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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE of the AND Thi« Mction includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Lecises, Auction Sales, Voluntai*y Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics* Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate. Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "ant«r«d at th« Post Offlc« at Mew Tork. N. Y.. aa ••«ond olaM Matter. Vol. CI No. 2G03 New York, February 2, 1918. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. JAN. 25, 26, 2S, 29, 30 & 31. Blrniiug;haxu st, sec Henry» see Henry 86-8. Bleecker st, 163 (2:539-39), ns, 75 e Sullivan. 25x100, 2-sty bk str; Stephen W Farrington, of Freeport, LI, to Josephine F & R Alice Farrington, both at Passaic, NJ; Marl'15; Jan30'lS; A$16,000-20,000. nom Broome st, 125, see Ridge, 24. Broome st, 354, see 52d. 428-46 E. Canal st. 3tiS (101) (1:211-30). ss, abt 250 e West Bway, 2o.l0x90.3x25xis4.10. es, 5- sty blc loft & str bldg; Savgs Banlv of Utica, at Utica, NY, to Jacob Hertzberg, 137 W 115; Jan21; Jan29'18; A$21,000-29,- 000 (R S $15). nom Canal st. 3C8 (101); Jacob Hertzberg to Leonard Weill, 155 W i03; mtg $13,000; Jan29'18. nom Cannon st. 105, see Stanton, 281. Cherry st. 3*W (1:259-31), ns, 126.5 e Montgomery, 26x94.9x26.4x96, 5-sty bk tnt & strs &. 4-sty bk rear tnt; Beckie Levin. 25 E 99, to Louis Lejides or Lugides (?), 1437 Madison av; mtg $19,000; Nov9'17; Jan29'lS: A$7,500-13.500 (R S $1). nom Cherry st. 367 (1:259-15), ss. abt 70 w Gouveneur, 34.8x64.5x28x65.6. with the al¬ ley bet 365 & 367 Cherry, 2x64, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Michael Cohen, 221 East Bway, to Jacob Nathan, 258 Madison; AL; Janl6; Jan25'l8; A$7,500-11.500 (R S 50c). 150 Cherry st, 385-9 (1:260-6-9 & 58-63), sec Scammel (Nos 52-8), 71.3x156.6 to ns Water (Nos 630-6) x7i.3x151, 10-5-sty bk tnts & Strs; Monmouth Holding Co to Loretta M Higgins, 226 E 7, Bklyn; B&S; Jan24; Jan 30'18; A$30.500-49,000. nom Crosby st. 07 (2:496-10), es. abt 110 s Prince. 25.3x66; Geo F Johnson Co, 15 Ex¬ change pl, Jersey City, NJ, to Geo F John¬ son, 340 W 72; B&S; Sept25'14; re-recorded from Oct6'14 JanSO'lS; A$12,000-24,000. O C & 100 Delancey st, 222-G, see Willett, 45-7. Dominick st, 31 (2:579-35), ns, 140.11 w Varick, 19x75. 3-sty & b bk dwg; Henry W Unger, ref, to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, plff; FORECLOS Dec26'17; Jan2S; Jan30'lS; A$6.200-9,000 (R S $S). 8,000 Dyckman »t (8:2255). nec land of Hud¬ son R R Co, abt 120xl00x abt 170 to RR X—, vacant, except part conveyed to Hud¬ son River R R by deed recorded Nov3, 1847. being a gore at swc of above 27 ft on Dyckman & abt 11 ft on land of R R Co; Ferry Realty Corpn, at Pier 11, N R, to Gotham Assets Co, at Pier 11, N R; mtg $J1.000 & AL; Jan24; Jan29'18; A$------$------ (R S $4). 1,5.000 E^lizabeth st. 146-50, see 52d, 428-46 E. Front st, 7-9 (1:4-27), sec Moore (Nos 25-7), 30.4x80x28.10x80. 