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IIANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION TWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE This section includes al! recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Untered at tke Poet Offloe at New Tort N. Y.. ae second olass watter. Vo\. CI Na. 2617 New York, May 11, 1918 PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. MAY 3. 4. 6, 7, 8 & 9. Broome st, 24H (2:409-27), ns, 2(i..S w jUdlow, 30.5x87.6, 6-sty bk tnt Sc stis, ^oah S Sheifer Sc Julia, his wife, to J »& N 3 S Holding Co, 170 Bway; mtg $24,000 & \L; May3; MayO'lS; A$22,000-39,000 (K to iS.SU). 3,500 Uroonie st, 329, see Chrystie, 122. I'hriMtoiihm* st, i;Sl (2:630-48), nwc Hud¬ son (No 501), 74.11x50x72x26.7. 3 & 4-sty )k hall & strs: A$33.000-40,000: also :HK1ST0PHER st, 133 (2:630-50), ns, 4.11 w Hudson, 29x59.8x27.6x50, 3-sty fr )k ft tnt & str; A?ll,000-11.500; Chas A _.awson, 214 4th st, Waukegan. III. to Sverett Lawson, 322 Sherman pl. Wauke- ?an, 111; AT; QC; FeblS; May6'18 (R S $4). nom Christopher st, 131, nwc Hudson (No ;01): also CHRISTOPHER ST, 133; Everett :>awson. 322 Sherman pl, Waukegan, 111, to Jhiis A L.awson. 214 4th st, Waukegan, 111; \T: <^C; Apr20; May6'lS (R S $4). nom I ChriNtopher st, 133, see Christopher, 131. ! Chrystie Ht, 12a (2:419-1). nec Broome (Nu 320), 25.1x62.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; ,L-a\\ vers Mtg Co to Giuseppe Di Cristina. 17 Spring; B&S; AL; MayO; MayT'lS; A t2u.UOO-30,000 (R S $33). O C & 100 11*" IVyster »t, ::4-<>, see Front. 133-7. Dtvi.sioik st, 193 (1:285-52), ss. 157.2 e Jefferson. 26.11x48.8x26.4x49.3, 5-sty bk tnt I& strs: J Campbell Thompson, ref, to Ad- lie Wertheimer. 60 W 83, plff; FORECLOS lFeb26; Apr24; May6'18; A$ll,000-16,000 (R IS $12.50). 12,51*0 I Dyckman st (8:2255-72-74), ns, 525 w F st or Prescott av. 75x100, vacant; Louis H pram-er & ano, EXRS &c will Frank Les¬ lie (also known as Mrs Frank Leslie), to Carrie Chapman Catt, 2 W 86, devisee un- Ider said will; Feb8; May9*lS; A$-------$-------. nom I Frout st, 133-7 (1:37-23), ses at sws De IPevster (Nos 24-6), 57 to Pine (No 90) x 189.8x54.8x81.5, 7-sty bk office Si str bldg: Manhattan Life Ins Co, 66 Bway. to Jere If Donovan. 124 S Oxford st. Bklyn: B&S |& CaG; Mayl; MayS'lS; A$70,000-160,000 !(R S $200). O C & 100 Front st, 133-7, ses at sws DePeyster :(Nos 24-6); also PINE ST. 90; Jere F Don¬ ovan of Bklvn to Jos F Cullman. 39 W 71; ,B&S & CaG; mtg $120,000; MayS'lS. nom I (Greenwich st, S18-S0 <2:642-60). ws. 24.7 jn Jane, 42.4x92.4x42.8x91.4, 6-sty bk stor- lage; Plarry J Sophian. 400 E Armour blvd, iKansas Citv, Mo. to 820 Greenwich St, Inc, at 128 Bway; B&S & CaG; AprSO; May7'18: |A$ 15.000-4 0,000. nom I Houston St. 303 E (2:350-55), ss. 54 e iClinton. 18x70. 6-sty bk loft & str bldg; lAniKon C Fromm, individ & EXR Clara Fromm. to Bertha Fromm, 200 W 146; B '&S & CaG; May7; MayS'lS; A$12.000-20,- 500 (R S $12). S.0O0 Hudson St. .V>1, see Christopher. 131. Irviu^ I»I, 1.-> (3:871-16). nwc 15th (No 121), 22x80. 5-sty bk bldg; Stephen H Olin et al. EXRS, &c, Eliz J Lynch, to Kops Realtv Co, 120 E 16; May6; MayS'lS; A : $47,500-55,000 (R S $28). O C & 100 Irving pi, 17-19 (3:871-17-18). ws, 22 n 15th, 40.6x80. 