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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 100, no. 2591: November 10, 1917

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November 10, 1917 Conveyances RECORD AND GUIDE Bronx 257 16 STH av to:150T-69). sec 96th (No 2), 100.8x150, vacant; Sumner Gerard & Helen G, his wife, of Huntington, Ll, & Mary D Gerard, NYC. to Mary B Jennings, at Fair¬ field, (Junn; mtg $185,000; NovblT; A$4U0,- 000-400,000. O C & 100 6TH av. 646-8 (3:839-88-89), es. 59.3 s 38th. 39.6XT5, 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs;- Ma¬ thiide Baer 350 W 55, to Lilliane Cosel. 1720 E 22 Bklyn; AL; June21; NovS'lT; A $118,200-126,000. O C & 100 8TH av, 2131-9 (T:1848-4T), nwc 115th (Nos 301-5). 100.11x125, 1 & 2-sty bk the¬ atre & strs; Sth Av Sc 115th St Realty Co to Hyman Sonn, 40 W 86; Henry Sonn, 33 W 86; Sidney H Sonn, 312 W T6; Edna Rosenthal. 40 W 86; Celia Meinhard, 33 W 86 & Blanche S Hess, 525 West End av; tg $90,000: Augl; NovS'lT; A$125,000- ;0.000. O C & 100 IITH av, 410 (3:706-61). sec S5th (No 562), 24.9x100. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Lester M Friedman, ref, to Anheuser- Busch Brewing Assn, a corpn. of Mis¬ souri, plff: FORECLOS Octl6; NovS'lT; A $18,000-30,000. 30,000 MISCELLANEOUS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Mzinhattan. East Broadway, 25 (1:280). owned by party 1st pt; aisu EAST BROADWAY. Zi. ©wned bv party 2d pt; agmt as to party wall or boundary line; Saml Fine, 152 Henry with Julius Mazo, 1446 Lincoln pl, Bklyn; Apr25; Nov2"lT. nom East Broadway, 27, see East Broadway, 25. Mercer st, 53 (2:474-14), ws, 199 n Grand. 25x100. S-sty bk restaurant; re mtg; re¬ corded Mavis, 1ST2; Farmers Loan & Trust Co to Rocco De Fina, 109 Conselyea, Bklyn; NovS; Nov7"17; A$17,000-19,000. nom 23U st, 120 \V (3:798-55), ss. 175 w 6 av, 25x98.9, 4-sty bk str. 2-sty ext; re dower; Irene A. wife Jos C Mott, to Bowery Savgs Bank. 128 Boweiy; AT; OctlS; NovT'lT; A $60,000-68.000. nom 26TH st, 141-3 E (3:882), ns, 126.S e Lex av, 48.4x98.9, owned by party 1st pt; also 26TH ST, 145 E (3:SS2), ns, 175 e Lex av, 25x98.9, owned by parties 2d pt; agmt as to easement for light & air, etc; Chas Ru¬ binger, NY. with Wm J Morris, 2716 Bay- view av, Far Rockaway, B of Q, et al, heirs, &c, Wm J Morris, deed; OctSl; Nov 2'17. nom 26TH St. 145 E. see 26th, 141-6 E. 26TH st, 343-7 AV (3:750). ns, 235.7 e 9 av, 63.11x98.9, owned by parties 1st pt; also 27TH ST. 348-50 W (3:750), ss. 230 e 9 av. 44x98.9, owned by party 2d pt; agmt as to encroachment, etc; Charlotte M & Cath E Hamilton of Nyack, NY. with Alex H Hamilton of Bayside, LI; Oct22; Nov3'17. nom 27TH St. 348-50 AV (3:750-66-67), ss, 230 e 9 av. 44x98.9, 2-4-sty bk tnts & strs & 3-sty bk rear loft bldg; r-e dower; Eliz R. wife Thos L Hamilton, to Alex H Hamil¬ ton. — Ashburton av, Bayside, Ll; OctlS; NovS'lT; A$21,000-33.000. nom 27TH st, 348-50 W, see 26th, 343-7 W. 47TH st, 28 AA^ (5:1262), ss, 370 w 5 av, 20xlu0.5; declaration by Wm G Wilson that conveyance dated Mar29, 1881, was made by Virginia, wife Henry A Gildersleeve. & was received & accepted with intent to hold ^/i pt so conveyed in same capacity which he held other ^./^ pt, & that ever since said conveyance has held the whole under terms of will of Henrietta Wilson; Janl'05; Nuv8'17.