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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the REAL ESTATE AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellancoas Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgage* ai Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclostire Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Bntered at the Post Ofltleo at New Tork. N. T., as SAcond olass Matter. Vol. C No, 2598 New York, December 29, 1917. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. DEC. 21, 22, 24, 26 & 27. Ann st, 50, see Fulton, 119. Cliff st, ses, at sws Fulton, see Fulton, 52. Division st, 79 on map 79-79ya (1:282-80), ss, abt 310 w Pike, 25x66.3x25x66.1. e s, 6- sty bk tnt & strs; Louis Winkler, 262 East Bwav, Sc Abram Shultz. 63 W 110. co Cbenka Winkler, 262 East Bway, & Regina Shultz, 63 W liu, wives of above; mtg- $28,000 Sc-AB; Dec24; Dec26'17; A$22,000- 30,000 (R S $12). nom East Broadway, 133 (1:283-38), ss, 160 e Pike, 25x75, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Abr H Rosenberg- to Saml Remer. 1845 7 av; mtg $20,000; Dec20; Dec21'17; A$20,500-2S,000 (R S $5). nom Kldiidge st, 1S>7 (2:421-72), ws. 100 n Rivington, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Selma Siegel, 200 Springeld av, Newark, N J. to Ike Chertoff. 1314 4Uth, Bklyn, Sc Jake Friedman, 449 Hopkinson av, Bklyn; mtg $28,650; Dec21; Dec26'l7; A$20,000-30,000 (R S 50c). nom Front St. 367-9 (1:243-31-32 & 21). ss, 62.10 w Jackson, runs w62.2xsl40 to ns South (No 384) xe25xn70xe25xn27.3xel2.lxn 7.5xe.0Hxn35.8 to beg, 1-sty bk bldg; Deni¬ son Realtv Corpn to Rothbart Garage Op¬ erators, Inc, 320 E 38; B&S; mtg $7,000; Dec22; Dec24'17; A$12,500-13.000 (R S $8). O C & 100 Fulton st, 5:: (1:75-48), sws, at ses Cliff, 27x14.8x28x8.7. 3-sty bk«loft & str bldg; Henry G Trevor, of Southampton, LI, to Denison Realty Corpn, 92 William; B&S; mtg $5,000; Decl7; Dec21"17; A$iS,500-19.- 000 (R S $2.50). ' O C & UO Fulton st, 119 (111) (1:91-8). ns, 176.1 e Nassau, 25.2x119.11 to ss Ann (No 50) x25.2 X119.7, 4 & 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Elemco Realty Co, 59 Liberty, to Henry Allen, 260 Convenfav; E&S; mtg $70,000; Dec20; Dec 22'17; A$90.000-105,000 (R S $5). O C & 100 Lewis st, OS (2:329-50), sec Stanton (Nos 311-3), 25x75. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Helene. Chas & David Galewski, individ & ADMRS &c Bernard Galewski, et al, to Helene Ga¬ lewski, 26 W 120. Vz pt, & David Galewski, at East WiUiston. LI; Chas Galewski, 216 W 94; Nellie Voit. 465 Bedford av, Bklyn; Sadie Bernstein. 199 Lenox av. Birdie Averett. 7 W 120. & Estelle Rosenstein, 22 W 120, each 1-9 pt. heirs Bernard Ga¬ lewski; B&S; AL; Novl4; Dec27'17; A$16.- 500-34.000. nom Madison st, 93 (87) (1:277-10). ns. abt 320 w Market, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt & str: Rose Lerman. widow Isidore Lerman, to Sam Lichter. 93 Madison; Vz pt; AT; AL; . Dec20; Dec21'17; A$15,000-32.000 (R S 50c). nom Mangin at, GS (2:323-42), es, 158.8 s Riv¬ ington. 20.8x100, 3-sty bk tnt; Josepa wife of Xz Salvatore Speno to Phillip Heipers- hausen, 418 W 146. & Fredrick Heipens- hausen, 2 Broome; Dec26'17; A$6,000-7.500 (.R S $8.50). nom Rivin^on st, 173-5 (2:348-53), ss. 90 e Clinton, runs e40xs80xw20xs20xw20xnl00 to beg. 6-sty bk tnt Sz strs; Maurice Kraut¬ man to Saml Krautman, 317 E 4; AL; Aug 1; Dec26'17; A$36,000-65.500. O C & 100 South st, 3S4, see Front. 