5-sty bk bldg; Howard T I Kingsbury of Sands Point, LI. EXR, &c. I Saml Frost, to Kops Realty Co, 120 E 16; .MavS'lS; A$54.200-60,000 (R S $32.50). I O C & 100 I laidlow St. 22 (1:297-8). es, 126.6 s Hes- Iter. 25.1xS7, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Otto C Sommerich, ref. to Simon Kornblum. 1655 '47th, Bklyn. plff, Vz pt. & Abr Kornblum, 11391 Stebbins av. one of the defts. Vz Pt; i PARTITION SALE Apr3; May2; MayS'lS; ;A$15,500-24.500 (R S $5). 23.000 Miiilison St. r> (1:118-41), ns, 81 e. Pearl, i 25x56.4x25x56.2, 3-sty bk tnt; Mary J Mc- ' Shane (Cronin). 803 Av U, Eklyn. to Ger- ' ard Ragone & Rose, his wife, 352 Water, ! as tenants bv entirety: mtg JIO.OOO & AL; , MayG'lS; A$9,000-13,000 (R S $10). nom i Mnilison st. 2,s«, see Madison, 288. I Madison st, 288 (1:269-19), ss. 55.11 w Montgomery, 18x75. 3-sty bk tnt. 1-sty ext; A$8,000-10,500; also MADISON ST. 2S6 (1:- THE SUPREME COURT has permitted real estate appraisers to qualify as experts and testify in court proceedings from their knowledge of real estate values obtained from the records as published in the Record and Guide. Why? Because, they are absolutely authentic, for these records are carefully abstracted from the original instruments, veri¬ fied and edited by experts with years of experience, thus making them accurate, dependable and reliable, having no equal, and their value never decreasing. With additional information not given in the Record and Guide weekly, these records are also pub¬ lished in the Quarterly, the final one, making in one compact volume, a complete transcription, in digest form, of all Conveyances, Miscel¬ laneous Conveyances such as Re¬ lease of Mortgages and Dowers, Con¬ tracts, Agreements, Consents, As¬ signments of Rents, Power of At¬ torneys Designation, Resignation and Appointment of New Trustees and Executors, etc.. Mortgages, Ex¬ tension of Mortgages, Participation and Subordination Agreements of Mortgages, Assignments of Mort¬ gages, Satisfied Mortgages, Leases, including consents, assignments, cancellations and surrender of leases; Real Estate Appraisals, Auc¬ tion Sales, Wills, New Buildings and Alterations with cross references for the entire year. Borough of Man¬ hattan. These records are arranged geographically, chronologically and alphabetically so that the subscriber may, at a moment's notice, find the desired information. In order to make these records more complete the attorney's name is inserted in all Mortgages and a geographical cross reference to the Real Estate Appraisals is given. This permits the user in searching for the ap¬ praised value of a given parcel, and not having the name of the deceased, to obtain the information instantly. Years of experience have demon¬ strated that by using the Record and Guide Quarterly time and an¬ noyance are saved. It is equally valuable to the broker who main¬ tains an elaborate system of keep¬ ing records, or the man who must condense his plant. 269-20), ss. 73.11 w Montgomery, 18x75, 3- stv bk tnt; A$8.000-9.500; Title Guar & T Co Sc ano, TRSTES for Frieda M Young, to City Real Estate Co. 176 Bway; B&S; Ai>t24; MayS'lS (R S $20), iy,S52.22 I'ine St. 00, see Front, 133-7. Vitt (*t, OK-70 (2^338-11), es, 57 s Riving- tun, 43x49.10, 6-sty bk tnt Sc strs; Harry Pechter to Annie Pechter, both at 68 Pitt; 's pt; QC; MayS'lS; A$20,000-35,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 SheriJl' si, «3 (2:339-66), ws. abt 150 n Rivington, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Elemco Realtv Co to Lawyers Mtg Co; B&S; Sept25'17; May9'18; A$14,000-24,000. nom Stnuton st, 32» (2:324-15), ss, 59.10 e Goerck. 