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IVIANHATTAN AND BRONX SECTION IWO RECORDS SECTION REAL ESTATE of the AND This section includes all recorded Conveyances, Miscellaneous Conveyances, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Satisfied Mortgages and Mortgage Extensions, Leases, Auction Sales, Voluntary Auction Sales, Real Estate Appraisals, Advertised Legal Sales, Foreclosure Suits, Judgments in Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics Liens, Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affecting Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, New Buildings and Alterations in the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx and the recorded Wills in the Borough of Manhattan. "Bntered at the Post Offlee at New Tork. N. T.. as second olasa Batter. Vol. CI No. 2621 New York, June 8, 1918 PRICE 20 CENTS CONVEYANCES. Borough of Manhattan. MAY 31, JUNE 1, 3. 4, 5 & 6. Academy st, 647 (8:2234-47), es, 150 n Vermilyea av, 50x100, 5-sty bk tnt; Irene B Morgan, 2347 University av. to Laura V Reed. 1966 University av; B&S & CaG; 1-6 pt; mtg: $42,000; May29; June6'lS; AUO.- 000-46,000 (R S $2). O C & 100 Allen st, 1S7 (2:417-27), ws, 100 n Stan¬ ton, 25x87.6. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Fanny Weiss, 75 E 106, to Mary E Davitt, 8416 21 av, Bklyn; AL.; Jan26; MaySl'lS; A$12.- 000-22,000 (R S 50c). O C & 100 Bank st, 82, see Bleecker, 417. Beekman st. S3 (1:94-28), ss. 83.2 W Cliff, runs sw64.10xnwl.6xsw45.2xnw25.6x nel07.11 to st xse30.ll to beg-, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; John W Crawford. Flush¬ ing, B of Q, to Annie E Crawford. 34 N Parsons av, Flushing B of Q; mtg $34,000; JuneS; Junel'18; A?37,000-54,000 (R S $10) nom Bleecker st. 417 (2:623-23), sec Bank (No 82), 45.3x50x45.1x50. 2 & 3-sty bk & fr tnt & strs; Frank J Coyle, ref, to Fredk P Garrettson. at Touro Manor, Newport. RI, TRSTE will Harriet P Gibbons, plff; FORECLOS Junel; June5; JuneS'lS; A$20,- 000-22.000 (R S $10). 10.000 Cherry st. 1.^4 (1:253-22). ns. abt 120 w Market, 20.2x75, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Grace Gilmore. of Bronx, formerly wife Frank J Meyer, to Frank J Mever. 9 Suydam st, Woodhaven. B of Q; QC; Mar7; Junel'lS; A $4,500-5,500. nom Cherry st. 313-7 (1:246-42-44 & 37-39), s s. 24 w Clinton. 72x117.7 to ns Water (.Nos 558-62) x72xll6.10. 1 Si 4-sty bk & fr shop; Jos H Delany. TRSTE will John Loyd. to Geo W Daniels, 71 Morton st, Bklyn, & Jas & John A Kennedy, both at 1 Virginia pl, Bklyn; JuneS'lS; A$28,000-45,500 (R S $31). 31.000 Chrystie st. lOGVa (2:421-10), es, abt 100 s Stanton, 18.9x100, 3-sty bk tnt; Howard Conkling, of Providence, RI. et al, to Adam Romano, 198 Chrystie; AL; May9; June3'lS; A$8,000-9,000 (R S $8). O C & 300 Columbia st, 80 (2:334-25), ws, 150.11 s Stanton. 25.7x100; ,6-sty bk tnt & strs; Tette Gross, widow, at Bklvn. to Rose Wolf, 96 Columbia; mtg $25,700 & AL; June 1; JuneS'lS; A$14,000-30,500 (R S $4). O C & 100 Kranklin st, 210-2. see West. '220. Greene st. 1D7-201 (2:534-34-35), ws, 175.1 n Bleecker. 