gertrude .\ Vanderbeek. 118 E 126; B&S: mtg $25 - 000; Octll; Octl3'17; A$23.500-42.000 O C & 100 Kidge st, 70 (2:343-27). ws, 125 n De¬ laneey, 25x73, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear loft bldg; Dora Rottenberg to Rosie Rotliman, 2018 Daly av, Bronx; Vz Vf. AL; Octl5; Octl7'17; A$12,500-1S,500. nom Washington st, 104, see Delaneey, 332-47 Water st. 102 (1:75-3), ws, 134.11 n Bur¬ ling si, runs nw45.'5xnel9.2xnw4.11xne6.3x se48.7 to st xsw25.3 to beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Martha Josephthal et al, EXRS & TRSTES Louis Josephthal, of 16 Cedar, to Jos F Cullman, 39 W 71; AL; SeptlO; Octl6'17; A$13.000-19,000. O C & 100 Water st, 550-C, see Cherry, 305-11. West St. OS, see Delaneey, 332-4. William st, 160 (1:93-25), es, abt 25 s Beekman. 2(;x69.9x21x66.1, ss, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$40.O00-48,000; also BEEK¬ MAN ST,-41-3 (1:93-27), ss, abt 66 e Will¬ iam, 35.11x22xa3.10xl9.7, es, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$20,000-23,000; Ashton C Clarkson & Ida E, his wife, 208 W 79, to Grace Clarkson, 251 W 90, & Bessie C, wife Carl G Smedberg, 251 W 90; AT; B&S; ' OctU'17. nom 2D St. 77 E (2:443-25), ss, 200 w 1 av, 25x70.6x25.1x73.8, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos D Kelly, ref, to John F Volck. 55 Foxhall st, B of Q, plff; FORECLOS OctlO; Octll '17: A$14.000-19,000. 15,000 5TH st, 528 E (2:400-20). ss, 282 w Av E. 19.4x96.2, 3-sty bk tnt & 3-sty bk rear tnt; Malcolm Sundheimer. ref, to Fredk Weis, — Catharine st. Valley Stream. LI, plff; PARTITION SALE Septl2; OctlS; Octl5'17; A$10.500-14.000. 0.750 STH st, 532 E (2:400-22), ss, 243.2 w Av B, 19.4x96.2, 3-sty bk tnt; Malcolm Sund¬ heimer. ref, to Fredk Weis. — Catharine st. Valley Stream, LI, plff; PARTITION SALE Septl2: Octl3; Octl5'17; A$10,500-13.- 000. 6,750 OTH st, 601 E, see Av B. 93. IITH St. 224 W (2:613-23), ss, 75 w Waverly pl, 25x95. 3-sty b k tnt & 3-sty bk rear tnt: Priscilla T P Starin, 169 W* 93. & ano. EXRS &c Ransom Parker, to Lawmor Impt Co, 42 Bway; Octll'17; A $11,000-13,500. 22,000 IITH st, 224 W; Lawmor Impt Co to Rector &c of the Church of St John the Evangelist, at swc Waverlv pp & llth; mtg $7,000: Octll'17. O C & 100 12TH st, 303 E (2:454-69), ns, 78 e 2 av, 21x51.9, 3-sty bk tnt; Milicent G Criss¬ man, 164 W 74. to Estelle Rosenstein. 26 W 120; David Galewski. of East Willis- ton, LT; Nellie Voit. 465 Bedford av. Bklyn; Chas Galewski. 216 W 94; Birdie Averett, 22 W 120, & Sadie Bernstein. 199 Lenox av. 1-9 pt to each. & Helene Cialewski, 26 W 120: Vz pt; B&S & CaG; AL; OctlO: Octll'17: A$6,500-7.500. nom 13TH st, 13!) E (2:559-43), ns. 125 w 3 av. 25x100, 6-'fety bk tnt & strs; Jos L Butten¬ wieser to Louise Fox. 520 Ocean av. Jersev City, NJ; B&S; AL; Oct5; Octl5'17; A$21.- 000-36.000. O C & 100 IOTH St. 31 W (3:818-18). ns. 575 w 5 av. 25x92, 4-sty & b bk dwg; Wilton Holding Corpn to Land Estates. Inc. 135 Bwav; B&S; Oct3; Octll'17; A$21.500-23.000. O C & 100 17TH st, 330 E. see Livingston pl, 17. 27TH St. 327 E (3:933-15), ns. 318.9 e 2 av, 18.9x98.9. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 3-sty fr rear tnt: Johanna L Ahrens, 2088 An¬ thony av. to John Maroney. 133 Sip av. Jersev Cil v. NJ: mtg $7,000; OctS; Octll '17; A$7.000-12.000. O C & 100 27TH st, 424 W (3:724-50), ss, 450 e 10 av. 25x ^/2 blk, 5 -sty s tn tnt; Philbeck Realtv Corpn to Philip G Becker, both at 145 W SO; U. pt; AT; Sept22; Octll'17: A $12,000-21.000. nom 20TH st, 100-71 "W% see 7 av, 341. 20TH st, 434 \V (3:726-61). ss, abt 300 e 10 av. 25x98.9, 5-sty stn tnt; Phiibeck Realty Corpn to Philip G Becker, both at 1^ W 80; Sept22; Octll'17; A$9,000- 21,500. nom 30TH St. 311 W (3:754-32). ns, 170 w 8 av. 20x98.9. 3-stv & b bk dwg; Jas Todd, of Bklvn. to Geo Ehret, 1197 Park av: mtg $10,250; Octll; Octl3'17; A$ll,000-14,000. nom The text of these pages Is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.