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44 RECORD AND GUTDE July 13, 1918 Established 1879 WILLIAM P. RAE COMPANY APPRAISERS AUCTIONEERS 192MontagueStreet Telephone Main 4390-4391 BRANCH OFFICES 400 Nostrand Avenue Sea Gate, New York Harbor Jamaîca Brokers, Attention! The Realty Associates desire to co-operate with brokers in every way possible. We sell property on easy terms, paying full commissions to brokers. We have lots, flats, dwellings, and business property in all parts of Brooklyn, making a specialty of our well known Easy Housekeep- ing Homes in Prospect Park East. Fifty-Fourth Street and other sec- tions of Brooklyn. It wiU pay you to get in touch with us. Realty Associates Capltal and Surplus $5,000,000 162 REMSEN ST. BROOKLYN Telerhone 6480 Main ESTABIJ3HED 1861 BROOKLYN ESTATE MANAGERS Memberi Brooklyn Board of Reftl BAaM Broksn NOAH CLARK, Inc. B. E. PATTEBSON. Predlleiit REAL ESTATE Water Fronts, Factory Sitea Appraisals 837 Manhãttan Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. Member Brooklyn Boarcl of Real Estate Brokers BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE EXPERT APPRAISER S. WELSCH 215 MONTAGUE STREET Brooklyn Tel. 2738-9 Main Bmnch, 177 Seventh Ave. Tel. Decatur S 464 Slembcr Brooklyn Board of Brokers Andrew Reis Co. REAL ESTATE BROKERS and Managers Eastern Parkway Section Specialists 233 Kingston Av., Cor. St. Johns Pl. Brooklyn, N. Y. RECENT LEASES. Plot Leased for New Building. The Western Union Telegraph Com- pany lias secured a ground lease with privileges of renewal aggregating a period of fifty years of the plot 38 to 40 Broad street, running through to 34 to 36 New street, containing approx- imately 7250 square feet. W. W. Bos- worth has been retained as architect and Marc Eidlitz & Sons, Inc, as build- ers, to erect thereon a six-sfory build- ing, to be utilized by the company as its principal cable operating terminal and commercial ofîice. The company has found its present cable quarters at 8 to 16 Broad street and 62 Broadway entirely inadequate for handling the large increase in the volume of cable business since 1914 and particularly since the United States entered the War. It is purposed to transfer the cable employees and move the cable terminals from the present offices to the new building as soon as the latter is ready for occupancj'. The facilities for handling the cable business will be greatly improved in the new quarters and the location of the commercial of- fice will be accessible and convenient for the public. The property belongs to the owners of the Johnston Building, aiid this is composed of Mrs. Robert W. I)e Forest and Mrs. Francis J. Marley. The brokers were the Douglas Robin- son, Charles S. Brown Co. Globe Wernicke Co., Leases Warehouse. The Globe Wernicke Company has leased from the Astor Estate for a long term of years at an aggregate rental of $200,000, for exclusive warehouse pur- poses, the building at 134 to 140 Grand street, northeast corner o{ Crosby street, on a plot 100x125, and contain- ing 90,000 square feet of space. This building is equipped with special ele- vators, conveyors and all other modern facilities for insuring quick delivery of furniture in the Metropolitan district. The lessee selected this location on ac- count of its close proximity to its main showrooms at 4S1-4S3 Broadway, which property it purchased and reconstructed for e.xclusive office and showroom pur- poses. This is the largest building ex- clusively used by one firm in New York for this line of business. Other retail branches operated in New York by the Globe Wernicke Company include 6 East 39th street; the Standard Oil Ar- cade, 50 Broadway, and 30 Church street. The Charles F. Noyes Company has acted as the broker for the Globe Wer- nicke Company in all of its transac- tions. Theatre Sites Leased. Selwyn & Co. announced that they had concluded negotiations with Sperry & Hutchinson for the leasing of the site at 215 to 223 West 42d street. running through to 228 to 234 West 43d street, with a frontage of 105 feet on 42d street, and 75 feet on 43d street. Two theatres will be erected on the site, which has already been excavated. It is under- stood that the rental wilí be $75,000 a j'ear plus taxes, for a twenty-one-year term, with renewal privileges. Sperry & Hutchinson were represented in the deal by Stoddard & Alark as attorneys, while Ernest & Cane acted for Selwyn & Co. A six-story theatre and office huilding is now being erected on ad- joining property to the west. Knott Brothers Add to Hotel Chain. Sherifî David H. Knott and his lirothers, J. E. and W. J. Knott, who al- rcady conduct ten hotels in this city, a number of which are in Washington square section, have negotiations under- way for adding another to their chain. They will lease the Hotel Albert, at the southeast corner of University place and llth street, one of the largest hos- telries in that section. It is known as 67 to 75 University place and 42 to 50 East llth street. On the corner is a seven-story structure, and adjoining on the street is one of five stories. The FOR SALE, FLATBUSH 961 East 18th Street (Between Avenues I and J) Modern House with Ten Large Rooms and Two Baths. Living-Room, Music-Room, Dining-Room, Kitchen (coal and gas ranges), Library, Three Bedrooms, BiUiard-Room and Maid's Room. Parquet Floors, Sleeping Porch and large Front Porch. Two Blocks from Brighton Beach Line and same from Ocean Avenue TroUey. Inquire of Owner. Telephone Midwood 2604-W or Broad 3998. FuU Commission allowed. FOR SALE OR LEASE For long term, the buildings 370-372-374 East Houston Street. This site has been used by the old-cstablished flrm, "Alt- nian Furniture Company," for more than forty years, and tlie buildings, which are practically new, are adapted for that purpose, or are suitable for manufactur- ing purposes or wholesale house. ALBERT E. KELLY Successor to Frederick A. Booth 41 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK Tel. Stuyvesant 1125 James L. Brumley ESTABLISHED 1888 EXPERT Real Estate Appraiser Broker and Auctioneer 189 MONTAGUE ST. Telephone BROOKLYN, N. Y. Let a trained and equipped organization manage your prop- erty. SPEAR&CO.,RealEstate 840 Broadway, New Tork GET THE REAL FACTS When you want to know tlie value of Brooklyn Real Estate, why not reap the beneflt of our records extending for a period of 50 vears? BULKLEY & HORTON CO. 585 Nostrand Ave. 414 7508 Nostrand Ave., nr. Dean St. J Myrtle Ave., nr. Cllnton Ave. > BROOKLYN Thlrd Ave., nr. 7.ith St. \ Established 1879 WlLLIAM G. MORRISEY REAL ESTATE BROKER APPRAISER 189 MONTAGUE STREET Telephone |||| MAIN Members Broolclyn Board of R. E. Brolcers HOWARD C. PYLE GEO. H. GRAY Brooklyn Real Estate Howard C. Pyle Co. Mortgage Loans Expert Appraising 201 Montague Street BROOKLYN