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762 RECORD AND GUIDE June 15, 191 Woolworth Building taken through Polished Wire Glass Window in the Western Union Building. New York City. Why not get the benefit of reduced insurance rates, to¬ gether with the maximum of Fire and Breakage Pro¬ tection? Install Mississippi Polished Wire Glass with its silver white wire and surface equal to any plate glass, and save money. Write for Cata¬ logue and Samples. MISSISSIPPI WIRE GLASS CO. Room 1712 220 Fifth Ave., New York City James L. Brumley ESTABLISHED 1888 EXPERT Real Estate Appraiser Broker and Auctioneer 189 MONTAGUE ST. Telephone BROOKLYN, N. Y. GET THE REAL FACTS \\lien you ^vant to know the value of Brooklyn Real Estate, why not reap the benefit of our records extending for a period of 50 vears? BULKLEY & HORTON CO. 585 Nostrand Ave., nr. Dean St. 414 Myrtle Ave., nr. CHnton Ave. 7508 Third Ave., nr. 7?th St. BROOKLYN ner of Tenth avenue and 48th street, 100.5x200.10; southeast corner of Tenth avenue and SOth street, 200.10x276.9; southwest corner of Eighth avenue and 46th street, 100.5x525; southwest corner of Ninth avenue and 46th street, lOO.Sx 200; 46th street, north side, 50 feet east of Ninth avenue, 150x163.7; northwest corner of Broadway and 45th street, 80.7x308.11; 148 and 150 West 46th street, 885, 489, 607 and 503 Eighth avenue; 704 Third avenue; 302 West 37th street; 49th street, beginning 575 feet west of Ninth avenue, 38.6x87.4x139.10. By the appointment of a court in Hol¬ land, the complaint further sets forth, Alphonse Lambert Eugene Chevalier De Stuers is named as curator of Hubert De Stuers. It is admitted in the com¬ plaint that Malvina Astor, widow of Henry Astor, is entitled to a one-third interest in the real estate for life as a dower. Some doubt as to whether New York State is entitled to the transfer tax is implied by a clause in the com¬ plaint which says that the state "may claim" an interest in the form of an in¬ heritance tax. Museum of Art Sells. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Robert W. DeForest, president, repre¬ sented bj^ Douglas Robinson, Charles S. Brown & Company as agents, sold through Pease & Elliman to Henry F. Sinclair, president of the Sinclair Oil and Refining Corporation, the dwelling at 2 East 79th street, at the southeast corner of Fifth avenue, size 32.2x100. This house was left by will to the Met¬ ropolitan Museum of Art by the late Isaac D. Fletcher, who erected the house from plans by C. P. H. Gilbert, and was occupied by Mr. Fletcher until his death. The house is generally considered one of the finest on t^e avenue and is of limestone. Its interior is finished in the finest kind of woodwork. In addition, Mr. Fletcher gave the Museum a very large collection of works of art. Adjoin¬ ing the house to the east is the resi¬ dence recently purchased by Joseph W. Harriman, while to the south are the residences of James B. Duke and Payne Whitnej'. This property is situated on the famous Cook block, all of the prop¬ erty between Madison and Fifth avenues, 78th and 79th streets, having been pur¬ chased by Mr. Cook and resold under very careful restrictions to various par¬ ties, who built private residences for their own occupancy, so that it is gen¬ erally considered one of the finest blocks in the city. The buyer will occupy. Syndicate Buys Apartment House. Walter Russell and Penrhyn Stanlaws, representing a syndicate purchased from the Strauss Building and Realty Com¬ pany, the seven-story apartment house known as "Chatham Court," at the north¬ west corner of Central Park West and Sixty-seventh street, on a plot 100x100. The property has been held at $500,000. Malcolm E. Smith and Rudolph C. Cul¬ ver were the brokers in the transaction. The property is to be taken over by the Fred T. Ley Company, which will reconstruct the building into small apartments, to be sold under the co¬ operative plan. The price of the fin¬ ished building is to be $807,500 and upon completion it will be taken over and operated by the Town House club. Manhattan^ Brooklyn, New Jersey Deal. An operation involving Manhattan, Brooklyn and New Jersey properties was consummated on Monday when Frederick Brown, the operator, sold to Mrs. Bessie Rieff the five-story apart¬ ment house at