------- 62D st, 5-7 E, see 62d. 9 E. 62D st, 9 E (5:1377), ns, 200 e 5 av, 25x 100.5. owned by party 1st pt; also 62D ST, o & 7 E, ns. adj above on w, 50x100.5. own¬ ed by party 2d pt; agmt as to party wall & restrictions; Edmund L Baylies, 10 E 62, with Mary E Blodgett, 5 E 62; Oct31; Nov5'17. agmt 9.-.TH St. 151 AV (4:1226); asn rents to secure two notes for $1,750 each; John P Magner to Phillip K Dalton. 55 John; Oct 30; Nov2'17. ------- 120TH St. 204 AA' (7:1925). ss, 100 w T av, 3T.6xl00.11; re judgmt; Olin J Stephens, Inc. plff, agt Harry Sugarman, deft; July 11; NovT'lT. nom 120TH st, 204 AV; re judgmt; Herman Seklir, plff, agt same; July20; NovT'lT. nom 120TH st, 204 AV; re judgmt; Thos G Gib¬ bons, plff. agt same; Julyl6; NovT'lT. nom 120TH st, 204 W; re judgmt; Wilhelmina Kearns, pltf, agt same; July23; NovT'lT. nom 120TH St. 204 ^^'j re judgmt; N Y Tele¬ phone Co, 15 Dey. to Moses Hochster 60 W 120: July20: NovT'lT. nom 120TH St. 204 AV; re judgmt; Manhattan Rooting Co, plff, agt same; JulylT; NovT'lT. nom 145TH st, 320-4 AV, see Bradhurst av, swc 145. 165TH St. 546 AA' (8:2122-82), ss. abt 120 w St Nicholas av, —x—, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; general re of dower of above & all other property of which Jos C Schrader died seized: Emily E Schrader. widow & heir Jos C Schrader. to John C McEachen of Rockville Centre LI. EXR & TRSTE Jos C Schrader: AT; QC; Apr6'15; Kov8 'IT: AJfiO.500-22.000. nom Bradhurst av (T:2051), swc 145th (Nos 320-4). 100.6x65.2x99.11xT6.l; assign rents to secure mtg $42,500 (now due $40,000), recorded Feb20'11: John B Haskin Estates, 140 Nassau, to Julie M M Grant 20 E T2. & Central Trust Co. 54 Wall as TRSTES will Hugh J Grant; OctSl; NovT'lT. nom Park av, 029 (5:1400); court order ap¬ pointing ----------- as receiver in matter of Henry G Me-kel of 629 Pa»-k av. bnnkrupt. r'^on petition of John Semler; Oct26; Nov 2'IT. _____ 2U av, M»2 (.5:1335), es, 20.5 s 4ad, 20xol; conseni tu 3d track; ±iynian Greenstone, 6u\j JL. loi, Bronx, to Aiiinautta.ii i,Laiirt^.> Cu; mtg $9,OOU iMLirli Nuvo'ii.; 46U 211 uv, au-; cuiisenc tu 3d track; Geo G Culviiie, 'lUtoTE ut VVm D WtiiUea, Oecd, tur Juiiet 1^ Ivene, Lady Carrington, mtgee, to same; mtg $y,uuo; Octlu; Nov6ll. nom 20 av, lli4 (5:1351); consent to payment by Comptroller of N Y of award lor grad¬ ing; Caroline Elkann & Bertha J-*evy, mtgees. to John Wendt; m"tg $19,000; Oct 11; Nov2'17. ------- I'ower ot atty (miscl); Jeanette Mon¬ heimer, -616 Vv 1ST, to Augusta Hirsli; Uct 27; Nuv2'lT. ------- Power of atty (miscl); Francis C Dale, 790 Riverside dr, to Imogen J Dale; June 19'16: NovS'lT. ------- CONVEYANCES. Borough of the Bronx, NuV. 2, 3, 0, 7 & S. Faile st, 102S (10:2748). es, 280.8 n Aldus. 