367-9. Stanton st, 310 (2:330-74). ns, 75 e Lewis, 22x75, 2 & 3-sty bk & fr tnt; Clarence H Fay to Gulick Realty Co. 2 Rector; Vi pt; B&S Sc CaG; Dec5; Dec21'17; A$8,500-10,.- 000. nom Stanton st, 311-3, see Lewis. 98. Sunoik st, 171 (2:355-G0). ws, 102 s Hous¬ ton, 24x100. vacant: Hamilton Fish et al, directors & TRSTES of Hamilton Fish Corpn (in dissolution) to Louise Fox, 520 Ocean av. Jersev Citv, NJ; Nov22; Dec21 '17; A$15,500-15.500 (R S $8.50). 8,500 SnIVolk st, 171: Louise* Fox, of Jersey City, NJ. to Jos L Buttenwieser, 300 Cen¬ tral Park W; mtg $5,000; Dec20; Dec2l'17. O C & 100 3D st, 2S2 JE (2:372-14), ss, 141.2 e Av C, 22.7x106, 4-sty bk tnt & strs Sc 3-sty fr rear tnt; Harold H Herts, ref, to Jessie R Suydam. 55u Park av, plff; mtg $11,000; FORECLOSED & drawn Dec26; Dec27'17; A$12,000-15,000 (R S $4). 4,000 STH st, 371 E (2:378-55). ns, 258 e Av C, 25x93.11, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; David Hy¬ man. 371 E 8, to Benj Insel, 143 Hooper, Bklyn: mtg $14,000 & AL; Dec20; Dec27'17: A$12.500-16.500. nom UTH st, 142 W (2:606-40) ss, 480 w o av, 22.6x108.9, 3 & 4-sty & b bk dwg; Louisa Bardusch of Bronx' to Wm J Far¬ rell. 222 W 23; mtg $16,000; Dec21- Dec22 ■17; A$14,0U0-16,500 (R S $2). nom 14TH st, 302 E, see 14th. 304 E. 14TH st, 304 E (2:455-9), ss. 52.6 e 2 av, 19.6x51.6. 4-sty stn tnt; A$ll,000-15,000; also 14TH ST, 302 E (2:455-8), ss, 33 e 2 av, 19.6x51.6. 4-sty stn tnt & str; A$ll,- 000-16,000; Henry Herrmann & Anna S, his wife, to Anna H Herrmann, all at 302 E 14; mtg $25,000 & AL; Dec2l'17 (R ,b $6). nom 20TH st, 229-35 E (3:901-17-20), ns, 200 w 2 av, 91x92. 2-sty bk bldg & 5-2-sty bk stables; Hamilton Fish et al, directors & TRSTES of Hamilton Fish Corpn (in dis-- solution) to Louise Fox, 520 Ocean av, Jersey City, NJ; AL; Nov22; Dec21'17; A $46,000-52,000 (R S $40). 40,000 20TH St. 220-35 E; Louise Fox. of Jersey City, NJ, to Jos L Buttenwieser, 300 Cen¬ tral Park W; mtg $24,000; Dec20; Dec2l '17. O C & IUO 37TH St. 34 W (3:838-69), ss. 470 w 5 av, 25x98.9, 4-sty bk tnt & strs. 2-sty ext; Lawyers Realty Co to Cecelia A Coffin, 155 Nyac av, Peiham. Nl^; B&S; mtg $58,000 & AL; Dec24'17; A$68,000-P72.000. O C & 100 47TH st, 253 W (4:1019-11). ns. 250 e 8 av, 25x86x25.8x91.9, 3-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$32.000-35,000; also INTERIOR LOT (4:1019). begins at ci blk bet 47th & 48th & 250 e S av, runs s8.Sxse25.7 to point 86 n 47th xnl4.4xw24.11 to beg. with AT to gore on w —x—x—, .vacant; also 47TH ST. 255 W (4:1019-10). ns 225 e S av. 25x 100.5, 4-sty stn loft bldg. 2-sty ext; A$32." 000-33.000: all of above & y- pt of follow¬ ing: 47TH ST. 257-9 W (4:1019-8). ns. 175 e S av. 50x97.6x51.4x108.11. 4-sty bk stable; A$69,000-84.000; Margt O'Connor to Fran¬ cis X O'Connor, both at 18 Leland av, New Rochelle, NY; QC; DecS; Dec21'17. nom 47TH st, 257-9 W, see 41th. 253 W. 5GTH st, 37 W (5:1272-15), ns, 550 W 5 av. 25x100.5. 5-sty bk dwg. 3-sty ext: Sid¬ ney T Dyer, of Bait, Md, widow of Elisha Dyer, to Robt E Sterling, 1526 Pine st, Phila. Pa: mtg $75,000; Decl8; Dec22'17; A$64.500-125.000 (R S $25). O C & 100 56TH st, 444 W (4:1065-57), ss, 175 e 10 av, 25x100.5, 5-stv bk tnt; Lamore Realty Co, 233 Bway. to Isidor Abraham. 8 W 103; mtg $17,000; Dec20; Dec21'17- A$ll,000-23,- 000 (R S $3.50). • nom 58TH st, 24 W (5:1273-51). ss. 325 w 5 . av, 25x100.5. 4-sty & b stn dwg: Julia Cod¬ dington to Emily Coddington Williams 24 W 5S: B&S & CaG; Dec20; Dec26'17-; A $76.000-87.OOp. wedding present, gift 59TH st E, ST*-c Lex av. see Lex av. 740. 70TU at, 519-21 E (5:1488-13), ns, 298 e Av A, 50x102.2. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Eva Diamondston. of Bronx, to Jacob Gengel, 509 Belmont av, Eklyn; mtg $43,000 & AL; Dec26: Dec27'17; A$ll.000-50.000. O C & lOO 7
