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July 28, 1917 RECORD AND GUIDE 127 the public school on Park av (George Washington bcLool), for the City of Sy¬ racuse. Board of Educatiun. George M. fairchild, pres.. City Hall, Syracuse, own¬ er, from plans by A, L. Brockway and D. R. Collin, 3d Natl. Bank Bldg. Syra¬ cuse, N. Y.. architects. Cost, $40,000. BATAVIA, N. Y.—J. E. Bailey, Brocton. N. Y., has the general contract for a 2- sty brick high school at Ross st and Washington av, for the City of Batavia, Board of Education, Batavia. N. Y., owner, from plans by E. E. Joralemon. 547 Frank¬ lin st, Buffalo, architect. STABLES AND GARAGES. BROOKLYN. N. Y.—John J. Moran, 113 Broadway, Bklyn. has the general contract for a 2-sty brick stable and garage, 70x 00, at the northeast cor of Montrose and Gardner avs for the Montrose Improve¬ ment Co., North 13th st and Broadway, Eklyn, owner, from plans by Max Hirsch, 350 Fulton st, architect. Cost, $6,500. BROOKLYN, N. Y.—John Young. 642 Linwood st, Bklyn, has the general con¬ tract for a stone garage, at the south¬ east corner of Lincoln pl and Schenec¬ tady av, for Morris Bass, on premises, owner, from plans by E. M. Adelsohn, 1776 Pitkin av. architect. BROOKLYN, N. Y'.—Harry Klein & Son. 13-15 Hervel st, Bklyn, have the general contract for a 1-sty brick and stone ga¬ rage, 50x131, in the north side of Sterling pl, 103 ft east of Washington av. for the Utility Garage Co., on premises, owner, from plans by E. M. Adelsohn, 1776 Pit¬ kin av, architect. Cost, $16,000. DOVER, N. J.—John Pugsley, South Morris st. Dover. N. J., has the general contract for a 1-sty public garage, 45x75, in Searing st. for Paul Guenther. 69 King st, Dover, N. J., owner, from plans by J. .1. Vreeland, Jr., 16 West Blackwell st, Dover, N. J., architect. Cost, $7,500. STORKS, OFFICES AND LOFTS. MANHATTAN.—The Wennemer Con¬ struction Co., 103 Park av. has plans in progress for a 2-sty brick, terra cotta and marble taxpayer (12 stores), 200x120x55, at Broadway, ISSth st and Hamilton pl, for the 13Sth St and Broadway Corp.. own er, frora privately prepared plans. Cost, $75,000. MANHATTAN.—J. H, Deeves & Brother. 103 Park av, have the general contract for a 1-sty addition, and remodeling of the 5th floor at 647 5th av, for E, Gimpel & Wildenstein, on premises, owner, from plans by Charles L. Fraser, architect. MANHATTAN.—John FuUon, Jr., 52 Vanderbilt av, has the general contract for alterations to the S-sty brick store bldg, 30x70, at 1212 Broadway, for Solo- jnon Pudlin & Co., on premises, owner, from plans by S. Walter Katz, and I. G. Feiner. 505 5th av, architect. Cost, $6,- 500. BRONX.—The York Building Co., 103 Park av, Manhattan, has the general con¬ tract for 1-sty brick stores, 75x90. on the east side of Webster av. 160 ft north 3f 16Sth st, for the Dodge Realty Co., 3-70 East 149th st, owner, from plans by Irving Margon, 372 East 149th st, arnhitpct.. Cost, $12,000. BRONX.—Nieman & Luth, 33 West 42d st, have the general contract for a 2-sty brick and stone office and police bldg, 23 x45, at Woodlawn Cemetery, Jerome av and 233d st, for the Woodlawn Cemetery, Howard C. Smith, pres., Webster av and 233d St. owner, from plans by H. Edwards- Ficken, 22 East 17th st, architect. Cost, $15,000. BRONX.—The Chelsea Carpenter Con¬ struction Co., 88 Lenox av. has the gen¬ eral contract for 1-sty brick stores. 116x 35, on the west side of Westchester av, 55 ft south of Forest av, for Sophia Brener. 408 Lexington av, owner, from plans by J. M. Felson, 1138 Broadway, Manhattan, architect. Cost. $5,000. POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y.—Madsen &. Wistoff, 45 Market st, Poughkeepsie. N. Y'., have the general contract for altera¬ tions to the brick store, 50x122. in Main st, for the Up-to-date Cloak Co., on prem- . ises, owner, from plans by Girard Betz, 61 . John st, Kingston, N. Y., architect. Cost, $12,000. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.—S. Stein, Poughkeepsie. N. Y., has the general con¬ tract for repairs to the brick store and loft bldg. at 220 Main st. for David Mar¬ tin, 220 Main st, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., owner, from plans by Du Bois Carpenter, 45 Market St. Poughkeepsie, N, Y., archi¬ tect. Cost. $4,000. THEATRES. MANHATTAN.—John Williams, 527 5th av, has the g^eneral contract for altera¬ tions to the 2 and 3-sty brick theatre and offices, 104x71. at 1482-90 Broadway, for the 1482 Broadway Corp., Edmund K. Stallo, pres., 60 Broadway, owner, from plans by Henry I. Cobb, 527 5th av, archi¬ tect. Cost, $6,000. HACKENSACK, N. J.—The Ferber Con¬ struction Co., 16 Johnson av, Hackensack, has the general contract for the altera¬ tion of the post office at the northeast cor of Main st and Salem pl, into a mov¬ ing picture theatre, for James Tracey, on premises, owner, from privately prepared plans. MISCELLANEOUS. MANHATTAN.