73.9x100x73.7x100, 2-6-sty bk loft & str bldgs; Julius Loewenthal & Co to 124 West 47th St Co. 35 Nassau; mtg $205,000: May29; Junel'lS; A$42.000-72,000 (R S $45). O C & 100 Green«-ich st, 51, see Trinity pl, 6-8. Hudson st, 422 (2:583-2), es. 23.1 n St Lukes pl or Leroy, 21.11x59.6, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Stella N Levy. Inc, to Bertha Levy. 642 8 av; V> pt; AL; Nov2*17; June6'lS: A$10,000-14,000. nom Lewis st, 60 (2:328-42), es, 225 n Delan¬ cey. runs el00xn24.2x—x—45 to st x—24.9 to beg, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Sixty Lewis St, Inc, to Lewis St Garage, Inc, 62 Lewis; mtg $11,000 & AL; May29; Junel'lS; A$10,- 000-12,000 (R S $1.50). nom Liberty st, 33-5, see Maiden la, 30-40 & 44. Liberty st, 37-9, see Maiden la, 44^^-6. Liberty st, 41-0, see Maiden la, 30-40 & 44. Liberty st, 51 (1:66-13), nes. abt 13 e Nassau, 25.8x72x25.7x71, nws, 6-stv bk of¬ fice & str bldg; A$260,000-285,000: also NASSAU ST, 40-6 (1:66-14). nec Liberty. 70.4x13.7x71x12.8, 5-sty bk loft Si str bldg; A$235.000-240.000: E Matilda Ziegler & Wm S Champ, EXRS, &c, Wm Ziegler. to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway; AL: May 29; MaySl'lS (R S $575). 575,000 Liberty st, nec Nassau, see Liberty, 51. Ludlow st, 175 (2:412-28). nws, abt 200 n Stanton, 25x87.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm Rosenthal to Rabinowitz Realty Co, 356 Bway, Bklvn; mtg $22,000; Mar23; MaySl'lS; A?14.500-21,000 (R S SOc). 200 Sladison st, 2S0, see Madison, 2SS. THE SUPREME COURT has permitted real estate appraisers to qualify as experts and testify in court proceedings from their knowledge of real estate values obtained from the records as published in the Record and Guide. Why? Because, they are absolutely authentic, for these records are carefully abstracted from the original instruments, veri¬ fied and edited by experts with years of experience, thus making them accurate, dependable and reliable, having no equal, and their value never decreasing. With additional information not given in the Record and Guide weekly, these records are also pub¬ lished in the Quarterly, the final one, making in one compact volume, a complete transcription, in digest form, of all Conveyances, Miscel¬ laneous Conveyances such as Re¬ lease of Mortgages and Dowers, Con¬ tracts, Agreements, Consents, As¬ signments of Rents, Power of At¬ torneys Designation, Resignation and Appointment of New Trustees and Executors, etc.. Mortgages, Ex¬ tension of Mortgages, Participation and Subordination Agreements of Mortgages, Assignments of Mort¬ gages, Satisfied Mortgages, Leases, including consents, assignments, cancellations and surrender of leases; Real Estate Appraisals, Auc¬ tion Sales, Wills, New Buildings and Alterations with cross references for the entire year. Borough of Man¬ hattan. These records are arranged geographically, chronologically and alphabetically so that the subscriber may, at a moment's notice, find the desired information. In order to make these records more complete the attorney's name is inserted in all Mortgages and a geographical cross reference to the Real Estate Appraisals is given. This permits the user in searching for the ap¬ praised value of a given part;el, and not having the name of the deceased, to obtain the information instantly. Years of experience have demon¬ strated that by using the Record and Guide Quarterly time and an¬ noyance are saved. It is equally valuable to the broker who main¬ tains an elaborate system of keep¬ ing records, or the man who must condense his plant. Madison st, 2SS (1:269-19), ss, 55.11 w ?n°rr^.^P"^^^'^' IS^'^S, 3-sty bk tnt; A$8,000- 10,500; also MADISON ST, 286 (1-269-20) !^'. '^^.41 ^ Montgomery, 18x75, 3-sty bk tnt: A$8,000-9,500; City Real Estate Co to Title Guar & T Co; B&S; MayS; June4'18. nom Maiden la, 2S (1:66-16), sec Nassau (Nos 52-4). 