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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 100, no. 2587: Articles]: October 13, 1917

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472 JIECORD AND GUIDE October 13, 1917 Fifth Avenue Corner in Trade. William B. May & Co. sold the large vacant plot at the south corner of Fifth avenue and 96th street, fronting 100.8 feet on Fifth avenue, and 150 feet in 96th street, in the Carnegie Hill section, for Sumner Gerard, to Oliver Gould Jennings, a lawyer. The property was acquired by Mr. Gerard several years ago from the Marsh Estate, and was valued at $700,000. In the same block are the residences of Ogden Codman, F. deR. Wissman and Lucy Drexel Dahl- gren. In part payment Mr. Jennings gave his former residence at 7 East 72d street, a four-story English basement house, held at $350,000. Mr. Jennings placed this property on the market after he had completed his new home at 882 Fifth avenue, just south of the residence of C. Ledyard Blair, and the Henry Clay Frick mansion. Mr. Jennings' latest purchase is in the heart of a district where during the past few years many fine residences have been erected. The block to the north, between 96th and 97th streets, is one which the late Mrs. Flagler-Bingham purchased two years ago with the view of erecting a fine res¬ idence, and this is abutted by the new home in 96th street of Mrs. Amory S. Carhart and Ernesto Fabbri. Obtain Building Site Option. The Buek Construction Company is reported to have taken an option on the two buildings at 51 and 53 East 60th street, forming a building site, 40x100 feet. If the option is exercised a build¬ ing will be erected designed for the exclusive occupancy of physicians and surgeons. Plans for this :trijcture are now being prepared by Herbert M. Baer, architect. It is understood that a com¬ pany of leading physicians and demists is being formed to take over the build¬ ing upon completion. Exact details re¬ garding the transaction were not avail¬ able yesterday. The property has been held at $110,000. Window Shades Shades manufactured according to stand¬ ardized specifications—insuring shades that are perfect in all details. Our name and the identification number appear on every shade sold by us. Ordinator Co. 101 PARK AVENUE (40th Street) Telephone Vanderbilt 3250 100,000 Chances a Day! The JEWISH MORNING JOURNAL gives you 100,000 chances every dav to find desir¬ able tenants for your vacant stores, lofts and factory buildings. If you want to reach the greatest number of the most enterprising' merchants and business executives of New York and en- ^■irons, use the advertising columns of New Vorlv's most enterprising" Jewish daily. THE JEWISH MORNING JOURNAL ''Ihe Only Jt'7i'isli Moniin^ Newspaper'' 77-79 BOWERY, NEW YORK TELEPHONE ORCHARD 8400 Sales in Pearl Street. Charles F. Noyes Company sold for Henry G. Trevor, for cash, the five and six-story loft building at 323 Pearl street and 80 Cliff street, connected, covering a total plot of about 23x170. Both buildings contain electric eleva¬ tors and are among the better type of properties in the Franklin Square sec¬ tion. The property was acquired by the seller in 1895 from Warren E. Dennis for $95,000. Weeks Brothers, attorneys, represented Mr. Trevor and Stoddard & Mark represented the buyer. Buy for Garage Project, The estate of Samuel D. Phillips sold, through Horace S. Ely & Company, 238 to 256 West Nineteenth street, ten five- story tenements, on plot 154 x 92, be¬ tween Seventh and Eighth avenues. The purchasers will improve the site with a two-story garage for the use of one ten¬ ant to meet the demands in that neigh¬ borhood from large mercantile concerns. The sellers recently took over the prop¬ erty as plaintiffs in foreclosure proceed¬ ings against the Kings Farm Realty Company and others at the stand of Joseph P. Day. The houses were held at $100,000. Manhattan. North—of 59lh Street. 