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; also rear & s part of land conveyed by Conger to Herick by deed dated Mayl. 1839. 5 ft on e & ws & 7 ft on n & ss; Julia P Gardner, at Port Washington. LI, & ano. to 210 West 56th St Co, 135 Bway: AL; Jan26; Jan29*18; A$28.000-36,000 (R S $34). O C & 100 Goerck st, 1 (2:326-53), ws, 75 n Grand, 25x75. 6-sty bk tnt; Robt M Miller, ref, to J Leo Honigman, 204 W 86, & Bernard Kreizer,215W94, TRSTES will Sylvester Knight, plffs; sub to taxes, &c: FORE¬ CLOS Decl9'17; Dec21'17; Jan25'18; A$6,- 000-16.500 (R S $19). 19,000 Greene st. 204-6 (2:533-9), es, 100.2 s 3d, 49.10x100, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Cen¬ tral Trust Co of N T to Chas Laue, 152 8 av, Bklyn; B&S & CaG; Jan24; Jan25'18; A$33,000-56.000 (R S $35). nom Greene st. 204-6; Charles Laue to Bron- «tein Realty Co, 1603 Fairmount av. Bait. Md: mtg $31,500 & AL; Jan24; Jan25'18 (R S $12). O C & 100 Greenwich st, 210 (1:84-45), ws, abt 80 s Barclay, 26.6x80. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; John Henry Van Kirk to Henry J S Hall, 51 Riverside dr; QC. Jan25'18; A$28,000- 37.000. nom Henry st, S6-S (1:275-47), sec Birming¬ ham row or alley, 38x42, 7-sty bk loft & str bldg; Isaac Goodstein to Igood Realty Co, 135 Eway; B&S; AL; Jan25; Jan28'18: A$i7,000-27.OUO (R S $2.50). nom Luurel Hill ter, swc lS5th. see 52d, 428- 46 E. Laurel Hill ter, nws. 200 e Ams av, see 52d, 428-46 E. Laurel Hill ter. nwc lS4th, see 52d, 428- 46 E. Liberty st, 13, see William, 80-2. 3Iaideu la. CO, see William. 80-2. Moore st, 25-7, see Front, 7-9. North Moore st, 9 (1:190-48), ns, 69.9 w West Bway. 24.1x75.3x23.8x75.2. 6-sty bk lof & str "bldg; J Sidney Bernstein, ref, to Francis Speir, 276 Ridgewood rd. South Orange, NJ. & Wm E Stewart, 175 Turrell av, South Orange, NJ. as TRSTES for Kath F Kip, plffs; FORECLOS Jan3; Jan 25; JanSO'lS; A$13,500-28,000 (R S $33). 33,000 Pike st, 48 (1:274-19), ws. 75.2 s Madi¬ son, 25x86, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Lawrence Schorr to Louisa Schorr, his wife, 208 W 84; mtg $24,400 & AL; Jan26; JanSO'lS; A $13,500-23,000 (R S 50c). nom Pine st, 41-3, see William, 45. Pitt st, 10, see Ridge, 24. Prospect pl, 60 (5:1335-3214), ws, 67.1 s 4Sd. 16.8x54. 3-sty & b stn dwg; John Gallagher, B of Q, to Anna M Gallagher, his wife, 471 1 av, Astoria, B of Q; mtg $3,500; Jan26; Jan29'18; A4,000-6.500 (R S $2.50). nom Ridffe St. 24 (2:341-37), es. 150 s Broome, 25x100, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; A$16.000-20,000; also BROOME ST, 125 (2:341-51). swc Pitt (No 19), 20x60, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; A$12,500-18,000; Louis Levy to F G & L Realty Co, 115-7 Nassau; AL; Jan23; Jan25'18 (R S $1). nom Rivington st, 325M! (2:323-13), ss. 61.7 e Goerck, 18.9x75, 3-sty bk tnt & strs & 4- sty bk rear loft bldg; Nathan Schancupp, 317 E 79. to 3251/2 Rivington St Corpn; B &S; Janl6; Jan25'lS; A$5,500-7.500 (R S SOc). O C & 100 Scammel st, 52-8, see Cherry, 385-9. Stanton st, 281 (2:334-57), swc Cannon (No 105). 