104TH st, 172 E; Sadie M McPhee to AA- gus McPhee, both of Ogden pl, Dobbb Ferry, NY; Vz RT&I; mtg $12,000; Mar29; Dec24'17. O C & 100 IIOTH st, 202-S E (6:1659-45 ^^-43^-), ee, 85 e 3 av. 60x100.10 4-3-sty bk loft & Btr bldgs; Edw D Dowling, ref, to ClergJ-- men's Retiring Fund Society of the P E Church in U S. 281 4 av, plff; FORECLOS Jan30; Dec21; Dec27'17; A$20.000-22,000 CR S $25). 25,000 113TH st, 114 W, see St Nicholas av. -54. 121ST st, 518 E (6:1817-27), ss, 208 e Pleasant av, 17x80. 3-sty bk tnt; Arc^ angelo Curcio. ADMR of Maria G Verlatly gieri or Curcio, deed, to Domenico Viggiaril, 411 E 114; mtg $3,500 & AL; Decl7; Dec2i •17; A$2,500-3,500. nom 126TH st, 64 "\V (6:1723-611/^), ss, 241.G e Lenox av, 18.9x99.11. 3-sty & b stn dwg; Wells Holding Co, 159 W 125, to John ^ Haskin Estates, a corpn, 34 W 86: mi's •$7,000 & AL; June22; Dec21'17: A$8,600- 10.000. • o c & ioo 126TH st, 64 W', John E Haskin Estates a corpn, to Wells Holding Co, 159 W 125; mtg $7,000 & AL; Decl4; Dec21'17. O C & HBO 126TH st, 75 W (6:1724-6), ns, 109 e Lenox av, 17x99.11, 3-sty & b stn dwg; John B Haskin Estates. Inc, 34 W 86,. to Maude E Scofield, 103 West Fordham st. City Island; mtg $5,000; Decl6; Dec21'17; A$6,400-8,500 (R S $2). O C & 100 137TH St. 304 W (7:1960-53). ss. lOl Vf S av. 15x99.11. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Anna M Smith, widoAV, 168 Grand av Newburgh, NY, to Reginald Francis. 308 W 93: AL; Dec24; Dec27'17; A$4,800-7,500 (R S $6>." o c & loe 140TH st, 57 W (6:1738-10), ns, 200 e Lenox av. 41.8x99.11. 6-sty bk tnt; Timothv Daly, ref, to Kath Dumahaut, 601 W 112; FORECLOS Decl4; Dec2l; Dec24'17; A$8,- 500-37,000 (R S $35). 35.0 166TH st, 470 \V (8:2111-50) sec Ams av (Nos 2129-33), 100x52.3, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Marie Kahrs, of Bronx, to Pearl Niles. of Union, NJ; AL; Dec24'17; A$32.- 000-85.000. nom 192D st, 601 W, see St Nicholas av, 1641. 193D st W, sec St Xioholas ftv, see 1923 W, ss. 150 w Audubon av. 1030 st W (8:2161-pt lot 17), ss. 150" w Audubon av, runs sl00xw200 to es St Nich¬ olas av xnlOO.4 to ss 193dxel93.4 to beg, vacant; Henry Morgenthau Co to City Real Estate Co. 176 Bway; B&S & CaG; mtg $27,000 & AL; Dec20; Dec24'l7 (R S $5). nom Av D, 134 (2:366-5). es. 79.6 n 9th. runs n25.6xel05xs22xw3.2xs3.6xwl01.10 to beg; 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Henrv M Brigham, ref, to Louise M Pollock, 1 E 88, plff; FORECLOS Dec7; Dec20; Dec21'17; A$l2,- 000-25.000 (R S $17). 17,000 Amsterdam av, 2120-33, see 166th,. 470 -W. Broadway, 2188 (4:1169-51), es, 77.4 's 7Sth. 25.9x30.5 x 25.6 x 34.1. 3-sty bk str; Peter Doelger Brewing Co, 407 E 55 to Alexander Vlachos, 2188 Bway; AL: De© 20; Dec2ri7; A$30,000-31,000 (R S $8). - O C Sc 100 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice Is hereby giveu that infringement will lead to prosecutior: