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MANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION of the REAL ESTATE 1^11 BUILDERS AND This tection indudcs all recorded Converances, MiscellaneoiiB Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of |^o^8^K^ Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions. Lcai«s, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sa^s, Keal Sstats Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales. Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Smts, Lis ''^^n*. Mechanics' Uens, Satisfied Mechanics' Lien*, Attachments. Chattel Mortgages Affjctwg R«al Bttatft, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Borough of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borou^ of Manhattaa. "Snt«r«d at ta« Post Offle« at Mew Tork. N. T., as ■•oend olaM mmtUir. Vol. CI No. 2607 New York, March 2, 1918. PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. FEB. 21, 23, 25. 26, 27 & 28. Canal st, 276-82, see Bway, 416. Cl&rystie »t, 157 (2:425-36). ws. 75.9 n Delancey, 24x125.10x25x136.6, also includ¬ ing the half of lot on which stands the middle house of the three houses in rear of 157 & 159 Chrystie, with half of said house, 5-sty bk tnt; Jos V Mitchell, ref, to Sutton Holding Co, 320 Bway; sub to taxes &c & unpaid tax lien sales of $3,- 435.22; FORECLOS Feb7; Feb26'18; An7.- 000-23,000 (R S $14). 13.600 CoIumbU st, 120 (2:335-43), es, 68.3 n Stanton, runs e75.4xn6.9xe24.8xnl4.11xwl00 to st XS21.8 to beg, 3-sty bk tnt & strs. 1-sty ext; Becky Wittenstein, 1469 Web¬ ster av, to Chas M Wimpfheimer, 575 "W 172; mtg $12,000 & AL; Febl9; Feb25'18: A$ll,000-15,500 (R S SOc). nom Crosby st. 101-3 (2:496-12), es, 53.3 s Prince, 40x64.9x39.4x61.6, 7-sty bk loft Sc str bldg; Central Trust Co of N Y to Eliphalet L Davis, 249 W 22; B&S & CaG; AL; Feb21; Feb27*18; A$18,000-36,000 (R 5 $30). nora Crosby mt, 101-3; Eliphalet L Davis to Anton Louy, 224 8 av; mtg $27,500; Feb21: Feb27'18 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Division st, 54-6 (1:289-49). ns, Sl.l e Chrystie, runs nw73.6xne3.11xse39.3xsw5x w3.9xs52.10 to st xw28 to beg, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Meyer S Scheinman, 1048 Union, Bklyn, to Louis Winkler, 262 East Bway, 6 Abram Schultz, 63 W 110; QC & dis¬ charge mtg recorded Dec27'17; Feb20; Feb 25'18: A$26,500-38,500. nom Division st, 232 (1:314-34), ns, 160 e Clin¬ ton, runs nw94.6xnllxel8xse93 to st xsw24 to beg 3-sty fr bk -ft tnt & str & 4-sty bk rear trit; Frank F LIsiecki et al, heirs Eliz Lisiecki, to Frank F. John J & Annie M Lislecki, EXRS Frank Lisiecki, at 660 Macon, & 692 Halsey, Bklyn; QC; Jan31; Feb28'18; A$15,000-18.000. nom Downing st, 21 (2:527-88), ns, 240.1 w Bleecker, 16.3x70.2x16.3x70.1. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Eliz M Sarles, of Eklyn, to Mabel Penner. 