70x27.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; A $19,000-32,000; also IITH ST, 235 E (2:~ 467-43), ns, 177 w 2 av, 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt; A$1S,000-37,000; also llTH ST, 233 E (2:467-44). ns, 202 w 2 av, 25x100, 6-sty bk tnt; A$18,000-37,000; Isaac Goodstein to Igood Realty Co. 135 Bway; B&S; AL; Jan 25; Jan28'18 (R S $5.50). nom W^ater st, 630-6, see Cherry, 385-9. Willett St. 45-7 (2:338-32), nwc Delancey (Nos 222-6), 44.8x88, with rights to alley in rear to Delancey, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml Seabury, ref. to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, plff; FORECLOS Jan22: Jan29; Jan 30'18: A$43.500-77,500 (R S $70). 70,000 AVillett st, 59 (2:338-26), ws, abt 175 n Delancey. 25x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Nathan Schancupp, 317 E 79. to Fifty-Nine Willett St Corpn; B&S; Janl6; Jan25'18; A $15,000-31.000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 William St. 45 (l:43-this & Wm st, 47-9, & Pine St. 41-3, lot 16). ws, 80 n Wall, runs n30.9xw37.3xnH.6xw30xs38.6xel0x94.3 xe57.10 to beg; also WILLIAM ST, 47-9 (1:43). ws, 46.10 s Pine, runs nw42.11xne 45.8 to ss Pine (Nos 41-3) xnw3S.6xsw71.8x se44.6xswll.llxse37.3 to st xne37.6 to beg. 9-sty bk office & str bldg; John A Stewart et al, as TRSTES in N T of the Liverpool & London & Globe Ins Co, to John A Stewart. 16 W 53; Walter C Hubbard, 138 W 74, & Thatcher M Brown, at Red Bank. NJ, as TRSTES in N Y of said Liverpool & London & Globe Ins Co; B&S & confirma¬ tion deed; JanlS; Jan29*18; A$650,000-775.- 000. nom AVIIllam st, 47-0, see William. 45. -William st. SO-2 (1:68-6), sec Maiden la (No 66). 72.8 to ns Liberty (No 13) x25.8x 62.1x32.6, 13-sty bk office & str bldg; John A Stewart et al, as TRSTES in N Y of the Liverpool & London & Globe Ins Co. to John A Stewart, 16 W 53; Walter C Hub¬ bard, 138 W 74, & Thatcher M Brown, at Red Bank. NJ. as TRSTES in N Y of said Liverpool & London & Globe Ins Co; B&S & conlirmation deed; J an 18; Jan29'lS; A $180,000-275,000. nom 4TH st, 316 E (2:373-11), ss, 164.9 e Av C, IS.9x96, 3-sty bk synagogue with pews, benches, etc; Ahawath Schioma Benevo¬ lent Soc, "Soc of the Love of Solomon," to Chebra Bikur Cholum B'Nai Israel Anshei Baranoff; mtg $10,500; JanS; Jan25'17; A exempt-exempt (R S $2). 13,500 OTH st, 738 E (2:375-28), ss, 243 w Av D, 25x70, 5-sty bk tnts & strs; Appleton L Clarke, ref, to Chas P Buckley, at Te*;.*' ily, NJ, TRSTE will Saiy*."-' ■ "' \.l, plff; FORECLOS Jan22; Jan25,,;^' j.8; A$11,- 000-16,000 (R S $15). -' 15,000 llTll St. 233-5 E, see v siton, 281. 21ST st, 4 \V (3:822-45), ss, 142.6 w 5 av. 27.6x92. 