15.10x41.4x11.7x46, 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; Grace C & Caroline H Ruhn- struck to City Real Estate Co. 176 Bway B&S: mtg $80,000 & AL; May29; MaySl'lS; A$150,000-155.000 (R S $100), O C & 100 -, ^^i"**^^'V'»» 30-40 A 44 (1:66-9-12 & 15 & 1--22 & 24), ss. 15.11 e Nassau, runs s48.2 xwll.lO to es Nassau (Nos 48-50), xs47.4xe 13. (xnlxe25.7xs72 to ns Liberty (Nos 41- 49), xel01.3xn63xe0.10xn68 to Maiden la x W21xs67.6xw3.8xnll.llxwl4.7xn58.7 to Mai¬ den la XWH9.8 to beg, 6-4-sty bk loft & str bldgs. 4-4-sty bk loft & str bldgs & 2-6-sty bk loft & str bldgs; A$l,359,00"0-1,- 416,000; also MAIDEN LA. 48 & 50 (1:66-6- i). sws. abt 200 w William, runs sw7S.llx se24 Sc 39 to nes Liberty (No 33), xse24 3x nl09.9 to Maiden la xnw47.10 to beg; also LIBERTY ST, 35 (31) (1:66), nes. abt 200 w Nassau, 24x39.8x24x38.6, ses 5-sty bk loft & str bldg; A$355.000-373,000: Mutual Life Ins Co of N Y to City Real Estate Co. 176 Eway: B&S & CaG; AL; May29: Junel ■IS (R S $1,600). 1,600.000 Maiden la, 44, see Maiden la, 30-40 & 44. Maiden la, 44V;.-4C (1:66-8), ss. 221.4 e Nassau, runs sllS.7 to Liberty (Nos 37-9). xw47.2xn60.10xelO"xn65.7xe44.4 to beg\ 13- sty bk & stn office & str bldg; Saul E Rog¬ ers, ref, to City Real Estate Co, 176 Bway: FORECLOS May22; May29; MaySl'lS; A $425,000-725.000 (R S $600). 600,000 Maiden la, 48-50, see Maiden la, 30-40 & 44. Mangin st. 100-11, see Stanton, 338-40. Monroe st, »3 (1:272-7), ns, abt 185 e Pike, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Mary Foley, of Mt Vernon, NY. to J Arthur Seidman, 1810 Av N, Eklyn; mtg $16,500; Junel; JuneS'lS; A $16,000-21.000 (R S $3.50). O C & 100 Monroe st, 93 (1:272-7), ns. abt 185 e Pike, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; Herman Gotthelf to Mary Foley, 321 S 4 av, Mt Vernon. NY; mtg $16,500 & AL; May23; Junel'lS; A$16,000- 21,000 (R S $18). nom Monroe st, 16S (1:258-24), ss, 163.4 w Montgomery, 23.4x98.4x23.4x98.5, 5-sty bk tnts & strs; Hahnemann Hospital, 657 Park av. to Port Jervis Land Impt Co, 35 Nas¬ sau; Junel; June4'18; A$12,500-20,000 (R S $16). O C & 100 Monroe st, 168 (1:258-24), ss. 163.4 w Montgomery. 23.4x98.4x23.4x98.5, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Port Jervis Land Impt Co to J Arthur Seidman. 1810 Av N, Bklvn; mtg $13,000; Junel; JuneS'lS; A$12,500-20,000 (R 5 $3). O C & 100 Monroe st, 173 (1:269-12). ns, 116.5 w Montgomery, 23.1x100x23.3x100, 6-sty bk tnt Sl strs; Marie Kahrs of Bronx to Pearl Niles at Town of Union, NJ- AL; Dec27 •17: MaySriS: A$13,000-27,000. nom Nassau st, 40-6, see Liberty, 51. Nassau st, 48-50, see Maiden la, 30-40 & 44. Nassau st, 52-4, see Maiden la, 28. Orchard st, 86 (2:408-9), es, 22.9 s Broome, 21x60, 3-sty bk tnt & strs; Wm Lustgarten & Co to Wm Goldstone 2 W 89; mtg $11,000; June4; June5'18: A$S.500- 11,000 (R S $3). O C & 100 Pearl st, 59 (1:29-3), ns, abt 45 e Broad. 23.6x112.1 to ss Stone (No 24), xl7.9xll2.2: also PEARL ST. 61 (1:29), ns, abt 68 e Broad, 22.7x— to ss Stone (,No 26), xl9.6x —, 18-sty bk office & str bldg; Importers 6 Traders Building Co, 59 Pearl, to Im¬ porters & Traders Real Estate Corpn. 15 Broad; AL; Marl4; June5'lS; A$93,500-46O.- 000 (R S $113). nom Pearl st, 01, see Pearl, 59. Pearl st, 334. see Pearl, 336. Pearl st, 336 (1:106-21) .ses. abt 55 sw Dover 25.2x126.11x24.9x124.2 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt: A$19.500-27,- 000; also PEARL ST, 334 (1:106-20). ses, abt 80 sw Dover, 25x131.6. 5-sty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear tnt; A$20.000-2S.000; Hannah V C Bassett, 137 W 74, to John The text of these pages is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Notice is hereby given that Infringement will lead to prosecutlQn.