the northwest corner of Convent avenue and 151st street, cov¬ ering a plot 54x84xirregular. The house is fully tenanted and has been held at $65,000. The buyer gave in part pay¬ ment the three-story dwelling at 657 Hancock street, Brooklyn, on a plot 18.6x100 near Reid avenue, and also the three-story residence at 1203 Putnam avenue, Plainfield, N. J., on a plot lOOx 150. The Convent avenue house is one of the three occupying the entire block front on Convent avenue between 151st and I52d streets, bought by Mr. Brown last month from Joseph Shenk. Sale of Waterfront Property. A sale of waterfront property in Greenpoint removes from the market another parcel of New York water front and it is understood that the site is toi be improved with a large plant. The^ property in question fronts on Bushwick Creek, Quay and West streets. It con¬ tains about 108,000 square feet of up¬ land and considerable land under water. About 810 feet of the property fronts on the water. The other dimensions are 428 feet in Quay street, 126 feet in West street and 254 feet on the bulkhead line. A rubber company is reported to be the buyer, and $175,000 the price paid. Claremont Avenue Apartment Sold. A valuable West Side apartment house passed into new ownership on Tuesday through the sale of the six-story "Cres-i cent Court" at 195 Claremont avenue, at the southwest corner of 127th street. This property covers a plot 150.2x91, and has been bought by William P. Sheridan, from the Dorilton Corporation, Edwin F. Carey, treasurer. It abuts the Bor¬ deaux apartment house at the south corner of Riverside Drive and 127th street. Both properties were acquired by the Dorilton Corporation from George Noakes three years ago, in an, exchange involving the twelve-story Dorilton at the northeast corner of Broadway and 71st street. A few weeks ago the Dorilton Corporation sold the Bordeaux to the 549 Riverside Drive Cor¬ poration. Manhattan Property in Exchange. Dr. John A. Harriss, Special Deputy Police Commissioner, in charge of traf¬ fic affairs, has purchased from Mrs. Helen L. Stokes the country estate known as "Brick House," comprising about eleven acres forming the extreme end of Long Neck Point, Noroton, Conn. In part payment Dr. Harriss transferred to Mrs. Stokes the seven-story building at 58 and 60 East 94th street, the ad¬ joining dwellings at 62 East 94th street, and the dwelling at 88 West 103d street. The deal involved properties valued at about $1,000,000 Deal Involves Eleven Properties. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, acting for the Leslie Woman Suffrage Commis¬ sion, sold to Harry Aronson, Inc., eleven dwellings in Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn. The sale was made on an all cash basis. The property sold includes 363, 365 and 367 West 117th street, each on a lot 16.8x100; 512 West 149th street, on plot 15x100; also 1674 Nelson avenue, on plot 25x100; 2385 Walton avenue, on plot 20x96; 923 Sedgwick avenue, 37.6:x. 85; 2669 Heath avenue, 25x100; 2767 De¬ catur avenue, 25x86, and 234 East 202d street, 50x100, in the Bronx, and 410 4th street, 20x100, in Brooklyn. The brokers in the deal were B. H. Weisker and John R. and Oscar L. Foley. First Break in Family Ownership. Marking the first break in a family ownership that has extended over a period of more than 129 years, announce¬ ment has been made by Pease & Elli¬ man of the sale of the property at 386 Water street, for the estate of Henry A. Coster to Antonio Borelli. It is a three-story building with stores on a lot 16.10x60, between Oliver street and Catharine Slip. The sale closes one of the oldest family ownerships in Man¬ hattan, the property having been in the possession of the Coster family since 1789. Buys in Coffee District. The five-story business building at 52 Front street, on a plot 30.6 by 80, be¬ tween Old Slip and Coenties Slip, was sold Thursday in a cash transaction by Henry A. Coster to the Markham Realty Corporation. Clarence W. Eckhardt, president. This is the first purchase of property in this block by the Markham Corporation, which has been buying and selling extensively in the immediate neighborhood within recent months. Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd and Pease & Elliman were the brokers in the transaction.