4-sty & b stn dwg; Harold K & Edw H Mount, 131 Remsen, Bkiyn, to Alta A Crosby, 20 W 129; Dec2S'17; Jan29'18; A$33,000-35,000 (R S $29.50). O C & 100 218T st, 4 W; Alta A Crosby to Edw H Van Ingen, 9 E 71; B&S & CaG; mtg $22,- 000 & AL; Jan29'lS. nom 21ST St. 429 AV (3:719-24), ns, abt 351 w 9 av, 14.2x98.9, 4-sty stn dwg; Sarah A McDonald to David Williams & Mary E, his wife, 509 W 23, as tenants by entirety; AL; Jan28; Jan29'lS; A$7,000-9,000 (R S $10). O C & 100 24TH st, 115 E (3:880-11), ns, 184 e 4 av. 20x98.9, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Francis W Pollock, ref. to Emigrant Indust Savgs Bank, plff: FORECLOS Janl7; Jan29; Jan 30'18; A$27,000-29,000 (R S $15). 15,000 27TH st, 362 W (3:750-73), ss, 98 e 9 av. 22x98.9, 3-sty bk tnt; Margaretta Culbert. 362 W 27. & David Scharps, of 46 W 83. EXRS Sarah L Culbert. to Margaretta Cul¬ bert, 302 W 27; Vz Pt; AL; Jan23; Jan28'l8; A$10,500-12,000 (R S $2). 2,000 29TH st, 41 E (3:859-33), ns. 260.7 e Mad a-^, 21.2x98.9. 4-sty & b bk dwg; Cornelia F Pinkham, widow, at Montclair. NJ, to Chas E Haskell, 227 Main st. Orange, NJ; AL; Jan21; Jan29'lS; A$46,000-47,.500 (R S $20). O C & 100 29TH St. 41 E; Chas E Haskell to Gou¬ verneur Morris Carnochan, at New City, Rockland Co, NY; mtg $19,000; Jan29'18 (R S $13). nom 31ST st, 317-9 E (3:937-12), ns, 200 e 2 av, 40x98.9, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Chas M Beattie, ref, to Congregational Home Mis¬ sionary Society, 287 4 av. plff; FORECLOS Jan28; JanSO'lS; A$16,000-47,000 (R S $25). 25.000 35TH st, 416 W (3:732-49), ss, 175 w 9 av, 25x98.9, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Anthony Grieco et al to Theresa Coviello. 416 W 35; mtg $13,000 & AL; Sept 1'17; Jan29'18; A$ll,000-18,000 (R S $1). O C & 100 43D st E (5:1277-681/^). gs, 108 e 5 av. 15x 25.5, vacant; Incas Realty Co to Postal Life Ins Co, 511 5 av; Vz pt: B&S & CaG; Jan9; JanSl'lS; A$30.000-30,000 (R S $50). nom 46TH st, 037-9 W (4:1094-12-13), ns, 475 w 11 av, 50x100.5. 1 & 2-sty nk & fr stable; Eugene P McGirr. 2350 Bway, & ano, EXRS, &c, Bernard Campbell to SemaJ Realtv Co, 303 5 av; Jan24; Jan25'18; A $18,000-18,000 (R S $19). nom 49TH st, 322 W (4:1039-47). ss, 350 w 8 av, 25x100.5. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wilbur Larremore, ref, to Solomon Dornberger, 1572 Washington av, plff; mtg $20,000; FORECLOS Jan22; Jan29; JanSO'lS; A$15.- 000-27.000 (R S $4). 4.000 51ST St. 72 W (5:1266-73). ss. abt 25 e 6 av. —X—, 4-sty stn tnt & strs; A$30.000- 36,000; also 76TH ST. 327 W (4:1185-54). n s. abt 165 e Riverside dr. —x—. 3 & 4-sty & b bk dwg; A$26.000-36.500; certified copy of will; Henry Clay Adams (by will) to Virginia P Adams, his wife; Febl7'10; Jan 26*18. win 52D st, 428-46 E (5:1363-271. ss, 353 e 1 av. 236.3x100.5, 2-4 & 5-sty bk ice factory; A$75.000-215.000; also 71ST ST, 514-22 B (5:1482-14 & 40), ss. 248 e Av A, runs s 100.5xe75xsl00 5 to ns 70tb (Nos 519-21) at point 323 e Av A xe50xn200.10 to 71st xw 125 to beg. 4 & 6-sty bk Ice factory: A$41,- 000-235.000: also AMSTERDAM AV. 2501- 11 (8:2149-30). nec 184th. runs el96.11 to The text of these pages Is copyrighted. 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