20xluu, 3-sty bk tnt; Jennie Monat, Wa¬ terbury, Conn, to Mary Schacht, 463 \V 159; AL; Oct22; Nov2'lT. nom Katie st, lOls; Mary Schacht to Jos & Frank Levitt, 901 Fox; mtg $10,000; OctSl; Nuv2'17. 100 Fordham st, aa, 332 ^v L I Sound, see King av, ws, 75 s Beach. Hall 111 (10:2691), ws, 93.1 n 165th. SOx 77.5x30x77.2, vacant; Smith Williamsun, 112 N Bway, White Plains, NY'", to (Galveston Bldg Co, 1202 Vyse av; Oct29; Nov3'17. O C & 100 Hall pi (10:2691), nws, 612.5 s 167th, 40.7 x77.5x61.3x87.11, vacant; Bridget Cowan to Galveston Bldg Co, 12u2 Vyse av; mtg $1,- 250: Nov2; Nov3'17. O C & 100 Hulfman st (11:3065), es, 100 s 187th, 50 xl24, except part for st, S-sty fr tnt & strs & 1-sty fr rear stables; Liborio Lom¬ bardo et al to Reliable Bronx Italian Bakers Inc; mtg $6,000; Novo; Nov8"17. O C & 100 Hoffman st (14:3065), ses, 50 sw lS7th, 50x124, 3-sty fr tnt & str & 1-sty fr rear stables, except part for st; Genevieve C Regan et al to Giuseppe Valentine, 2386 Hoffman; mtg $5,000; OctSl; Nov2"17. nom Kelly St. 747 (10:2701), ws. 325 n 156th, 25x100. 2-sty & b bk dwg; Frank C J Becker, 747 Kelly, to Clara M Erbsmehl, 806 E 156; mtg $6,000; NovS; Nov5"17. nom Kelly st (10:2706), es, 70.3 s Intervale av. 50x116.11x50.3x122.3, vacant; Matthew Farrell Realty Co to Benenson Realtv Co, 401 E 152; Oct26; Nov2'17. O C & 100 Kelly st (10:2706), same prop; Benenson Realty Co. 401 E 152. to Plough & Fox Co. 539 Courtlandt av; Novl; Nov2'17. O C & 100 Kinsella st, nec Matthews av, see Mat¬ thews av. nec Kinsell.a. Lane (*). on map land John Mulrey. ss 122.6 w Protectory rd, 41.3x185.7x51.2 xl82.ll; Cath L Wynne & ano to Chas Koterba, 2110 Starling av; Oct20; NovS'lT. O C & 100 Loring pl. 2253 (11:3225), ws. 38.1 n 183d, 21x103.11x20.11x105.3, 3-sty bk tnt; West lS3d St Bldg Co to Julia A Keegan. 2218 University av; B&S; NovT; NovS'lT. O C & 100 13STH St. 598 E (10:2530), ss, 514.5 w Cypress av, 37.6x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: South Side Constn Co to Jacob Ruth. 445 Audubon av; mtg $30,000; Nov2; Nov7'17. O C & 100 141ST st, 370 fi (9:2303), ss, 381.6 e Alex av, 25x100, 3-sty & b fr dwg; also 143D ST. 375 E (9*2306), ns, 381.6 e Alex av. runs n28.6xne72.11xel0.6xsl00 to st xw25 to beg. 2-sty fr dwg; also 144TH ST E (9:2306), ss. 209.11 e 3 av, runs sl0r>xe25x n68.7xnw33.6 to st xwl3.6 to beg. 1-sty fr stable; also PLOT (9:23-06), begins 31.6 s 144th & abt 253 e 3 av. runs s68.6xe25xnw 72.11 to beg; also 144TH ST E (9:2306), ss, 359.11 e 3 av, runs sl00xw25xnS4xne70.7 to beg. 1-sty fr stable: also 3D AV. 2722 (9:- 2307), es, 112 sw 145th, runs ne2Sxe5S.4xse 25.6xwT0.10 to beg. 3-sty bk tnt & strs; also 3D AV. 2T28 (9:2307), sec 145th. runs e5.7xs25xwl8.1 to av xne28 to beg. pt 3- stv bk tnt & str; also 145TH ST E (9:- 2307). ss. 45.6 e 3 av, runs e7.10xs25xw3.10 xnw25.4 to beg, pt S-sty bk tnt & strs; also 145TH ST, 353-5 E (9:2307). ns, 15 e 3 av, runs e70xn25xel2.9xn25xw72.4 to 3 av xs51 to beg. 3-sty fr bk ft tnt & strs; also 149TH ST E (10:2557). ss. 152.5 w Cypress or Trinity av, runs w39xs46.2xse48.4xnT4.S to beg, vacant; Geo J Gould. Lakewood, N J. to Manhattan Railway Co. 165 Bway; Nov5; NovS'lT. nom 143D St. 375 E. see 141st. 3T0 E. 144TH St. E, ss, 209.11 e 3 av, see 141st. STO E. 144TH st E, ss, 350.11 e 3 av, see 141st, 370 E. 145TH St. 35.3-5 E. see 141st. 370 E. 14'TH st E, ss, 45.0 e 3 av, see 141st, 3 70 E. 141TH st E, sec 3 av, see 141st. 370 K. 149TH st E. SH. 1^2.5 w C>"press or Trin¬ ity av. see 141st. 370 E. l-OTH St. .3S.S E (9:2402), ss, 375 e Cort- l.indt av, 25x98.6. 