—A. W. King & Co.. 81 East 125th st, have the general contract for the construction of station finish for two stations on the Broadway-4th Av Rapid Transit Railroad for the City of New Y'ork, Public Service Commission, for tl>« First District, 120 Broadway, owner, from privately prepared plans. ^ / MANHATTAN.—John W. Barnes, 10 East 43d st. has the general contract tor the completion of banking quarters in the apartment house at 127 East 72d st, for Julius Tishman & Sons, 18 East 41st st, owner, and the Corn Exchange Bank, 13 William st, lessee, from plans by H. T. Lindeberg, 2 West 47th st, architect. BRONX.—Nieman & Luth. 33 West 4'2d st, Manhattan, have the general contract for a 2-sty brick and limestone office and police bldg, 23x46. at Woodlawn Ceme¬ tery, Jerome av and 233d st, for the Wood¬ lawn Cemetery, Webster av and 233d st, owner, from plans by H. Edwards Fickep. 22 East 17th st, Manhattan, architect. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.—Kingston & Campbell, 1 Washington st, Poughkeepsie. have the general contract for a 1-sty brick and reinforced concrete heating plant, 24 x24, at 333-5 Main st, for Wallace Co., 333 Main st, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., owner, from plans by W. J. Beardsley, 49 Market t, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., architect. Cost, $25,000. MARINERS HARBOR, S. I.—John Milnes & Co., Rich av. Port Richmond, S. I., have the general contract for a blacksmith shop, machine shop and boiler factory oi Richmond Terrace, for the Staten Island Ship Building Co., 1983 Richmond Terrace, Richmond, owner, from plans by Lock- wood, Green & Co., 101 Park av, Manhat¬ tan, architect and engineer. NEWARK. N. J.—Henry M. Doremus Co.. 36 Orange st, Newark, has the general contract for a 1-sty brick heating plant, 25x35. in Beecher st. for Franklin Murphy, of Murphy Varnish Co., 224 McWhorter st, Newark, owner, from plans by Guilbert & Betelle. 665 Broad st, Newark, architects. Total cost. $17,000. MAURER, N. J.—H. D. Best & Co., 52 Vanderbilt av, Manhattan, have the gen¬ eral contract for a 4-sty steel, frame and hollow tile coal pulverizing mill, 60x55. for the American Smelting & Refining Co.. 120 Broadway, Manhattan, owner, from privately-prepared plans. NEWARK. N, J.—Francis McCue. 84 Harper st, Newark, has the general con¬ tract for a meter recording station, on Bloomfield av, for the Board of Street & Water Commissioners of the City of Newark, City Hall, Newark, from plans by Morris R. Sherrerd, City Hall, Newark, chief engineer. Cost, $12,496. BUFFALO, N. Y.—George H. Scheckler & Sons, Erie, Pa., have the general con¬ tract for a 2-sty brick and steel freight house, two bridges and platform. 420x30, at Louisiana and Seneca sts, for the Penn¬ sylvania Railroad Co., C. B. MacArthur, asst. engr.. Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, own¬ er, from plans by A. C. Shand, Broad st station, Philadelphia. Pa., and E. B. Wlss- man, 314 Babcock St. Buffalo, N. Y., engi¬ neers. Cost, $200,000. TRADE AND TECHNICAL SOCIETY EVENTS. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS holds Its monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of each month. Cal¬ vin W. Rice, 25 West 39th st, secretary. NATIONAL PAINT, OIL AND VARNISH ASSOCIATION will hold its convention ^t the Congress Hotel, Chicago, 111., October 7-11. George V. Horgan, 100 William st. Manhattan, Is secretary. NATIONAL EXPOSITION OF SAFETY AND SANITATION will be held In the Grand Central Palace, New York, Septem¬ ber 10-15, under the joint auspices of the American Museum of Safety and the Na¬ tional Safety Council. NATIONAL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE will hold its twenty-third annual meeting in Detroit, Mich.. Nov. 21-24, with headquar¬ ters at Hotel Statler. For information ad¬ dress the secretary, Clinton Rogers Wood¬ rufC, 703 North American Bldg., Philadel¬ phia. Pa. Speculative Builders welcome Kerner Garbage Incinerators because they heighten the standard of buildings, tenants, and em¬ ployees, make for perfected sanitation, reduce health and fire risks, and increase rentals. No expense of operation, no odors whatever, and no fuel required. Approved by all Cities and Investment Companies. Write for further data. The Kerner System MJr^lTmnhio 321 Madison Ave. at 42d Street "No building is modern or sanitary if garbage cans are used" J. P. Duffy Co. Fire Clay Flue Pipe Partition Blocks 138th Street and Park Avenue Phone 281-282 Melrose 1 Flaunt Old Glory to the Breeze- This flagpole, 75 feet In height, was erected by us. We make this type of pole any height. Notliing exists that cannot be made out of steel by this firm. Stolz & Greenberg Iron Works 1122-1126 Forest Ave. Bronx, New York ^^ O O F- 1 IM G 1^^ e: i^^ a. I r I im o r"^ A. i IM ~r 1 IM o TELEPHONE^ 7966 LENOX (7967 Architectural Sheet Metal Work, Cornices, Skylights, Heating, Venti¬ lating, Metal, Slate, Tar, Tile and Slag Roofing, Gutters and Leaders AMERICAN GUARANTEE ROOFING CO ., 221-231E. 77th St. REICORD AND GUIDK IS IN ITS FIFTIETH YEAR OF CONTINUOUS PUBLICATION.