504 8 av. Bklyn; Febl6; Feb25'18; A$6.000-9,000 (R S SOc). nom Dnane st. 172-4 (1:141-27-28), ss, 100.2 w Hudson, runs sl27.4 xw25 xnl2.8 xw25 xn 114.10 to st xeSO to beg. 4-sty bk loft & str bldg, 2-sty bk str; Wm O Saxton to Frank L Holt at Plainfield. NJ; AT; mtg $60,000- Febl; Feb21'18: A$59,000-78,000 (R S $10). nom Greenwlcli «t, 13 & 25-39 (1:13-11-21), sec Morris (No 9). runs s226.8xel00xn—xe 9xn22 to ss of an old alley xw5xn22.1xw24.8 xn67.8 to st xw81.5 to beg, with AT to al¬ ley, 1-5, 2-4 2-2 & 1-1-sty bk bldgs; City Real Estate Co to Twenty-Five Broadway Corpn, 21 State; B&S; mtg $325,000 & sub to underground easement & AL; Feb20; Feb21'18; A$409,500-444.500 (R S $500). O C & 100 Hudson Kt, 260 (2:578-53), es, 21 s Dom¬ inick, 21x70, 3-sty bk tnt & str; Anna Gottschalk to Benj B Davis. 2049 Bway; mtg $8,000; Aprl8'l4; Feb25'18; A$10.000- 11.000. O G & 100 X^ndlow st, 24 (1:297-9). es, abt 100 s Hester. 25x86; Lincoln Trust Co to 292 Fifth Av Corpn. at 507 5 av; B&S: Feb21; Feb2ri8; A$17,000-24,500 (R S $25.50). O C & 100 Mangin at, 59 (2:323-25). ws. 125 n De¬ lancey 25x98.10, 2 & 3-sty bk factory; August Miller or Muller of Bklyn to Mary Burger, 346 Ashford, Bklyn; Feb20; Feb21 *18; A$7,000-ll,000. nom Madlffon »i, 95 (80> (1:277-11), ns. 288.5 w Market. 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml Ashman to Maxar Realty Corpn. both at 920 Av St John; mtg $25,000 & AL; Feb 21; Feb26'18: A$15,000-27,000 (R S $2.50). O C & 100 Madison st, 173 (1:273-8), ns, abt 195 e Pike 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Saml Ashman to Maxar Realty Corpn, both at 920 Av St John; mtg $21,000: Feb21; Feb 26'18; A$15,000-27,500 (R S ?2.50). Mercer st, 133 (2:499-22), ws, 71.6 s Prince, 29.6x71.3x28x71.3, 8-sty bk loft & str bldg; Central Trust Co of N Y to Jere F Donovan. 124 So Oxford, Bklyn: B&S & CaG; AL; Feb26; Feb27'18; A$l6,000- 40.000 (R S $30.50). nom Morris st, 1-5, see Bway, 13-27. Morris st. 7 (1:13-22), ss. abt 85 e Green¬ wich, 25x—, vacant; A$31,600-31.600; also MORRIS ST (1:13-23). ss. 106 e Green¬ wich, a strip 5x92.3, vacant; A$4,900-4,900; _ John T Brennan, of Bklyn, et al. to Twen¬ ty-Five Broadway Corpn, 21 State; mtg $35,750; FeblO; Feb2ri8 (R S $54). * O C & 100 Morris 6t, 9, see Greenwich, 13 & 25-39. Monroe st, 94 (1:255-48), ss. 36.2 w Pel¬ ham, runs wl8xs45.3xe8xne22.6xn25 to beg, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Nassau-Beekman Investing Co to Jennie Adelman, 829 La¬ fayette av, Bklyn; mtg $9,000 & AL; July 20'17; Feb23'18; A$5,000-8,500. O C & 100 Morris st, ss, 106 e Greenwich, see Mor¬ ris, 7. Nichols pl (8:2255-56 & 79), ses, 235.1 sw Prescott av, runs sw & w on curve* 130.4xselS9.3 to nws Prescott av xne & e on curves 128.1xnw202 to beg, 2-sty fr dwg, 1-sty fr stable & vacant; Blanche L Rosedale to Minosuke Yamaguchl, 40 Post av; mtg $5,500 & AL; Feb27'18; A$8,- 300-10,400 (R S $1). O C &100 Orchard st. 196 (2:412-13), es, 68.10 s Houston. 24.10x87.10x24.9x87.10. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Harrv A Goidel, ref. to Emma Ziegel. 746 St Nicholas av. plff; FORE¬ CLOSED & drawn Feb27; Feb28'18; A$17.- 500-26,000. .$100 over & above encumbrances Pitt st, 62 (2:338-8), es. 150 s Rivington, 25x100. 