2-sty 'fr dwg; Jas A An¬ derson. EXR John A Green, to Jas J Scott. 268 E 161: mtg $2 500; NovT'lT. 5.000 15r,TH st, 1015 E (1O-2T20). ns. 45 e Fox, 40x100. 5-sty bk tnt; Rav Gronich tn Ben¬ enson ppaltv Co, 401 E 152; mter $2.i,000; Augll; Nov2'lT. O C & 100 15fiTH si. 1015 E: Benenson Realty Co to Snr-h Kitt. 852 E 1T2; mtg $2T,000; Nov 1; Nov2'lT. nom 1-«TH St. 1015 E (10:2T20). ns. 45 e Fox, 40x100. 5-stv bk tnt: S-^rah Kitt fn Kit^on Pe-Uv r-orpn, 852 E 172: mtg $27,000: Nov 1: NovS'lT. nom lfl":TH St. 071 E. see Trinity av, 1015. ie5TH st, 1118-22 E, see Bryant av, 105T. lt>oiH s»t, 42a B ('J:2ZjZ), ss. 00 e BiOuk • av, 1 uiiri £>ju-\erfi»xnu ix ** o. 1 xiij J tu i>l xw 31.0 to beg, 4-SL> uK iiu 6c t^na, ju..o.nnu, B Kuvei ^.u i\itn.niiii.uoy; ..\u\i; ...suvoii. G G ac 100 lilsi' st, 101 W, see ogden av. nwc 1 j 1. I42XJ st Ji, i^iiiZcia), SS, 62.G w Townsend av, Joxio.oxio.o, guie, vucani; Jus 1 i:;crry, ret, LU Harold fawain, loou Grand blvd & concourse; FuRECLOd Augi6; Octlb; Nov SIT. 250 i;5TH St. 7S2 E (11:2952), ss. 191.7 e Prospect av. 45x141.10x45x141.6, o-sty bk tUL. ivitx -Uaurucui da,iu, 60 \V 08, to Per¬ shing Realty Co, 117 E 114; nug $-iS,VoO; Novo'lT. O C & 100 !*.»* 11 St W (11:2876), ss, as on map Cen¬ tury Investing Co, ss. 25 e Nelson av, oOx loo, vacant; Uy Wagner, 1717 Park av, to Indiana Flouring cu, 232 Rider av; nicg $4,uOO, Marl^; Nov2 17, nom isisT St. 021-5 E, see Daly av, 2130. INUiH st, -.43 E, see Park av. nec 186. 187'1H st, 415 E (11:3032), ns, 56.8 w Park av, 44.4x100x33.4x100, 4-sty bk tnt; Frank A Becker to Sartorius Realty Corpn; Novo'lT. O C & 100 la/iH st, 5.i3 E (11:3056), ns, 48 e Loril¬ lard pl. 49.11x92.2x50x91.2, 5-sty bk tnt; Faiella Constn Coipn 6c ano to Mary F Faiella, 553 E 187; nug $31,500; Oct23; Nov 7'17. O C & 100 l.ssTJI st, 51 W, see Grand av. swc 190. lOOTH st, 50 VV, see Grand av, swc 190. lOS'lH st, 248 E (12:3301). ss, 3J w Briggs av, 25x98, 2-sty & a fr dwg; Rose Leany 248 E 198, to Edwin Vaughan. Jr, 500 W 144; mtg $5,500; NovS; NovS'lT. nom 19STH st, 24S E; Edwin .Vaughan, Jr, 500 \V 141. to Michl & Rose Leahy. 248 E 198, tenants by the entirety; B&S & AL; Novo; NovS'lT. nom 2321) st E (*). ns, 305 w Laconia av, 25x 89.10; also 232D ST E (•). ns. 225 w Laconia av. 25x.