21x81.3x20.1x81.3, 5-sty bk tnt Si strs; Thos G Flaherty, ref. to Metropolitan Savgs Bank, 59-61 Cooper sq E, plfC; FORECLOS Apr30: Mayl; May3'lS; A$6.- (MMt-11.000 (R S $12). 12,000 Sutlolk st, 142 (2:349-6), es. 225.2 n Riv¬ ington, 24.9x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Selma Byk to Augusta Byck, 470 W 150; Vz pt; AT; gC; Mar6; May7'18; A$18,00030,000. nom llniuu sa K, 24 or 4th av, 181 (3:-871-3). es, 52 n 15th. 26x125, 4-sty bk str; Burnet R Ruggles to Grace R Johnson, widow, on South Country rd. Bay Shore. LI; mtg $21,000 Sl AL; Oct2'16; May7'18; A$87,000- 95,000. O C & 100 Tuion sq K, 24, or 4tli av, iSl; Geo T Strong to John R Strong, 717 St Nicholas ;iv; B&S; mtg $21,000 & AL; Octl8'16; May 7'18. O C & 100 Union'i>(c| E, 24 or 4th av, ISl; Grace R Johnson (Ruggles) & Grace R Lane (Rug¬ gles). wife Geo T Lane, & Johji R Strong to Manboio Realty Corpn. 59 Pearl; mtg $21,000 & AL; Aprl2'18; May7'18 (R S $55.50). O C & 100 Willett St. il9 (2:338-21), ws, 81.6 s RiV- ington. 18.6x50. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Jacob Weiss et al to Louis Weiss, 120 W 117; An¬ nie Zimmerman, 295 7th, & Sarah Yormark, G9 Willett; mtg $8,000; Marl9; May6'18; A $6,500-11.000 (R S $1). nom Wooster st, 23 (1:228-33). ws, 284.9 n Canal, 22.7x100, 4-sty bk loft & str bldg; Jean Jeaume to Caterina Bianchi. 25 Wooster; mtg $8,500; Mayl; May4'18; A $11,500-13,000 (R S $4). O C & 100 4TH st, 31-5 E (2:544-68), ns, 140 w Bowery, 75x130x75x132.3, 3-4-sty bk loft & str bldgs & 2-sty bk rear theatre; Nam¬ sorg Realty Co of Bronx to Nitram Realty Co. 3219 3 av. Bronx; mtg $55,000; Apr30; May7'lS; A$70.000-85,000 (R S $15). nom .STH St. 315 E (2:391-52), ns. 280.4 e Av B. 20.7x69.10. 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Jas S McDonough, ref, to Metropolitan Savings Bank at 59-61 Cooper Sq E. plff; FORE- TLOS Mavl; May6; MayS'lS; A$8.000-9,000 (R S $12). 12,000 13TH st, 442 E (2:440-29). ss. 124.3 w Av A. 24.3x103.3. 4-sty bk tnt & strs & 4- stv bk rear tnt; Anthony F Scala. 742 E 176, to Anthony J Faruolo. 7 Jane; Vi pl; mtg $13,000; May7; May9'18; A$ll.000-15,- 000 (R S 50c). 500 13TH st, «37 E (2:396-44), ns, 229.6 w Av C, 27x103.3. 5-.sty bk tnt & strs; Harry Pechter to Annie Pechter, both at 6S Pitt; 'k pt- QC; MayS'lS; A$9,000-20,000 (R S 50 cts). O C & 100 13TH st, 041 E (2:396-42), ns. 169.6 w Av C, 27x103.3, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Harry Pechter vto Annie Pechter, both at 68 Pitt; \U pt: QC; May3'18; A$10.000-21.000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 14TH st, 422 E (2:441-18). ss. 294 e 1 av, 2rixl03.3, 5-stv bk tnt & strs: Lawyers Mtg Co to Pietro Galante. 410 E 13; B&S; AL: May6; May7'18; A$14.000-18.000 (R S $18). ,0 C & 100 I5TH st. 121 E, see Irving pl, 15. ISTH St. 45 E (3:847-34). ns, 180 w 4 av, 20x92. 3-stv bk tnt & strs; Jas A Lynch, i-of. to Jonathan Thomp.son. at Hauppauge, LI: Jane R Thompson, the younger, 10 E 78 & Eliz R Thompson, at Hauppauge, Lr. plffs- FORECLOS Mayl; May6'18; A$30.500- 35.000 (R S $27). 27,000 The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that infringement will lead to prosecution-