84TH ST.—Charles S. Kohler Plod for Gus¬ tave A. Kerker the 5-stv apartment house, on plot 24 nxl02.2. at 20 West 84rh Pt. between Cnli'mbiis av and Cfntral Park West. The property was he'd at $r{r> 000. being a<:sessed by the city at S.-iri.OOO. This is the first sale of the property in twenty-five years, S-TH ST.—Wininm B. May Co. report the resale of tbe 4-sty private resilience .50 West RTth st for Samuel Kemnner. This is the sec¬ ond sale of the pronertv made by the sarae brokers within a month, the previous sale being for Parker D. Handy to the present owner, who gave in exchange the modern English base¬ ment residence at 44 East 74th st. lO-.TH ST.—-Toseph Shenk sold to M. Levine 21'> and 214 East TO'-th st. a tenement. .Sr^x 100, hptwppn 2d and 3d avs. through H. Metzger and M. Cohen. lo-n PT.—The Houghton Company sold for Charles Wynne 522 Wput 12.'^d .^r. a ^-<=tv apart¬ ment, on plot .'?'i.2xl00. to Thomas Comba. 12nTH ST.—The 5-sty flat at 50 West 120th st has bpen sold by the Clayton Realty Co., H. L. Miles, president. The house occui>ies a plot 27.0x100. 1.?1ST ST.—T. Ed-ar Leaycraft & Co. sold fnr the Npw York Life Tn<=nrance * Trust Co. the dwplling m West l^lst St. 18x09.11, be¬ tween Lenox and 7th avs. ^n'>'^ ST.—.T. Edgar Leaveraft & Co. have sold ''"O West ir^'^d St. a 3-=ty dwelling on lot lG.8x 00.11, adioining the corner of 8th av. ^P.r.T) ST.—The Fi^bpr Realty Co. sold the 5-stv flat, on Int 25x100. 5:^8 West 13.3d st, for F. Siegel to William Reilly l.'^STH ST.—Marip T. Gunn sold to John T^nydock 37 West 138th st, a dwplling, between 5(h and Lenox avs. on lot 18.0x00.11. 143D ST.—.1. Fdgar Leaycraft Sl Co. bave sold fnr L. C. Cnn-r^lnn. the property at 308 West 143d St. 25x00.11. EDGECOMPE RD.—The Nason ReaUv Co. (Max Natan-^onL boneht from .John Dreyer, .Tr.. Tsma prpvpr and Oertrnde Cnnlan Vwo vacant Ints. 50x100. on the wp'^t side of Fdge- eom'-e rd. 25 ft. south of 1.50th st. held^at $30,000. through Pease Sl Elliman. Bronx. ALDUS ST.—Frederick Prown bought from', f'e Froment estate 002 Aldus Pt. southwest porner of Hoe av, a 5-sty apartment house, J'-'vin, held at $130,000. Gorsch & Co. were r'ln brokers. PROOK AV.—.Tohn F. Fetzer resold for James T Pnrry to W'illinm Zoss 348 Brook av. a 5- siv flat, 25x100. which the seller recently ac¬ quired in trade. COTTRTLANDT AV.—Walter E. Brown sold 'or Mrs. Selina McBrien a plot of about five lots on the east side of Courtlandt av. between East 102d and 103d sts. to a builder for im¬ provement. This is the first time in fiftv years that this property has changed ownership. DAVIDSON AV.—Ennis Sl Sinnott bought the northeast corner of David'jon av and North st, a flat. 100x40. from Mrs. Mabel H. Flinn. through Porter & Co. FORDHAM RD.—B. A. Trotta sold for Michael Le Palombara the garage, 50x83. at thc northwest corner of Fordham rd and Hoff¬ man St. to John F. Dooling, who gave in part, navment the plot, .50x100. on the west side of Ed«on av. 275 ft. north of Edenwald av. FOREST AV.—Kurz Sl ITren (Inc.) sold for the Sidem Building Co. 1111 Forest av, near lOOth St. a 3-sty dwelling. 20x87. GLEASON AV.—Frank Gass (Inc.) sold for Carrie Elflein the dwelling 2257 Gleason av, on lot 25x100. INWOOD AV.—J. Clarence Davies sold for James A. Woolf the plot, 87x70. on the west side of Inwood av, 315 ft. north of 107th •^1. Thc buyer will erect a 3-sty garage. The property is within one block of the 170th st ^iiT-way station of the Jerome P-V Une. BECORD AND G«J(P^ ^S |N JTS FIFTIETH 1 E.VH OF CO\TINUOtS PLBLICAT|Qiy,