>9.lU; also LACONIA A V (*), es, 52.4 s 232d, 25x100; E C Holding Co to Bronx Board of Brokers, Inc, '4521 3 av; Nov5; Nov7'17. O C & 100 233D st E, ss, 130, 167.0, 2S0, 392.0 & 430 w Laconia av, see Wickham av, ws, at ns 233. Arnow av (*), ss, 127 e Peiham rd, SOx 12T.5x53x145; Eliz King, 2054 Blackroclt av. to Frank Gass, 2248 Powell av; AT; Octl6; Nov5'lT. nom Arnow av; same prop; Frank Gass to Eliz & Wm King, 1433 Zerega av, tenants by the entirety; Octl6; NovS'lT. nom Arthur av, 20C0 (11:3069), es, 203.9 n lT9th. 16.8x128x16.8x126.6, except part for av, 2-sty fr dwg; Harry Wasserman to Chas Wasserman, 435 W 40; mtg $2,800; Oct27; Nov5'17. nom Arthur av, -vvs, 125 sw lS7th, see Arthur av, ws, 100 s lS7th. Arthur av, 2423 (ll:30fi6). ws, 202.8 n lS7th. 25x112.11x25x113, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Aurora Constn Co to Locono Invest¬ ing Corpn; mtg $18,000; Octll; NovS'17. omitted Arthur av (11:3065), ws. 100 s ISTth, 25 xl24, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 2-sty fr rear tnt: also ARTHUR AV (11:3065), ws. 125 sw ISTth. 25x124. except part for av, 4- sty bk tnt & strs; Liborio Lombardo et al to Reliable Bronx Italian Bakers, Inc; NovS; Nov8'17. 100 Barker av (*), ws. 275 n Waring av. 50x 100; Frank A Becker to Sartorius Realty Co: B&S & AL: Nov5'17. O C & 100 Bartholdi av (*), ns, 30.S e Rosewood av. 50x100; John W Farrington to Robt L Irving; Oct2S'07; Nov5'17. O C & 100 Belmont av, 2115-17 (11:3081), ws, 14S.5 n ISOth. 50.8x81.11x50.8x80.8. 5-sty bk tnt; P'ilomena D'Auria. widow, et al. heirs Pas¬ quale D'Auria to Angelina Pucci, 214S Belmont av; mtg $25,000; Sept2T; NovS'lT. O C & 100 Boston nl, 1195 (10:2614). ws, 51.2 S 16Sth. 40x96.5: all title to strip in rear 3.7 wide, 5-stv bk tnt; Maybelle l\Ierz to Anna M Brown, 1195 Boston rd; Aprl2; Nov2'lT. nom Boston rd, 1451 (11:2938). ws, 223.6 n Prospect av. 26.6x130. 6-stv bk tnt & strs; 1447-1451 Boston Road Realty Co to Ray Shognn. 2456 AVash av; mtg $29,250; NovT: NovS'lT. 100 Bronxdale av (*), sws. 358 nw Morris Park av. 25x155.1x23.6x158.4; also PLOT (•) begins 100 w White Plains rd at point 95 n along s^ime from Morris Park av. runs n S0xw4Sxs50xe45 to beg; Herman Hebe- streitt. Woodhaven, LI, to Clara F Beyer, 451 Willard av. Woodhaven. LI; Nov2; Nov 5*17. nom Bronx Park av (*). ws, 75 n ITTth. 25x 100: Jacob Lebas. 363 Bronx Park av. to Lizzie Geller. 36T Bronx Park av; mtg $4,000: Oct29: NovS'lT. • 100 Bronxwood av (*), ws, 150 s Adee av. 25 XlOO: Lorillard Spencer. 3d. individ & ano, TRPTKS Lorillard Spencer, 2d. et al. to Anthony C Osiecki. 951 Jennings: B&S: Ju"e15; July16'lT: reprinted from issue of Julv 21 when lines were separated. 525 Brook av. .^14 (9:2360). es. 34.8 s 159th, runs s22xsl8 3xe95 3xn40x\v92.9 to beg. fi¬ st v hk tnt; Saml Weil et al. EXRS Jonas AVeil. to Bertha Kahn. 421 E 82; ^^ pt: A L: Oct25: Nov2'lT. 100 Brook nv. Sl4t Bernhnrd Maver to same; V- Vt; B&S & AL; Oct25; Nov2'17. O C & 100 Brook av, S14: Bertha Kihn to Bern- hM-d Mpvrr. 41 E T2; Ms pt; B&S & AL: Oct 25: Nov2'lT. O C & 100 Brook av, R14: Bertha K''hn to Saml Weil 2'*2 Len'^v av Rpnj J W'^U. 21 E 82. & Louis V We'l. 52 E T5. EXPS Jonas Weil; M> pt: B&S & AL; Oct25: Nov2'17. O C .<- 100 Prvant nv. 10*^7 (10'27*^). swc 16Sth ''Nos ]iiS-2''> i0Ov56. 5-sty bk tnt & strs: M-^r- mo" Constn rn fo Lo^l*! S'lbermnn, 18L2 T^=^kin av. Bklyn; mtg $65,400; 0"t3l: Nov 2'17. O C & 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecution.