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122 KECORD AND GUIDE July 28, 1917 Geo- A- Fuller Company Fireproof Building Construction OFFICES: New York Baltimore Boston Philadelphia Chattanooga Kansas City Montreal^ Can. Winnipeg, Can. Washington Chicago Detroit Milwaukee Atlanta Toronto, Can. Ritch-HughesCo EXPERT ADVICE AND SERVICE INSURANCE AND BONDS FOR BUILDING OPERATIONS Architects* Bldg. , 101 PARK AVE. Edward Corning, Charles F. Berger, C.E., President. Vice-President. Edward Corning Company 'Builders 52 VANDERBILT AVENUE NEW YORK Edward P. Coming, Clinton L. Frobisher, Treasurer. Secretary. BUILDERS' Estimating Bureau QUANTITY Lists accurately made up, for Builders, Contractors and Architects. THIS Bureau acts as umpire or referee in controversies between Architects and Contractors. SERVICES rendered the Legal Pro¬ fession, by experienced and practi¬ cal men, in connection with litiga¬ tion and other matters involving building construction technique. FIRE LOSSES ADJUSTED 21 Park Row •Phone—Cort. 4754 CHARLES E. KNOX Consulting Engineer For Electrical Equipment, Elevators, Industrial Plants 101 Park Avenue, New York Adams Bldg.,, Washington, advisory archi¬ tects. Cost, $2,000,000. This project was reported in the Record and Guide last week, without the location. GOVERNORS ISLAND.—The Rangeley Construction Co., 7 East 42d st, Manhattan, has the general contract for nine 1-sty frame temporary bldgs., to include three mess halls, 20x105, three barracks, 20x259, and three laboratories, 14x63, at Port Jay, N. T., for the U. S. Government, from plans by F. B. Wheaton, 1729 New York av, N.W., Washington, D. C, advisory archi¬ tect. CHARLESTON, S. C—The U. S. Gov¬ ernment, Navy Dept., F. R. Harris, Chief of Bureau of Yards & Docks, Washing¬ ton, D. C, owner, is taking bids on the general contract to close 11 a. m., Aug. 6, for a 4-sty reinforced concrete store house, 321x60, from privately-prepared plans. The United Fireproofing Co., 8 West 40th st, Manhattan, is figuring the general contract and desire estimates on all subs. CONTEMPLATED NO ARCHITECTS SELECTED. In this department is published advance in¬ formation regarding building projects where architects have not as yet been selected. €irDmiiiiniiiiuj:uiiiroiuDamDmimiiiunuiiiiJUuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuriiiniuuiiiniiiiiujiaiiiuimiuiiJiuuui [uiuiiuuuiuummmuiiitiuiuiuuui nnimiuuu jm mmuuini. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY, N. Y.—The Board of Supervisors of St. Lawrence County. Porter Johnston, chairman. Og- densburg, N. Y., owner, contemplates the erection of a tuberculosis sanitarium. No architect has been retained and details will be available later. SYRACUSE, N. Y.^The City of Syra¬ cuse, Thomas E. Kennedy, Park Comr., City Hall. Syracuse, owner, contemplates erecting a steel and glass municipal greenhouse in Onondago Park, for which no architect has been selected. Cost. $40,000. CLINTON COUNTY, N. Y.—The Board ot Supervisors of Clinton County, Plattsburg, N. Y., S. D. Healey. in charge. Lyon Mountain, N. Y., owner, contemplates the erection of a tuberculosis sanitarium, for which no site or architect has been selected. FRANKLIN COUNTY, N. Y.—The Board of Supervisors of Hamilton County, E. W. Hill, in charge. Chateaugay, N. Y., owner, contemplates erecting a County tuberculosis hospital, for which details are undecided, and no architect has been selected. nsimiiunuimiuuaiSuaiiiiJLiutni r I uroiu I L[|]imL[iuiiJ I uiilUi LUiui ijluiiju iriijunnimj LiiiHJ n i ^lu PLANS FIGURING. .^U CHURCHES. BROOKLYN. N. Y.—E. O. Holmgren. 271 FuUon st. Brooklyn, architect, is taking bids on the general contract to close July 31 for a 3-sty brick and terra cotta church and .-chool. 40x100, at the north¬ west cor of Gates and Franklin avs, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. W. Munson, rector, 1140 Bedford av. owner. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. MANHATTAN.—The Columbus Circle Construction Co., 15 Columbus Circle, is li^unnK: the general contract for a port¬ able steel building and a brick storage bide- at Sth av and 140th st, for thp Board of Water Supply, City of New York, Mu¬ nicipal Bldg. owner, and desire bids on all .sub.s by Aug. 6. c'-'HOOT.S AND COLLEGES. HILLSIDE, N. J.—The Board of Educa¬ tion of the Township of Hillside, County of Union, A. G. Woodfield. district clerk. Hillside School, Hillside av, Hillside, owner, is taking bids on the general con¬ tract to close S p. m., Aug. 6. for a 2-sty brick public school. 38x150, in Roose¬ velt st, near Woodruff av, from plans by C. Godfrey Poggi, 2 Julian pl, Elizabeth, N. J., architect. Cost, $60,000. MISCELLANEOUS. RAHWAY, N. J.—Seymour Williams, WoodrufE Bldg, Rahway. architect, is tak¬ ing bids on the general contract to close Aug. 2, for a brick and terra cotta Ma¬ sonic temple and office, in Irving st, for the Craftsman Club Members of Lafay¬ ette Lodge No. 27. P. & A. Masoua, i25 Irving st, Rahway, owner, and the Com¬ mon Council of the City of Rahway, C. H. Lambert, clerk, Rahway, lessee of entire first floor. Cost, $35,000. FLUSHING, L. I.—William W. Knowles. 37 West ^th st, Manhattan, architect, is taking bids on the general contract to close Aug. 3, for a 2-sty brick and steel and concrete sub station and store house, (94x103, on the east side of Lawrence av, 450 ft north of Broadway, for the New York & Queens Electric Light, Heat & Power Co., 444 Jackson av, L. I. City, owner. Cost, $50,000. I CONSTRUCTION. Bnn miunraitinmmmmiimiai OMmifninDrmiiimiitiiirapronrnmuuuiiiiuiuriniULiiiiumiiniiiiotuiimriiiiircaiiinniTirMinimaiiimirriiiiiniouraiirririomraiJij^ Ma^Jiattan. APARTMENTS, FLATS & TENEMENTS. 93D ST.—Addison C. Mizner, 431 5th av, will draw plans for alterations to the 6- sty brick apartment. 39x100, at 69-71 East 93d st, for I. Townsend Burden, 120 Broad¬ way, owner. 134TH ST.—Russell & Horn, 25 West 42d st, completed plans for alterations to the 5-sty brick tenement. 26x85, at 26 West 134th st, for Mrs. Pauline Brown, 783 Prospect av, owner. Cost, $5,000. 34TH ST.—J. Odell Whitenack. 231 West iSth st, completed plans for alterations to the four 4-sty brick apartments and stores, 72x60. at 48-54 East 34th st. for the Madi¬ son Realty Co., 51 East SOth st, owner. Cost, $15,000. 134TH ST.—Otto Spannhake, 13 Park Row, completed plans for alterations Ao the 5-sty brick tenement at 125 West 134th st, for Jenny Goodheim, 35 St. Nich¬ olas av, owner. Cost, $4,000. SHERIDAN SQ.—Ferdinand Savignano, IS East 41st st, completed plans for al¬ terations to the 4-sty brick studio apart¬ ment and dwelling. 22x46, at 4 SheridRh sq. for Michael Hallanan, on premises, owner. Cost, $10,000. BANKS. BROADWAY.—Deutsch & Polis, 50 Church st, have plans in progress for al¬ terations to the S-sty brick, steel and stone bank and store bldg at 192 Broad¬ way, for the Chatham & Phoenix National Bank. Bert L. Haskins, cashier, owner, and the Broadway-John St. Corp., 206 Broadway, lessee. CHURCHES. 125TH ST.—Bart & John Walther, 147 East 125th st, completed plans for altera¬ tions and addition to the church at 249 East 125th st, for All Saints Roman Cath¬ olic Church, Rev. Monsignor James E. Powers, pastor, Madison av and 129th st. owner. HALLS AND CLUBS. oTH AV.—Charles W. Buckham, 307 Sth av, completed plans for alterations to the 4 and 2-sty club house, 39x125, at 47 5th av. for the Salmagundi Club, F. Ballard Williams, pres.. 14 West 12th st, owner. Cost, $20,000. HOTELS. 41ST ST.—Leed. Inc.. 6S1 Sth av, com¬ pleted plans for alterations to the Cafe Boulevard, at the southeast cor of 41st st and Broadway, for the Continental Hotel, H. J. Duncan, manager, Broadway and 41st st, owner. Cost, $15,000. MUNICIPAL. BLACKWELLS ISLAND.—Charles B. Meyers, l Union sq. Manhattan, has plans in progress for alterations and addition to the 4-sty stone workhouse and ad¬ ministration bldg, for the City of New York, Dept of Correction, Burdette G. Lewis, comr.. Municipal Bldg. owner. STAELES AND GARAGES. 1ST AV.—Swift & Co., 76 West Monroe st, Chicago. 111., and 1st av and 45th pt, Manhattan, owner, contemplates the erec¬ tion of a 5-sty reinforced concrete garage. 50x100, at 775-7 1st av, rrom privately prepared plans. 75TH ST.—Addison Mizner, 431 Fifth av, completed plans for alterations to tht' 5-sty brick garage, 50x100, at 112-4 East 75th st, for C. King Palmer, 3S West 59th st, owner. Cost, $4,000. STORES. OFFICES AND LOFTS. BROADWAY.—H. J. Hardenbergh, 47 West 34th st, will draw plans for altera¬ tions to the 9-sty brick and stone store and loft bldg, 66x116. at the southeast cor of Broadway and 57th st, for M. A. Ma¬ toaka Realty Co.. 600 West 57th st. owner, and the Chevrolet Motor Co. of N. Y.. 600 West 57th st, lessee. 57TH ST.—Robert T. Lyons, 52 Vander¬ bilt av, has plans in progress for altera¬ tions to the stores and studios at 103 West S7th st, for Robert T. Ballantine Estate. 790 Broad st, Newark, N. J., own¬ er. Cost. $30,000. 42D ST.—George Keister. 56 West 45th st, completed plans for alterations and extension to the 5-sty brick office bldg, 37x82, at 229-231 West 42d st, for Mary L. Cassidy, 328 West S3d st, owner, and the Selwyn Realty Corp., 1451 Broadway, lessee. Cost, $25,000. WILLIAM ST.—Everett. Clarke & Ben¬ edict, 39 Wall st, trustees, contemplate making alterations to the office bldg at 128 William st. from plans by Deutch & Polis, 50 Church st, architects. De¬ tails will be available later. Cost, $40,- 000. RECORD AND GUIDE: IS IN ITS FIFTIETH yE-Ml OF CONTINVOITS PUBLICATION.