3 & 4-sty bk hall; Richd O'Gorman, ref, to Wilfred F Ricardo & Maurice Cane^ TRSTES under marriage settlement dated Aug9'09. residing in France, plffs; FORE¬ CLOS Decl9'17; FebS; Feb2ri8; A$16,000- 28.000. 24.000 Plaza Lafayette, 880, see Riverside dr, se c Plaza Lafayette or 181. Rivington st. 28 (2:421-38), ns. 75.3 w Forsvth, 24.11x100x25x100. 4-sty bk stable; Geo T Soper, of Cedarhurst, LI. to Ada L Simis. on the Strand, at Far Rockaway, B of Q; mtg $32,113; May8'17; Feb26'18; A $19,000-26.000. non^ Rivington st, 28; Ada L Simis, at Far Rockawav. B of Q, to M Emma Dean, 133 W 79- mtg $32,113; Febll; Feb26'18. nom Sullivan st, 224 (2:540-27). ws. 166 s 3d, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk rear tnt; A$16,000-23.000; also SULLIVAN ST, 226 (2:540-26). ws, 141 s 3d, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-sty bk rear tnt: A$16.- 000-23,000: also SULLIVAN ST. 228 (2:- 540-25). ws. 116 s 3d. 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 5-stv bk rear tnt: A$l6,000-23,- 000; Saml Gordon et al to Gruen Holding Co; all RT&I; B&S & CaG; Dec26'17; Feb 25*18. O C & 100 Sullivan st, 226-8. see Sullivan, 224. Water st. 1.'55 (1:71-11). ss, 20.6 e Maiden la. 20x51.6x20x52. ws, 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; Emma M Gibson of Bklyn to Smith Vallev Realty Corpn at 17 Cedar; Nov26; Nov36*17: A$14.000-20,000. (Corrects error in issue DecS as to description of property & bldg). O C & 100 Water st, 592 (1:245-45). ns. abt 45 w Montgomery, 22.7x56.3. 3-sty bk tnt: An¬ nie Epstein to Elemco Realty Co. 59 Lib¬ erty; B&S: AL: Decl9'17; Peb27*18: A$4.- 000-4,800 (R S SOc). , O C & 25 9TH St. 700-4 E (2:378-9), sec Av C (Nos 140-2). 83x40.8. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Geo C Holt ref to Harry Hastorf. 889 St Nich¬ olas ' av "plff: FORECLOS Feb20: Feb21: Feb23'18- A$35,000-68,000 (R S $60). 60.000 IOTH st, 125 W, see Greenwich av. 20. 13TH stf 332-6 on map 330-6 E {^2:454- 24) ss. 254 w 1 av. 46x103.3. 6-sty bk tnt & strs: Sam Etlinger, of Bklyn, to Isidore Eqsenfeld 141 W 110; V'> Pt: AT; mtg $69_^ 000- Feb2'5rFeb26'18: A$28.0^ (R o k'op'\ nom 13TH St. 513 E (2:407-54). ns. 158.6 e Av A. 37.6x103.3, 6-sty bk tnt &sj:r3: Pietro D'Amato B of Q. to Jos D'Amato. 343 JaclTson av. B of Q; AT; AL; Feb20; Feb21 •18; A$15.000-38,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 14TH st, 209 B (3:896-9), ns, 177 e 3 av, 29x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Herman Joseph, ref, to Alfred Frank, 697 West End av, & Julius J Frank, 345 W 88, as TRSTES. plffs; FORECLOS Dec27'17; Feb 21*18; A$24,500-35.000 (R S $30). 30,000 14TH st, 461-9 W, see 10 av, 58-76. 15TH st, 150 W (3:790-64), ss, 185 e 7 av. 20x100, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Philip J Dunn, ref in special proceedings in sale life estate of Margt A Converse, to Sedg¬ wick Machine Works, Inc, 84 Carroll fit. Poughkeepsie, NY; Feb26; Feb27'18; A$12,- 500-15.000 (R S $9). ».0W> 15TH st, 452-60 W, see 10 av, 58-76. 16TH st, 427 W (3:714-20), ns, 325 w 9 av, 25x92, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Public Service Realty & Mtg Co to Saml Benson, 871 Fox; AL- Feb26; Feb2S'18; A$9.500-14,000 (R S 50c). - O C & 100 19TH st, 238 E (3:899-37). ss, 160 w 2 av, 20x84 3-sty & b bk dwg; Danl C Sands, TRSTE win Phebe F Stoutenburgh, to Wm H Von Der Horst, 229 E 58; ^ pt; AT; AL; Feb2; Feb26'18; A$10,000-13,000 (R S $3.50). 4,500 19TH st, 238 E; Danl C Sands & Edith K, his wife, individ, of Valhalla. NY, to same; V^ Pt; AT; B&S & CaG; AL; Feb2; Feb26'18*' (R S $3.50). nom 23D st, 426 W (3:720-60), ss. 275 W 9 av, 25x98.9. 4-sty stn tnt; Jongla Realty Co to Eliz Marshall. 446 W 23; mtg $16,000 & AL- Feb21; Feb23'18; A$15.000-20.000 (R S $2).' nom 26TH st, 304 E (3:931-52). ss, 100 e 2 av. 25x98.9, 5-sty bk tnt: Chas J Hesse. Bklyn, to Otto A Weber, 32 Av A; mtg $17,000; Febll- Febl4'18; A$10,000-22,500 (R S 50c). (Corrects error in issue Febl6 when de¬ scription of property was omitted). nom 26TH st, 304 E; Otto A Weber to Chas J Hesse & Margaretha. his wife, as tenants by entirety 5 Van Siclen av, Bklyn; mtg $17,000; Febll; Febl4'18 (R S 50c). (Cor¬ rects error in issue Febl6 when grantors name was Otto A Webber). nom 27TH st, 458-60 W^t see 10 av, 292. 31ST st, 137 E, see Lex av. 181-7. 32D St. 142 W (3:807-64). ss, 435 w 6 av, 20x44.7x20.5x40.2. vacant; Isidore Ehrman, ref. to John J Cavanagh. 258 W 23; FORE¬ CLOS Jan29: Feb27'18; A$29,000-29.000 (R S $17) 16350 42D*st, 101 W, see 6 av. 737-45. 42D St. 107 W (4:995-290). ns. 80 w 6 av, 20x100.^ except strip 1 inch wide n or a line 75,4 n 42d, to which AT is conveyed 5-sty bk tnt & str, 2-sty e^*: Michl J Gilhulv et al to Caggle Realty Co. 107 W 42; AL: Feb25; Feb26*18; A$130.000-135.- AAA /T> a $15) nom 49TH St. 20T-9 B, see I40th, 298-306 E. Bronx Cons. ^^^ ^_. 49TH st, 240-2 W (4:1020-57). ss, 160 e 8 av. 40x100.5, 7-sty bk tnt; Gertrude A Vanderbeck to Builders Protective Co 907 Bwav: B&S; AL; July6*16; Feb27*18: A$54.- 000-110 000. O C & 100 50TH st, 507-13 W (4:1079-25) ns. 100 w 10 av 100x100.5, 5-sty bk front & rear loft bldgs'; Gramont Constn Co to Styme Real¬ ty Corpn. 95 William; AL; Febl; Feb27 18: A$44.000-75,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 51ST st, 432 W (4:1060-48). ss. 400 e 10 av 25x100.5. 4-sty stn tnt; A$13.00p-17.500; tlso IITH AV. 592 (4:1073-1) nec 44th (No 561). 23.3x74. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jos M Connor to Mary Connor 432 W 51; 1-5 pt. AL; Jan26; Feb2riS; A$12,000-20,500 (R S 41^ nom 54TH st, 126 B (5:1308-60). ss^^90 w Lex av. 25x100.5. 2-sty bk parage: jm A Irv¬ ing, at Chester. Pa, et al. EXRS Matilda E starbuck to John H Naughton. 611 Lex al^V. pt; Pebl3; Peb26'18; A$30.000-3B.OOO n4TH St 126 B; Ruth S Ranney. 2 E 45. et^l to same; % Pts; Feb20; Feb26*18^ ^ ^ IrtW st 224 W (4:1029-46%), ss. 440 e The text of these pages 1, copyrlshted.. All rights are reserved.. Notice Is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution.